# Config by Zyro Studio # https://twitter.com/zyrostudio # ==================================== # # Theme: Pink (#FF39EB) header-footer: enabled: true header: - ' ' - <#FF39EB>ʏᴏᴜʀѕᴇʀᴠᴇʀɴᴀᴍᴇ - '&7ᴘɪɴɢ: &f%player_ping% &7| ᴛᴘѕ: &f%server_tps_1%' - ' ' footer: - ' ' - '%animation:tabAbove%' - '' - '%animation:tabLine1%' - '%animation:tabLine2%' - ' ' - '%animation:tabBelow%' disable-condition: '%world%=disabledworld' per-world: world1: header: - an example of world with custom footer: - header/footer and prefix/suffix world2;world3: header: - This is a shared header for - world2 and world3 per-server: server1: header: - an example of server with custom header tablist-name-formatting: enabled: true anti-override: true disable-condition: '%world%=disabledworld' scoreboard-teams: enabled: true enable-collision: true invisible-nametags: false anti-override: true sorting-types: - GROUPS:owner,admin,mod,helper,builder,vip,default - PLACEHOLDER_A_TO_Z:%player% case-sensitive-sorting: true can-see-friendly-invisibles: false disable-condition: '%world%=disabledworld' unlimited-nametag-mode: enabled: false disable-on-boats: true disable-condition: '%world%=disabledworld' dynamic-lines: - abovename - nametag - belowname - another static-lines: myCustomLine: 0.66 playerlist-objective: enabled: true value: '%ping%' fancy-value: '&7Ping: %ping%' disable-condition: '%world%=disabledworld' belowname-objective: enabled: false number: '%health%' text: '&cHealth' fancy-display-players: '&c%health%' fancy-display-default: NPC disable-condition: '%world%=disabledworld' prevent-spectator-effect: enabled: false bossbar: enabled: false toggle-command: /bossbar remember-toggle-choice: false hidden-by-default: false bars: ServerInfo: style: PROGRESS color: '%animation:barcolors%' progress: '100' text: '&fWebsite: &bwww.domain.com' scoreboard: enabled: false toggle-command: /sb remember-toggle-choice: false hidden-by-default: false use-numbers: false static-number: 0 delay-on-join-milliseconds: 0 respect-other-plugins: true scoreboards: scoreboard: title: <#FF39EB>ʏᴏᴜʀѕᴇʀᴠᴇʀɴᴀᴍᴇ lines: - '&7⌚ %server_time_kk:mm% | %server_time_dd/MM%' - '' - <#FF39EB>%player_name% - ' <#FF39EB>| &fʙᴀʟᴀɴᴄᴇ: &a$%vault_eco_balance_formatted%' - ' <#FF39EB>| &fᴋɪʟʟѕ: &c%statistic_player_kills%' - ' <#FF39EB>| &fᴅᴇᴀᴛʜѕ: &4%statistic_deaths%' - ' <#FF39EB>| &fᴡᴏʀʟᴅ: &e%player_world%' - '' - <#FF39EB>Server Name - ' <#FF39EB>| &fᴏɴʟɪɴᴇ: %server_online%/%server_max_players%' - ' <#FF39EB>| &fᴊᴏɪɴѕ: %server_unique_joins%' - ' ' - '&7ᴘʟᴀʏᴇʀ.ѕᴇʀᴠᴇʀ' layout: enabled: false direction: COLUMNS default-skin: mineskin:1753261242 enable-remaining-players-text: true remaining-players-text: '... and %s more' empty-slot-ping-value: 1000 layouts: default: fixed-slots: - '1|&3Website&f:' - 2|&bmyserver.net - '3|&8&m ' - '4|&3Name&f:' - 5|&b%player% - '7|&3Rank&f:' - '8|Rank: %group%' - '10|&3World&f:' - 11|&b%world% - '13|&3Time&f:' - 14|&b%time% - '21|&3Teamspeak&f:' - 22|&bts.myserver.net - '23|&8&m ' - '41|&3Store&f:' - 42|&bshop.myserver.net - '43|&8&m ' groups: staff: condition: permission:tab.staff slots: - 24-40 players: slots: - 44-80 ping-spoof: enabled: false value: 0 placeholders: TwitchStatus: '%twitchstatus_live_status%' time-format: '[HH:mm:ss / h:mm a]' time-offset: 0 register-tab-expansion: true date-format: dd.MM.yyyy placeholder-output-replacements: '%essentials_vanished%': 'yes': '&7| Vanished' 'no': '' '%essentials_nickname%': '%essentials_nickname%': '%player%' conditions: nick: conditions: - '%player%=%essentials_nickname%' true: '%player%' false: ~%essentials_nickname% placeholderapi-refresh-intervals: default-refresh-interval: 500 '%server_uptime%': 1000 '%server_tps_1_colored%': 1000 '%server_unique_joins%': 5000 '%player_health%': 200 '%player_ping%': 1000 '%vault_prefix%': 1000 '%rel_factionsuuid_relation_color%': 1000 assign-groups-by-permissions: false primary-group-finding-list: - Owner - Admin - Mod - Helper - default debug: false mysql: enabled: false host: port: 3306 database: tab username: user password: password per-world-playerlist: enabled: false allow-bypass-permission: false ignore-effect-in-worlds: - ignoredworld - build shared-playerlist-world-groups: lobby: - lobby1 - lobby2 minigames: - paintball - bedwars global-playerlist: enabled: false display-others-as-spectators: false display-vanished-players-as-spectators: true isolate-unlisted-servers: false spy-servers: - spyserver1 - spyserver2 server-groups: lobbies: - lobby1 - lobby2 group2: - server1 - server2 use-bukkit-permissions-manager: false use-online-uuid-in-tablist: true permission-refresh-interval: 1000