[15:16:32] [main/INFO]: XCord is preparing IPSet blacklisting for table: xcordgb... [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: IPSet is not enabled on this system or XCord does not have sufficient permission. Either install IPSet or disable all IPSet options. [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: IPSet iptables rules have been created. [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: XCord FAILED to register IPTables with IPSet. This feature REQUIRES you to run the server on ROOT. IPSet filtering may not be enabled.. Make sure you have IPSet installed on your system! [15:16:32] [main/WARN]: You're not using IPSet with the DoS filter. It's highly recommended to use the IPSet option as this will result in FAR superior protection (If you're able to..) [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: XCord is preparing IPSet blacklisting for table: xcord-cty-bl... [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: IPSet is not enabled on this system or XCord does not have sufficient permission. Either install IPSet or disable all IPSet options. [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: IPSet iptables rules have been created. [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: XCord FAILED to register IPTables with IPSet. This feature REQUIRES you to run the server on ROOT. IPSet filtering may not be enabled.. Make sure you have IPSet installed on your system! [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: XCord is running license validation... [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Not on Windows, attempting to use enhanced EpollEventLoop [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Epoll is working, utilising it! [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: XCord has been successfully validated. Please report issues/bugs to the official XCord discord. [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: XCord has started. [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: XCord is attempting to load the native compression library [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load:: native-compress-xcord [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load:: native-compressor-installer [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Loaded native library: native-compressor-installer [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: XCord's native compressor installer has been loaded. [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load:: native-cipher [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Loaded native library: native-cipher [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Using mbed TLS based native cipher. [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Loaded native library: native-compress-xcord [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Using zlib based XCord native compressor. [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Enabled Travertine (XCORD) version git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.20-R0.3-SNAPSHOT:c5fd43a:565 [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_alert, file=modules/cmd_alert.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource()) [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_find, file=modules/cmd_find.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource()) [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_list, file=modules/cmd_list.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource()) [15:16:32] [main/INFO]: Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_server, file=modules/cmd_server.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource()) [15:16:33] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin MiniMOTD version 2.0.14 by jmp [15:16:33] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin cmd_find version git:cmd_find:1.20-R0.3-SNAPSHOT:c5fd43a:565 by WaterfallMC [15:16:33] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin cmd_list version git:cmd_list:1.20-R0.3-SNAPSHOT:c5fd43a:565 by WaterfallMC [15:16:33] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin RedisBungee version 0.12.0-SNAPSHOT by astei, ProxioDev [15:16:33] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin LuckPerms version 5.4.117 by Luck [15:16:33] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin ajQueue version 2.6.0 by ajgeiss0702 [15:16:33] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin v4guard-plugin version 2.0.0 by v4Guard [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin nLogin version 10.3.1 by NickUC [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin SkinsRestorer version 15.0.7 by knat, AlexProgrammerDE, Th3Tr0LLeR, McLive, DoNotSpamPls [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin AstroBungee version 1.0 by null [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin GarbagCollector-Bungee version 1.0-SNAPSHOT by NetzkroneHD [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin LiteBans version 2.14.1 by Ruan [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin HitBox-Utils-Bungee version 1.0-SNAPSHOT by NetzkroneHD [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin Maintenance version 1.0.4 by TntTastisch [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin BungeeGuard version 1.3-SNAPSHOT by Luck [15:16:34] [Thread-12/INFO]: [XCord] XCord is updating your DOS-Filter-Blacklist: 1702084004717 [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin NuVotifier version 2.7.3 by Ichbinjoe, blakeman8192, Kramer, tuxed [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin SlashHub version 1.9 by SkyGameZ [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin cmd_server version git:cmd_server:1.20-R0.3-SNAPSHOT:c5fd43a:565 by WaterfallMC [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin BuycraftX version 12.0.8 by Buycraft [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin cmd_alert version git:cmd_alert:1.20-R0.3-SNAPSHOT:c5fd43a:565 by WaterfallMC [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin AdvanceReport version 3.0.2 by ClydeSan [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin EasyCommandBlocker version 1.8.2 by Ajneb97 [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin BungeeChannelTB version 1.0 by TechBrat [15:16:34] [main/INFO]: [XCord] Compressed server-icon.png by 63.42% [15:16:35] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin MiniMOTD version 2.0.14 by jmp [15:16:35] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin cmd_find version git:cmd_find:1.20-R0.3-SNAPSHOT:c5fd43a:565 by WaterfallMC [15:16:35] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin cmd_list version git:cmd_list:1.20-R0.3-SNAPSHOT:c5fd43a:565 by WaterfallMC [15:16:35] [main/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Initializing RedisBungee..... [15:16:35] [main/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Version: 0.12.0-SNAPSHOT [15:16:35] [main/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Build date: 2024-02-23T20:10:22.000+0000 [15:16:35] [Thread-12/INFO]: [XCord] XCord successfully updated your DOS-Filter-Blacklist: 1702084004717 [15:16:35] [main/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Loaded proxy id Proxy-Java-1 [15:16:35] [main/INFO] [RedisBungee]: handle reconnect to last server: false [15:16:35] [main/INFO] [RedisBungee]: handle motd: true [15:16:35] [main/INFO] [RedisBungee]: RedisBungee MODE: SINGLE [15:16:35] [main/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Successfully connected to Redis. [15:16:35] [main/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Redis server version: 7.0.11 [15:16:35] [main/INFO] [RedisBungee]: RedisBungee initialized successfully [15:16:35] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin RedisBungee version 0.12.0-SNAPSHOT by astei, ProxioDev [15:16:36] [main/INFO]: __ [15:16:36] [main/INFO]: | |__) LuckPerms v5.4.117 [15:16:36] [main/INFO]: |___ | Running on BungeeCord - XCord [15:16:36] [main/INFO]: [15:16:36] [main/INFO] [LuckPerms]: Loading configuration... [15:16:36] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #0/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Proxy Proxy-Java-2 has connected [15:16:36] [main/INFO] [LuckPerms]: Loading storage provider... [MARIADB] [15:16:36] [main/INFO] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: luckperms-hikari - Starting... [15:16:36] [main/INFO] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: luckperms-hikari - Start completed. [15:16:36] [MiniMOTD Pool Thread #0/INFO] [MiniMOTD]: There is an update available for MiniMOTD! [15:16:36] [MiniMOTD Pool Thread #0/INFO] [MiniMOTD]: This server is running version v2.0.14, which is 1 versions outdated. [15:16:36] [MiniMOTD Pool Thread #0/INFO] [MiniMOTD]: Download the latest version, v2.1.0 from GitHub at the link below: [15:16:36] [MiniMOTD Pool Thread #0/INFO] [MiniMOTD]: https://github.com/jpenilla/MiniMOTD/releases/tag/v2.1.0 [15:16:36] [main/INFO] [LuckPerms]: Loading messaging service... [SQL] [15:16:37] [main/INFO] [LuckPerms]: Loading internal permission managers... [15:16:37] [main/INFO] [LuckPerms]: Performing initial data load... [15:16:37] [main/INFO] [LuckPerms]: Successfully enabled. (took 1703ms) [15:16:37] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin LuckPerms version 5.4.117 by Luck [15:16:37] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin ajQueue version 2.6.0 by ajgeiss0702 [15:16:37] [main/INFO] [v4guard-plugin]: (Bungee) Enabling... [15:16:37] [main/WARN] [v4guard-plugin]: (Bungee) Remember to allow Metrics on your firewall. [15:16:37] [main/INFO] [v4guard-plugin]: (Bungee) Enabling... [DONE] [15:16:37] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin v4guard-plugin version 2.0.0 by v4Guard [15:16:38] [main/INFO] [nLogin]: Successful plugin core start (took 0.23s) [15:16:38] [main/INFO]: __ _ [15:16:38] [main/INFO]: _ __ / / ___ __ _(_)_ __ [15:16:38] [main/INFO]: | '_ \ / / / _ \ / _` | | '_ \ [15:16:38] [main/INFO]: | | | / /__| (_) | (_| | | | | | [15:16:38] [main/INFO]: |_| |_\____/\___/ \__, |_|_| |_| [15:16:38] [main/INFO]: |___/ [15:16:38] [main/INFO]: By: www.nickuc.com - V 10.3.1 DEVELOPMENT [15:16:38] [main/INFO]: [15:16:38] [EventThread/INFO] [v4guard-plugin]: Instance connected using secret key: SMNc4d17bd03572a0eef0820e36dba6e0ec375b18b61b8d1f8982a3a8f9b122e1e3 [15:16:38] [EventThread/INFO] [v4guard-plugin]: License assigned to SummonCraft Network/SMN [15:16:38] [EventThread/INFO] [v4guard-plugin]: Plan: PREMIUM [15:16:38] [EventThread/INFO] [v4guard-plugin]: Manage your settings using the dashboard: https://dashboard.v4guard.io/companies/select/653fc1b7d11893410dc53772 [15:16:38] [main/INFO] [com.nickuc.login.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: nlogin-hikaricp - Starting... [15:16:39] [main/INFO] [com.nickuc.login.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: nlogin-hikaricp - Start completed. [15:16:39] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin nLogin version 10.3.1 by NickUC [15:16:39] [main/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Enforcing default permissions plugin-side due to platform limitations. [15:16:39] [pool-6-thread-1/INFO] [ajQueue]: You are up to date! (2.6.0) [15:16:40] [main/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Connected to MySQL! [15:16:40] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin SkinsRestorer version 15.0.7 by knat, AlexProgrammerDE, Th3Tr0LLeR, McLive, DoNotSpamPls [15:16:40] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin AstroBungee version 1.0 by null [15:16:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [15:16:40] [main/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Scheduler started with a delay of 300s. [15:16:40] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin GarbagCollector-Bungee version 1.0-SNAPSHOT by NetzkroneHD [15:16:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 43ms to execute. [15:16:40] [SkinsRestorer Pool Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] ---------------------------------------------- [15:16:40] [SkinsRestorer Pool Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer]  +==================+ [15:16:40] [SkinsRestorer Pool Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer]  | SkinsRestorer | [15:16:40] [SkinsRestorer Pool Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer]  +==================+ [15:16:40] [SkinsRestorer Pool Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] ---------------------------------------------- [15:16:40] [SkinsRestorer Pool Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer]  Version: 15.0.7 [15:16:40] [SkinsRestorer Pool Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer]  Commit: 301d078 [15:16:40] [SkinsRestorer Pool Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer]  This is the latest version! [15:16:40] [SkinsRestorer Pool Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] ---------------------------------------------- [15:16:40] [main/INFO] [LiteBans]: Using default database drivers (version:8). [15:16:40] [main/INFO] [LiteBans]: Using system locale (en) [15:16:40] [main/INFO] [LiteBans]: Loaded 2 templates from templates.yml! [15:16:40] [main/INFO] [LiteBans]: Loading SQL driver: mysql 8.0.29 (com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver) [15:16:40] [main/INFO] [LiteBans]: Connecting to database... [15:16:40] [main/INFO] [LiteBans]: litebans-pool - Starting... [15:16:40] [main/INFO] [LiteBans]: litebans-pool - Start completed. [15:16:40] [main/INFO] [LiteBans]: Connected to MySQL database successfully (176.3 ms). [15:16:40] [main/INFO] [LiteBans]: Database connection fully initialized (223.7 ms). [15:16:40] [main/INFO] [LiteBans]: v2.14.1 enabled. Startup took 799 ms. [15:16:40] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin LiteBans version 2.14.1 by Ruan [15:16:40] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Checking license... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Loading LuckPermsApi... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: LuckPermsApi loaded. [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Loading manager and apis... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Loading BanSystemApi... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Loaded BanSystemApi by LiteBans. [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DatabaseManager): Loading DatabaseManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DatabaseManager): Using MySQL... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DatabaseManager): DatabaseManager loaded after 119ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (RedisManager): Loading RedisManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (RedisManager): RedisManager loaded after 10ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (MessageManager): Loading MessageManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (MessageManager): MessageManager loaded after 1ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (PlaytimeManager): Loading PlaytimeManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (PlaytimeManager): PlaytimeManager loaded after 0ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (TeamChatManager): Loading TeamChatManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (TeamChatManager): TeamChatManager loaded after 0ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (PunishmentManager): Loading PunishmentManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (PunishmentManager): Loaded punishments. [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (PunishmentManager): Banns: {uso de hacks [found in ss]=TimePunishment(id=uso-de-hacks-[found-in-ss], reason=Uso de Hacks [Found in SS], time=60, limit=360, timeUnit=d), bug abuse=TimePunishment(id=bug-abuse, reason=Bug Abuse, time=1, limit=14, timeUnit=d), uso de hacks [refuse ss]=TimePunishment(id=uso-de-hacks-[refuse-ss], reason=Uso de Hacks [Refuse SS], time=60, limit=360, timeUnit=d), uso de hacks [pruebas válidas]=TimePunishment(id=uso-de-hacks-[pruebas-validas], reason=Uso de Hacks [Pruebas válidas], time=60, limit=360, timeUnit=d), grieffing de bases (inside)=TimePunishment(id=grieffing-de-bases-inside, reason=Grieffing de bases (Inside), time=3, limit=15, timeUnit=d), falta de respeto al servidor=TimePunishment(id=falta-de-respeto-al-servidor, reason=Falta de Respeto al Servidor, time=-1, limit=-1, timeUnit=d), uso de hacks [admitidos]=TimePunishment(id=uso-de-hacks-[admitidos], reason=Uso de Hacks [Admitidos], time=30, limit=180, timeUnit=d), farmkill=TimePunishment(id=farm-kill, reason=FarmKill, time=3, limit=7, timeUnit=d), hacerse pasar por staff=TimePunishment(id=hacerse-pasar-por-staff, reason=Hacerse pasar por Staff, time=10, limit=60, timeUnit=d), grieffing de bases (outside)=TimePunishment(id=grieffing-de-bases-outside, reason=Grieffing de bases (Outside), time=1, limit=7, timeUnit=d), estafas=TimePunishment(id=estafas, reason=Estafas, time=2, limit=14, timeUnit=d)} [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (PunishmentManager): Mutes: {racismo=TimePunishment(id=racismo, reason=Racismo, time=12, limit=120, timeUnit=h), toxicidad=TimePunishment(id=toxicidad, reason=Toxicidad, time=15, limit=60, timeUnit=m), toxicidad excesiva=TimePunishment(id=toxicidad-excesiva, reason=Toxicidad Excesiva, time=1, limit=48, timeUnit=h), spam=TimePunishment(id=spam, reason=Spam, time=15, limit=720, timeUnit=m), flood=TimePunishment(id=flood, reason=Flood, time=5, limit=1440, timeUnit=m), enlace inapropiado=TimePunishment(id=enlace-inapropiado, reason=Enlace inapropiado, time=4, limit=48, timeUnit=h)} [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (PunishmentManager): PunishmentManager loaded after 10ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (CooldownManager): Loading CooldownManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (CooldownManager): CooldownManager loaded after 0ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (ChatManager): Loading ChatManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (ChatManager): ChatManager loaded after 0ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (SoundManager): Loading SoundManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (SoundManager): SoundManager loaded after 0ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (StaffSettingManager): Loading StaffSettingManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (StaffSettingManager): StaffSettingManager loaded after 0ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (AltsManager): Loading AltsManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (AltsManager): AltsManager loaded after 0ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DiscordCommandManager): Loading DiscordCommandManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DiscordCommandManager): DiscordCommandManager loaded after 0ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (ServerManager): Loading ServerManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (ServerManager): ServerManager loaded after 0ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (RestartManager): Loading RestartManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (RestartManager): RestartManager loaded after 0ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (PlayerManager): Loading PlayerManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (PlayerManager): PlayerManager loaded after 0ms [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DiscordManager): Loading DiscordManager... [15:16:42] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DiscordManager): Loading DiscordBot... [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA]: Login Successful! [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DiscordManager): DiscordManager loaded after 872ms [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DiscordVerifyManager): Loading DiscordVerifyManager... [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DiscordVerifyManager): DiscordVerifyManager loaded after 1ms [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Manager and apis loaded. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Loading commands and listeners... [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'admin'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'discordadminverify'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'altsmanager'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'broadcast'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'bungeesound'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'chatimage'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'checkbans'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'checkmutes'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'createserver'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'find'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'globalrestart'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'gradientcolor'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'ipinfo'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'join'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'lastjoin'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'ping'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'playtime'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'playtimetop'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'pluginmessage'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'proxyrestart'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'punishment'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'rightsclear'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'send'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'server'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'sudo'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'teamchat'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Registered command 'discordverify'. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Commands and listeners loaded. [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Plugin enabled after 2493ms. [15:16:43] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin HitBox-Utils-Bungee version 1.0-SNAPSHOT by NetzkroneHD [15:16:43] [main/INFO]: []===========[ Maintenance ]===========[] [15:16:43] [main/INFO]: [] This Plugin was successfully activated. [15:16:43] [main/INFO]: [] Author: TntTastisch. [15:16:43] [main/INFO]: [] Version: 1.0.4. [15:16:43] [main/INFO]: []===========[ Maintenance ]===========[] [15:16:43] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin Maintenance version 1.0.4 by TntTastisch [15:16:43] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin BungeeGuard version 1.3-SNAPSHOT by Luck [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [NuVotifier]: Loaded token for website: default [15:16:43] [NuVotifier Pool Thread #0/INFO] [NuVotifier]: Using epoll transport to accept votes. [15:16:43] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO] [net.dv8tion.jda.internal.requests.WebSocketClient]: Connected to WebSocket [15:16:43] [Votifier epoll boss/INFO] [NuVotifier]: Votifier enabled on socket /[****:****:****:****:****:****:****:**** [15:16:43] [main/INFO] [NuVotifier]: Forwarding votes over PluginMessaging channel 'nuvotifier:votes' for vote forwarding for online players! [15:16:43] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin NuVotifier version 2.7.3 by Ichbinjoe, blakeman8192, Kramer, tuxed [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [SlashHub]: ---------------------------- [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [SlashHub]: [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [SlashHub]: * SlashHub by SkyGameZ * [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [SlashHub]: * Version 1.9 * [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [SlashHub]: * Update available! * [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [SlashHub]: [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [SlashHub]: ---------------------------- [15:16:44] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin SlashHub version 1.9 by SkyGameZ [15:16:44] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin cmd_server version git:cmd_server:1.20-R0.3-SNAPSHOT:c5fd43a:565 by WaterfallMC [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Validating your server key... [15:16:44] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin BuycraftX version 12.0.8 by Buycraft [15:16:44] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin cmd_alert version git:cmd_alert:1.20-R0.3-SNAPSHOT:c5fd43a:565 by WaterfallMC [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource]: HikariPool-1 - Starting... [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool]: HikariPool-1 - Added connection com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@35771602 [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource]: HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [AdvanceReport]: [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [AdvanceReport]: ░█████╗░░░░░░░██████╗░ Advance Report v3.0.2 [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [AdvanceReport]: ██╔══██╗░░░░░░██╔══██╗ Using Database - MySQL [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [AdvanceReport]: ███████║█████╗██████╔╝ Running on Bungeecord - XCord [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [AdvanceReport]: ██╔══██║╚════╝██╔══██╗ [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [AdvanceReport]: ██║░░██║░░░░░░██║░░██║ Developed and Maintained by CS-Development! [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [AdvanceReport]: ╚═╝░░╚═╝░░░░░░╚═╝░░╚═╝ Discord: https://dsc.gg/cs-development [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [AdvanceReport]: [15:16:44] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin AdvanceReport version 3.0.2 by ClydeSan [15:16:44] [main/INFO]: [EasyCommandBlocker] Has been enabled! Version: 1.8.2 [15:16:44] [main/INFO]: [EasyCommandBlocker] Thanks for using my plugin! ~Ajneb97 [15:16:44] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin EasyCommandBlocker version 1.8.2 by Ajneb97 [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [BungeeChannelTB]: Enabling