[20:35:15] [ServerMain/INFO]: Environment: Environment[accountsHost=https://api.mojang.com, sessionHost=https://sessionserver.mojang.com, servicesHost=https://api.minecraftservices.com, name=PROD] [20:35:16] [ServerMain/INFO]: Loaded 1174 recipes [20:35:16] [ServerMain/INFO]: Loaded 1271 advancements [20:35:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.20.2 [20:35:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties [20:35:16] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running Paper version git-Paper-318 (MC: 1.20.2) (Implementing API version 1.20.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 9271ee7) [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [20:35:17] [Server thread/WARN]: [!] The timings profiler has been enabled but has been scheduled for removal from Paper in the future. We recommend installing the spark profiler as a replacement: https://spark.lucko.me/ For more information please visit: https://github.com/PaperMC/Paper/issues/8948 [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system is using 1 I/O threads, 1 worker threads, and gen parallelism of 1 threads [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Paper: Using libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression from Velocity. [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Paper: Using OpenSSL 1.1.x (Linux x86_64) cipher from Velocity. [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [ItemsAdder] Loading 1 libraries... please wait [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [ItemsAdder] Loaded library /home/********/libraries/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpmime/4.5.14/httpmime-4.5.14.jar [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [ItemsAdder] Loaded library /home/********/libraries/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.5.14/httpclient-4.5.14.jar [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [ItemsAdder] Loaded library /home/********/libraries/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpcore/4.4.16/httpcore-4.4.16.jar [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [ItemsAdder] Loaded library /home/********/libraries/commons-logging/commons-logging/1.2/commons-logging-1.2.jar [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [ItemsAdder] Loaded library /home/********/libraries/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.11/commons-codec-1.11.jar [20:35:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] Initializing eco [20:35:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoItems] Initializing EcoItems [20:35:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] NMS Version: v1_20_R2 [20:35:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [me.wolfyscript.lib.org.reflections.Reflections] Reflections took 117 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 915 keys and 3672 values [20:35:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register Default StackIdentifiers [20:35:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Initializing EcoEnchants [20:35:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoArmor] Initializing EcoArmor [20:35:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoSkills] Initializing EcoSkills [20:35:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoBosses] Initializing EcoBosses [20:35:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] NMS Version: v1_20_R2 [20:35:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [Reforges] Initializing Reforges [20:35:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [Talismans] Initializing Talismans [20:35:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [StatTrackers] Initializing StatTrackers [20:35:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems] loading ankh-invoke [20:35:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems] ankh-invoke loaded [20:35:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems-1.16.20.jar] Downloading library org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:@kotlin_version@ (transitive) [20:35:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems-1.16.20.jar] Downloading library org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:@kotlin_version@ (transitive) [20:35:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems-1.16.20.jar] Downloading library org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:@kotlin_version@ (transitive) [20:35:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems-1.16.20.jar] Loading library org.yaml:snakeyaml:2.2 [20:35:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems-1.16.20.jar] Loading library com.typesafe:config:1.4.3 [20:35:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems-1.16.20.jar] Loading library com.electronwill.night-config:core:3.6.7 [20:35:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems-1.16.20.jar] Loading library com.electronwill.night-config:toml:3.6.7 [20:35:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems-1.16.20.jar] Loading library com.electronwill.night-config:json:3.6.7 [20:35:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems-1.16.20.jar] Loading library com.typesafe:config:1.4.2 [20:35:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems-1.16.20.jar] Loading library com.electronwill.night-config:hocon:3.6.7 [20:35:28] [Server thread/WARN]: [org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.legacy.CraftLegacy] Initializing Legacy Material Support. Unless you have legacy plugins and/or data this is a bug! [20:35:29] [Server thread/WARN]: Legacy plugin EnchantExtension vALPHA-1.0 does not specify an api-version. [20:35:29] [Server thread/INFO]: UnstripLog is using the latest implementation (last tested for v1_20_R1). [20:35:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoBits] Initializing EcoBits [20:35:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Actions] Initializing Actions [20:35:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoShop] Initializing EcoShop [20:35:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoPets] Initializing EcoPets [20:35:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [Boosters] Initializing Boosters [20:35:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [RarityDisplay] Initializing RarityDisplay [20:35:33] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemEffects] Initializing ItemEffects [20:35:34] [Server thread/INFO]: REGISTERING ARG PARSER [20:35:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [RoseLoot] Loading 1 libraries... please wait [20:35:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [RoseLoot] Loaded library /home/********/libraries/org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc/**.**.**.**/sqlite-jdbc- [20:35:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoQuests] Initializing EcoQuests [20:35:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [Vouchers] Loading 1 libraries... please wait [20:35:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [Vouchers] Loaded library /home/********/libraries/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.8.6/gson-2.8.6.jar [20:35:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Loading server plugin ProtocolLib v5.2.0-SNAPSHOT-679 [20:35:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] Loading server plugin RoyaleEconomy v2.3.7 [20:35:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading server plugin LuckPerms v5.4.119 [20:35:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Loading server plugin Vault v1.7.3-b131 [20:35:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [FastAsyncWorldEdit] Loading server plugin FastAsyncWorldEdit v2.9.1-SNAPSHOT-660;f94b96d [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@17af6c7b] [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Loading server plugin PlaceholderAPI v2.11.4 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading server plugin WorldGuard v7.0.9+5934e49 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Loading server plugin Multiverse-Core v4.3.1-b861 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Loading server plugin HolographicDisplays v3.0.4 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [LoneLibs] Loading server plugin LoneLibs v1.0.45 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loading server plugin Essentials v2.21.0-dev+56-1929d41 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading server plugin MythicMobs v5.5.1-9aedaa15 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [LumineUtils] (io.lumine.mythic.bukkit.utils.) is bound to plugin MythicMobs - io.lumine.mythic.bukkit.MythicBukkit [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] §4M§6y§6t§6h§2i§2c§2 §3E§3n§1a§1b§1l§5e§5d§4! [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] Loading server plugin ItemsAdder v3.6.3-beta-13 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] Loading server plugin DeluxeMenus v1.14.0-DEV-168 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] NMS hook has been setup successfully! [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] Loading server plugin eco v6.69.0 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoItems] Loading server plugin EcoItems v5.42.5 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] Initializing libreforge [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] Loading server plugin libreforge v4.56.5 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Loading server plugin WolfyUtilities v4.16.15-beta.11 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register JSON de-/serializers [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register JSON Operators [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register JSON Value Providers [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register CustomItem NBT Checks [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register CustomItem Actions [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register CustomItem Events [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register Particle Animators [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register Particle Shapes [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register Particle Timers [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register Custom Block Data [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register Custom Player Data [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register NBT Query Nodes [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Loading server plugin EcoEnchants v12.3.5 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoArmor] Loading server plugin EcoArmor v8.55.5 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoSkills] Loading server plugin EcoSkills v3.44.5 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoBosses] Loading server plugin EcoBosses v9.50.0 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Loading server plugin CustomCrafting v4.16.8.5 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] WolfyUtils API: v4.16.15.0 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] CustomCrafting: v4.16.8.5 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Environment : PROD [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Registering CustomItem Data [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Registering Custom Block Data [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Registering Result Extensions [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Registering Result Merge Adapters [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Registering Recipe Conditions [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Registering Recipe Types [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Registering Anvil Recipe Tasks [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Registering Type Registries [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [Reforges] Loading server plugin Reforges v6.55.5 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [Talismans] Loading server plugin Talismans v6.54.5 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Loading server plugin EssentialsChat v2.21.0-dev+56-1929d41 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperVanish] Loading server plugin SuperVanish v6.2.18 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading server plugin BeastLib v1.4 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] Loading server plugin NBTAPI v2.12.2 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Found Spigot: v1_20_R2! Trying to find NMS support [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] NMS support 'MC1_20_R2' loaded! [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Using the plugin 'NBTAPI' to create a bStats instance! [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [StatTrackers] Loading server plugin StatTrackers v6.15.5 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Loading server plugin CoreProtect v22.2 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems] Loading server plugin NeigeItems v1.16.20 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [LM_Items] Loading server plugin LM_Items v1.2.11 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantExtension] Loading server plugin EnchantExtension vALPHA-1.0 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [InteractiveChat] Loading server plugin InteractiveChat v4.2.9.0 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedBan] Loading server plugin AdvancedBan v2.3.0 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [UnstripLog] Loading server plugin UnstripLog v1.9.0 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentLock] Loading server plugin EnchantmentLock vMC-1.16.1 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [GrimAC] Loading server plugin GrimAC v2.3.59 [20:35:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [GrimAC] Loading PacketEvents... [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [FancyNpcs] Loading server plugin FancyNpcs v2.0.9 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastWithdraw] Loading server plugin