[18:46:42] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.19 with Fabric Loader 0.14.8 [18:46:43] [main/INFO]: Loading 138 mods: - adorn 3.6.0+1.19 - advancednetherite 1.6.0-1.19 - adventurez 1.4.14 - another_furniture 2.0.1-1.19 - architectury 5.8.29 - balm-fabric 4.3.0+0 - bclib 2.0.10 - betterend 2.0.5 - betternether 7.0.5 - bosses_of_mass_destruction 1.4.1-1.19 - cardinal-components 5.0.1 - cardinal-components-base 5.0.1 via cardinal-components - cardinal-components-block 5.0.1 via cardinal-components - cardinal-components-chunk 5.0.1 via cardinal-components - cardinal-components-entity 5.0.1 via cardinal-components - cardinal-components-item 5.0.1 via cardinal-components - cardinal-components-level 5.0.1 via cardinal-components - cardinal-components-scoreboard 5.0.1 via cardinal-components - cardinal-components-world 5.0.1 via cardinal-components - charm 4.1.2 - cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 via cloth-config - cloth-config 7.0.72 - collective-fabric 4.27 - com_electronwill_night-config_core 3.6.4 via terrablender - com_electronwill_night-config_toml 3.6.4 via terrablender - com_eliotlash_mclib_mclib 18 via geckolib3 - com_eliotlash_molang_molang 18 via geckolib3 - com_moandjiezana_toml_toml4j 0.7.2 via charm - com_typesafe_config 1.4.1 via croptopia - creeperoverhaul 2.0.0 - croptopia 2.0.7 - dusk 1.19-1.8 - earthtojavamobs 1.9.2 - ecologics 2.1.3 - extraalchemy 1.8.3 - fabric 0.57.0+1.19 - fabric-api-base 0.4.9+e62f51a3a9 via fabric - fabric-api-lookup-api-v1 1.6.7+9ff28f40a9 via fabric - fabric-biome-api-v1 9.0.14+b2a4a624a9 via fabric - fabric-command-api-v1 1.2.6+f71b366fa9 via fabric - fabric-command-api-v2 2.1.2+0d55f585a9 via fabric - fabric-commands-v0 0.2.23+df3654b3a9 via fabric - fabric-containers-v0 0.1.27+df3654b3a9 via fabric - fabric-content-registries-v0 3.2.0+07df213ea9 via fabric - fabric-convention-tags-v1 1.0.8+37622d24a9 via fabric - fabric-crash-report-info-v1 0.2.3+bd0a0d4aa9 via fabric - fabric-data-generation-api-v1 5.1.1+a680b9b4a9 via fabric - fabric-dimensions-v1 2.1.28+a6d2f785a9 via fabric - fabric-entity-events-v1 1.4.16+9ff28f40a9 via fabric - fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.4.26+9ff28f40a9 via fabric - fabric-events-lifecycle-v0 0.2.25+df3654b3a9 via fabric - fabric-game-rule-api-v1 1.0.19+18990361a9 via fabric - fabric-item-api-v1 1.5.4+767db26ea9 via fabric - fabric-item-groups-v0 0.3.25+9ff28f40a9 via fabric - fabric-language-kotlin 1.8.1+kotlin.1.7.0 - fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.1.0+33fbc738a9 via fabric - fabric-loot-api-v2 1.1.0+03a4e568a9 via fabric - fabric-loot-tables-v1 1.1.3+9e7660c6a9 via fabric - fabric-message-api-v1 1.0.1+513f4a59a9 via fabric - fabric-mining-level-api-v1 2.1.10+33fbc738a9 via fabric - fabric-networking-api-v1 1.0.27+7fe97409a9 via fabric - fabric-networking-v0 0.3.14+df3654b3a9 via fabric - fabric-object-builder-api-v1 4.0.7+9ff28f40a9 via fabric - fabric-particles-v1 1.0.8+dc39553aa9 via fabric - fabric-registry-sync-v0 0.9.17+23c4cfefa9 via fabric - fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1 0.3.12+9ff28f40a9 via fabric - fabric-rendering-fluids-v1 3.0.5+9ff28f40a9 via fabric - fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1 2.0.9+e62f51a3a9 via fabric - fabric-resource-loader-v0 0.5.5+a6d2f785a9 via fabric - fabric-screen-handler-api-v1 1.2.6+9ff28f40a9 via fabric - fabric-transfer-api-v1 2.0.9+e62f51a3a9 via fabric - fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1 1.1.1+9e7660c6a9 via fabric - fabricloader 0.14.8 - fallingtree 3.7.2 - fiber 0.23.0-2 via patchouli - frame 0.22.2+1.19 - frame-api-base 0.2.0 via frame - frame-blocks-v0 0.1.2 via frame - frame-config-v0 0.2.1 via frame - frame-content-registries-v0 0.4.0+2876b511a9 via frame - frame-game-rules-v0 0.2.3 via frame - frame-items-v0 0.1.2 via frame - frame-loot-tables-v0 0.1.4 via frame - frame-rendering-v0 0.1.4 via frame - frame-tabbed-item-groups-v0 0.2.1 via frame - frame-toymaker-v0 0.6.0+c2d5b470a9 via frame - frame-woods-v0 0.1.0+ea73347fa9 via frame - geckolib3 3.1.5 - geodes 1.4.4 - graveyard 1.10 - graveyard_biomes 1.2 - healingcampfire-fabric 3.5 - io_leangen_geantyref_geantyref 1.3.11 via croptopia - java 17 - lithium 0.8.1 - maelstrom_library 1.3-1.19-pre1 via bosses_of_mass_destruction - mcdar 1.5.0 - midnightlib 0.5.2 - minecraft 1.19 - mobscarecrow 2.2.1 - morevillagers 4.0.2 - multipart_entities 1.2-1.19-pre1 via bosses_of_mass_destruction - mythicmounts 1.19-7.0 - naturalist 2.0.1 - npcvariety 2.2.1 - omega-config 1.2.2-1.18.1 via graveyard - org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect 1.7.0 via fabric-language-kotlin - org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib 1.7.0 via fabric-language-kotlin - org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.7.0 via fabric-language-kotlin - org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.7.0 via fabric-language-kotlin - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm 0.18.0 via fabric-language-kotlin - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.6.3 via fabric-language-kotlin - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.6.3 via fabric-language-kotlin - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.4.0 via fabric-language-kotlin - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.3.3 via fabric-language-kotlin - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.3.3 via fabric-language-kotlin - org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.3.3 via fabric-language-kotlin - org_spongepowered_configurate-core 4.1.2 via croptopia - org_spongepowered_configurate-hocon 4.1.2 via croptopia - overweight_farming 1.19-1.5.2-fabric - patchouli 1.19-73-FABRIC - phosphor 0.8.1 - repurposed_structures 6.1.1+1.19 - respawnablepets 1.19-2 - roughlyenoughitems 9.1.503 - skyvillages **.**.**.** - stoneholm 1.4.4 - t_and_t 1.7 - terrablender **.**.**.** - terralith 2.3 - travelersbackpack 1.19-8.0.1 - twigs 2.0.0-beta.8+1.19 - voicechat 1.19-2.2.49 - waystones 11.0.1 - weaponmaster 1-19 - whisperwoods 1.19-2.1.0 - xaerominimap 22.10.1 - yigd 1.4.1 [18:46:44] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/server/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.11.4+mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.11.4+mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=SERVER [18:46:44] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_16 [18:46:44] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17 [18:46:44] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'another_furniture-fabric-fabric-refmap.json' for another_furniture.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [18:46:44] [main/INFO]: [MixinConfig] Not adding no_cured_villager_discount.BypassReputationGossipMixin [18:46:44] [main/INFO]: [MixinConfig] Not adding no_treasure_enchantment_trading.CheckIfTradeableMixin [18:46:44] [main/INFO]: [MixinConfig] Not adding respawn_anchor_in_the_end.CheckIfCanSetSpawnMixin [18:46:44] [main/INFO]: [MixinConfig] Not adding helper.CheckEnchantingPowerMixin [18:46:45] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Lithium: 94 options available, 0 override(s) found [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'morevillagers-fabric-fabric-refmap.json' for morevillagers.