NO LOG FILE! - setting up server logging... [2022-06-27 10:36:14:669 INFO] Starting Server [2022-06-27 10:36:14:669 INFO] Version [2022-06-27 10:36:14:669 INFO] Session ID 77a9226f-6316-4da0-84fe-60e285b4bad6 [2022-06-27 10:36:14:670 INFO] Level Name: world [2022-06-27 10:36:14:756 WARN] 'whitelist.json' will be deprecated. Please migrate to 'allowlist.json'. [2022-06-27 10:36:14:764 INFO] Game mode: 0 Survival [2022-06-27 10:36:14:764 INFO] Difficulty: 2 NORMAL [2022-06-27 10:36:17:719 INFO] Experiment(s) active: wld_, spct, VE__, ddi_, biom, ucft, gtst, mola, CnC_, scpt [2022-06-27 10:36:17:720 INFO] opening worlds/world/db [2022-06-27 10:36:44:609 INFO] IPv4 supported, port: 30544 [2022-06-27 10:36:44:609 INFO] IPv6 not supported [2022-06-27 10:40:21:242 INFO] Server started. [2022-06-27 10:40:21:292 INFO] ================ TELEMETRY MESSAGE =================== [2022-06-27 10:40:21:292 INFO] Server Telemetry is currently not enabled. [2022-06-27 10:40:21:293 INFO] Enabling this telemetry helps us improve the game. [2022-06-27 10:40:21:293 INFO] [2022-06-27 10:40:21:293 INFO] To enable this feature, add the line 'emit-server-telemetry=true' [2022-06-27 10:40:21:293 INFO] to the file in the handheld/src-server directory [2022-06-27 10:40:21:293 INFO] ====================================================== [2022-06-27 10:40:34:172 INFO] IPv4 supported, port: 19132 [2022-06-27 10:40:34:172 INFO] IPv6 not supported [2022-06-27 10:41:23:744 INFO] Player connected: Jame641232, xuid: 2535411435785888 [2022-06-27 10:44:17:891 INFO] Player disconnected: Jame641232, xuid: 2535411435785888 [2022-06-27 10:46:29:552 INFO] Player connected: Jame641232, xuid: 2535411435785888 [2022-06-27 10:48:57:839 INFO] Player disconnected: Jame641232, xuid: 2535411435785888 [2022-06-27 10:51:21:592 INFO] Server stop requested. [2022-06-27 10:51:21:619 INFO] Stopping server... Quit correctly