# This is the configuration file for ChatPointsTTV. For a fresh copy of this file, go to https://github.com/GospelBG/ChatPointsTTV/blob/master/src/main/resources/config.yml # For more information about how to use this file, refer to the config.yml instructions in the README file at https://github.com/GospelBG/ChatPointsTTV/blob/master/README.md # Username(s) of the streamer's channels. In case of multiple streamers, must be set as a list: ["channel_1", "channel_2", "..."] CHANNEL_USERNAME: ["Quimbly3", "Verdux", "Zytopian", "starshipsushi"] # Uncomment the following lines (remove the # symbol at the start of the line) to use a key-based authentication instead of the browser login. # It should be used in remote environments which do not have a web browser (i.e. a standalone hosted server) CUSTOM_CLIENT_ID: [Redacted] CUSTOM_ACCESS_TOKEN: [Redacted] # Whether the plugin shoud automatically connect to Twitch when a key-based authentication is used. AUTO_LINK_CUSTOM: true # Whether your stream chat should show up in the in-game chat SHOW_CHAT: false # Uncomment the following line and add chat bot usernames (in lowercase) to this list to prevent their messages to display on the in-game chat. # CHAT_BLACKLIST: # Set up here your channel point rewards. # Add as many lines as needed. Replace [REWARD NAME] with your reward's name, EXACTLY as it is on Twitch. # REWARD_NAME: # - ACTION # For the action, follow this format: # SPAWN {ENTITY_NAME} [AMOUNT] # RUN {TARGET / CONSOLE} {COMMAND} # GIVE {ITEM} [AMOUNT] # TNT {AMOUNT} [EXPLOSION TIME IN TICKS] # If your reward contains a text input, you can reference it as: # {TEXT} **ONLY SUPPORTED ON CHANNEL POINTS** # To add a streamer-specific reward add the actions inside a list named as the desired channel. # To target all channels use "default" as the list key. # Leave any reward class empty to disable it. CHANNEL_POINTS_REWARDS: Vine Boom: quimbly3: - RUN CONSOLE say Test boom Hydrate!: quimbly3: - RUN CONSOLE say Test quimbly zytopian: - RUN CONSOLE say Test zytopian slimerr72: - RUN CONSOLE say Test Slimer default: - RUN CONSOLE say test2 # Put the desired action after the colon as a list. You musn't add a "Reward Name". FOLLOW_REWARDS: - starshipsushi: - RUN CONSOLE say test follow # Follow the same format as Channel Point Rewards, replacing the name of the reward for the minimum ammount of bits that needs to be cheered. CHEER_REWARDS: 1: quimbly3: - RUN CONSOLE say Test 1 5: quimbly3: - RUN CONSOLE say Test 5 # Follow the same format as Channel Point Rewards, replacing the name of the reward for the desired sub tier: TWITCH_PRIME/TIER1/TIER2/TIER3. # Also you can enter an AMOUNT on GIFT_REWARDS to toggle actions with sub gifting SUB_REWARDS: [TWITCH_PRIME]: quimbly3: - RUN CONSOLE say Test prime [TIER1/2/3]: quimbly3: - RUN CONSOLE say Test sub GIFT_REWARDS: 1: quimbly3: - RUN CONSOLE say Test prime # Add glow effect to spawned mobs MOB_GLOW: true # Set chatter's name to spawned mobs DISPLAY_NAME_ON_MOB: true # Whether the plugin should log to the console when a user (GospelBG cheered 300 bits!; GospelBG has subscribed with a Tier 1 sub!; ...) LOG_EVENTS: true # In-game event alerts mode. # none: Disables in-game alerts # chat: Displays a message in the chat # title: Shows a title splash message # all: Uses both "chat" and "title" alerts INGAME_ALERTS: none # You can use the following options: # Colors: # AQUA, BLACK, BLUE, DARK_AQUA, DARK_BLUE, DARK_GRAY, DARK_GREEN, DARK_PURPLE, # DARK_RED, GOLD, GRAY, GREEN, ITALIC, LIGHT_PURPLE, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # Formatting: # BOLD # STRIKETHROUGH # UNDERLINE # Misc: # MAGIC REWARD_NAME_BOLD: true COLORS: USER_COLOR: GOLD ACTION_COLOR: YELLOW # Customize the on-screen text that is broadcasted to players. # Viewer's username and their reward will be autommatically added to the message. STRINGS: REDEEMED_STRING: "has redeemed" # Whitespaces on the start and end of the string are added automatically. FOLLOWED_STRING: "has started following" CHEERED_STRING: "cheered" #..."100 bits" SUB_STRING: "has subscribed with a" #..."Tier 1/2/3/Prime" GIFT_STRING: "gifted" #..."5 subs"