#Owner: # tabprefix: "&0&l[&a&lOwner&0&l] &a" # tagprefix: "&2&lOwner &a" Player: tabprefix: "&0&l[&7&lPlayer&0&l] &3 %twitchstatus_live_status%" tagprefix: "&2&lPlayer &3 %twitchstatus_live_status%" example_group: header: - "This is an example of per-group header/footer" footer: - "applied to a group" # default settings for all groups, all groups will take properties from this section unless player's primary group overrides a specific setting _DEFAULT_: tabprefix: "%luckperms-prefix%" tagprefix: "%luckperms-prefix%" customtabname: "%player% %twitchstatus_live_status%" customtagname: "%player% %twitchstatus_live_status%" # don't forget to enable unlimited nametag mode to make this one work tabsuffix: "%luckperms-suffix%" tagsuffix: "%luckperms-suffix%" per-world: world1: Owner: tabprefix: "&0&l[&a&lOwner&0&l] &a" tagprefix: "&2&lOwner &a"