########################################################### # WANDERING COLLECTOR # # # # This configuration file is used to customize the # # Wandering Collector plugin. Adjust the settings below # # to change which items can be traded, set item limits, # # configure trade counts, pricing (with tiered pricing), # # and more. # ########################################################### items: # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Whitelist: Only items listed here will be available for trade. # Add or remove items as needed. Custom items from other plugins # (such as ItemsAdder or Oraxen) can be specified using namespaces. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- whitelist_items: - 'DIAMOND' - 'DIAMOND_SWORD' - 'DIAMOND_AXE' - 'DIAMOND_BLOCK' - 'DIAMOND_BOOTS' - 'DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE' - 'DIAMOND_HELMET' - 'DIAMOND_HOE' - 'DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR' - 'DIAMOND_LEGGINGS' - 'DIAMOND_ORE' - 'DIAMOND_PICKAXE' - 'DIAMOND_SHOVEL' - 'NETHERITE_BLOCK' - 'NETHERITE_INGOT' - 'NETHERITE_SCRAP' - 'NETHERITE_AXE' - 'NETHERITE_HELMET' - 'NETHERITE_SWORD' - 'NETHER_STAR' - 'IRON_AXE' - 'IRON_BLOCK' - 'IRON_BOOTS' - 'IRON_CHESTPLATE' - 'IRON_HELMET' - 'IRON_INGOT' - 'IRON_LEGGINGS' - 'IRON_ORE' - 'IRON_PICKAXE' - 'IRON_SHOVEL' - 'CHAINMAIL_BOOTS' - 'CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE' - 'CHAINMAIL_HELMET' - 'CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS' - 'POTION' - 'SPLASH_POTION' - 'ENCHANTED_BOOK' - 'EMERALD_ORE' - 'EMERALD_BLOCK' - 'EMERALD' - 'ELYTRA' - 'ENCHANTED_GOLDEN_APPLE' - 'FIREWORK_ROCKET' - 'FISHING_ROD' - 'GOLD_BLOCK' - 'GLOWSTONE' - 'GOLD_INGOT' - 'GOLDEN_APPLE' - 'GOLDEN_AXE' - 'GOLDEN_BOOTS' - 'GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE' - 'GOLDEN_HELMET' - 'GOLDEN_LEGGINGS' - 'GOLDEN_PICKAXE' - 'LIGHT' - 'LAPIS_BLOCK' - 'LAPIS_LAZULI' - 'LAPIS_ORE' - 'DEEPSLATE_LAPIS_ORE' - 'DEEPSLATE_IRON_ORE' - 'DEEPSLATE_GOLD_ORE' - 'DEEPSLATE_EMERALD_ORE' - 'DEEPSLATE_DIAMOND_ORE' - 'COD' - 'COOKIE' - 'CAKE' - 'CONDUIT' - 'COAL_BLOCK' - 'COOKED_BEEF' - 'BLUE_ICE' - 'BEACON' - 'ANCIENT_DEBRIS' - 'AMETHYST_SHARD' - 'AMETHYST_BLOCK' - 'DRAGON_BREATH' - 'TRIPWIRE_HOOK' - 'TRIDENT' - 'NAUTILUS_SHELL' - 'WOLF_SPAWN_EGG' - 'FOX_SPAWN_EGG' - 'BOW' - 'CROSSBOW' - 'BEDROCK' - 'WHITE_BANNER' - 'BLACK_BANNER' - 'ORANGE_BANNER' - 'WRITTEN_BOOK' - 'PAPER' - 'COOKED_BEEF' - 'BROWN_DYE' - 'BAKED_POTATO' - 'GUNPOWDER' - 'QUARTZ' - 'BROWN_DYE' - 'BLAZE_ROD' # - 'namespace:custom_sword' # Example: Custom item via ItemsAdder or Oraxen # - 'another_namespace:another_custom_item' ########################################################### # ITEM LIMITS # # Configure the maximum number of each item allowed in the # # database. The "default" limit applies to any item not # # explicitly listed below. Adjust these values based on your# # server's needs to prevent database bloat. # ########################################################### item_limits: default: 200 # Default maximum for any item not explicitly listed. BLAZE_ROD: 100 BROWN_DYE: 100 CROSSBOW: 100 DIAMOND: 50 # Add additional item limits here if needed. ########################################################### # TRADE SETTINGS # # These settings determine how wandering traders generate # # trades. You can set the number of trades, as well as the # # pricing logic which includes tiered pricing and a fallback # # default pricing range. # ########################################################### trade_settings: # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Trade Count: The wandering trader will offer a random number of # trades between these two values every time they spawn. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- trade_count: min: 7 max: 22 price: # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tiered Pricing: When 'use_tiers' is true, the plugin will use the # defined tiers to set trade prices. Each tier specifies a price range # and a list of items that belong to that tier. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- use_tiers: false tiers: # High Tier: For high-value items. Adjust the min/max values as needed. high: enabled: false # Set to false to disable this tier. min: 30 # Minimum price for items in this tier. max: 45 # Maximum price for items in this tier. items: - DIAMOND - NETHERITE_BLOCK - NETHERITE_INGOT # Medium Tier: For mid-value items. medium: enabled: false # Enable or disable this pricing tier. min: 20 # Minimum price for items in this tier. max: 29 # Maximum price for items in this tier. items: - IRON_INGOT - GOLD_INGOT - EMERALD # Low Tier: For lower value or common items. low: enabled: false # Set to false to skip this tier. min: 10 # Minimum price for items in this tier. max: 15 # Maximum price for items in this tier. items: - DIRT - GRASS_BLOCK - COAL # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default Pricing: If an item does not match any enabled tier, or if # tiered pricing is disabled, this range is used as a fallback. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- default: min: 5 max: 45 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Currency Item: Defines the item used as the currency for trades. # The plugin will use the specified material and, if enabled, will add # custom name and lore to the item. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- item: check_material_only: true # If true, only the material is checked (ignores metadata). material: DRAGON_BREATH # The material used as currency. name: '&d&lSoul' # Custom display name for the currency item. lore: - '&6This is the soul of banned players!' - '&6Use it for trades at &4&l/spawn!' ########################################################### # ONE-TIME TRADES # # When enabled, items will be removed from the database # # after they are traded. Note: This does not affect items # # already offered by spawned traders. # ########################################################### one_time_trades: enabled: false # Set to true to enable one-time trades. ########################################################### # TRADER EGG # # This section defines the properties of the trader egg, # # which is used to spawn the Wandering Collector. Customize # # the appearance (name, lore, enchantments) as desired. # ########################################################### trader_egg: enchanted: true # If true, the egg will have a glowing enchantment. name: '&dWondering Collector' # The display name for the trader egg. lore: - '&7Spawn me!' - '&7Find lost items from players!'