Date: Fri Jul 14 22:51:34 CEST 2023 Version: 1.3 Config: repository-url: token: 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 branch: mineTest webhook-port: 8080 webhook-path: minecicd enable-whitelist-filetypes: false whitelist-filetypes: [.yml, .txt, .json, .properties, .png, .jar] enable-blacklist-filetypes: false blacklist-filetypes: [.dat] enable-whitelist-paths: false whitelist-paths: [/plugins/Denizen/scripts/, /plugins/BetonQuest/QuestPackages/, /plugins/BetonQuest/QuestTemplates/] enable-blacklist-paths: false blacklist-paths: [/] allow-commands: false allow-scripts: false allow-individual-reload: false allow-global-reload: false allow-restart: false bossbar-command-title: MineCICD: Processing command (Git {action})... bossbar-command-color: YELLOW bossbar-webhook-title: MineCICD: Processing Webhook... bossbar-webhook-color: YELLOW tab-completion: true bossbar: false Messages: # Configuration for messages sent when commands / events are processed # Messages CAN be formatted using the MiniMessage format (see # They CAN also contain & color codes (see prefix: "&7[&aMine&bCI&dCD&7] &r" no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command." busy: "&cThe plugin is currently processing another command." pull-usage: "&cInvalid arguments. Usage: /{label} pull" pull-failed: "&cError pulling repo: {error}" pull-success: "&aAll changes have been pulled successfully." pull-no-changes: "&aNo changes to pull." push-usage: "&cInvalid arguments. Usage: /{label} push " push-failed: "&cError pushing repo: {error}" push-success: "&Repo pushed successfully, {changes} file(s) changed." reload-usage: "&cInvalid arguments. Usage: /{label} reload" reload-failed: "&cError checking out branch: {error}\n{prefix}&cYou might still be able to continue using the plugin." reload-success: "&aConfiguration, messages, and caches reloaded successfully." add-usage: "&cInvalid arguments. Usage: /{label} add (trailing slash is required for directories)" add-failed: "&cError adding file(s): {error}" add-success: "&aAdded {amount} file(s) successfully." remove-usage: "&cInvalid arguments. Usage: /{label} remove (trailing slash is required for directories)" remove-failed: "&cError removing file(s): {error}" remove-success: "&aRemoved {amount} file(s) successfully." clone-usage: "&cInvalid arguments. Usage: /{label} clone" clone-failed: "&cError cloning repo: {error}" clone-success: "&aCloned repo successfully." status-usage: "&cInvalid arguments. Usage: /{label} status" status-message: "&aMine&bCI&dCD &ais operating on branch {branch}\n&aRepository is {repository}\n&aLast commit: {lastCommit}" reset-usage: "&cInvalid arguments. Usage: /{label} reset " reset-failed: "&cError resetting: {error}" reset-success: "&aReset successfully." rollback-usage: "&cInvalid arguments. Usage: /{label} rollback " rollback-invalid-date: "&cInvalid date format. Usage: /{label} rollback " rollback-future-date: "&cInvalid date (Is in future). Usage: /{label} rollback " rollback-failed: "&cError rolling back: {error}" rollback-success: "&aRolled back successfully." revert-usage: "&cInvalid arguments. Usage: /{label} revert " revert-failed: "&cError reverting: {error}" revert-success: "&aReverted successfully." log-usage: "&cInvalid arguments. Usage: /{label} log " log-invalid-page-high: "&cInvalid page number. Max page number is {maxPage}" log-invalid-page-low: "&cInvalid page number. Min page number is 1" log-header: "&7===== &aMine&bCI&dCD &7log (&a{page} &7/ &a{maxPage}&7) =====" log-line: "{revisionShort} on {date}: {message}" log-end: "&7===== End of log =====" log-end-previous: "<- ({previousPage}) " log-end-first: "<- (Beginning)" log-end-next: "({nextPage}) ->" log-end-last: "(End) ->" log-end-paged: "&7===== &r{left} &7| &r{right} &7=====" mute-usage: "&cInvalid arguments. Usage: /{label} mute " mute-not-player: "&cYou must be a player to use this command." mute-enabled: "&aSuccessfully muted Mine&bCI&dCD&a notifications and BossBars." mute-disabled: "&aSuccessfully unmuted Mine&bCI&dCD&a notifications and BossBars." script-usage: "&cInvalid arguments. Usage: /{label} script