plugin... [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [BungeeChannelTB]: Bungee channel for bungee-spigot plugins enabled! [15:16:44] [main/INFO] [BungeeChannelTB]: Plugin successfully enabled! [15:16:44] [main/INFO]: Enabled plugin BungeeChannelTB version 1.0 by TechBrat [15:16:44] [main/WARN]: Using PROXY protocol for listener /, please ensure this listener is adequately firewalled. [15:16:44] [main/WARN]: Since PROXY protocol is in use, internal connection throttle has been disabled. [15:16:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-2-1/INFO]: Listening on / [15:16:45] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #0/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Proxy Proxy-Bedrock-1 has connected [15:16:45] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/ERROR] [net.dv8tion.jda.internal.requests.WebSocketClient]: Encountered IDENTIFY Rate Limit! [15:16:45] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/WARN] [net.dv8tion.jda.internal.requests.WebSocketClient]: Got disconnected from WebSocket (Code 1000). Appending to reconnect queue [15:16:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #0/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:16:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #0/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:16:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58342] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:16:52] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO] [net.dv8tion.jda.internal.requests.WebSocketClient]: Connected to WebSocket [15:16:52] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/WARN]: Event PostLoginEvent(player=Justinxd151) took 263ms to process! [15:16:53] [Thread-75/INFO]: [XCord] XCord is updating your global-blacklist: 1711372927621 [15:16:53] [Thread-75/INFO]: [XCord] XCord successfully updated your global-blacklist: 1711372927621 [15:16:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56063] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:16:55] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO] [net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA]: Finished Loading! [15:16:55] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Discord-Bot loaded successfully. [15:16:55] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Loading guild... [15:16:55] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Successfully loaded Guild 'SummonCraft ©'. [15:16:55] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: Executing on ready runnable... [15:16:55] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DiscordCommandManager): Uploading command 'verify'... [15:16:55] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DiscordCommandManager): Uploading command 'deleteverify'... [15:16:55] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DiscordCommandManager): Command 'verify' was registered. [15:16:55] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] [HitBox-Utils-Bungee]: (DiscordCommandManager): Command 'deleteverify' was registered. [15:16:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:12941] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:17:02] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-12/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:61711] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:17:02] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58342|Justinxd151] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:17:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:12748] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:17:05] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51237] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:17:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-35/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58363] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:17:20] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-35/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58363|Justinxd151] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:17:22] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58365] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:17:22] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-13/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55286] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:17:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58365|Justinxd151] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:17:27] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56063|asma1] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:17:30] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58369] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:17:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58369|Justinxd151] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:17:32] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando Santipapucho. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] Santipapucho, eldino9870, oAking68, Eduardoafk, El_samuelito_pro, B_Ilayshein12, santiii, B_Carlosyumi [15:17:32] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando lucho. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] lucho, B_Estenato0818, chulito131, luna, richardinson77, RICHARDYSON77 [15:17:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-19/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58371] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:17:35] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58373] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 267c2d8d-17eb-37a2-a77d-3e7b90081c4b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:17:40] [nLogin Pool Thread #4/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Santipapucho has successfully logged in. [15:17:41] [nLogin Pool Thread #6/INFO]: [lucho] disconnected with: You entered the incorrect password. [15:17:41] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51237|lucho] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:17:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/WARN]: [Justinxd151] No client connected for pending server! [15:17:44] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 16 analytic events [15:17:44] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando Justinxd151. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] Justinxd151, DanyMndz12, B_Justinxd191, Justinxd1212, B_Therikxd19 [15:17:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #6/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:17:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #6/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:17:47] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-31/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51240] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:17:48] [nLogin Pool Thread #6/INFO] [nLogin]: The user mancamsuar has successfully logged in. [15:17:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-35/WARN]: [Justinxd151] No client connected for pending server! [15:17:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/WARN]: [Justinxd151] No client connected for pending server! [15:17:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:25132] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:17:59] [nLogin Pool Thread #4/INFO] [nLogin]: The user plex1123 has successfully logged in. [15:18:00] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:64254] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:18:02] [nLogin Pool Thread #6/INFO] [nLogin]: The user ApelaPato9898 has successfully logged in. [15:18:07] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-22/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58567] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:18:07] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet amount/T is now 47/t from mancamsuar [15:18:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet amount/T is now 51/t from mancamsuar [15:18:09] [nLogin Pool Thread #4/INFO] [nLogin]: The user ItzNexxx has successfully logged in. [15:18:12] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando aguapro_234. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] aguapro_234, aguaapro_234, paconoma_333, Elias_888, Elias_919 [15:18:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet length/T is now 2554/t from ItzNexxx [15:18:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet length/T is now 2991/t from Santipapucho [15:18:17] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet amount/T is now 59/t from Santipapucho [15:18:21] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-13/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet amount/T is now 65/t from ApelaPato9898 [15:18:24] [nLogin Pool Thread #6/INFO] [nLogin]: The user javiervera has successfully logged in. [15:18:25] [nLogin Pool Thread #4/INFO]: [lucho] disconnected with: You entered the incorrect password. [15:18:25] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-31/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51240|lucho] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:18:26] [nLogin Pool Thread #6/INFO] [nLogin]: The user aguapro_234 has successfully logged in. [15:18:27] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-12/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet amount/T is now 66/t from plex1123 [15:18:31] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:13785] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:18:40] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-19/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55886] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:18:44] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 6 analytic events [15:18:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #7/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:18:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #7/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:18:47] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet length/T is now 10832/t from Santipapucho [15:18:48] [nLogin Pool Thread #4/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Ronin_amora has successfully logged in. [15:18:52] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando cWarezFinn. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] cWarezFinn, qMoltionNico, cWarezPhonix, UnicoWarez, qFenixWarez, xFeithur, xEusebio [15:18:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet length/T is now 13294/t from Santipapucho [15:19:00] [nLogin Pool Thread #6/INFO] [nLogin]: The user cWarezFinn has successfully logged in. [15:19:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-7/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54103] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:19:14] [nLogin Pool Thread #4/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Owner has successfully logged in. [15:19:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet amount/T is now 92/t from Santipapucho [15:19:33] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-18/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54046] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 818e8736-6fd4-3b80-a7bb-d3617275b65c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:19:40] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando ivansss. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] ivansss, ivan2030, ivan204080, ivan200920082007 [15:19:44] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [15:19:45] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56625] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:19:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #8/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:19:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #8/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:19:52] [nLogin Pool Thread #6/INFO] [nLogin]: The user axxolotl_gg has successfully logged in. [15:19:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet amount/T is now 96/t from Santipapucho [15:19:56] [nLogin Pool Thread #4/INFO] [nLogin]: The user ivansss has successfully logged in. [15:20:00] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-30/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:63874] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:20:08] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-30/INFO]: Disconnected Savitargamer, failed advanced-verify bot-check ID:7 [15:20:08] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-30/INFO]: [Savitargamer] disconnected with: Conexion fallida, reinténtalo en unos segundos! [15:20:30] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-19/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53156] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 89e91a86-094c-35d8-8904-4b6575b9dbd7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 818e8736-6fd4-3b80-a7bb-d3617275b65c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:20:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-8/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:35960] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:20:41] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-14/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56071] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:20:44] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando Rip_Humna. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] Rip_Humna, SpevenZhen1111, MiniGhost51, Noseda2, pancake, Eminemxxx1233, Peporto1254, HaoChen, KeiraM, Hero_Xiiao, TechnoSharp1, Arsatorn, KeiraMoyano, muai, Esenu, vazquezmark501, AlexCervigon, VazquezMARK501, Markprrooo, Arikgamepro, HayvenChen [15:20:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 5 analytic events [15:20:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #9/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:20:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #9/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:20:46] [nLogin Pool Thread #6/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Rip_Humna has successfully logged in. [15:20:47] [nLogin Pool Thread #4/INFO] [nLogin]: The user asma1 has successfully logged in. [15:20:48] [nLogin Pool Thread #6/INFO] [nLogin]: The user DarkGakot100 has successfully logged in. [15:21:07] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:14758] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:21:07] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [Joselillo] disconnected with: SummonCraft Network ¡Has sido baneado de Summoncraft! Baneado el » 2024-03-25 Baneado por » AutoMod Ban id » 75B4E4. Razón » Uso de hacks - UdsOMn Expira en » 59 días, 21 horas, 28 minutos. Si crees que ha sido por error, puedes apelar en nuestro discord https://discord.gg/summoncraft [15:21:07] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:14758|Joselillo] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:21:07] [LiteBans-0/INFO]: Joselillo intentó unirse, pero está baneado (59 días, 21 horas, 28 minutos) [15:21:08] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-27/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53816] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:21:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-8/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet amount/T is now 109/t from Rip_Humna [15:21:22] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:24429] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 89e91a86-094c-35d8-8904-4b6575b9dbd7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 818e8736-6fd4-3b80-a7bb-d3617275b65c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:21:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [15:21:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 44ms to execute. [15:21:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 4 analytic events [15:21:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #10/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:21:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #10/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:22:05] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-37/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51993] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:22:07] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet length/T is now 23172/t from cWarezFinn [15:22:13] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58273] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:22:25] [nLogin Pool Thread #3/INFO]: [LuigiSoto] disconnected with: You took too long to login. [15:22:25] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-27/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53816|LuigiSoto] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:22:26] [nLogin Pool Thread #6/INFO] [nLogin]: The user peralta123 has successfully logged in. [15:22:30] [nLogin Pool Thread #4/INFO] [nLogin]: The user error3660 has successfully logged in. [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 89e91a86-094c-35d8-8904-4b6575b9dbd7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c5e43a3b-ffca-3891-b85c-2ea8ea49f60c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 818e8736-6fd4-3b80-a7bb-d3617275b65c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:22:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-35/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53821] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:22:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 4 analytic events [15:22:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #11/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:22:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #11/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:22:50] [nLogin Pool Thread #6/INFO] [nLogin]: The user LuigiSoto has successfully logged in. [15:22:56] [nLogin Pool Thread #4/INFO]: [Savitargamer] disconnected with: To confirm that you are using a premium account, please log in again. [15:22:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:24429|Savitargamer] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:23:13] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-35/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet amount/T is now 383/t from LuigiSoto [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 89e91a86-094c-35d8-8904-4b6575b9dbd7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 818e8736-6fd4-3b80-a7bb-d3617275b65c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:23:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [15:23:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #12/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:23:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #12/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:24:07] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:62137] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:24:13] [nLogin Pool Thread #7/INFO] [nLogin]: The user alba03alda has successfully logged in. [15:24:20] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: alba03alda executed command: /lobby [15:24:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:62137|alba03alda] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 89e91a86-094c-35d8-8904-4b6575b9dbd7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 818e8736-6fd4-3b80-a7bb-d3617275b65c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:24:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [15:24:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #13/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:24:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #13/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:25:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-42/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:43968] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:25:31] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-19/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55886|Ronin_amora] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:25:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:19295] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 89e91a86-094c-35d8-8904-4b6575b9dbd7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:25:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [15:25:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #14/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:25:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #14/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:25:47] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:19295|GONORREAS] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:25:53] [nLogin Pool Thread #8/INFO] [nLogin]: The user elheterop1 has successfully logged in. [15:26:20] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55994] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:26:34] [nLogin Pool Thread #9/INFO] [nLogin]: The user LKODEATH20 has successfully logged in. [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 89e91a86-094c-35d8-8904-4b6575b9dbd7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:26:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [15:26:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 47ms to execute. [15:26:45] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [15:26:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #15/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:26:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #15/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:26:55] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-13/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52684] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:27:05] [nLogin Pool Thread #8/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Luifer2022 has successfully logged in. [15:27:16] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-16/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51203] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 89e91a86-094c-35d8-8904-4b6575b9dbd7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:27:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [15:27:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #16/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:27:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #16/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:28:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-44/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52382] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:28:24] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando HayvenChen. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] HayvenChen, Peporto1254, KeiraM, MiniGhost51, SpevenZhen1111, Rip_Humna, Noseda2, Hero_Xiiao, HaoChen, Eminemxxx1233, pancake, Arsatorn, KeiraMoyano, Arikgamepro, Esenu, vazquezmark501, AlexCervigon, Markprrooo [15:28:29] [nLogin Pool Thread #9/INFO] [nLogin]: The user HayvenChen has successfully logged in. [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 89e91a86-094c-35d8-8904-4b6575b9dbd7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:28:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [15:28:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #17/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:28:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #17/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:29:30] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-8/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55921] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 89e91a86-094c-35d8-8904-4b6575b9dbd7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:29:45] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-35/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:59452] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:29:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #18/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:29:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #18/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:29:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50277] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:29:57] [nLogin Pool Thread #11/INFO] [nLogin]: The user alexcasas has successfully logged in. [15:30:02] [nLogin Pool Thread #12/INFO] [nLogin]: The user NeithanDlian has successfully logged in. [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 89e91a86-094c-35d8-8904-4b6575b9dbd7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:30:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [15:30:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #19/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:30:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #19/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 89e91a86-094c-35d8-8904-4b6575b9dbd7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:31:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [15:31:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 47ms to execute. [15:31:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #20/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:31:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #20/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:31:58] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet length/T is now 24116/t from LKODEATH20 [15:32:00] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet length/T is now 24175/t from LKODEATH20 [15:32:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-6/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:64092] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 89e91a86-094c-35d8-8904-4b6575b9dbd7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:32:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56625|axxolotl_gg] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:32:38] [nLogin Pool Thread #13/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Sir_Leywin has successfully logged in. [15:32:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [15:32:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #21/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:32:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #21/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:33:13] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-3/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50548] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:33:27] [LiteBans-0/INFO]: crisyt1212 intentó unirse, pero está baneado (permanente) [15:33:32] [nLogin Pool Thread #14/INFO] [nLogin]: The user MANQUITOPLEIER has successfully logged in. [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:33:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [15:33:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #22/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:33:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #22/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:33:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-14/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:62732] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:33:52] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando Peporto1254. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] Peporto1254, HayvenChen, SpevenZhen1111, MiniGhost51, Rip_Humna, Noseda2, pancake, Eminemxxx1233, HaoChen, KeiraM, Hero_Xiiao, TechnoSharp1, Arsatorn, KeiraMoyano, muai, Esenu, vazquezmark501, AlexCervigon, VazquezMARK501, Markprrooo, Arikgamepro [15:33:57] [nLogin Pool Thread #13/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Peporto1254 has successfully logged in. [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:34:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [15:34:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #23/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:34:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #23/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:34:50] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50019] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:34:52] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-13/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55286|ApelaPato9898] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1057f215-49ce-31b7-8717-57b0514feb75 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:35:46] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [15:35:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #24/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:35:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #24/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:35:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [AmburguesaXD007] disconnected with: Timed out [15:35:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50019|AmburguesaXD007] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:35:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-7/INFO]: [Owner] disconnected with: Timed out [15:35:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-7/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54103|Owner] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:36:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:62418] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:36:21] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-31/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50526] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:36:24] [nLogin Pool Thread #15/INFO]: [El_samuelito_pro] disconnected with: You entered the incorrect password. [15:36:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:62418|El_samuelito_pro] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:36:33] [nLogin Pool Thread #15/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Andrexxx444 has successfully logged in. [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found d27f2f29-754e-3178-b8da-c1b3841b2602 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:36:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [15:36:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 53ms to execute. [15:36:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 5 analytic events [15:36:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #25/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:36:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #25/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:37:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-4/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54266] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:37:23] [nLogin Pool Thread #16/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Owner has successfully logged in. [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found d27f2f29-754e-3178-b8da-c1b3841b2602 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:37:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-7/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3129] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:37:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [15:37:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #26/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:37:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #26/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:37:49] [nLogin Pool Thread #15/INFO] [nLogin]: The user TatteredFlame61 has successfully logged in. [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found d27f2f29-754e-3178-b8da-c1b3841b2602 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:38:37] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-31/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50526|Andrexxx444] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:38:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:45030] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:38:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [15:38:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #27/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:38:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #27/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:38:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:45030|rg4oficial12] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:39:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55505] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:39:44] [nLogin Pool Thread #17/INFO] [nLogin]: The user ApelaPato9898 logged in automatically (login session) [15:39:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [15:39:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #28/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:39:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #28/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:40:28] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-26/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50763] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:40:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-4/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50871] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:40:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #29/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:40:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #29/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:41:19] [nLogin Pool Thread #19/INFO] [nLogin]: The user mrninja has successfully registered. [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:41:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [15:41:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 52ms to execute. [15:41:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50012] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:41:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [15:41:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #30/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:41:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #30/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:41:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: Disconnected rompen, failed advanced-verify bot-check ID:7 [15:41:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [rompen] disconnected with: Conexion fallida, reinténtalo en unos segundos! [15:42:12] [LiteBans-0/INFO]: rompen intentó unirse, pero está baneado (28 días, 2 minutos) [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:42:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [15:42:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #31/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:42:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #31/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:42:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-6/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:45672] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 50f56497-43b9-3405-aa50-e4e2599849fc that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:43:47] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [15:43:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #32/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:43:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #32/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:44:07] [nLogin Pool Thread #3/INFO]: [Boot02] disconnected with: You took too long to login. [15:44:07] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-6/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:45672|Boot02] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:44:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-16/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56146] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:44:29] [nLogin Pool Thread #21/INFO] [nLogin]: The user eimi_izumi logged in automatically (premium account) [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:44:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [15:44:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #33/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:44:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #33/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 81ee5369-be3e-4a65-9294-e5caa9bec0a3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7b7123b9-0f62-3102-b9b8-95e94a18e9c7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:45:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #34/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:45:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #34/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:45:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-22/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58567|aguapro_234] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 81ee5369-be3e-4a65-9294-e5caa9bec0a3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f3fc384c-73fa-3d0a-aaa5-2e87c092fe43 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:46:37] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-19/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50685] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:46:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [15:46:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 47ms to execute. [15:46:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-3/INFO]: [MANQUITOPLEIER] disconnected with: Proxy lost connection to server. [15:46:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-3/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50548|MANQUITOPLEIER] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:46:45] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-13/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50699] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:46:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [15:46:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #35/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:46:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #35/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:46:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-13/INFO]: Disconnected MANQUITOPLEIER, failed advanced-verify bot-check ID:7 [15:46:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-13/INFO]: [MANQUITOPLEIER] disconnected with: Conexion fallida, reinténtalo en unos segundos! [15:46:58] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-19/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50705] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 81ee5369-be3e-4a65-9294-e5caa9bec0a3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:47:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [15:47:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #36/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:47:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #36/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:48:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-41/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:23019] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:48:05] [nLogin Pool Thread #24/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Primo97A logged in automatically (premium account) [15:48:08] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando Primo97A. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] Primo97A, dizzy246, juakin303030, Primo97Pro, ram4one, reymastergg, Primos97A [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 81ee5369-be3e-4a65-9294-e5caa9bec0a3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:48:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #37/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:48:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [15:48:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #37/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:48:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58381] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:49:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58381|faze_humillao_00] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:49:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-18/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49320] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:49:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-41/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet length/T is now 76854/t from Primo97A [15:49:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-42/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:63141] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:49:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-42/INFO]: [jesus19212015] disconnected with: SummonCraft Network ¡Has sido baneado de Summoncraft! Baneado el » 2024-02-22 Baneado por » _TitoCalderon_ Ban id » B1CC2E. Razón » Ban evading #1 Expira en » 38 días, 1 hora, 30 minutos. Si crees que ha sido por error, puedes apelar en nuestro discord https://discord.gg/summoncraft [15:49:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-42/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:63141|jesus19212015] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:49:19] [LiteBans-1/INFO]: jesus19212015 intentó unirse, pero está baneado (38 días, 1 hora, 30 minutos) [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 81ee5369-be3e-4a65-9294-e5caa9bec0a3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:49:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #38/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:49:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 5 analytic events [15:49:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #38/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:49:58] [nLogin Pool Thread #25/INFO] [nLogin]: The user EuSouAlex has successfully registered. [15:50:05] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-43/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:63785] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:50:14] [nLogin Pool Thread #24/INFO] [nLogin]: The user SoyAyalaa logged in automatically (premium account) [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 81ee5369-be3e-4a65-9294-e5caa9bec0a3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3df9fd19-34f3-43f2-987f-b05f6799dff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:50:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #39/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:50:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [15:50:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #39/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 81ee5369-be3e-4a65-9294-e5caa9bec0a3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 430eb136-770a-3d5f-b579-71a429e931b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3df9fd19-34f3-43f2-987f-b05f6799dff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:51:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [15:51:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 45ms to execute. [15:51:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #40/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:51:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #40/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:51:57] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-37/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51993|peralta123] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:52:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-3/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55687] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:52:18] [nLogin Pool Thread #26/INFO] [nLogin]: The user psdldsa logged in automatically (premium account) [15:52:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16734] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:52:32] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando 7t67rt. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] 7t67rt, Joselillo, B_ElAntonillo [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 81ee5369-be3e-4a65-9294-e5caa9bec0a3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 130595dc-733f-4733-91f8-235ef7290e7b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3df9fd19-34f3-43f2-987f-b05f6799dff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:52:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #41/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:52:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [15:52:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #41/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:53:16] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-16/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56146|eimi_izumi] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:53:23] [LiteBans-1/INFO]: mrfenix998 intentó unirse, pero está baneado (68 días, 10 horas, 23 minutos) [15:53:35] [nLogin Pool Thread #3/INFO]: [7t67rt] disconnected with: You took too long to register. [15:53:35] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16734|7t67rt] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 130595dc-733f-4733-91f8-235ef7290e7b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3df9fd19-34f3-43f2-987f-b05f6799dff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:53:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #42/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:53:48] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [15:53:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #42/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:53:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-3/INFO]: psdldsa executed command: /lobby [15:54:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:64681] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:54:18] [nLogin Pool Thread #26/INFO] [nLogin]: The user ROBYN123APERROXD has successfully logged in. [15:54:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-3/INFO]: psdldsa executed command: /lobby [15:54:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-3/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55687|psdldsa] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3df9fd19-34f3-43f2-987f-b05f6799dff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:54:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-43/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:63785|SoyAyalaa] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:54:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #43/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:54:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [15:54:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #43/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:54:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-4/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16832] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:55:11] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-4/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16832|7t67rt] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:55:27] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49292] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:55:28] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando tapitaloco. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] tapitaloco, tapia1982, elfase2, B_benja3113, soulnick12, emaaaaaaaaaaaaa2, emaaa [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:55:37] [nLogin Pool Thread #26/INFO] [nLogin]: The user tapitaloco has successfully logged in. [15:55:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #44/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:55:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #44/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:55:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [15:56:33] [LiteBans-1/INFO]: Joselillo intentó unirse, pero está baneado (59 días, 20 horas, 53 minutos) [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3647fc84-5c65-3888-a371-2db5457cfb17 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b1d49823-3e64-3b1c-8dd2-cda34b187372 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 29ad0d17-0913-3d7f-9d7a-e7e605545ab2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:56:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:61667] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:56:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [15:56:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 41ms to execute. [15:56:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #45/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:56:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #45/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:56:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [15:56:54] [nLogin Pool Thread #28/INFO] [nLogin]: The user guille2151 has successfully logged in. [15:57:07] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: guille2151 executed command: /lobby [15:57:16] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:12941|Santipapucho] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:57:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58273|error3660] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:57:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-19/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52323] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:57:28] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-31/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16963] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:57:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-7/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3129|TatteredFlame61] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e6a831ba-91e6-3619-ba32-3fd794d5231d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:57:38] [nLogin Pool Thread #29/INFO] [nLogin]: The user patrick_MC has successfully logged in. [15:57:44] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando 32423455. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] 32423455, 7t67rt, Joselillo, B_ElAntonillo [15:57:46] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-42/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:43968|elheterop1] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:57:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #46/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:57:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #46/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:57:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 6 analytic events [15:57:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-39/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:22589] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:58:19] [nLogin Pool Thread #29/INFO] [nLogin]: The user 32423455 has successfully registered. [15:58:31] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-19/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52323|patrick_MC] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 69522a7a-9db5-36a5-ace2-283ba2dfe50c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:58:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #47/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:58:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #47/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:58:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [15:58:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-8/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51150] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:59:06] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-8/INFO]: Disconnected Ssamu, failed advanced-verify bot-check ID:8 [15:59:06] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-8/INFO]: [Ssamu] disconnected with: Conexion fallida, reinténtalo en unos segundos! [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 69522a7a-9db5-36a5-ace2-283ba2dfe50c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [15:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [15:59:40] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet length/T is now 96480/t from cWarezFinn [15:59:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51034] <-> InitialHandler has connected [15:59:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #48/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [15:59:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #48/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [15:59:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [15:59:54] [nLogin Pool Thread #28/INFO] [nLogin]: The user NikiXasen logged in automatically (premium account) [16:00:27] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: NikiXasen executed command: /lobby [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e257b637-f3c6-4527-ba1d-33b6cf863db1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e5860b66-db10-3e2b-a21d-38c0a0d94ff7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 69522a7a-9db5-36a5-ace2-283ba2dfe50c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:00:37] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-31/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16963|32423455] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:00:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:33261] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:00:43] [nLogin Pool Thread #30/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Its_Discord logged in automatically (premium account) [16:00:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #49/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:00:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #49/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:00:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [16:00:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-14/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56071|asma1] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:01:05] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51034|NikiXasen] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:01:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [16:01:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 44ms to execute. [16:01:46] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: ROBYN123APERROXD executed command: /hub [16:01:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #50/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:01:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #50/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:01:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:02:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #51/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:02:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #51/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:02:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-35/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:36979] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:02:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:03:11] [nLogin Pool Thread #31/INFO] [nLogin]: The user hola_deola has successfully logged in. [16:03:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-16/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3495] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:03:19] [nLogin Pool Thread #32/INFO] [nLogin]: The user aflc8612 logged in automatically (premium account) [16:03:20] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-16/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3495|aflc8612] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:03:23] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-39/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49886] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:03:30] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-16/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49360] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ff7d1adf-11a1-3c03-8c07-00bb8ced2a66 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:03:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-16/INFO]: Disconnected benja, failed advanced-verify bot-check ID:7 [16:03:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-16/INFO]: [benja] disconnected with: Conexion fallida, reinténtalo en unos segundos! [16:03:46] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-35/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:36979|hola_deola] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:03:47] [nLogin Pool Thread #31/INFO] [nLogin]: The user juguitoZ has successfully logged in. [16:03:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #52/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:03:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #52/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:03:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 5 analytic events [16:04:13] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-7/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49457] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:04:29] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando benja. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] benja, benjaracing2014, No_se_123, FH_Alejandrook, silvani, laksaik, fabri, sentay204, darkxxcca, lautaro [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a3dcdd89-2a7d-3b6b-8b6a-d8698e175f7d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f17df53-933a-3f66-85bd-60a913e13215 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:04:49] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #53/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:04:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #53/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:04:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:05:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51939] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:05:22] [nLogin Pool Thread #3/INFO]: [benja] disconnected with: You took too long to login. [16:05:22] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-7/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49457|benja] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:05:33] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-18/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49320|EuSouAlex] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:05:46] [nLogin Pool Thread #33/INFO] [nLogin]: The user biggbom has successfully registered. [16:05:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #54/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:05:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #54/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:05:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [16:05:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-22/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:22422] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:06:13] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando Franmod. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] Franmod, FlamaXR, lauta1021, B_CrashingAxis53 [16:06:14] [Votifier epoll worker/INFO] [NuVotifier]: Got a protocol v1 vote record from /**.**.**.**:53364 -> Vote (from:40servidoresMC.es username:guille2151 address:****:****:****:****:****:****:****:**** timeStamp:1711382774 additionalData:null) [16:06:14] [NuVotifier Pool Thread #2/INFO] [NuVotifier]: Successfully forwarded vote Vote (from:40servidoresMC.es username:guille2151 address:****:****:****:****:****:****:****:**** timeStamp:1711382774 additionalData:null) to server survival [16:06:19] [nLogin Pool Thread #32/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Franmod has successfully logged in. [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 20e55511-edc9-3d00-a9cb-467b0cd16424 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:06:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [16:06:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 45ms to execute. [16:06:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53489] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:06:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #55/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:06:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #55/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:06:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:07:06] [nLogin Pool Thread #32/INFO] [nLogin]: The user ElDiosSensei has successfully registered. [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b18e547e-ec70-3df3-8569-b0c47cd2ebed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e57036d7-a0a5-3080-91a8-e29b360e0917 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ca484db8-8fae-37cd-b2cc-491010a1c080 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 20e55511-edc9-3d00-a9cb-467b0cd16424 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:07:45] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-47/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56163] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:07:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #56/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:07:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #56/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:07:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:08:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51934] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:08:21] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando koree. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] koree, angeloxXx12, B_Gatoyu4834, ormax, oraa, koraa [16:08:23] [nLogin Pool Thread #33/INFO] [nLogin]: The user koree has successfully logged in. [16:08:25] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-35/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:59452|NeithanDlian] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:08:27] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:64681|ROBYN123APERROXD] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e57036d7-a0a5-3080-91a8-e29b360e0917 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 20e55511-edc9-3d00-a9cb-467b0cd16424 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:08:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #57/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:08:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #57/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:08:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [16:08:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:33230] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:09:12] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-26/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52430] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:09:25] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando sleepplus_2404. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] sleepplus_2404, godkiller777, Adriano_2211, Adriano2299 [16:09:29] [nLogin Pool Thread #34/INFO]: [Omar] disconnected with: You entered the incorrect password. [16:09:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:33230|Omar] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:09:32] [nLogin Pool Thread #35/INFO]: [sleepplus_2404] disconnected with: You entered the incorrect password. [16:09:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-26/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52430|sleepplus_2404] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:09:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51939|biggbom] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:09:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53489|ElDiosSensei] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:09:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-41/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:33246] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:09:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #58/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:09:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #58/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:09:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 7 analytic events [16:09:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: tapitaloco executed command: /hub [16:09:57] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando tapitaloco. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] tapitaloco, tapia1982, elfase2, B_benja3113, soulnick12, emaaaaaaaaaaaaa2, emaaa [16:10:02] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-3/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:2749] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:10:02] [nLogin Pool Thread #34/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Omar has successfully logged in. [16:10:10] [nLogin Pool Thread #35/INFO] [nLogin]: The user emiescoot has successfully logged in. [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e25178d0-c040-3b9b-ab74-d44bf0b27f4a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:10:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #59/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:10:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #59/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:10:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:11:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-29/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:35955] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:11:21] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando gonzapud1. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] gonzapud1, bautuidis, hellokitty21, botsitoxd, TOCANENAS, fajdsa, B_BrandinRZ132, penes25, TN27V [16:11:23] [nLogin Pool Thread #36/INFO] [nLogin]: The user gonzapud1 has successfully logged in. [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 475bca9b-3edc-3d00-a273-b14e6af7310f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e25178d0-c040-3b9b-ab74-d44bf0b27f4a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:11:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [16:11:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 47ms to execute. [16:11:40] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-29/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:35955|gonzapud1] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:11:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-37/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:48984] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:11:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #60/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:11:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #60/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:11:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [16:12:06] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-6/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50374] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:12:12] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #11/ERROR]: Task BungeeTask(sched=net.md_5.bungee.scheduler.BungeeScheduler@5f9b6ae7, id=3247, owner=com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.RedisBungee@3a2bb026, task=com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.RedisBungeeListener$$Lambda$2638/0x00007fbd08e75910@7db92580, delay=0, period=0, running=true) encountered an exception java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException: null key in entry: null=0c91fe90-dea0-4f7b-a9cc-beb082d558e6 at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.PlayerDataManager.serversToPlayersBuilder(PlayerDataManager.java:263) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.caffeine.cache.LocalLoadingCache.lambda$newMappingFunction$3(LocalLoadingCache.java:183) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.lambda$doComputeIfAbsent$14(BoundedLocalCache.java:2716) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.compute(ConcurrentHashMap.java:1940) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.doComputeIfAbsent(BoundedLocalCache.java:2686) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.computeIfAbsent(BoundedLocalCache.java:2669) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.caffeine.cache.LocalCache.computeIfAbsent(LocalCache.java:112) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.caffeine.cache.LocalLoadingCache.get(LocalLoadingCache.java:58) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.PlayerDataManager.serversToPlayers(PlayerDataManager.java:231) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.AbstractRedisBungeeAPI.getServerToPlayers(AbstractRedisBungeeAPI.java:116) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.AbstractRedisBungeeAPI.getPlayersOnServer(AbstractRedisBungeeAPI.java:126) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.RedisBungeeListener.lambda$onPluginMessage$0(RedisBungeeListener.java:97) ~[?:?] at net.md_5.bungee.scheduler.BungeeTask.run(Unknown Source) ~[XCord.jar:git:Travertine-Bootstrap:1.19-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:3b07a4b:unknown] at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:539) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:304) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635) ~[?:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) [?:?] Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null key in entry: null=0c91fe90-dea0-4f7b-a9cc-beb082d558e6 at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.com.google.common.collect.CollectPreconditions.checkEntryNotNull(CollectPreconditions.java:31) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMultimap$Builder.put(ImmutableMultimap.java:171) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.PlayerDataManager$1.lambda$doPooledPipeline$0(PlayerDataManager.java:247) ~[?:?] at java.util.HashMap.forEach(HashMap.java:1421) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.PlayerDataManager$1.doPooledPipeline(PlayerDataManager.java:247) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.PlayerDataManager$1.doPooledPipeline(PlayerDataManager.java:236) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.tasks.RedisPipelineTask.unifiedJedisTask(RedisPipelineTask.java:33) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.tasks.RedisTask.execute(RedisTask.java:59) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.tasks.RedisTask.call(RedisTask.java:35) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.PlayerDataManager.serversToPlayersBuilder(PlayerDataManager.java:261) ~[?:?] ... 18 more [16:12:12] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #21/ERROR]: Task BungeeTask(sched=net.md_5.bungee.scheduler.BungeeScheduler@5f9b6ae7, id=3248, owner=com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.RedisBungee@3a2bb026, task=com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.RedisBungeeListener$$Lambda$2638/0x00007fbd08e75910@150a6f10, delay=0, period=0, running=true) encountered an exception java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException: null key in entry: null=0c91fe90-dea0-4f7b-a9cc-beb082d558e6 at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.PlayerDataManager.serversToPlayersBuilder(PlayerDataManager.java:263) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.caffeine.cache.LocalLoadingCache.lambda$newMappingFunction$3(LocalLoadingCache.java:183) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.lambda$doComputeIfAbsent$14(BoundedLocalCache.java:2716) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.compute(ConcurrentHashMap.java:1940) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.doComputeIfAbsent(BoundedLocalCache.java:2686) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.computeIfAbsent(BoundedLocalCache.java:2669) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.caffeine.cache.LocalCache.computeIfAbsent(LocalCache.java:112) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.caffeine.cache.LocalLoadingCache.get(LocalLoadingCache.java:58) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.PlayerDataManager.serversToPlayers(PlayerDataManager.java:231) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.AbstractRedisBungeeAPI.getServerToPlayers(AbstractRedisBungeeAPI.java:116) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.AbstractRedisBungeeAPI.getPlayersOnServer(AbstractRedisBungeeAPI.java:126) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.RedisBungeeListener.lambda$onPluginMessage$0(RedisBungeeListener.java:97) ~[?:?] at net.md_5.bungee.scheduler.BungeeTask.run(Unknown Source) ~[XCord.jar:git:Travertine-Bootstrap:1.19-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:3b07a4b:unknown] at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:539) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:304) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635) ~[?:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) [?:?] Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null key in entry: null=0c91fe90-dea0-4f7b-a9cc-beb082d558e6 at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.com.google.common.collect.CollectPreconditions.checkEntryNotNull(CollectPreconditions.java:31) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMultimap$Builder.put(ImmutableMultimap.java:171) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.PlayerDataManager$1.lambda$doPooledPipeline$0(PlayerDataManager.java:247) ~[?:?] at java.util.HashMap.forEach(HashMap.java:1421) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.PlayerDataManager$1.doPooledPipeline(PlayerDataManager.java:247) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.PlayerDataManager$1.doPooledPipeline(PlayerDataManager.java:236) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.tasks.RedisPipelineTask.unifiedJedisTask(RedisPipelineTask.java:33) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.tasks.RedisTask.execute(RedisTask.java:59) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.tasks.RedisTask.call(RedisTask.java:35) ~[?:?] at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.api.PlayerDataManager.serversToPlayersBuilder(PlayerDataManager.java:261) ~[?:?] ... 18 more [16:12:16] [nLogin Pool Thread #37/INFO] [nLogin]: The user elpapu1019 has successfully logged in. [16:12:17] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-1/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:37348] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:12:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-1/WARN]: Event PostLoginEvent(player=sahid0007) took 6,325ms to process! [16:12:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-1/INFO]: [sahid0007] disconnected with: SummonCraft Network ¡Has sido baneado de Summoncraft! Baneado el » 2024-03-16 Baneado por » zMatias_ Ban id » 75B633. Razón » Admitir uso de Hacks Expira en » 21 días, 7 horas, 26 minutos. Si crees que ha sido por error, puedes apelar en nuestro discord https://discord.gg/summoncraft [16:12:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-1/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:37348|sahid0007] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:12:32] [LiteBans-0/INFO]: sahid0007 intentó unirse, pero está baneado (21 días, 7 horas, 26 minutos) [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 94b99c7c-fd26-38f1-9e81-3f6234cfae71 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e25178d0-c040-3b9b-ab74-d44bf0b27f4a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:12:41] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:37966] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:12:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [sahid0007] disconnected with: SummonCraft Network ¡Has sido baneado de Summoncraft! Baneado el » 2024-03-16 Baneado por » zMatias_ Ban id » 75B633. Razón » Admitir uso de Hacks Expira en » 21 días, 7 horas, 25 minutos. Si crees que ha sido por error, puedes apelar en nuestro discord https://discord.gg/summoncraft [16:12:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:37966|sahid0007] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:12:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #61/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:12:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #61/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:12:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 5 analytic events [16:13:28] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-26/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51802] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 94b99c7c-fd26-38f1-9e81-3f6234cfae71 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e25178d0-c040-3b9b-ab74-d44bf0b27f4a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:13:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #62/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:13:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #62/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:14:23] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-3/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:2749|emiescoot] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:14:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: tapitaloco executed command: /hub [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 94b99c7c-fd26-38f1-9e81-3f6234cfae71 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found cd59f517-314d-3b9b-9ed1-3d210cf1262c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found db14f961-3080-4a45-8c24-ab838684ef6f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:14:40] [nLogin Pool Thread #38/INFO] [nLogin]: The user potatoxd141 has successfully registered. [16:14:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-1/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49461] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:14:43] [nLogin Pool Thread #36/INFO] [nLogin]: The user _Thepaco_ logged in automatically (premium account) [16:14:43] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-9/ERROR] [net.dv8tion.jda.api.requests.RestAction]: Encountered error while processing success consumer net.dv8tion.jda.api.exceptions.HierarchyException: Can't modify a member with higher or equal highest role than yourself! at net.dv8tion.jda.internal.entities.GuildImpl.checkPosition(GuildImpl.java:1986) ~[?:?] at