BeastWithdraw v2.3.2 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [DangerousCaves] Loading server plugin DangerousCaves v2.2.13;24 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [GSit] Loading server plugin GSit v1.7.0 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoBits] Loading server plugin EcoBits v1.8.4 [20:35:36] [Thread-8/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] The NBT-API seems to be up-to-date! [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] Loading server plugin EliteLootbox v2.3.8 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chunky] Loading server plugin Chunky v1.3.52 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [SlotBot] Loading server plugin SlotBot v1.2.1 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomStructures] Loading server plugin CustomStructures v1.9.0.1 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Actions] Loading server plugin Actions v2.54.5 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeathPenalties] Loading server plugin DeathPenalties vRelease-1.5.4 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Harbor] Loading server plugin Harbor v1.6.3 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [spark] Loading server plugin spark v1.10.34 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [ExtractableEnchantments] Loading server plugin ExtractableEnchantments v10.2 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [FishinRoulette] Loading server plugin FishinRoulette v2.1.0 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading server plugin AlonsoTags v2.1.3-BETA [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpentTime] Loading server plugin SpentTime v1.0.5 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [DoorsReloaded] Loading server plugin DoorsReloaded v1.3.1 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterTridents] Loading server plugin BetterTridents v2.2.6 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Loading server plugin EssentialsSpawn v2.21.0-dev+56-1929d41 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoPlugins] Loading server plugin NoPlugins v8.1 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoShop] Loading server plugin EcoShop v1.15.5 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterInvisibility] Loading server plugin BetterInvisibility v3.1 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Polymart] Loading server plugin Polymart v1.2.9 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterStructures] Loading server plugin BetterStructures v1.6.7 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterStructures] WorldGuard is not enabled! WorldGuard is recommended when using the EliteMobs integration. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoPets] Loading server plugin EcoPets v2.55.5 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedEnderchest] Loading server plugin AdvancedEnderchest v1.1.6 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Boosters] Loading server plugin Boosters v5.54.5 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [TAB] Loading server plugin TAB v4.1.2 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [CrazyAuctions] Loading server plugin CrazyAuctions v1.3.2 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RarityDisplay] Loading server plugin RarityDisplay v1.0.2 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Loading server plugin Multiverse-Portals v4.2.1-b834 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Shopkeepers] Loading server plugin Shopkeepers v2.17.1 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Shopkeepers] Loaded all plugin classes (128 ms). [20:35:36] [Server thread/WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Incompatible server version: v1_20_R2 (mappings: 3478a65bfd04b15b431fe107b3617dfc) [20:35:36] [Server thread/WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Shopkeepers is trying to run in 'compatibility mode'. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Shopkeepers] Check for updates at: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/shopkeepers/ [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Shopkeepers] Loading config. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Shopkeepers] Loading language file: language-en-default.yml [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Shopkeepers] Registering WorldGuard flag 'allow-shop'. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Shopkeepers] Registering defaults. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleRename] Loading server plugin SimpleRename v13.9 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [DirectionalBlock] Loading server plugin DirectionalBlock v1.4.1 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [FreeCoinFlip] Loading server plugin FreeCoinFlip v1.9 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Dualhorse] Loading server plugin Dualhorse v1.4.1 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [CurseOfVanishing] Loading server plugin CurseOfVanishing v1.0 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedCrates] Loading server plugin AdvancedCrates v3.9.43 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemEffects] Loading server plugin ItemEffects v2.0.0 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoseLoot] Loading server plugin RoseLoot v1.2.8 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoseLoot] Initializing using RoseGarden v1.3.0.2-DEV-SNAPSHOT [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tebex] Loading server plugin Tebex v2.0.3 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Loading server plugin BetterBackpacks v1.3.1-BETA-DEV-008 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Inventory title with support for more than 32 characters. Skipping.. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Hex colors are available! Ready for RGB.. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Old constructor for HoverEvent found! Using it.. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] New sendTitle method found! Using it.. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] New setUnbreakable method found! Using it.. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] New isUnbreakable method found! Using it.. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] WorldGuard found! Registering custom flag(s).. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] WorldGuard v7.x or newer detected. Using new methods.. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] [WorldGuard] Successfully registered 'betterbackpacks-can-use-backpack' flag! [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Loading server plugin Tweakin v7.0.0 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Found WorldGuard, initializing flags support [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Worldguard flag: tweakin-better-sign-edit registered successfully [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Worldguard flag: tweakin-shear-item-frame registered successfully [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Worldguard flag: tweakin-snowball-knockback registered successfully [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Worldguard flag: tweakin-reach-around registered successfully [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [GUIPlus] Loading server plugin GUIPlus v2.9 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltraRepair] Loading server plugin UltraRepair v4.1.5 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [InteractionVisualizer] Loading server plugin InteractionVisualizer v1.18.8.0 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerraformGenerator] Loading server plugin TerraformGenerator v14.0.1 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [XCatch] Loading server plugin XCatch v1.1.4 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [SafeTrade] Loading server plugin SafeTrade v1.1.1 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Not-Too-Expensive] Loading server plugin Not-Too-Expensive v1.1 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerProfiles] Loading server plugin PlayerProfiles v7.0.0 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoQuests] Loading server plugin EcoQuests v1.27.5 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Loading server plugin MythicLibreforge v1.3.1 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [DivineDrop] Loading server plugin DivineDrop v2.13 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentSlots] Loading server plugin EnchantmentSlots v2.5.2 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeCommands] Loading server plugin DeluxeCommands v1.11.3 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vouchers] Loading server plugin Vouchers v3.20.0 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [FarmControl] Loading server plugin FarmControl v1.2.5 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCropTrample] Loading server plugin NoCropTrample v1.0.0-RELEASE [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlugManX] Loading server plugin PlugManX v2.3.0 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: true [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [LevelledMobs] Loading server plugin LevelledMobs v3.14.1 b817 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Enabling ProtocolLib v5.2.0-SNAPSHOT-679 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] Enabling RoyaleEconomy v2.3.7 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] Plugin: RoyaleEconomy [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] Version: 2.3 [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] Author: qKing12 (Dragos-Dumitru Ghinea) [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] Copyright: 2020-2024 All Rights Reserved [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] Succesfully connected to the Player Purse SQL. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] Succesfully connected to the Personal Banks SQL. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] Succesfully loaded the interest. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] Succesfully connected to the Shared Banks SQL. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] Succesfully connected to the External Generated Data SQL. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [me.qKing12.RoyaleEconomy.hikari.HikariDataSource] RoyaleEconomySQLitePool - Starting... [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [me.qKing12.RoyaleEconomy.hikari.HikariDataSource] RoyaleEconomySQLitePool - Start completed. [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Environment: Environment[accountsHost=https://api.mojang.com, sessionHost=https://sessionserver.mojang.com, servicesHost=https://api.minecraftservices.com, name=PROD] [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Found Spigot: v1_20_R2! Trying to find NMS support [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] NMS support 'MC1_20_R2' loaded! [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Using the plugin 'RoyaleEconomy' to create a bStats instance! [20:35:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Enabling LuckPerms v5.4.119 [20:35:37] [Server thread/INFO]: __ [20:35:37] [Server thread/INFO]: | |__) LuckPerms v5.4.119 [20:35:37] [Server thread/INFO]: |___ | Running on Bukkit - Paper [20:35:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [20:35:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading configuration... [20:35:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading storage provider... [H2] [20:35:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading internal permission managers... [20:35:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Performing initial data load... [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Successfully enabled. (took 1442ms) [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.7.3-b131 [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system. [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.7.3-b131 [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Registered Vault permission & chat hook. [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [FastAsyncWorldEdit] Enabling FastAsyncWorldEdit v2.9.1-SNAPSHOT-660;f94b96d [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [com.fastasyncworldedit.core.Fawe] LZ4 Compression Binding loaded successfully [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [com.fastasyncworldedit.core.Fawe] ZSTD Compression Binding loaded successfully [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: Vault detected! Using Vault for permissions [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.fawe.v1_20_R2.PaperweightFaweAdapter as the Bukkit adapter [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [LoneLibs] Enabling LoneLibs v1.0.45 [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] Enabling eco v6.69.0 [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] Loading eco [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: eco [6.69.0] [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] Loaded integrations: CustomCrafting, MythicMobs, HolographicDisplays, Essentials, Vault, RoyaleEconomy, PlaceholderAPI, WorldGuard, ItemsAdder [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] Scanning for conflicts... [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] No conflicts found! [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Enabling WolfyUtilities v4.16.15-beta.11 [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Minecraft version: 1.20.2 [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] WolfyUtils version: [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Environment: PROD [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Loading Plugin integrations: [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] - MythicMobs [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] - PlaceholderAPI [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] - eco [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] - ItemsAdder [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Create & Init Plugin integrations: [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Enabled plugin integration for eco [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Register API references [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Loading stored Custom Items [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Loading Creative Mode Tabs [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Enabling EcoEnchants v12.3.5 [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Loading EcoEnchants [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: ecoenchants [12.3.5] [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Loaded integrations: Essentials [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoBits] Enabling EcoBits v1.8.4 [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoBits] Loading EcoBits [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: ecobits [1.8.4] [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeathPenalties] Enabling DeathPenalties vRelease-1.5.4 [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeathPenalties] Vault found: enabling economy death penalties [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterTridents] Enabling BetterTridents v2.2.6 [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [Polymart] Enabling Polymart v1.2.9 [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: --------====================================-------- [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: --------========[ Polymart Plugins ]========-------- [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: --------====================================-------- [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Log in to your Polymart account with /polymart login to start using the Polymart plugin! [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: --------====================================-------- [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerraformGenerator] Enabling TerraformGenerator v14.0.1 [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerraformGenerator] Custom Logger Initialized [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerraformGenerator] bStats Metrics enabled. [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerraformGenerator] Detected version: v1_20_R2, number: 20.2 [20:35:38] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/WARN]: [com.fastasyncworldedit.core.util.UpdateNotification] An update for FastAsyncWorldEdit is available. You are 19 build(s) out of date. You are running build 660, the latest version is build 679. Update at https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/13932/ [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoQuests] Enabling EcoQuests v1.27.5 [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoQuests] Loading EcoQuests [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: ecoquests [1.27.5] [20:35:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlugManX] Enabling PlugManX v2.3.0 [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world" [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeathPenalties] Loading world world [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerraformGenerator] Detected world: world, commencing injection... [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerraformGenerator] Injection success! Proceeding with generation. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeathPenalties] Loading world world_nether [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeathPenalties] Loading world world_the_end [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 120 ms [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerraformGenerator] world loaded. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_nether [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 51 ms [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_end [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 15 ms [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Enabling PlaceholderAPI v2.11.4 [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Fetching available expansion information... [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: royaleeconomy [2.3.7] [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] init PAPI event [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Enabled plugin integration for PlaceholderAPI [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v7.0.9+5934e49 [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) TNT ignition is PERMITTED. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lighters are PERMITTED. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lava fire is PERMITTED. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world' [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lava fire is PERMITTED. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_nether' [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lava fire is PERMITTED. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_the_end' [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading region data... [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v4.3.1-b861 [20:35:39] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] "Multiverse-Core v4.3.1-b861" has registered a listener for org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent on method "public void com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPortalListener.entityPortalCreate(org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent)", but the event is Deprecated. "Server performance will be affected"; please notify the authors [dumptruckman, Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141, main--]. [20:35:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] §aWe are aware of the warning about the deprecated event. There is no alternative that allows us to do what we need to do and performance impact is negligible. It is safe to ignore. [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] 3 - World(s) loaded. [20:35:40] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] Buscript failed to load! The script command will be disabled! If you would like not to see this message, use `/mv conf enablebuscript false` to disable Buscript from loading. [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Version 4.3.1-b861 (API v24) Enabled - By dumptruckman, Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141 and main-- [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Enabling HolographicDisplays v3.0.4 [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.21.0-dev+56-1929d41 [20:35:40] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Essentials] You are running an unsupported server version! [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Attempting to convert old kits in config.yml to new kits.yml [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] No kits found to migrate. [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loaded 39095 items from items.json. [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using locale en_US [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] ServerListPingEvent: Spigot iterator API [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoyaleEconomy] Hooked into Essentials Economy [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy hooked. [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using Vault based permissions (LuckPerms) [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Enabling MythicMobs v5.5.1-9aedaa15 [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading MythicMobs for Paper (MC: 1.20.2)... [20:35:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] The server is running PaperSpigot; enabled PaperSpigot exclusive functionality [20:35:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Mythic HolographicDisplays Support has been enabled! [20:35:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: mythic [5.0.0] [20:35:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Mythic PlaceholderAPI Support has been enabled! [20:35:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Mythic ProtocolLib Support has been enabled! [20:35:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Mythic Vault Support has been enabled! [20:35:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Mythic WorldGuard Support has been enabled! [20:35:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Base directory /home/********/plugins/MythicMobs/SavedData [20:35:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Module directory /home/********/plugins/MythicMobs/SavedData/worlds [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading Packs... [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading Items... [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading Item Groups... [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading Skills... [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading Drop Tables... [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading Random Spawns... [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading Spawn Blocks... [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 70 mobs. [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 55 vanilla mob overrides. [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 0 mob stacks. [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 7 skills. [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 2 random spawns. [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 4 mythic items. [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 4 drop tables. [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 0 mob spawners. [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] MythicMobs configuration file loaded successfully. [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] Started up bStats Metrics [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ MythicMobs v5.5.1 ( build 9aedaa15 ) has been successfully loaded! [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Enabled plugin integration for MythicMobs [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] Enabling ItemsAdder v3.6.3-beta-13 [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Found Spigot: v1_20_R2! Trying to find NMS support [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] NMS support 'MC1_20_R2' loaded! [20:35:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] ___ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ ItemsAdder 3.6.3-beta-13 | | |__ |\/| /__` /\ | \ | \ |__ |__) LoneLibs 1.0.45 | | |___ | | .__/ /--\ |__/ |__/ |___ | \ Paper git-Paper-318 (MC: 1.20.2) [20:35:42] [Server thread/WARN]: [ProtocolLib] [PacketFilterManager] Plugin ItemsAdder tried to register listener for unknown packet ADD_RESOURCE_PACK[PLAY, SERVER, 68, classNames: [net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.PacketPlayOutResourcePackPushPacket, net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ClientboundResourcePackPushPacketPacket] (unregistered)] [direction: from SERVER] [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] Enabling DeluxeMenus v1.14.0-DEV-168 [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] Successfully hooked into PlaceholderAPI! [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] 7 GUI menus loaded! [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] You are running the latest version of DeluxeMenus! [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] Successfully hooked into Vault! [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: deluxemenus [1.14.0-DEV-168] [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoItems] Enabling EcoItems v5.42.5 [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoItems] Loading EcoItems [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: ecoitems [5.42.5] [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoArmor] Enabling EcoArmor v8.55.5 [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoArmor] Loading EcoArmor [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: ecoarmor [8.55.5] [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoSkills] Enabling EcoSkills v3.44.5 [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoSkills] Loading EcoSkills [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: ecoskills [3.44.5] [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoBosses] Enabling EcoBosses v9.50.0 [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoBosses] Loading EcoBosses [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: ecobosses [9.50.0] [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoBosses] Loaded integrations: LevelledMobs [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Enabling CustomCrafting v4.16.8.5 [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Loaded fallback language "en_US" v6.1.0 translated by WolfyScript [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Loaded active language "en_US" v6.1.0 translated by WolfyScript [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] ____ _ _ ____ ___ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ _ _ ____ [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] | | | [__ | | | |\/| | |__/ |__| |___ | | |\ | | __ [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] |___ |__| ___] | |__| | | |___ | \ | | | | | | \| |__] [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Version | v4.16.8.5 [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] WolfyUtils | v4.16.15.0 [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Bukkit | git-Paper-318 (MC: 1.20.2)(API: 1.20.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Found Spigot: v1_20_R2! Trying to find NMS support [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] NMS support 'MC1_20_R2' loaded! [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Using the plugin 'WolfyUtilities' to create a bStats instance! [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Special thanks to my Patrons for supporting this project: [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Omarlatif, Nat R, Junye Zhou, Mithran, Teddy, Invictus_Vulpes [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Luuk Musch, WizardOfWit, Lumi Server, fioxu, Green Masks [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Detected ProtocolLib... initiating additional features. [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Registering PlaceHolder [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: customcrafting [**.**.**.**] [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Data destination: LOCAL [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Initiating Inventory GUIs [20:35:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Register ItemCreator Tabs [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [Reforges] Enabling Reforges v6.55.5 [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [Reforges] Loading Reforges [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: reforges [6.55.5] [20:35:44] [CC-update-check/WARN]: [CustomCrafting] Your version is outdated! There is a new version available! Download it here: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/55883/ [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [Talismans] Enabling Talismans v6.54.5 [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [Talismans] Loading Talismans [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: talismans [6.54.5] [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Enabling EssentialsChat v2.21.0-dev+56-1929d41 [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperVanish] Enabling SuperVanish v6.2.18 [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperVanish] Hooked into PaperSpigot for server list ping support [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: supervanish [6.2.18] [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperVanish] Hooked into PlaceholderAPI [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperVanish] Hooked into Essentials [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Enabling BeastLib v1.4 [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library triumph-gui [20:35:44] [Server thread/ERROR]: [STDERR] [org.slf4j.helpers.Util] SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". [20:35:44] [Server thread/ERROR]: [STDERR] [org.slf4j.helpers.Util] SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation [20:35:44] [Server thread/ERROR]: [STDERR] [org.slf4j.helpers.Util] SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details. [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library adventure-api [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library adventure-key [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library examination-api [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library examination-string [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library annotations [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library adventure-text-serializer-legacy [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library adventure-text-serializer-gson [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library gson [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library item-nbt-api [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library mysql-connector-j [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library HikariCP [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library mongo-java-driver [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastLib] Loading library quartz [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] Enabling NBTAPI v2.12.2 [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] Adding listeners... [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] Checking bindings... [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] All Classes were able to link! [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] All Methods were able to link! [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] Running NBT reflection test... [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] Success! This version of NBT-API is compatible with your server. [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [StatTrackers] Enabling StatTrackers v6.15.5 [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [StatTrackers] Loading StatTrackers [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: stattrackers [6.15.5] [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Enabling CoreProtect v22.2 [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] CoreProtect has been successfully enabled! [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Using SQLite for data storage. [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: -------------------- [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Enjoy CoreProtect? Join our Discord! [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Discord: www.coreprotect.net/discord/ [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: -------------------- [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [NeigeItems] Enabling NeigeItems v1.16.20 [20:35:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: ni [1.16.20] [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: §bNeige§3Items §7> §7未发现前置插件: EasyItem [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [LM_Items] Enabling LM_Items v1.2.11 [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: LM_Items: start-up complete, took 0 ms [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantExtension] Enabling EnchantExtension vALPHA-1.0* [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [License System] Valid! [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [InteractiveChat] Enabling InteractiveChat v4.2.9.0 [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [InteractiveChat] Opened Sqlite database successfully [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [InteractiveChat] InteractiveChat has hooked into Essentials! [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [InteractiveChat] InteractiveChat has hooked into Eco (Core)! [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [InteractiveChat] InteractiveChat has hooked into LuckPerms! [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: interactivechat [**.**.**.**] [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [InteractiveChat] InteractiveChat has been Enabled! [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedBan] Enabling AdvancedBan v2.3.0 [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [me.leoko.advancedban.shaded.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Starting... [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [hsqldb.db.HSQLDB87392DC2BC.ENGINE] checkpointClose start [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [hsqldb.db.HSQLDB87392DC2BC.ENGINE] checkpointClose synched [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [hsqldb.db.HSQLDB87392DC2BC.ENGINE] checkpointClose script done [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [hsqldb.db.HSQLDB87392DC2BC.ENGINE] checkpointClose end [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [me.leoko.advancedban.shaded.com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase] HikariPool-1 - Driver does not support get/set network timeout for connections. (feature not supported) [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [me.leoko.advancedban.shaded.com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: []=====[Enabling AdvancedBan]=====[] | Information: | Name: AdvancedBan | Developer: Leoko | Version: 2.3.0 | Storage: HSQLDB (local) | Support: | Github: https://github.com/DevLeoko/AdvancedBan/issues | Discord: https://discord.gg/ycDG6rS | Twitter: @LeokoGar | Update: | You have the newest version []================================[] [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [UnstripLog] Enabling UnstripLog v1.9.0 [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [UnstripLog] This plugin was made by alex_qp. [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [UnstripLog] Unstripping of dirt_path enabled with delay 100 [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [UnstripLog] Unstripping of stripped log/wood enabled with delay -1 [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentLock] Enabling EnchantmentLock vMC-1.16.1 [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [GrimAC] Enabling GrimAC v2.3.59 [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [GrimAC] Registering singular bukkit event... (PistonEvent) [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [GrimAC] Registering packets... [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [GrimAC] Registering tick schedulers... [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [GrimAC] [ACF] Enabled Asynchronous Tab Completion Support! [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [FancyNpcs] Enabling FancyNpcs v2.0.9 [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastWithdraw] Enabling BeastWithdraw v2.3.2 [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastWithdraw] /bWithdraw command aliases [cashnote, withdraw, moneywithdraw, moneynote] are registered. [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [BeastWithdraw] Version 2.3.2 : has been enabled! [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [DangerousCaves] Enabling DangerousCaves v2.2.13;24 [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: dangerouscaves [1.0] [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [GSit] Enabling GSit v1.7.0 [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: |> The plugin was successfully enabled. [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: |> Link with PlaceholderAPI successful! [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: gsit [1.7.0] [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: |> Link with WorldGuard successful! [20:35:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] Enabling EliteLootbox v2.3.8 [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Commands' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] Enabled Asynchronous Tab Completion Support! [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el addbonusreward' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el addreward' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el give' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el giveall' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el rewards' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el bonusrewards' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: togglelootbox' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el create' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el delete' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el reload' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el admin' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin 'EliteLootbox' is creating timing 'Command: el' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Splodgebox [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: EliteLootbox: Loaded random_spring_accessory.yml successfully! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: EliteLootbox: Loaded random_gem_pouch.yml successfully! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: EliteLootbox: Loaded mystery_spring_tag.yml successfully! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: EliteLootbox: Loaded random_raffles.yml successfully! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: EliteLootbox: Loaded example.yml successfully! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: EliteLootbox: Loaded mysterybox.yml successfully! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: EliteLootbox: Loaded random_coin_pouch.yml successfully! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: EliteLootbox: Loaded spring_fever.yml successfully! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chunky] Enabling Chunky v1.3.52 [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [SlotBot] Enabling SlotBot v1.2.1 [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Found Spigot: v1_20_R2! Trying to find NMS support [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] NMS support 'MC1_20_R2' loaded! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Using the plugin 'SlotBot' to create a bStats instance! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [SlotBot] Loaded 13 rewards [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [SlotBot] Loaded 13 high roller rewards [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [SlotBot] Loaded 1 credit shop rewards [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomStructures] Enabling CustomStructures v1.9.0.1 [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomStructures] Placeholder API found, placeholders supported. [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomStructures] MythicMobs detected! Activating plugin hook! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomStructures] Bstat metrics for this plugin is enabled. Disable it in the config if you do not want it on. [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [Actions] Enabling Actions v2.54.5 [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [Actions] Loading Actions [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: actions [2.54.5] [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [Harbor] Enabling Harbor v1.6.3 [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [spark] Enabling spark v1.10.34 [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [spark] Using Paper ServerTickStartEvent for tick monitoring [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [spark] Starting background profiler... [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: spark [1.10.34] [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [spark] Registered PlaceholderAPI placeholders [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [ExtractableEnchantments] Enabling ExtractableEnchantments v10.2 [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: Extractable Enchantments v10.2 enabled! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [EE] Vault has been found, economy enabled! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [EE] EcoEnchants has been found! [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [FishinRoulette] Enabling FishinRoulette v2.1.0 [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [FishinRoulette] Enabling [20:35:46] [Server thread/WARN]: [FishinRoulette] "Droppable Items" does not contain any materials, Default Loottable will be used instead. [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [FishinRoulette] Fishin' Roulette Enabled [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Enabling AlonsoTags v2.1.3-BETA [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Max health Attribute check found. Using it.. [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Inventory title with support for more than 32 characters. Skipping.. [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Hex colors are available! Ready for RGB.. [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Old constructor for HoverEvent found! Using it.. [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] New sendTitle method found! Using it.. [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] New setUnbreakable method found! Using it.. [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] New isUnbreakable method found! Using it.. [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: _ _ _____ Running v2.1.3-BETA [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: /_\ | |___ _ _ ___ __|_ _|_ _ __ _ ___ Server Paper vgit-Paper-318 (MC: 1.20.2) [20:35:46] [Server thread/INFO]: / _ \| / _ \ ' \(_-(FileInputStream.java:157) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration.load(FileConfiguration.java:126) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at AdvancedCrates (1).jar//me.PM2.AdvancedCrates.config.SimpleConfig.loadConfig(SimpleConfig.java:114) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at AdvancedCrates (1).jar//me.PM2.AdvancedCrates.config.SimpleConfig.(SimpleConfig.java:67) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at AdvancedCrates (1).jar//me.PM2.AdvancedCrates.MonthlyCrate.registerCrateInfo(MonthlyCrate.java:1034) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at AdvancedCrates (1).jar//me.PM2.AdvancedCrates.MonthlyCrate.onEnable(MonthlyCrate.java:200) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:281) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin(PaperPluginInstanceManager.java:190) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin(PaperPluginManagerImpl.java:104) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:507) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugin(CraftServer.java:646) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:557) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0(MinecraftServer.java:627) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel(MinecraftServer.java:424) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.e(DedicatedServer.java:308) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:1086) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:315) [20:35:49] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemEffects] Enabling ItemEffects v2.0.0 [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemEffects] Loading ItemEffects [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: itemeffects [2.0.0] [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoseLoot] Enabling RoseLoot v1.2.8 [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tebex] Enabling Tebex v2.0.3 [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Enabling BetterBackpacks v1.3.1-BETA-DEV-008 [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: ___ _ _ ___ _ _ Running v1.3.1-BETA-DEV-008 (v1_20) [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: | _ ) ___| |_| |_ ___ _ _| _ ) __ _ __| |___ __ __ _ __| |__ ___ Server Paper vgit-Paper-318 (MC: 1.20.2) [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: | _ \/ -_) _| _/ -_) '_| _ \/ _` / _| / / '_ \/ _` / _| / /(_-< Discord for support: https://alonsoaliaga.com/discord [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: |___/\___|\__|\__\___|_| |___/\__,_\__|_\_\ .__/\__,_\__|_\_\/__/ Thanks for using my plugin ❤! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: Developed by AlonsoAliaga |_| [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: You are using a Development build of BetterBackpacks. Make sure you update the plugin once [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: an official update is released on SpigotMC to ensure plugin is free of bugs. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: ============================================================================================== [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] You are using a Paper fork (Paper), plugin should work fine! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] If you have issues, join us on our official support server on alonsoaliaga.com/discord [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: ============================================================================================== [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Detected MinecraftVersion MC1_20_R2 or newer! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] BungeeCord action bar available. Hooking.. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] ProtocolLib found! Checking.. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Auto-update] Configuration is up-to-date! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Auto-update] items.yml is up-to-date! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Successfully loaded 16 materials to restrict right-click in backpacks! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Old ItemStack constructor is available! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] SkullMeta#setOwningPlayer method is available for heads. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] SkullMeta#setOwner method is available for heads. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] SkullMeta#setOwnerProfile method is available for heads. Using it for heads.. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Backpack Tier1 recipe is disabled! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Backpack Tier2 recipe is disabled! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Backpack Tier3 recipe is disabled! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Backpack Tier4 recipe is disabled! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Backpack Tier5 recipe is disabled! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Backpack Tier6 recipe is disabled! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Unique textures feature is disabled! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Honey support found. Enabling.. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Powder Snow support found. Enabling.. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] PlayerSwapHandItemsEvent available. Listening.. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Detected version 1.20.2 or newer! Skipping old reflections.. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Enabling Tweakin v7.0.0 [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Running papermc.. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] [PriLib] Running v1_20_R2 bukkit version and 1.20.2 minecraft version [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] [ACF] Enabled Asynchronous Tab Completion Support! [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Loading tweakin... [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Generating Head Map, this might take a while... [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Generated 176 mob heads.. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Loading Poses... [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Loaded 22 armor stand poses. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Registered 203 recipes [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Using 0,16,0 as color for reach-around, due to other color channels being removed after 1.17 [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Registered 26 tweaks successfully [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Registering permissions [20:35:49] [OkHttp https://plugin.tebex.io/.../INFO]: [Tebex] Connected to Antium - Minecraft: Java Edition server. [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Registered 61 permissions [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Enabling bstats... [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tweakin] Tweakin loaded successfully [20:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [GUIPlus] Enabling GUIPlus v2.9 [20:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltraRepair] Enabling UltraRepair v4.1.5 [20:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: ____ ___ __________ | | \ \______ \ | | / | _/ | | / | | \ |______/ |____|_ / \/ [20:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltraRepair] Loading configuration files... [20:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltraRepair] Initializing base settings... [20:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltraRepair] Checking economy integration... [20:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltraRepair] Loading repair manager... [20:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltraRepair] Registering commands... [20:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltraRepair] Registering listeners... [20:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltraRepair] Loading metrics... [20:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltraRepair] Checking for updates... [20:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: UltraRepair v4.1.5 by Demeng has been enabled. [20:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [InteractionVisualizer] Enabling InteractionVisualizer v1.18.8.0 [20:35:50] [pluginbase-scheduler-0/INFO]: *-----------------------------------------------------* [20:35:50] [pluginbase-scheduler-0/INFO]: A newer version of UltraRepair is available! [20:35:50] [pluginbase-scheduler-0/INFO]: Current version: 4.1.5 [20:35:50] [pluginbase-scheduler-0/INFO]: Latest version: 4.1.6 [20:35:50] [pluginbase-scheduler-0/INFO]: Get the update: https://spigotmc.org/resources/63035 [20:35:50] [pluginbase-scheduler-0/INFO]: *-----------------------------------------------------* [20:35:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [InteractionVisualizer] Loading languages... [20:35:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [InteractionVisualizer] Opened Sqlite database successfully [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: interactionvisualizer [2.0.0] [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [InteractionVisualizer] InteractionVisualizer has been enabled! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [XCatch] Enabling XCatch v1.1.4 [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [XCatch] XCatch has been initialized [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [SafeTrade] Enabling SafeTrade v1.1.1 [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Not-Too-Expensive] Enabling Not-Too-Expensive v1.1 [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerProfiles] Enabling PlayerProfiles v7.0.0 [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerProfiles] Found WorldGuard! Using WorldGuard API version 7 [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Enabling MythicLibreforge v1.3.1 [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Registered cast_mythic_skill effect. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Registered auto_plant effect. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Registered add_mmo_stat effect. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Registered open_anvil effect. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Registered open_disposal effect. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Registered open_enchanting effect. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Registered quick_equip effect. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Registered smelt_result trigger. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Registered only_on_fire filter. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Registered at_location filter. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Registered is_crit filter. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Registered has_enchantment filter. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Registered in_combat condition. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Warn: This condition is experimental, be careful to use! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLibreforge] Plugin is loaded. Author: PQguanfang. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [DivineDrop] Enabling DivineDrop v2.13 [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentSlots] Enabling EnchantmentSlots v2.5.2 [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentSlots] Hooking into ProtocolLib.... [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentSlots] Hooking into PlaceholderAPI... [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: enchantmentslots [1.0.0] [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentSlots] Finished hook! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentSlots] Loaded extra slot item: A! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentSlots] Loaded extra slot item: B! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentSlots] Loaded extra slot item: C! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentSlots] Loaded extra slot item: D! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentSlots] Loaded extra slot item: E! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentSlots] Loaded extra slot item: Z! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EnchantmentSlots] Plugin is loaded. Author: PQguanfang. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeCommands] Enabling DeluxeCommands v1.11.3 [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeCommands] Successfully setup compatibility for your server version! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeCommands] 36 commands loaded! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeCommands] Hooked into PlaceholderAPI for placeholders! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vouchers] Enabling Vouchers v3.20.0 [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: ============================= [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Vouchers v3.20.0 by Tweetzy [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Developer: Kiran Hart [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: vouchers [1.0.0] [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [FlightCore] Enabling metrics for Vouchers [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: ============================= [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [FarmControl] Enabling FarmControl v1.2.5 [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCropTrample] Enabling NoCropTrample v1.0.0-RELEASE [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [LevelledMobs] Enabling LevelledMobs v3.14.1 b817 [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: Using NMS version v1_20_R2 for nametag support [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: File Loader: Loading files... [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: File Loader: Loading file 'rules.yml'... [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: defaults, specified preset name 'blood_moon' but none was found [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [WARN] LevelledMobs: Invalid group: [] [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [WARN] LevelledMobs: Invalid group: [] [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: Current rules hash: 6859f66498cbd77effc520d9908b03d0a1ebab32b0c0cf6aab7de5f1f3eec3aa [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: File Loader: Loading file 'settings.yml'... [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: File Loader: Loading file 'messages.yml'... [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: Listeners: Registering event listeners... [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: LevelledMobs [3.14.1 b817] [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: Commands: Registering commands... [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: Running misc procedures [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: Tasks: Starting async nametag auto update task... [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: Start-up complete (took 79ms) [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] Enabling libreforge v4.56.5 [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] Loading libreforge [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: libreforge [4.56.5] [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] Loaded integrations: TAB, TerraformGenerator, LevelledMobs, Vault, WorldGuard [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] Hey, what's this plugin doing here? I didn't install it! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] libreforge is the effects system for plugins like EcoEnchants, [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] EcoJobs, EcoItems, etc. If you're looking for config options for [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] things like cooldown messages, lrcdb, and stuff like that, you'll [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] find it under /plugins/libreforge [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] Don't worry about updating libreforge, it's handled automatically! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Placeholder expansion registration initializing... [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Running delayed init tasks [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 14 - Essentials/INFO]: [Essentials] Fetching version information... [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 32 - InteractiveChat/INFO]: [InteractiveChat] Loading languages... [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 47 - InteractionVisualizer/INFO]: [InteractionVisualizer] Downloading and extracting latest Language files... [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [com.fastasyncworldedit.bukkit.regions.WorldGuardFeature] Plugin 'WorldGuard' found. Using it now. [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [com.fastasyncworldedit.bukkit.FaweBukkit] Attempting to use plugin 'WorldGuard' [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Essentials found a compatible payment resolution method: Vault Compatibility Layer (v1.7.3-b131)! [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] [Pack] Extracting internal contents from .jar [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 71 - Vault/INFO]: [Vault] Checking for Updates ... [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 36 - BeastWithdraw/INFO]: [BeastWithdraw] There is not a new update available. [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 66 - LevelledMobs/INFO]: [WARN] LevelledMobs: LevelledMobs Update Checker Notice: [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 66 - LevelledMobs/INFO]: [WARN] LevelledMobs: Your LevelledMobs version is outdated! Please update to v3.15.2 as soon as possible. (You're running v3.14.1) [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 71 - Vault/INFO]: [Vault] No new version available [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 33 - BetterStructures/INFO]: [BetterStructures] Latest public release is 1.6.8 [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 33 - BetterStructures/INFO]: [BetterStructures] Your version is 1.6.7 [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 33 - BetterStructures/WARN]: [BetterStructures] [BetterStructures] A newer version of this plugin is available for download! [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 30 - NeigeItems/INFO]: [NeigeItems] 发现新版本: 1.16.45 [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 30 - NeigeItems/INFO]: [NeigeItems] 链接: https://github.com/ankhorg/NeigeItems-Kotlin/releases/latest [20:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] [Pack] DONE extracting internal contents from .jar [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 47 - InteractionVisualizer/INFO]: [InteractionVisualizer] Sucessfully downloaded the latest Language files! [20:35:52] [Server thread/ERROR]: [ItemsAdder] Missing namespace in file: /contents/iasurvival/resourcepack/iasurvival/optifine/cit/textures/fish/lang.yml [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 38 - AdvancedEnderchest/INFO]: [AdvancedEnderchest] Database connected: **.**.**.** [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 38 - AdvancedEnderchest/INFO]: [AdvancedEnderchest] Database wait_timeout = 28800s [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 29 - RoseLoot/INFO]: [RoseGarden] An update for RoseLoot (v1.2.11) is available! You are running v1.2.8. [20:35:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 16 - ItemsAdder/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] [License] Spigot product licensed to: BurningCoolDude (514007) [20:35:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - EcoBosses/WARN]: [EcoBosses] EcoBosses is out of date! (Version 9.50.0) [20:35:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - EcoBosses/WARN]: [EcoBosses] The newest version is 10.1.5 [20:35:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - EcoBosses/WARN]: [EcoBosses] Download the new version! [20:35:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 46 - InteractionVisualizer/INFO]: [InteractionVisualizer] Loaded all 1 languages! [20:35:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] WorldEdit logging successfully initialized. [20:35:53] [Server thread/INFO]: LM_Items: building API classes [20:35:53] [Server thread/INFO]: LM_Items: Discovered eco [20:35:53] [Server thread/INFO]: LM_Items: Discovered ItemsAdder [20:35:53] [Server thread/INFO]: LM_Items: Discovered CustomCrafting [20:35:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoseLoot] Registered 197 loot table conditions. [20:35:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoseLoot] Registered 10 loot table types. [20:35:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoseLoot] Registered 19 loot item types. [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecopets:dolphin_spawn_egg] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:squid_heart] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:seagrass_necklace] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:crab_claw] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:sea_shell] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:faulty_snorkeler] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:flippers] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:winter_jacket] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecopets:parrot_spawn_egg] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:green_emblem] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:grass_charm] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:ankle_band] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:horseshoe] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:lucky_horseshoe] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:regeneration_band] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_fancy_helmet] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_fancy_chestplate] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_fancy_leggings] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_fancy_boots] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_farmer_helmet] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_farmer_chestplate] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_farmer_leggings] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_farmer_boots] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_hazmat_helmet] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_hazmat_chestplate] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_hazmat_leggings] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_hazmat_boots] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_mercenary_helmet] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_mercenary_chestplate] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_mercenary_leggings] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_mercenary_boots] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:lushful_blade] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:village_protector] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:justice_cleaver] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:wooden_shield] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:iron_shield] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:howlite_shield] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecopets:chameleon_spawn_egg] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:steel_bar] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:unreliable_umbrella] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:red_balloon] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:roller_skates] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:clean_ankle_band] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:barbed_ankle_band] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:green_emblem] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:grass_charm] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:ankle_band] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:horseshoe] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:lucky_horseshoe] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:regeneration_band] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_fancy_helmet] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_fancy_chestplate] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_fancy_leggings] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_fancy_boots] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_farmer_helmet] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_farmer_chestplate] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_farmer_leggings] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_farmer_boots] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_hazmat_helmet] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_hazmat_chestplate] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_hazmat_leggings] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_hazmat_boots] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_mercenary_helmet] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_mercenary_chestplate] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_mercenary_leggings] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_mercenary_boots] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:lushful_blade] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:village_protector] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:justice_cleaver] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:wooden_shield] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:iron_shield] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:howlite_shield] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecopets:chameleon_spawn_egg] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:unreliable_umbrella] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:red_balloon] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:roller_skates] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:steel_bar] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:captains_curse] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