net.dv8tion.jda.internal.entities.GuildImpl.modifyNickname(GuildImpl.java:1471) ~[?:?] at de.netzkronehd.hitboxutils.bungee.manager.DiscordVerifyManager.setNickname(DiscordVerifyManager.java:171) ~[?:?] at de.netzkronehd.hitboxutils.bungee.manager.DiscordVerifyManager.lambda$updateVerification$3(DiscordVerifyManager.java:142) ~[?:?] at net.dv8tion.jda.api.requests.Request.lambda$onSuccess$0(Request.java:123) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask$RunnableExecuteAction.exec(ForkJoinTask.java:1395) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(ForkJoinTask.java:373) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec(ForkJoinPool.java:1182) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan(ForkJoinPool.java:1655) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(ForkJoinPool.java:1622) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread.run(ForkJoinWorkerThread.java:165) ~[?:?] [16:14:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #63/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:14:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #63/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:14:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [16:14:57] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:33261|Its_Discord] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:15:00] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-1/INFO]: _Thepaco_ executed command: /hub [16:15:16] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-1/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49461|_Thepaco_] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:15:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-12/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49926] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:15:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:61667|guille2151] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 94b99c7c-fd26-38f1-9e81-3f6234cfae71 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:15:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-43/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3076] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:15:50] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #64/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:15:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #64/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:15:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 5 analytic events [16:15:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-42/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:17984] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:16:04] [nLogin Pool Thread #38/INFO] [nLogin]: The user elguille2009 has successfully logged in. [16:16:07] [nLogin Pool Thread #39/INFO] [nLogin]: The user josegalann has successfully logged in. [16:16:20] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet length/T is now 96730/t from cWarezFinn [16:16:24] [LuckPerms Pool Thread #0/INFO] [LuckPerms]: [Messaging] Received user update ping for 'mrninja' with id: a7328564-1540-44a7-a661-96aea8e7050e [16:16:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet length/T is now 193428/t from cWarezFinn [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 75d55d1b-4adc-3cce-aeda-3d3fc0f2d5c1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 94b99c7c-fd26-38f1-9e81-3f6234cfae71 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 28d81721-bd7b-34f6-9322-a24854786613 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:16:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:16:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [16:16:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 47ms to execute. [16:16:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-39/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:62345] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:16:49] [nLogin Pool Thread #38/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Bos7366 logged in automatically (premium account) [16:16:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #65/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:16:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #65/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:16:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:16:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-12/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:61711|plex1123] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:16:58] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-39/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:62345|Bos7366] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:17:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49755] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:17:11] [LiteBans Pool Thread #2/INFO]: iSponker_ ha baneado temporalmente a ELcanicas durante 69 días por 'Ban Evading #1' [16:17:29] [nLogin Pool Thread #39/INFO] [nLogin]: The user DarckSide has successfully logged in. [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 75d55d1b-4adc-3cce-aeda-3d3fc0f2d5c1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 94b99c7c-fd26-38f1-9e81-3f6234cfae71 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:17:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:17:41] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-26/INFO]: potatoxd141 executed command: /lobby [16:17:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #66/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:17:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #66/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:17:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [16:17:55] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: tapitaloco executed command: /hub [16:17:57] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando tapitaloco. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] tapitaloco, tapia1982, elfase2, B_benja3113, soulnick12, emaaaaaaaaaaaaa2, emaaa [16:18:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: tapitaloco executed command: /hub [16:18:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-43/INFO]: [josegalann] disconnected with: Flying is not enabled on this server [16:18:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-43/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3076|josegalann] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:18:27] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-24/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3051] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:18:27] [nLogin Pool Thread #38/INFO] [nLogin]: The user josegalann logged in automatically (login session) [16:18:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-41/INFO]: [Omar] disconnected with: Timed out [16:18:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-41/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:33246|Omar] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 94b99c7c-fd26-38f1-9e81-3f6234cfae71 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 9cae361f-7a88-3085-b349-0ef2f5e03d02 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:18:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:18:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-14/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:62732|Peporto1254] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:18:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-24/INFO]: [josegalann] disconnected with: EncoderException : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get ID for packet class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PlayerListItemRemove in phase CONFIGURATION with direction TO_CLIENT for version [765] @ io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder:-1 [16:18:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-24/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3051|josegalann] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:18:47] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-6/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50374|elpapu1019] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:18:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #67/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:18:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #67/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:18:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 6 analytic events [16:19:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-17/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:59536] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:19:23] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:61205] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:19:33] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/WARN]: Event PostLoginEvent(player=X_DEATH_X) took 294ms to process! [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:19:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:19:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #68/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:19:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #68/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:19:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:20:12] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: DarckSide executed command: /hub [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:20:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:20:37] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-3/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:62365] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:20:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: DarckSide executed command: /skin [16:20:45] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: DarckSide executed command: /skin TheElivan [16:20:51] [nLogin Pool Thread #39/INFO] [nLogin]: The user X_DEATH_X has successfully registered. [16:20:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #69/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:20:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #69/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:20:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:20:59] [nLogin Pool Thread #40/INFO] [nLogin]: The user davidxd has successfully logged in. [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:21:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:21:37] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54127] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:21:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [16:21:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 61ms to execute. [16:21:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #70/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:21:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #70/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:21:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:22:09] [nLogin Pool Thread #39/INFO]: [tadexx10] disconnected with: You entered the incorrect password. [16:22:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54127|tadexx10] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:22:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:22:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #71/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:22:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #71/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:22:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:23:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16939] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:23:30] [nLogin Pool Thread #41/INFO] [nLogin]: The user dhemian12 has successfully logged in. [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ff3723c-c4b0-3075-b31c-43534eadca33 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b6c711b5-310f-360a-b35b-c19190b7f054 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:23:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:23:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #72/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:23:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #72/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:23:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:24:12] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-39/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49886|juguitoZ] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:24:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-22/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54158] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:24:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-22/WARN]: Event PostLoginEvent(player=tadexx10) took 305ms to process! [16:24:30] [nLogin Pool Thread #42/INFO] [nLogin]: The account tadexx10 (**.**.**.**) was blocked on suspicion of invasion [16:24:30] [nLogin Pool Thread #42/INFO]: [tadexx10] disconnected with: You entered the incorrect password. [16:24:30] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-22/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54158|tadexx10] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 90368c6d-b725-3326-b173-025cd8cb6c79 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ff3723c-c4b0-3075-b31c-43534eadca33 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:24:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:24:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #73/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:24:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #73/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:24:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [16:25:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-4/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50871|mrninja] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ff3723c-c4b0-3075-b31c-43534eadca33 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:25:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:25:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-43/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55021] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:25:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #74/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:25:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #74/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:25:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [16:25:57] [nLogin Pool Thread #42/INFO]: [jhoandre] disconnected with: You entered the incorrect password. [16:25:57] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-43/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55021|jhoandre] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:26:05] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55025] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:26:05] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [jhoandre] disconnected with: NativeIoException : recvAddress(..) failed: Connection reset by peer [16:26:05] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55025|jhoandre] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:26:05] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/WARN]: [jhoandre] No client connected for pending server! [16:26:12] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-5/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54193] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:26:12] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-5/INFO]: [tadexx10] disconnected with: Your address has been blocked by suspected invasion. Remaining banishment time: 8m 17s [16:26:12] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-5/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54193|tadexx10] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:26:30] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16939|dhemian12] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:26:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:26:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [16:26:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 56ms to execute. [16:26:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-31/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:63486] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:26:51] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #75/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:26:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #75/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:26:52] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-31/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:63486|jhornnie] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:26:52] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-31/WARN]: [jhornnie] No client connected for pending server! [16:26:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 8 analytic events [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:27:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:27:41] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-16/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52832] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:27:45] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando Hero_Xiiao. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] Hero_Xiiao, KeiraM, MiniGhost51, SpevenZhen1111, Rip_Humna, Noseda2, HaoChen, Eminemxxx1233, pancake, Peporto1254, Arsatorn, KeiraMoyano, Arikgamepro, Esenu, vazquezmark501, AlexCervigon, Markprrooo, HayvenChen, TechnoSharp1, muai, VazquezMARK501 [16:27:49] [nLogin Pool Thread #42/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Hero_Xiiao has successfully logged in. [16:27:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #76/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:27:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #76/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:27:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:28:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:28:47] [main/INFO]: CONSOLE executed command: /glist [16:28:47] [main/INFO]: [astrobox] (2): davidxd, LuigiSoto [16:28:47] [main/INFO]: [fnaf] (2): DarckSide, tapitaloco [16:28:47] [main/INFO]: [survival] (4): alexcasas, ApelaPato9898, ivansss, potatoxd141 [16:28:47] [main/INFO]: [pokebox] (4): cWarezFinn, LKODEATH20, Owner, X_DEATH_X [16:28:47] [main/INFO]: [gens] (3): DarkGakot100, ItzNexxx, Luifer2022 [16:28:47] [main/INFO]: [lobby2] (1): Franmod [16:28:47] [main/INFO]: [tierra] (9): elguille2009, HayvenChen, Hero_Xiiao, javiervera, koree, mancamsuar, Primo97A, Rip_Humna, Sir_Leywin [16:28:47] [main/INFO]: Total players online: 25 [16:28:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #77/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:28:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #77/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:29:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:29:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55954] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:29:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #78/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:29:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #78/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:29:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:30:03] [nLogin Pool Thread #44/INFO] [nLogin]: The user JjottaA has successfully logged in. [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:30:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:30:40] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-44/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50920] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:30:41] [nLogin Pool Thread #45/INFO] [nLogin]: The user GabrielGamer0813 logged in automatically (premium account) [16:30:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #79/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:30:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #79/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:30:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:31:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-29/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54530] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:31:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-36/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50678] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:31:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:31:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [16:31:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 55ms to execute. [16:31:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-3/INFO]: davidxd executed command: /lobby [16:31:49] [nLogin Pool Thread #45/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Mclovin_04 has successfully logged in. [16:31:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #80/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:31:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #80/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:31:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [16:32:28] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: DarckSide executed command: /hub [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8ca9c3cb-811b-3e25-975b-73083315b05e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4960e628-6a90-3f58-9426-ef5b0c9a901c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:32:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:32:35] [nLogin Pool Thread #3/INFO]: [ytyhrt] disconnected with: You took too long to register. [16:32:35] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-29/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54530|ytyhrt] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:32:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #81/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:32:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #81/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:32:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:33:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-19/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:57484] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8ca9c3cb-811b-3e25-975b-73083315b05e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:33:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:33:35] [nLogin Pool Thread #46/INFO] [nLogin]: The user facuthepro2011 has successfully logged in. [16:33:41] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando Franmod. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] Franmod, FlamaXR, lauta1021, B_CrashingAxis53 [16:33:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #82/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:33:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #82/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:33:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:34:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: DarckSide executed command: /skin TheElivan [16:34:17] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-36/INFO]: [Mclovin_04] disconnected with: Proxy lost connection to server. [16:34:17] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-36/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50678|Mclovin_04] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a080dc8c-35d4-3414-82f5-b1c8beb01d6a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0d85ea63-3100-39f2-b443-ea80cd78731c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:34:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:34:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:64894] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:34:40] [nLogin Pool Thread #47/INFO] [nLogin]: The user LazaGV logged in automatically (premium account) [16:34:49] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando LazaGV. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] LazaGV, alankpo, daxe123banxd, anticristo666, soymessi, MaiteMateos, XiDKO_ [16:34:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #83/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:34:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #83/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:34:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [16:35:13] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-22/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:22422|Franmod] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a080dc8c-35d4-3414-82f5-b1c8beb01d6a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:35:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:35:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #84/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:35:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #84/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:35:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:36:06] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-17/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:57736] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:36:21] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando abby_mgb. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] abby_mgb, mrfenix998, fenix998 [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5872b24f-80b7-34a7-8bf1-1db1213edc8f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a080dc8c-35d4-3414-82f5-b1c8beb01d6a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:36:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:36:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [16:36:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 48ms to execute. [16:36:40] [nLogin Pool Thread #48/INFO] [nLogin]: The user abby_mgb has successfully logged in. [16:36:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-31/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:7459] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:36:45] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando abby_mgb. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] abby_mgb, mrfenix998, fenix998 [16:36:50] [nLogin Pool Thread #49/INFO] [nLogin]: The user fabiancitoxd12 has successfully logged in. [16:36:52] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #85/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:36:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #85/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:36:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [16:36:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55505|ApelaPato9898] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:37:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-5/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:37687] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b9046f4d-de7f-3193-ba33-ea6fab09cf6c that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a080dc8c-35d4-3414-82f5-b1c8beb01d6a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:37:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:37:46] [nLogin Pool Thread #49/INFO] [nLogin]: The user keynermc123 has successfully registered. [16:37:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #86/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:37:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #86/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:37:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [16:37:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: koree executed command: /hub [16:37:57] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando koree. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] koree, angeloxXx12, B_Gatoyu4834, ormax, oraa, koraa [16:37:57] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-27/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50744] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:38:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51934|koree] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:38:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-12/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52044] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:38:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-27/WARN]: Event PostLoginEvent(player=Mclovin_04) took 6,104ms to process! [16:38:04] [nLogin Pool Thread #49/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Bos7366 logged in automatically (premium account) [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8ca9c3cb-811b-3e25-975b-73083315b05e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e1fb8771-0f44-4116-b6ca-850f970dcdf7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a080dc8c-35d4-3414-82f5-b1c8beb01d6a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:38:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:38:43] [nLogin Pool Thread #48/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Mclovin_04 has successfully logged in. [16:38:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #87/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:38:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #87/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:38:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [16:38:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-40/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:1026] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:39:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-12/INFO]: [Bos7366] disconnected with: Proxy lost connection to server. [16:39:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-12/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52044|Bos7366] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:39:05] [nLogin Pool Thread #49/INFO] [nLogin]: The user IMYullianth logged in automatically (premium account) [16:39:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-40/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:1026|IMYullianth] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8ca9c3cb-811b-3e25-975b-73083315b05e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a080dc8c-35d4-3414-82f5-b1c8beb01d6a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:39:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:39:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #88/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:39:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #88/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:39:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [16:40:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-5/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53789] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:40:28] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-5/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53789|elgvomio13] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8ca9c3cb-811b-3e25-975b-73083315b05e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a080dc8c-35d4-3414-82f5-b1c8beb01d6a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:40:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:40:45] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-28/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3762] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:40:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #89/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:40:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #89/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:40:53] [LiteBans-0/INFO]: Eliyandel intentó unirse, pero está baneado (37 días, 21 horas, 18 minutos) [16:40:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [16:41:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-8/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49941] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:41:03] [nLogin Pool Thread #51/INFO] [nLogin]: The user ValtionEz has successfully registered. [16:41:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-28/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3762|ValtionEz] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8ca9c3cb-811b-3e25-975b-73083315b05e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a080dc8c-35d4-3414-82f5-b1c8beb01d6a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:41:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:41:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [16:41:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 53ms to execute. [16:41:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #90/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:41:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #90/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:41:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [16:41:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-8/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:35274] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:42:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-19/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:57484|facuthepro2011] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:42:19] [nLogin Pool Thread #50/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Omar has successfully logged in. [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8ca9c3cb-811b-3e25-975b-73083315b05e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:42:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:42:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #91/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:42:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #91/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:42:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [16:42:57] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-3/INFO]: davidxd executed command: /lobby [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8ca9c3cb-811b-3e25-975b-73083315b05e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5a4932f0-e18c-3292-929a-fad1e0b8128d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:43:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:43:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #92/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:43:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #92/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:44:02] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-3/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:62365|davidxd] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8ca9c3cb-811b-3e25-975b-73083315b05e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:44:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:44:35] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-37/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16825] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:44:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-37/INFO]: [zinexs] disconnected with: SummonCraft Network ¡Has sido baneado de Summoncraft! Baneado el » 2024-03-25 Baneado por » AutoMod Ban id » 75B9EE. Razón » Uso de hacks - e1EfuN Expira en » 59 días, 10 horas, 10 minutos. Si crees que ha sido por error, puedes apelar en nuestro discord https://discord.gg/summoncraft [16:44:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-37/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16825|zinexs] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:44:36] [LiteBans-1/INFO]: zinexs intentó unirse, pero está baneado (59 días, 10 horas, 10 minutos) [16:44:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-27/INFO]: [Mclovin_04] disconnected with: Proxy lost connection to server. [16:44:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-27/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50744|Mclovin_04] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:44:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #93/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:44:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #93/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:44:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16155] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:44:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [zinexs] disconnected with: SummonCraft Network ¡Has sido baneado de Summoncraft! Baneado el » 2024-03-25 Baneado por » AutoMod Ban id » 75B9EE. Razón » Uso de hacks - e1EfuN Expira en » 59 días, 10 horas, 10 minutos. Si crees que ha sido por error, puedes apelar en nuestro discord https://discord.gg/summoncraft [16:44:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16155|zinexs] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:44:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 6 analytic events [16:44:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16477] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:44:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [zinexs] disconnected with: SummonCraft Network ¡Has sido baneado de Summoncraft! Baneado el » 2024-03-25 Baneado por » AutoMod Ban id » 75B9EE. Razón » Uso de hacks - e1EfuN Expira en » 59 días, 10 horas, 10 minutos. Si crees que ha sido por error, puedes apelar en nuestro discord https://discord.gg/summoncraft [16:44:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:16477|zinexs] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:45:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-44/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:17152] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:45:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-44/INFO]: [zinexs] disconnected with: SummonCraft Network ¡Has sido baneado de Summoncraft! Baneado el » 2024-03-25 Baneado por » AutoMod Ban id » 75B9EE. Razón » Uso de hacks - e1EfuN Expira en » 59 días, 10 horas, 10 minutos. Si crees que ha sido por error, puedes apelar en nuestro discord https://discord.gg/summoncraft [16:45:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-44/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:17152|zinexs] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:45:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:45:52] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-43/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51338] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:45:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #94/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:45:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #94/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:45:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 4 analytic events [16:46:03] [nLogin Pool Thread #53/INFO] [nLogin]: The user NEITHANCRAFT1234 logged in automatically (premium account) [16:46:11] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58309] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:46:21] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:62316] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:46:21] [nLogin Pool Thread #54/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Mojachoo22 logged in automatically (premium account) [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found af8d3eb5-1d6f-4b32-a3c5-a7d7583f2b51 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 62cae65f-8930-4050-8c61-5918b5f66392 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3700ef4b-6fb7-3b3f-a07e-2a0003a9e2e3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:46:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:46:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [16:46:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 50ms to execute. [16:46:46] [nLogin Pool Thread #53/INFO] [nLogin]: The user RIP_Muito has successfully logged in. [16:46:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #95/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:46:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #95/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:46:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [16:47:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-45/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53555] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:47:12] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-7/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:59219] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:47:20] [nLogin Pool Thread #54/INFO] [nLogin]: The user facuthepro2011 has successfully logged in. [16:47:23] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:58309|Mojachoo22] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found af8d3eb5-1d6f-4b32-a3c5-a7d7583f2b51 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a080dc8c-35d4-3414-82f5-b1c8beb01d6a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3700ef4b-6fb7-3b3f-a07e-2a0003a9e2e3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:47:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:47:52] [nLogin Pool Thread #55/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Javiforce has successfully registered. [16:47:53] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #96/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:47:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #96/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:47:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [16:48:23] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-45/INFO]: Javiforce executed command: /lobby [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found af8d3eb5-1d6f-4b32-a3c5-a7d7583f2b51 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a080dc8c-35d4-3414-82f5-b1c8beb01d6a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3700ef4b-6fb7-3b3f-a07e-2a0003a9e2e3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:48:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:48:45] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:47114] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:48:49] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando bp_elproxd. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] bp_elproxd, elamigos3000, ElAlejos, Cristofer14 [16:48:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #97/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:48:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #97/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:48:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:49:22] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #0/INFO]: [bp_elproxd] disconnected with: ¡Has iniciado sesión desde otra ubicación! [16:49:22] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:47114|bp_elproxd] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found af8d3eb5-1d6f-4b32-a3c5-a7d7583f2b51 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a080dc8c-35d4-3414-82f5-b1c8beb01d6a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3700ef4b-6fb7-3b3f-a07e-2a0003a9e2e3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:49:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:49:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #98/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:49:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #98/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:49:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:50:28] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:61342] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found af8d3eb5-1d6f-4b32-a3c5-a7d7583f2b51 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a080dc8c-35d4-3414-82f5-b1c8beb01d6a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3700ef4b-6fb7-3b3f-a07e-2a0003a9e2e3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fabc4986-798c-3fac-bd8f-666352c87cc6 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:50:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:50:53] [nLogin Pool Thread #56/INFO] [nLogin]: The user dairon0009 has successfully logged in. [16:50:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #99/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:50:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #99/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:50:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-26/INFO]: [potatoxd141] disconnected with: Proxy lost connection to server. [16:50:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-26/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51802|potatoxd141] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:50:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [16:51:22] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:22055] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:51:31] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-7/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:59219|facuthepro2011] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found af8d3eb5-1d6f-4b32-a3c5-a7d7583f2b51 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3700ef4b-6fb7-3b3f-a07e-2a0003a9e2e3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:51:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:51:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: Disconnected amior, failed advanced-verify bot-check ID:1 [16:51:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [amior] disconnected with: Conexion fallida, reinténtalo en unos segundos! [16:51:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [16:51:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 63ms to execute. [16:51:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-24/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:22035] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:51:50] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-2/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:8723] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:51:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #100/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:51:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #100/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:51:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [16:51:59] [nLogin Pool Thread #57/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Vendo_Taquitos logged in automatically (premium account) [16:52:00] [nLogin Pool Thread #58/INFO] [nLogin]: The user amior has successfully logged in. [16:52:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-2/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:8723|Vendo_Taquitos] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found af8d3eb5-1d6f-4b32-a3c5-a7d7583f2b51 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 981345c3-5d58-3e8b-831a-06ce62ee1508 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3700ef4b-6fb7-3b3f-a07e-2a0003a9e2e3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:52:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:52:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #101/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:52:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #101/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:52:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [16:53:13] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-43/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51338|NEITHANCRAFT1234] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 0f1e2d9f-8c88-3dd4-809d-eb2d55026efe that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 981345c3-5d58-3e8b-831a-06ce62ee1508 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3700ef4b-6fb7-3b3f-a07e-2a0003a9e2e3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:53:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:53:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-7/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53609] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:53:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #102/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:53:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #102/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:53:55] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [Debug (Ignore)] ExploitMonitor> Largest received packet amount/T is now 414/t from RIP_Muito [16:53:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:53:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [RIP_Muito] disconnected with: Flying is not enabled on this server [16:53:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:62316|RIP_Muito] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:54:17] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-24/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:22035|amior] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:54:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:12748|mancamsuar] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:54:33] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-47/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50429] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:54:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:54:45] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando telstin10. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] telstin10, RXsnayderALV, 562rafaeln, LuisM0247, ParenLoMemeGente [16:54:46] [nLogin Pool Thread #57/INFO] [nLogin]: The user telstin10 has successfully logged in. [16:54:54] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #103/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:54:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #103/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:54:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 4 analytic events [16:55:17] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-47/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50429|telstin10] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:55:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:7762] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:55:35] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54679] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:55:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:55:40] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [MILORABIOS0] disconnected with: SummonCraft Network ¡Has sido baneado de Summoncraft! Baneado el » 2024-01-31 Baneado por » _TitoCalderon_ Ban id » B1CF8B. Razón » Refuse ss Expira en » 6 días, 6 horas, 45 minutos. Si crees que ha sido por error, puedes apelar en nuestro discord https://discord.gg/summoncraft [16:55:40] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:7762|MILORABIOS0] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:55:40] [LiteBans-0/INFO]: MILORABIOS0 intentó unirse, pero está baneado (6 días, 6 horas, 45 minutos) [16:55:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-17/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:57736|abby_mgb] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:55:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #104/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:55:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #104/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:55:55] [nLogin Pool Thread #59/INFO]: [ItzTexxt_] disconnected with: You entered the incorrect password. [16:55:55] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54679|ItzTexxt_] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:55:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 6 analytic events [16:55:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-47/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54738] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:56:04] [nLogin Pool Thread #60/INFO] [nLogin]: The user ItzTexxt_ has successfully logged in. [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fb8b3ec0-ca3a-338c-acb1-e7f536ba376d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:56:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:56:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [16:56:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 66ms to execute. [16:56:52] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-29/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50156] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:56:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-29/WARN]: Event PostLoginEvent(player=MariFaSo) took 496ms to process! [16:56:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #105/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:56:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #105/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:56:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [16:57:00] [nLogin Pool Thread #59/INFO] [nLogin]: The user MariFaSo has successfully logged in. [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 82a1a682-f0d8-4aa8-a205-0628ad97c581 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fb8b3ec0-ca3a-338c-acb1-e7f536ba376d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:57:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:57:37] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-44/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50920|GabrielGamer0813] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:57:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #106/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:57:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #106/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:57:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [16:58:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3825] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:58:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54470] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:58:10] [nLogin Pool Thread #60/INFO] [nLogin]: The user _Thepaco_ logged in automatically (premium account) [16:58:11] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-14/ERROR] [net.dv8tion.jda.api.requests.RestAction]: Encountered error while processing success consumer net.dv8tion.jda.api.exceptions.HierarchyException: Can't modify a member with higher or equal highest role than yourself! at net.dv8tion.jda.internal.entities.GuildImpl.checkPosition(GuildImpl.java:1986) ~[?:?] at net.dv8tion.jda.internal.entities.GuildImpl.modifyNickname(GuildImpl.java:1471) ~[?:?] at de.netzkronehd.hitboxutils.bungee.manager.DiscordVerifyManager.setNickname(DiscordVerifyManager.java:171) ~[?:?] at de.netzkronehd.hitboxutils.bungee.manager.DiscordVerifyManager.lambda$updateVerification$3(DiscordVerifyManager.java:142) ~[?:?] at net.dv8tion.jda.api.requests.Request.lambda$onSuccess$0(Request.java:123) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask$RunnableExecuteAction.exec(ForkJoinTask.java:1395) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(ForkJoinTask.java:373) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec(ForkJoinPool.java:1182) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan(ForkJoinPool.java:1655) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(ForkJoinPool.java:1622) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread.run(ForkJoinWorkerThread.java:165) ~[?:?] [16:58:30] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: _Thepaco_ executed command: /hub [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a9d3c754-a70f-307b-89bf-6614b53e8af5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fb8b3ec0-ca3a-338c-acb1-e7f536ba376d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fa246016-2538-3007-a21b-ed09b39c517d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:58:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:58:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #107/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:58:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #107/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:58:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [16:59:13] [nLogin Pool Thread #3/INFO]: [zaicdavid] disconnected with: You took too long to register. [16:59:13] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3825|zaicdavid] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:59:17] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: JjottaA executed command: /hub [16:59:20] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-5/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3802] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:59:33] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-16/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3262] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a9d3c754-a70f-307b-89bf-6614b53e8af5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 73ad4110-9741-3322-80ce-886e2b59eff3 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e91c966a-bd10-3cd1-bee5-8cd001dcd780 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 901208d8-32aa-3e31-9f5f-da8dd46e1cc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found bf938d68-d115-39d1-9913-e2ebb346d42b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fb8b3ec0-ca3a-338c-acb1-e7f536ba376d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found e07dc330-cb9f-34d0-b06c-7bb7282b33c4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fa246016-2538-3007-a21b-ed09b39c517d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [16:59:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [cWarezFinn] disconnected with: El servidor se está reiniciando [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:13785|cWarezFinn] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-4/INFO]: [Owner] disconnected with: El servidor se está reiniciando [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-4/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54266|Owner] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/INFO]: [LKODEATH20] disconnected with: El servidor se está reiniciando [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55994|LKODEATH20] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: [DarckSide] disconnected with: El servidor se está reiniciando [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49755|DarckSide] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-31/INFO]: [fabiancitoxd12] disconnected with: El servidor se está reiniciando [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-31/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:7459|fabiancitoxd12] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [X_DEATH_X] disconnected with: El servidor se está reiniciando [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:61205|X_DEATH_X] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-47/INFO]: [ItzTexxt_] disconnected with: El servidor se está reiniciando [16:59:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-47/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54738|ItzTexxt_] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:59:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-13/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3134] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:59:45] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando Joselilloooo. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] Joselilloooo, ELcanicas, 32423455, 7t67rt, Joselillo, B_ElAntonillo [16:59:47] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [tapitaloco] disconnected with: Server is restarting [16:59:47] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49292|tapitaloco] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:59:47] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-5/INFO]: [keynermc123] disconnected with: Server is restarting [16:59:47] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-5/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:37687|keynermc123] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [16:59:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-36/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:60893] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:59:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-37/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50443] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:59:48] [nLogin Pool Thread #62/INFO] [nLogin]: The user DarckSide logged in automatically (login session) [16:59:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-8/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52273] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:59:52] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-1/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:35070] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:59:53] [nLogin Pool Thread #60/INFO] [nLogin]: The user DETHER2 has successfully logged in. [16:59:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-15/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49734] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:59:53] [nLogin Pool Thread #60/INFO] [nLogin]: The user tapitaloco logged in automatically (login session) [16:59:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #108/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [16:59:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #108/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [16:59:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 17 analytic events [16:59:57] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando abby_mgb. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] abby_mgb, mrfenix998, fenix998 [16:59:57] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando tapitaloco. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] tapitaloco, tapia1982, elfase2, B_benja3113, soulnick12, emaaaaaaaaaaaaa2, emaaa [16:59:58] [nLogin Pool Thread #63/INFO] [nLogin]: The user abby_mgb has successfully logged in. [16:59:58] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-40/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54918] <-> InitialHandler has connected [16:59:58] [nLogin Pool Thread #63/INFO] [nLogin]: The user ItzTexxt_ logged in automatically (login session) [17:00:07] [nLogin Pool Thread #60/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Tomi014TRITON has successfully logged in. [17:00:10] [nLogin Pool Thread #62/WARN] [LiteBans]: Database is slow! Pooled connection took 2.92 seconds to retrieve result from database. [17:00:10] [nLogin Pool Thread #62/WARN]: Event ServerConnectEvent(player=Tomi014TRITON, target=BungeeServerInfo(name=lobby, socketAddress=/**.**.**.**:2001, restricted=false), reason=PLUGIN, request=net.md_5.bungee.api.ServerConnectRequest@4101a562, cancelled=false) took 2,919ms to process! [17:00:11] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-16/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3262|Joselilloooo] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:00:12] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54470|_Thepaco_] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:00:13] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-12/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:14475] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:00:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-12/WARN]: Event PreLoginEvent(cancelled=false, reason=null, connection=[/**.**.**.**:14475|keynermc123] <-> InitialHandler) took 1,541ms to process! [17:00:26] [nLogin Pool Thread #62/INFO] [nLogin]: The user keynermc123 logged in automatically (login session) [17:00:27] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-40/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54918|ItzTexxt_] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a9d3c754-a70f-307b-89bf-6614b53e8af5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:00:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:00:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-27/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:61590] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:00:40] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-27/WARN]: Event PostLoginEvent(player=SpevenZhen1111) took 472ms to process! [17:00:45] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando SpevenZhen1111. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] SpevenZhen1111, MiniGhost51, Rip_Humna, Noseda2, pancake, Eminemxxx1233, Peporto1254, HaoChen, KeiraM, Hero_Xiiao, TechnoSharp1, Arsatorn, KeiraMoyano, muai, Esenu, vazquezmark501, AlexCervigon, VazquezMARK501, Markprrooo, Arikgamepro, HayvenChen [17:00:46] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50522] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:00:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-44/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:19707] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:00:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #109/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:00:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #109/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:00:56] [nLogin Pool Thread #60/INFO] [nLogin]: The user El_samuelito_pro has successfully logged in. [17:00:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 8 analytic events [17:01:00] [nLogin Pool Thread #62/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Cerroby6969 has successfully logged in. [17:01:33] [nLogin Pool Thread #60/INFO] [nLogin]: The user SpevenZhen1111 has successfully logged in. [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found a9d3c754-a70f-307b-89bf-6614b53e8af5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:01:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:01:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [17:01:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 69ms to execute. [17:01:50] [nLogin Pool Thread #3/INFO]: [zaicdavid] disconnected with: You took too long to register. [17:01:50] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-5/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:3802|zaicdavid] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:01:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #110/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:01:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #110/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:01:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [17:02:16] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56592] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:02:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/WARN]: Event PostLoginEvent(player=LKODEATH20) took 8,190ms to process! [17:02:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56592|LKODEATH20] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:02:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/WARN]: [LKODEATH20] No client connected for pending server! [17:02:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52676] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3f477284-97a4-3869-b2bb-bd0b9c2a55b7 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3c99dfc6-f5c6-4575-aa3a-8fe947ab0321 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:02:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:02:39] [nLogin Pool Thread #62/INFO] [nLogin]: The user MrJuanSeCito10 logged in automatically (premium account) [17:02:40] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-1/INFO]: abby_mgb executed command: /lobby [17:02:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #111/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:02:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #111/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:02:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [17:02:58] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-1/INFO]: abby_mgb executed command: /lobby [17:03:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-16/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52832|Hero_Xiiao] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:03:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:64894|LazaGV] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 625abbb5-5f0b-4886-947b-281429473a4e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:03:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:03:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #112/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:03:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #112/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:03:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 625abbb5-5f0b-4886-947b-281429473a4e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e39e08a-fbe4-3184-8537-2f5cde42ebf2 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 1bbd7078-b0be-376d-82c3-0e084e9679b9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:04:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:04:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #113/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:04:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #113/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:05:06] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-36/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:59708] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:05:16] [nLogin Pool Thread #65/INFO] [nLogin]: The user eliloren09 has successfully logged in. [17:05:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-8/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:35960|Rip_Humna] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:05:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-44/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52382|HayvenChen] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5af0b85b-0213-38b3-bed1-fba00a074039 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 625abbb5-5f0b-4886-947b-281429473a4e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:05:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:05:55] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #114/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:05:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #114/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:05:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [17:06:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-37/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:20639] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5af0b85b-0213-38b3-bed1-fba00a074039 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 625abbb5-5f0b-4886-947b-281429473a4e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 31c94e37-fec6-3a85-86ec-666392155ad0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:06:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:06:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-45/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53555|Javiforce] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:06:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [17:06:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 53ms to execute. [17:06:45] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando Shadky. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] Shadky, 44gabriel44, gael, B_Melvinperu187, B_AmbigousDuke68, B_Elfranco57pro, B_Laions7go, B_Franco07Duke2 [17:06:47] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54750] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:06:47] [LuckPerms Pool Thread #153/WARN] [LuckPerms]: LuckPerms already has data for player '_Thepaco_' - but this data is stored under a different UUID. [17:06:47] [LuckPerms Pool Thread #153/WARN] [LuckPerms]: '_Thepaco_' has previously used the unique ids [1a041b21-860b-4310-813d-c6fa5c36dc51] but is now connecting with 'fa246016-2538-3007-a21b-ed09b39c517d' [17:06:47] [LuckPerms Pool Thread #153/WARN] [LuckPerms]: The UUID the player is connecting with now is NOT Mojang-assigned (type 3). This implies that THIS server is not authenticating correctly, but one (or more) of the other servers/proxies in the network are. [17:06:47] [LuckPerms Pool Thread #153/WARN] [LuckPerms]: If you're using BungeeCord/Velocity, please ensure that IP-Forwarding is setup correctly on all of your backend servers! [17:06:47] [LuckPerms Pool Thread #153/WARN] [LuckPerms]: See here for more info: https://luckperms.net/wiki/Network-Installation#pre-setup [17:06:47] [nLogin Pool Thread #67/INFO] [nLogin]: The user _Thepaco_ logged in automatically (premium account) [17:06:48] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-13/ERROR] [net.dv8tion.jda.api.requests.RestAction]: Encountered error while processing success consumer net.dv8tion.jda.api.exceptions.HierarchyException: Can't modify a member with higher or equal highest role than yourself! at net.dv8tion.jda.internal.entities.GuildImpl.checkPosition(GuildImpl.java:1986) ~[?:?] at net.dv8tion.jda.internal.entities.GuildImpl.modifyNickname(GuildImpl.java:1471) ~[?:?] at de.netzkronehd.hitboxutils.bungee.manager.DiscordVerifyManager.setNickname(DiscordVerifyManager.java:171) ~[?:?] at de.netzkronehd.hitboxutils.bungee.manager.DiscordVerifyManager.lambda$updateVerification$3(DiscordVerifyManager.java:142) ~[?:?] at net.dv8tion.jda.api.requests.Request.lambda$onSuccess$0(Request.java:123) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask$RunnableExecuteAction.exec(ForkJoinTask.java:1395) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(ForkJoinTask.java:373) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec(ForkJoinPool.java:1182) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan(ForkJoinPool.java:1655) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(ForkJoinPool.java:1622) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread.run(ForkJoinWorkerThread.java:165) ~[?:?] [17:06:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: _Thepaco_ executed command: /tc [17:06:53] [nLogin Pool Thread #68/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Shadky has successfully logged in. [17:06:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #115/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:06:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #115/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:06:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [17:07:11] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49791] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5af0b85b-0213-38b3-bed1-fba00a074039 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 625abbb5-5f0b-4886-947b-281429473a4e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c07aea39-4cd6-321e-a690-2a2da50771a4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 630bb559-5adf-3d58-885b-013a8b7ef562 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fa246016-2538-3007-a21b-ed09b39c517d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:07:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:07:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: _Thepaco_ executed command: /lpb user Sxntido clear [17:07:42] [LuckPerms Pool Thread #154/INFO] [LuckPerms]: [Messaging] Sending log with id: 735e07b9-81c3-443d-a99b-cd831b8a32d9 [17:07:42] [luckperms-command-executor/INFO]: [LP] LOG > (_Thepaco_@bungee) [U] (sxntido) [17:07:42] [luckperms-command-executor/INFO]: [LP] LOG > clear [17:07:42] [LuckPerms Pool Thread #153/INFO] [LuckPerms]: [Messaging] Sending user ping for 'sxntido' with id: e496ba39-2d9d-4a42-9bae-c2f71ff4e2a7 [17:07:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: _Thepaco_ executed command: /lpb user Sxntido parent set dev [17:07:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #116/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:07:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #116/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:07:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [17:08:10] [nLogin Pool Thread #3/INFO]: [LFTSnapVT] disconnected with: You took too long to login. [17:08:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49791|LFTSnapVT] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5af0b85b-0213-38b3-bed1-fba00a074039 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 625abbb5-5f0b-4886-947b-281429473a4e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c07aea39-4cd6-321e-a690-2a2da50771a4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fa246016-2538-3007-a21b-ed09b39c517d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:08:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:08:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #117/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:08:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #117/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:08:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49541] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:08:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [17:09:07] [nLogin Pool Thread #69/INFO] [nLogin]: The user DI3G0tron has successfully logged in. [17:09:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-18/INFO]: ivansss executed command: /report alexcasas [17:09:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-46/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:47184] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5af0b85b-0213-38b3-bed1-fba00a074039 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 625abbb5-5f0b-4886-947b-281429473a4e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c07aea39-4cd6-321e-a690-2a2da50771a4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 8d795e2d-ba41-3af4-903b-130e868c8001 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fa246016-2538-3007-a21b-ed09b39c517d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3af5981c-2edf-39e9-9dfe-e24f07eb2e7a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:09:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:09:37] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando bp_elproxd. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] bp_elproxd, elamigos3000, ElAlejos, Cristofer14 [17:09:43] [nLogin Pool Thread #70/INFO] [nLogin]: The user bp_elproxd has successfully logged in. [17:09:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #118/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:09:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #118/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:09:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [17:10:13] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-19/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53156|DarkGakot100] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:10:30] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: JjottaA executed command: /hub [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5af0b85b-0213-38b3-bed1-fba00a074039 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 625abbb5-5f0b-4886-947b-281429473a4e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found f2858ab8-8580-3a78-845c-225d18dc285f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6dc427fc-e0fd-3a8f-a6e7-a271e4532504 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c07aea39-4cd6-321e-a690-2a2da50771a4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5adb34b9-3ada-395c-ae98-1d9bd53a0c88 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fa246016-2538-3007-a21b-ed09b39c517d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3af5981c-2edf-39e9-9dfe-e24f07eb2e7a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:10:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:10:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [ItzNexxx] disconnected with: Server is restarting [17:10:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:25132|ItzNexxx] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:10:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-13/INFO]: [Luifer2022] disconnected with: Server is restarting [17:10:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-13/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:52684|Luifer2022] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:10:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [dairon0009] disconnected with: Server is restarting [17:10:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-38/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:61342|dairon0009] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:10:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-35/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54690] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:10:55] [nLogin Pool Thread #69/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Xxx_Isaac_xxX has successfully logged in. [17:10:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #119/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:10:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #119/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:10:57] [LiteBans-1/INFO]: matias1236578 intentó unirse, pero está baneado (59 días, 5 horas, 8 minutos) [17:10:58] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 5 analytic events [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5af0b85b-0213-38b3-bed1-fba00a074039 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 625abbb5-5f0b-4886-947b-281429473a4e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6dc427fc-e0fd-3a8f-a6e7-a271e4532504 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c07aea39-4cd6-321e-a690-2a2da50771a4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e1771b0-447e-31ac-941c-3931e1188ce9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fa246016-2538-3007-a21b-ed09b39c517d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3af5981c-2edf-39e9-9dfe-e24f07eb2e7a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:11:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:11:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [17:11:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 54ms to execute. [17:11:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49830] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:11:55] [LuckPerms Pool Thread #161/WARN] [LuckPerms]: Processing login for Chadito15 took 5414ms. [17:11:56] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #120/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:11:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #120/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:12:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-45/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53720] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:12:08] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-45/WARN]: Event PreLoginEvent(cancelled=false, reason=null, connection=[/**.**.**.**:53720|mika] <-> InitialHandler) took 3,762ms to process! [17:12:08] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/WARN]: Event PostLoginEvent(player=Chadito15) took 5,069ms to process! [17:12:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:33460] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:12:15] [nLogin Pool Thread #73/INFO] [nLogin]: The user ItzNexxx logged in automatically (login session) [17:12:21] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56116] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:12:26] [nLogin Pool Thread #71/INFO] [nLogin]: The user Chadito15 has successfully registered. [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5af0b85b-0213-38b3-bed1-fba00a074039 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 625abbb5-5f0b-4886-947b-281429473a4e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6dc427fc-e0fd-3a8f-a6e7-a271e4532504 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 131db306-1b12-34e1-a175-38c6b1fcd2b5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c07aea39-4cd6-321e-a690-2a2da50771a4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e1771b0-447e-31ac-941c-3931e1188ce9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found df5c0fbb-2da2-3fc0-9cfc-10c93ed416d5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fa246016-2538-3007-a21b-ed09b39c517d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3af5981c-2edf-39e9-9dfe-e24f07eb2e7a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:12:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:12:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #121/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:12:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #121/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:12:58] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [17:13:11] [nLogin Pool Thread #73/INFO] [nLogin]: The user crazyf0ryou has successfully logged in. [17:13:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-25/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53724] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:13:27] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [ItzNexxx] disconnected with: You dropped your items too quickly (Hacking?) [17:13:27] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:33460|ItzNexxx] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:13:30] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-37/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53727] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:13:31] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:36615] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:13:32] [nLogin Pool Thread #71/INFO] [nLogin]: The user ItzNexxx logged in automatically (login session) [17:13:33] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-29/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50156|MariFaSo] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5af0b85b-0213-38b3-bed1-fba00a074039 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 625abbb5-5f0b-4886-947b-281429473a4e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6dc427fc-e0fd-3a8f-a6e7-a271e4532504 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c07aea39-4cd6-321e-a690-2a2da50771a4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e1771b0-447e-31ac-941c-3931e1188ce9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found df5c0fbb-2da2-3fc0-9cfc-10c93ed416d5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 14170fc2-ad3e-3a4e-8f1d-a082b83819f4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fa246016-2538-3007-a21b-ed09b39c517d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3af5981c-2edf-39e9-9dfe-e24f07eb2e7a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:13:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:13:46] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49806] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:13:48] [nLogin Pool Thread #71/INFO]: [mika] disconnected with: To confirm that you are using a premium account, please log in again. [17:13:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-37/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53727|mika] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:13:55] [nLogin Pool Thread #71/INFO]: [LFTSnapVT] disconnected with: You entered the incorrect password. [17:13:55] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-21/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49806|LFTSnapVT] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:13:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #122/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:13:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #122/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:13:58] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 7 analytic events [17:13:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-29/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53735] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:14:11] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-35/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:51265] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:14:30] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-24/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:49819] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:14:31] [nLogin Pool Thread #71/INFO] [nLogin]: The user ChiklisMC has successfully logged in. [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found d7035159-6d5d-35b2-af62-54a4d4701743 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5af0b85b-0213-38b3-bed1-fba00a074039 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 625abbb5-5f0b-4886-947b-281429473a4e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6dc427fc-e0fd-3a8f-a6e7-a271e4532504 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c07aea39-4cd6-321e-a690-2a2da50771a4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e1771b0-447e-31ac-941c-3931e1188ce9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found df5c0fbb-2da2-3fc0-9cfc-10c93ed416d5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 14170fc2-ad3e-3a4e-8f1d-a082b83819f4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fa246016-2538-3007-a21b-ed09b39c517d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3af5981c-2edf-39e9-9dfe-e24f07eb2e7a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:14:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:14:38] [nLogin Pool Thread #73/INFO] [nLogin]: The user LFTSnapVT has successfully logged in. [17:14:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-28/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:15003] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:14:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #123/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:14:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #123/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:14:58] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 2 analytic events [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: De-synced playerS set detected correcting.... [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found d7035159-6d5d-35b2-af62-54a4d4701743 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b17fafe0-bc35-33bc-ab60-55930a0bfeed that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 5af0b85b-0213-38b3-bed1-fba00a074039 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 625abbb5-5f0b-4886-947b-281429473a4e that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2d289ec3-0d2d-32e2-b20f-7f9c19ea5758 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 52eaf554-9737-36da-8e58-2df847d76ee1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6dc427fc-e0fd-3a8f-a6e7-a271e4532504 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c07aea39-4cd6-321e-a690-2a2da50771a4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ecb52a-0104-38ef-9599-0c5c21da102b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 40ccbc63-3c4d-3e5b-9fcf-c20704f0fc18 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 250b8301-7119-319a-9756-0346621843df that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b3764b1c-154e-3cc2-841f-d6b183d268ff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found ae25fa08-3846-3c0e-9bcd-8408df8ca049 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 630bb559-5adf-3d58-885b-013a8b7ef562 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 6e1771b0-447e-31ac-941c-3931e1188ce9 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 2a98cbe2-7c56-336f-9b84-28c9b7535371 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c069bcd1-20bd-339c-a48b-97ba3be3163b that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 448572aa-7b0a-3a10-aa81-fd3160553f60 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found df5c0fbb-2da2-3fc0-9cfc-10c93ed416d5 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 532580e5-8512-3401-a088-ed0f49d8ceff that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found b5497767-4c14-3b4e-8c98-5b3a6df17a13 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 14170fc2-ad3e-3a4e-8f1d-a082b83819f4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 7ebb18a6-c103-3161-9b1f-d80539bcbce1 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found c11cd879-1228-3939-8177-2c275912138f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 4c3e66c5-23b2-3e1e-b680-1d1595fa5dc4 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found fa246016-2538-3007-a21b-ed09b39c517d that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found da39e2cd-86e6-394b-a4b8-5daba19d9369 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 450276dc-4d17-3b4e-b2e2-7426600df6b0 that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 32cfbe3e-406a-3da2-bda8-bd5cd1d8016a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 3af5981c-2edf-39e9-9dfe-e24f07eb2e7a that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/WARN] [RedisBungee]: found 04d574a4-5782-3c14-b3e7-8ca965b9366f that isn't in the set, adding it to the Corrected set [17:15:35] [RedisBungee Pool Thread #2/INFO] [RedisBungee]: Player set has been corrected! [17:15:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #124/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:15:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #124/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:15:58] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [17:16:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50316] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:16:07] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-18/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:54046|ivansss] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:16:09] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando jna09. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] jna09, B_jna092083, arqueameesta, B_SlinkClaw94285, B_POLLOS3002, conName, sinName [17:16:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-10/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50342] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:16:18] [nLogin Pool Thread #73/INFO] [nLogin]: The user jna09 has successfully logged in. [17:16:28] [nLogin Pool Thread #74/INFO] [nLogin]: The user paulitapt has successfully logged in. [17:16:30] [nLogin Pool Thread #3/INFO]: [TuPapiRiko21] disconnected with: You took too long to register. [17:16:30] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-28/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:15003|TuPapiRiko21] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:16:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: _Thepaco_ executed command: /server lobby [17:16:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [17:16:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 51ms to execute. [17:16:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55063] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:16:47] [nLogin Pool Thread #73/INFO] [nLogin]: The user h1f_ logged in automatically (premium account) [17:16:55] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-12/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:14475|keynermc123] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:16:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #125/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:16:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #125/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:16:58] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 6 analytic events [17:16:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: h1f_ executed command: /history MANQUITOPLEIER [17:17:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-14/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53747] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:17:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-14/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53751] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:17:20] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: h1f_ executed command: /warn -s MANQUITOPLEIER 10m Flood/Spam [17:17:20] [LiteBans-0/INFO]: [Silent] h1f_ ha advertido a MANQUITOPLEIER. Razón: '10m Flood/Spam' [17:17:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-11/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50522|El_samuelito_pro] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:17:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:9220] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:17:27] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/WARN]: Event PreLoginEvent(cancelled=false, reason=null, connection=[/**.**.**.**:9220|EnelXD123] <-> InitialHandler) took 840ms to process! [17:17:27] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: h1f_ executed command: /unwarn [17:17:28] [nLogin Pool Thread #73/INFO] [nLogin]: The user EnelXD123 logged in automatically (premium account) [17:17:30] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: h1f_ executed command: /unwarn MANQUITOPLEIER [17:17:35] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: h1f_ executed command: /unwarn MANQUITOPLEIER Sancion mal dada [17:17:35] [LiteBans-0/INFO]: h1f_ ha des-advertido MANQUITOPLEIER [17:17:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: h1f_ executed command: /mute -s MANQUITOPLEIER 10m Flood/Spam [17:17:43] [LiteBans-0/INFO]: [Silent] h1f_ tempmuted MANQUITOPLEIER for 10 minutos for 'Flood/Spam' [17:17:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #126/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:17:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #126/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:17:58] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [17:18:20] [nLogin Pool Thread #3/INFO]: [mika] disconnected with: You took too long to register. [17:18:20] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-14/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53751|mika] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:18:22] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: EnelXD123 executed command: /lobby [17:18:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #127/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:18:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #127/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:18:58] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 1 analytic events [17:19:16] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53757] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:19:17] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-36/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:59708|eliloren09] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:19:20] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-32/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:59799] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:19:21] [nLogin Pool Thread #75/INFO] [nLogin]: The user eliloren09 logged in automatically (login session) [17:19:40] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [alexcasas] disconnected with: Proxy lost connection to server. [17:19:40] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50277|alexcasas] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:19:45] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-46/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50473] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:19:53] [nLogin Pool Thread #76/INFO] [nLogin]: The user alexcasas has successfully logged in. [17:19:57] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-14/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53770] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:19:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #128/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:19:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #128/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:19:59] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 5 analytic events [17:20:02] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-20/INFO]: EnelXD123 executed command: /lobby 1 [17:20:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-7/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50968] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:20:41] [LiteBans Pool Thread #1/INFO]: Escaneando sebaelcapo123. [Conectados] [Desconectados] [Baneados] [IPBan] sebaelcapo123, culeaabuelas3000 [17:20:45] [nLogin Pool Thread #76/INFO] [nLogin]: The user sebaelcapo123 has successfully logged in. [17:20:47] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [crazyf0ryou] disconnected with: NativeIoException : recvAddress(..) failed: Connection reset by peer [17:20:47] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56116|crazyf0ryou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:20:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: h1f_ executed command: /punish ban [17:20:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: h1f_ executed command: /punish ba [17:20:57] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-7/INFO]: [sebaelcapo123] disconnected with: Proxy lost connection to server. [17:20:57] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-7/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:50968|sebaelcapo123] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:20:57] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #129/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:20:58] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #129/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:20:59] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 3 analytic events [17:21:05] [nLogin Pool Thread #3/INFO]: [mika] disconnected with: You took too long to register. [17:21:05] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-14/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53770|mika] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:21:06] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: h1f_ executed command: /punish ban sebaelcapo123 Ban evading [17:21:07] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-43/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55128] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:21:12] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-18/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:56564] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:21:12] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [h1f_] disconnected with: multiplayer.disconnect.chat_validation_failed [17:21:12] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-23/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:55063|h1f_] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:21:13] [nLogin Pool Thread #75/INFO] [nLogin]: The user crazyf0ryou logged in automatically (login session) [17:21:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-48/INFO]: _Thepaco_ executed command: /tc [17:21:23] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-15/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:64564] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:21:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-9/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:53774] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:21:35] [nLogin Pool Thread #76/INFO]: [masapan0098] disconnected with: You entered the incorrect password. [17:21:35] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-15/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:64564|masapan0098] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:21:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:59190] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:21:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Running garbage collector... [17:21:40] [Timer-2/INFO] [GarbagCollector-Bungee]: Garbage collector took 54ms to execute. [17:21:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: Disconnected VictotiPro, failed advanced-verify bot-check ID:7 [17:21:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [VictotiPro] disconnected with: Conexion fallida, reinténtalo en unos segundos! [17:21:58] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #130/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetching all due players... [17:21:58] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #130/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Fetched due players (23 found). [17:21:58] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:64570] <-> InitialHandler has connected [17:21:59] [BuycraftX Pool Thread #4/INFO] [BuycraftX]: Sending 8 analytic events [17:22:27] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-34/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:64570|masapan0098] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected [17:22:32] [epollEventLoopGroup-3-33/INFO]: [/**.**.**.**:14943] <-> InitialHandler has connected