:cutlass_mold] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:treasure_gem] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:crystal_1star] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:crystal_2star] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:crystal_3star] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:quick_shoes] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:browny] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:dwarven_shield] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:winged_boots] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:engineered_bow] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:adaptive_dual_axlade] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:machete] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:mercenarys_machete] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:skeletal_mace] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:reinforced_skeletal_mace] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:golden_spear] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:pirates_cutlass] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_armored_skeleton_helmet] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_armored_skeleton_chestplate] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_armored_skeleton_leggings] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_armored_skeleton_boots] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_nocturnal_helmet] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_nocturnal_chestplate] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_nocturnal_leggings] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_nocturnal_boots] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecopets:hermit_crab_spawn_egg] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_golem_helmet] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_golem_chestplate] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_golem_leggings] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoarmor:set_golem_boots] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:lazy_doll] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:cursed_find] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [talismans:sharp_bone] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:headlamp] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:faulty_flashlight] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [RoseLoot] Failed to resolve item [ecoitems:steel_bar] from [eco] [20:35:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [RoseLoot] Loaded 44 loot tables. [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] ✗ Configuration Error in Drop BloodSkeleton 1to2 0.5 [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| File: /home/********/plugins/MythicMobs/Mobs/BloodMoon.yml [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| Error Message: Drop type not found. [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] ✗ Configuration Error in Drop BloodSkeleton 1to2 0.5 [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| File: /home/********/plugins/MythicMobs/Mobs/BloodMoon.yml [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| Error Message: Drop type not found. [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] ✗ Configuration Error in Drop BloodSkeleton 1to2 0.5 [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| File: /home/********/plugins/MythicMobs/Mobs/BloodMoon.yml [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| Error Message: Drop type not found. [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] ✗ Configuration Error in Drop BloodSkeleton 1to2 0.5 [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| File: /home/********/plugins/MythicMobs/Mobs/BloodMoon.yml [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| Error Message: Drop type not found. [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] ✗ Configuration Error in Drop BloodSkeleton 1to2 0.5 [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| File: /home/********/plugins/MythicMobs/Mobs/BloodMoon.yml [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| Error Message: Drop type not found. [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] ✗ Configuration Error in Drop BloodSkeleton 1to2 0.5 [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| File: /home/********/plugins/MythicMobs/Mobs/BloodMoon.yml [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| Error Message: Drop type not found. [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] ✗ Configuration Error in Drop BloodSkeleton 1to2 0.5 [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| File: /home/********/plugins/MythicMobs/Mobs/BloodMoon.yml [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| Error Message: Drop type not found. [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] ✗ Configuration Error in Drop BloodSkeleton 1to2 0.5 [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| File: /home/********/plugins/MythicMobs/Mobs/BloodMoon.yml [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| Error Message: Drop type not found. [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] ✗ Configuration Error in Drop BloodSkeleton 1to2 0.5 [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| File: /home/********/plugins/MythicMobs/Mobs/BloodMoon.yml [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] --| Error Message: Drop type not found. [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in arachnid elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in arachnid elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in explorer elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in explorer elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in farmer elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in farmer elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in forager elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in forager elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:55] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in hazmat elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:55] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in hazmat elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:55] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in spelunker elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:55] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in spelunker elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] An update for PlaceholderAPI (v2.11.5) is available at: [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/ [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [UnstripLog] You are using the latest version of UnstripLog. [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterTridents] You are using the latest version of BetterTridents. [20:35:55] [Server thread/WARN]: [PlaceholderAPI] Cannot load expansion mvdw due to a missing plugin: MVdWPlaceholderAPI [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: formatter [2.2.2] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: checkitem [2.7.2] [20:35:55] [Server thread/WARN]: [PlaceholderAPI] Cannot load expansion playertime due to a missing plugin: PlayerTime [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: player [2.0.7] [20:35:55] [Server thread/WARN]: [PlaceholderAPI] Cannot load expansion playerstats due to a missing plugin: PlayerStats [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: vault [1.8.1] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: progress [2.1] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: nf [1.4.2] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: essentials [1.5.2] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: number [0.60] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: aph [1.0] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: server [2.6.2] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: statistic [2.0.1] [20:35:55] [Server thread/WARN]: [PlaceholderAPI] Failed to load external expansion formatter. Identifier is already in use. [20:35:55] [Server thread/WARN]: [PlaceholderAPI] Cannot load expansion formatter due to an unknown issue. [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: rng [1.4.0] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PAPI] [Javascript-Expansion] 1 script loaded! [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: javascript [2.1.2] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: math [2.0.2] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] [attribute] Available attributes: generic.attack_speed, generic.knockback_resistance, generic.max_absorption, GENERIC_ARMOR_TOUGHNESS, generic.max_health, GENERIC_FOLLOW_RANGE, GENERIC_ATTACK_KNOCKBACK, generic.luck, GENERIC_ATTACK_DAMAGE, GENERIC_ATTACK_SPEED, GENERIC_LUCK, generic.attack_damage, generic.attack_knockback, generic.flying_speed, GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH, generic.movement_speed, GENERIC_FLYING_SPEED, GENERIC_KNOCKBACK_RESISTANCE, GENERIC_MOVEMENT_SPEED, generic.follow_range, GENERIC_ARMOR, GENERIC_MAX_ABSORPTION, generic.armor, generic.armor_toughness [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: attribute [1.0.0] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: Advancements [1.7] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: changeoutput [1.2.2] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: string [1.0.3] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: otherplayer [2.1.0] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: luckperms [5.4-R2] [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: 20 placeholder hook(s) registered! 4 placeholder hook(s) have an update available. [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (39.145s)! For help, type "help" [20:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Timings Reset [20:35:55] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 32 - BetterBackpacks/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Checking for updates... [20:35:55] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 32 - BetterBackpacks/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] New version available: 1.3-BETA [20:35:55] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 32 - BetterBackpacks/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Please download the latest version to get support! [20:35:55] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 32 - BetterBackpacks/INFO]: [BetterBackpacks] Download: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/82993/ [20:35:55] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - ItemsAdder/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] Loaded 176 items [20:35:55] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - ItemsAdder/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] Used 1/188 REAL block IDs [20:35:55] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - ItemsAdder/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] Used 38/750 REAL_NOTE block IDs [20:35:55] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - ItemsAdder/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] Used 1/63 REAL_TRANSPARENT block IDs [20:35:55] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - ItemsAdder/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] Used 0/127 REAL_WIRE block IDs [20:35:55] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - ItemsAdder/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] Used 0/14 FIRE block IDs [20:35:55] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - ItemsAdder/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] Used 583/6608 font_images [20:35:55] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 14 - Essentials/WARN]: [Essentials] You're 17 EssentialsX dev build(s) out of date! [20:35:55] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 14 - Essentials/WARN]: [Essentials] Download it here: https://essentialsx.net/downloads.html [20:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] Loaded eco [20:35:56] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 46 - InteractiveChat/INFO]: [InteractiveChat] Loaded all 1 languages! [20:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Loaded EcoEnchants [20:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoBits] Loaded EcoBits [20:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoQuests] Loaded EcoQuests [20:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoItems] Loaded EcoItems [20:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in arachnid elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in arachnid elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in explorer elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in explorer elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in farmer elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in farmer elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in forager elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in forager elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in hazmat elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in hazmat elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in spelunker elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Default tier specified in spelunker elytra is invalid! Defaulting to 'default' [20:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoArmor] Loaded EcoArmor [20:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoSkills] Loaded EcoSkills [20:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoBosses] Loaded EcoBosses [20:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [Reforges] Loaded Reforges [20:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [Talismans] Loaded Talismans [20:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [StatTrackers] Loaded StatTrackers [20:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [Actions] Loaded Actions [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoShop] Loaded EcoShop [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoPets] Loaded EcoPets [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Boosters] Loaded Boosters [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [RarityDisplay] Loaded RarityDisplay [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemEffects] Loaded ItemEffects [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] Loaded libreforge [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: Created team [ACdontTouch] [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: Collision rule for team [ACdontTouch] is now "Never" [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: File Loader: Loading file 'customdrops.yml'... [20:35:57] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4 - AlonsoTags/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Checking for updates... [20:35:57] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4 - AlonsoTags/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] New version available: 2.2.1-BETA [20:35:57] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4 - AlonsoTags/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Please download the latest version to get support! [20:35:57] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4 - AlonsoTags/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Download: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/83664/ [20:35:57] [User Authenticator #0/INFO]: UUID of player Norben256 is 52917dcc-109d-4a8c-a048-0fee4143ad6a [20:35:57] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - ItemsAdder/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] [Init] Loaded 16 categories [20:35:57] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - ItemsAdder/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] [Init] Loaded successfully. [20:35:57] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - ItemsAdder/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] [Pack] Checking resourcepack url: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/asl8lnl4xii751kzkgtoq/generated.zip?rlkey=dr52yxy0yl7s3dvm02pjiu5xiaw=1 [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: img [1.0.1] [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: iaplayerstat [1.0.1] [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [WolfyUtilities] Enabled plugin integration for ItemsAdder [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] [ItemsAdder] ItemsAdder items were updated. Reloading tags.. [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Loading Recipes & Items [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] - - - - [Local Storage] - - - - [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] [LOCAL] Looking through data folder... [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] [LOCAL] Loading Items [20:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] [LOCAL] Loading Recipes [20:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] [LOCAL] Loaded 517 recipes; Skipped: 0 error/s, 0 already existing [20:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] [LOCAL_OLD] Loaded 0 recipes; Skipped: 0 error/s, 0 already existing [20:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] [LOCAL_LEGACY] Loaded 0 recipes; Skipped: 0 error/s, 0 already existing [20:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] [LOCAL] Loaded 517 recipes [20:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] [20:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Indexing Recipe Book... [20:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] Indexed Recipe Book! [20:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomCrafting] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [20:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomStructures] Loading structures from files. [20:35:58] [Server thread/WARN]: [CustomStructures] The structure 'ocean1' has an invalid configuration file: [20:35:58] [Server thread/WARN]: [CustomStructures] The BlockLevelLimit mode 'flat_error' must contain an error setting! [20:35:58] [Server thread/WARN]: [CustomStructures] Structure file: ocean2.yml does not exist! Did you make a new structure file in the Structure folder? [20:35:58] [Server thread/WARN]: [CustomStructures] For more information please check to wiki. [20:35:58] [Server thread/WARN]: [CustomStructures] Structure file: ocean3.yml does not exist! Did you make a new structure file in the Structure folder? [20:35:58] [Server thread/WARN]: [CustomStructures] For more information please check to wiki. [20:35:58] [Server thread/WARN]: [CustomStructures] Structure file: ocean4.yml does not exist! Did you make a new structure file in the Structure folder? [20:35:58] [Server thread/WARN]: [CustomStructures] For more information please check to wiki. [20:35:58] [Server thread/WARN]: [CustomStructures] Structure file: ocean5.yml does not exist! Did you make a new structure file in the Structure folder? [20:35:58] [Server thread/WARN]: [CustomStructures] For more information please check to wiki. [20:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomStructures] The plugin has been fully enabled with 11 structures. [20:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomStructures] 0 addons were found. [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] Can't read players locale, you will be unable to automatically detect players language. Only Bukkit 1.7+ is supported for this. [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: locale [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at java.base/java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(Class.java:2610) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at EliteLootbox-Recode-2.3.8-all.jar//net.splodgebox.elitelootbox.acf.BukkitCommandManager.readPlayerLocale(BukkitCommandManager.java:317) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at EliteLootbox-Recode-2.3.8-all.jar//net.splodgebox.elitelootbox.acf.ACFBukkitListener.onPlayerJoin(ACFBukkitListener.java:57) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.MethodHandleEventExecutor.execute(MethodHandleEventExecutor.java:40) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute(TimedEventExecutor.java:81) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:70) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperEventManager.callEvent(PaperEventManager.java:54) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.callEvent(PaperPluginManagerImpl.java:126) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:615) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList.a(PlayerList.java:346) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.server.network.ServerConfigurationPacketListenerImpl.a(ServerConfigurationPacketListenerImpl.java:130) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.network.protocol.configuration.ServerboundFinishConfigurationPacket.a(ServerboundFinishConfigurationPacket.java:18) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.network.protocol.configuration.ServerboundFinishConfigurationPacket.a(ServerboundFinishConfigurationPacket.java:9) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.network.protocol.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$ensureRunningOnSameThread$0(PlayerConnectionUtils.java:53) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.server.TickTask.run(TickTask.java:18) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.util.thread.IAsyncTaskHandler.d(IAsyncTaskHandler.java:153) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.util.thread.IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.d(IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.java:24) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:1324) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:193) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.util.thread.IAsyncTaskHandler.x(IAsyncTaskHandler.java:126) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.bg(MinecraftServer.java:1301) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.x(MinecraftServer.java:1294) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.util.thread.IAsyncTaskHandler.c(IAsyncTaskHandler.java:136) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:1371) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:1156) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:315) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [EliteLootbox] [ACF] at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Norben256[/**.**.**.**:51070] logged in with entity id 67 at ([world]730.6906175887208, 63.0, -730.6999999880791) [20:35:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [+] ✪ Norben256 [20:35:59] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 5423ms or 108 ticks behind [20:36:00] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - ItemsAdder/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] [Pack] ETag: 1709423940077723d [20:36:00] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 21 - ItemsAdder/INFO]: [ItemsAdder] [Pack] URL is valid (external). URL: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/asl8lnl4xii751kzkgtoq/generated.zip?rlkey=dr52yxy0yl7s3dvm02pjiu5xiaw=1 [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Config files are (re)loading.. Timestamp: Negative | Negative [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'new-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'newbie-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'antium-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'beginner-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'rookie-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'trained-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'experienced-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'golden-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'lottery-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'treasure-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'diamond-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'lucky-pull-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'magnificent-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'gorgeous-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'spring-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'springfever-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'springbreak-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'aprilshowers-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'pollen-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'march-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'april-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'contributor-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'alpha-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'beta-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'birthday-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Loading 'millionaire-1-tag' tag.. [20:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AlonsoTags] Successfully loaded 26 tags! [20:36:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Found Spigot: v1_20_R2! Trying to find NMS support [20:36:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] NMS support 'MC1_20_R2' loaded! [20:36:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Using the plugin 'EliteLootbox' to create a bStats instance! [20:36:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Found Spigot: v1_20_R2! Trying to find NMS support [20:36:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] NMS support 'MC1_20_R2' loaded! [20:36:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Using the plugin 'Vouchers' to create a bStats instance! [20:36:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Found Spigot: v1_20_R2! Trying to find NMS support [20:36:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] NMS support 'MC1_20_R2' loaded! [20:36:22] [User Authenticator #0/INFO]: UUID of player bwgb is 08554ee3-a9ee-4c19-ad66-4a2e2aee1325 [20:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: bwgb[/**.**.**.**:59136] logged in with entity id 242 at ([world]726.8775967762224, 63.0, -734.3506666245993) [20:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [+] bwgb [20:36:38] [Server thread/INFO]: bwgb issued server command: /mm m s zombie [20:36:43] [Server thread/INFO]: bwgb issued server command: /god [20:36:45] [Server thread/INFO]: bwgb issued server command: /heal [20:36:46] [Server thread/INFO]: bwgb issued server command: /warp villagetest [20:36:49] [Server thread/INFO]: bwgb issued server command: /mm m s VILLAGER [20:36:51] [Server thread/INFO]: bwgb issued server command: /i nametag 1 [20:36:53] [Server thread/INFO]: bwgb issued server command: /rename ghi [20:37:01] [Server thread/INFO]: bwgb issued server command: /mm m s COW [20:37:06] [Server thread/INFO]: bwgb lost connection: Disconnected [20:37:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [-] bwgb [20:37:19] [User Authenticator #0/INFO]: UUID of player bwgb is 08554ee3-a9ee-4c19-ad66-4a2e2aee1325 [20:37:20] [Server thread/INFO]: bwgb[/**.**.**.**:59178] logged in with entity id 910 at ([world]2872.728631968557, 70.0, -2217.2124710653084) [20:37:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [+] bwgb [20:37:34] [Server thread/INFO]: bwgb issued server command: /mm m listactive VILLAGER [20:37:52] [Server thread/INFO]: bwgb issued server command: /god [20:38:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntityCreeper['Pyromaniac'/1324, uuid='648f5cd1-f6c2-4d5e-bed7-8f106fed44a1', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=891.99, y=50.00, z=-686.37, cpos=[55, -43], tl=879, v=true] died: Pyromaniac was blown up by Creeper [20:38:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Norben256 was slain by Smoke Spirit [20:38:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Norben256 issued server command: /ec [20:39:38] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] HUSK found with mobtype 'HUSK' but does not match. [20:41:02] [Server thread/WARN]: [MythicMobs] HUSK found with mobtype 'HUSK' but does not match.