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_929 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_929) [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_929 was not found earthtojava-common.mixins.json:CatEntityRendererMixin from mod earthtojavamobs [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_963 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_963) [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_963 was not found npcvariety.mixins.json:VillagerEntityRendererMixin from mod npcvariety [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_3992 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_3992) [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_3992 was not found npcvariety.mixins.json:WanderingTraderEntityRendererMixin from mod npcvariety [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_971 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_971) [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_971 was not found npcvariety.mixins.json:ZombieVillagerEntityRendererMixin from mod npcvariety [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_899 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_899) [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_899 was not found npcvariety.mixins.json:illager.EvokerEntityRendererMixin from mod npcvariety [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_934 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_934) [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_934 was not found npcvariety.mixins.json:illager.PillagerEntityRendererMixin from mod npcvariety [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_911 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_911) [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_911 was not found npcvariety.mixins.json:illager.RavagerEntityRendererMixin from mod npcvariety [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_962 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_962) [18:46:45] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_962 was not found npcvariety.mixins.json:illager.VindicatorEntityRendererMixin from mod npcvariety [18:46:46] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: draylar/magna/api/MagnaTool (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: draylar/magna/api/MagnaTool) [18:46:58] [main/INFO]: Building unoptimized datafixer [18:47:01] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config bclib.main to auto sync (content diff) [18:47:01] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config bclib.recipes to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:01] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (4e97e564, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=square}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=5) [18:47:01] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - The End BiomeSource (128160af, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=square, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=128, customLand=false, biomes=5) [18:47:01] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (5262b8a3, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=5) [18:47:01] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - The End BiomeSource (46c0ad2d, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=128, customLand=false, biomes=5) [18:47:03] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.main to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:03] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.generator to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:03] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.blocks to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:03] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.items to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:03] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.biomes to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:03] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.mobs to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:03] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.recipes to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:08] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.entities to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:08] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.blocks to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:08] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.items to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:08] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.biomes to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:08] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.recipes to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:08] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.enchantments to auto sync (file hash) [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [betternether] =^..^= BetterNether for 1.19 =^..^= [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled AerialAffinityEnchantment [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled AllowTooExpensive [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled AmethystNoteBlock [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Atlases [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled AutoRestock [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled AutomaticRecipeUnlock [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled AzaleaWood [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled BatBuckets [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled BeaconsHealMobs [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Beekeepers [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled BlockOfEnderPearls [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled BlockOfGunpowder [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled BlockOfSugar [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Bookcases [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled CaveSpidersDropCobwebs [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Chairs [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ChickensDropFeathers [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ClearItemFrames [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled CollectionEnchantment [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ColoredBundles [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ColoredNetherPortals [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled CompassOverlay [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled CoralSeaLanterns [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled CoralSquids [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Core [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled DiscsStopBackgroundMusic [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled EditableSigns [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled EndermitePowder [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ExtraBoats [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ExtraRecipes [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ExtraTrades [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ExtractEnchantments [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled GentlePotionParticles [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled GoatsDropMutton [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled GrindableArmor [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled HoverSorting [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled HusksDropSand [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled HusksSpawnUnderground [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ImprovedFortressLoot [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ImprovedMansionLoot [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ImprovedMineshafts [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled InventoryTidying [18:47:27] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Kilns [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled LavaBucketDestroysItems [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled LowerNoteblockPitch [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Lumberjacks [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled MapTooltip [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Mooblooms [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled MorePortalFrames [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled NoCropTrampling [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled NoPetDamage [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled NoPotionGlint [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled NoSpyglassScope [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled OpenBothDoors [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ParrotsStayOnShoulder [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled PathToDirt [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled PlayerPressurePlates [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled PlayerState [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled PortableCrafting [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled QuickReplant [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled RaidHorns [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled RedstoneLanterns [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled RedstoneSand [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled RepairElytraFromLeather [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled RepairNetheriteFromScrap [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled RepairTridentsFromShards [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ShowRepairCost [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ShulkerBoxDragDrop [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled ShulkerBoxTooltip [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled SnowAccumulation [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled StackableEnchantedBooks [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled StackablePotions [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled StackableStews [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled StraysDropBlueIce [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled StraysSpawnUnderground [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled StrongerAnvils [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled TotemOfPreserving [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled TotemWorksFromInventory [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantBarrels [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantBars [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantBookshelves [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantChains [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantChests [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantLadders [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantLanterns [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VariantMobTextures [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled VillagersFollowEmeraldBlocks [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled WanderingTraderMaps [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled WeatheringIron [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled WitchesDropLuck [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Enabled Woodcutters [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running AerialAffinityEnchantment [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running AllowTooExpensive [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running AmethystNoteBlock [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Atlases [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running AutoRestock [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running AutomaticRecipeUnlock [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running AzaleaWood [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running BatBuckets [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running BeaconsHealMobs [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Beekeepers [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running BlockOfEnderPearls [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running BlockOfGunpowder [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running BlockOfSugar [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Bookcases [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running CaveSpidersDropCobwebs [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Chairs [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ChickensDropFeathers [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ClearItemFrames [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running CollectionEnchantment [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ColoredBundles [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ColoredNetherPortals [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running CompassOverlay [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running CoralSeaLanterns [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running CoralSquids [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Core [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running DiscsStopBackgroundMusic [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running EditableSigns [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running EndermitePowder [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ExtraBoats [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ExtraRecipes [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ExtraTrades [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ExtractEnchantments [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running GentlePotionParticles [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running GoatsDropMutton [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running GrindableArmor [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running HoverSorting [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running HusksDropSand [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running HusksSpawnUnderground [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ImprovedFortressLoot [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ImprovedMansionLoot [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ImprovedMineshafts [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running InventoryTidying [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Kilns [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running LavaBucketDestroysItems [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running LowerNoteblockPitch [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Lumberjacks [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running MapTooltip [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Mooblooms [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running MorePortalFrames [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running NoCropTrampling [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running NoPetDamage [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running NoPotionGlint [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running NoSpyglassScope [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running OpenBothDoors [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ParrotsStayOnShoulder [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running PathToDirt [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running PlayerPressurePlates [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running PlayerState [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running PortableCrafting [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running QuickReplant [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running RaidHorns [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running RedstoneLanterns [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running RedstoneSand [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running RepairElytraFromLeather [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running RepairNetheriteFromScrap [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running RepairTridentsFromShards [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ShowRepairCost [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ShulkerBoxDragDrop [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running ShulkerBoxTooltip [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running SnowAccumulation [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running StackableEnchantedBooks [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running StackablePotions [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running StackableStews [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running StraysDropBlueIce [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running StraysSpawnUnderground [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running StrongerAnvils [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running TotemOfPreserving [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running TotemWorksFromInventory [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantBarrels [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantBars [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantBookshelves [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantChains [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantChests [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantLadders [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantLanterns [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VariantMobTextures [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running VillagersFollowEmeraldBlocks [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running WanderingTraderMaps [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running WeatheringIron [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running WitchesDropLuck [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [ModuleLoader] Running Woodcutters [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Loading Collective (Fabric) version 4.27. [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for jungle_creeper [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for bamboo_creeper [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for desert_creeper [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for badlands_creeper [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for hills_creeper [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for savannah_creeper [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for mushroom_creeper [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for swamp_creeper [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for dripstone_creeper [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for cave_creeper [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for dark_oak_creeper [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for spruce_creeper [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for beach_creeper [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for snowy_creeper [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: Dusk initialized [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for ashen_cow [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for albino_cow [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for cookie_cow [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for cream_cow [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for dairy_cow [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for pinto_cow [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for sunset_cow [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for amber_chicken [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for bronzed_chicken [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for gold_crested_chicken [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for midnight_chicken [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for skewbald_chicken [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for stormy_chicken [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for mottled_pig [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for pale_pig [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for piebald_pig [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for pink_footed_pig [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for sooty_pig [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for spotted_pig [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for bold_striped_rabbit [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for freckled_rabbit [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for harelequin_rabbit [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for muddy_foot_rabbit [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for vested_rabbit [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for flecked_sheep [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for fuzzy_sheep [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for inky_sheep [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for long_nosed_sheep [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for patched_sheep [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for rocky_sheep [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for bone_shard [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for bone_spider [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for bouldering_zombie [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for cluckshroom [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for fancy_chicken [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for furnace_golem [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for horned_sheep [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for jolly_llama [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for jumbo_rabbit [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for lobber_zombie [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for melon_golem [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for melon_seed_projectile [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for moobloom [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for moolip [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for muddy_pig [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for rainbow_sheep [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for rotten_flesh_projectile [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for skeleton_wolf [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for tropical_slime [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for umbra_cow [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for viler_witch [18:47:28] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for wooly_cow [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [Earth2Java] Mod loaded! Enjoy :D [18:47:29] [main/INFO]: Registered 14 status effects [18:47:29] [main/INFO]: Registered dummy effects [18:47:29] [main/INFO]: Registered 37 potions [18:47:29] [main/INFO]: Beginning More Geodes initialization [18:47:29] [main/INFO]: More Geodes initialized! [18:47:29] [main/INFO]: [Mob-Scarecrow] is initializing. [18:47:29] [main/INFO]: [Mob-Scarecrow] has successfully been initialized. [18:47:29] [main/INFO]: [Mob-Scarecrow] if you have any issues or questions feel free to join my Discord: https://discord.gg/fvcFxTg6sB [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider CharmReiServerPlugin [charm] for REIPlugin [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider AdornReiServer [adorn] for REIPlugin [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider CharmReiServerPlugin [charm] for REIServerPlugin [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider AdornReiServer [adorn] for REIServerPlugin [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIServerPlugin [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIServerPlugin [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin for REIServerPlugin [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin for REIPlugin [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: Registered region minecraft:overworld to index 0 for type OVERWORLD [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: Registered region minecraft:nether to index 0 for type NETHER [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: Registered region graveyard_biomes:biome_provider to index 1 for type OVERWORLD [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: Registered the class com.tiviacz.travelersbackpack.fluids.effects.WaterEffect as a FluidEffect for minecraft:water 81000 with the ID 0 [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: Registered the class com.tiviacz.travelersbackpack.fluids.effects.LavaEffect as a FluidEffect for minecraft:lava 81000 with the ID 1 [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: Initializing Twigs [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: Initialized Twigs (took 517ms) [18:47:30] [main/INFO]: Compatibility version 14 [18:47:31] [main/INFO]: Loading plugins [18:47:31] [main/INFO]: Loaded 0 plugin(s) [18:47:31] [main/INFO]: Initializing plugins [18:47:31] [main/INFO]: Initialized 0 plugin(s) [18:47:31] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: All 12 have been set properly [18:47:31] [main/INFO]: Initialize YDM's WeaponMaster Mod! [18:47:31] [main/INFO]: Spooking you... [18:47:31] [main/INFO]: Summoning a hidebehind to eat you... [18:47:31] [main/INFO]: Loading Xaero's Minimap - Stage 1/2 (Server) [18:47:31] [main/INFO]: Environment: authHost='https://authserver.mojang.com', accountsHost='https://api.mojang.com', sessionHost='https://sessionserver.mojang.com', servicesHost='https://api.minecraftservices.com', name='PROD' [18:47:32] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (4e9fb10, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=0, customLand=true, biomes=30) updates Map [18:47:32] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (4e9fb10, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=0, customLand=true, biomes=30) set Max Height: 128 [18:47:32] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - The End BiomeSource (4e9fb10, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=128, customLand=true, biomes=30) [18:47:32] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Chunk Generator: BCLib - Chunk Generator (9051a7c) (biomeSource: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (4e9fb10, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=128, customLand=true, biomes=30)) [18:47:32] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (3c979833, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=0, biomes=27) updates Map [18:47:32] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (3c979833, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=0, biomes=27) set Max Height: 128 [18:47:32] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (3c979833, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=27) updates Map [18:47:32] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (3c979833, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=27) [18:47:32] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Chunk Generator: BCLib - Chunk Generator (36c68f33) (biomeSource: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (3c979833, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=27)) [18:47:32] [main/INFO]: [DataFixerAPI] Ignoring Patch{betternether:5.3.5:21020677} [18:47:32] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Running Pre Patchers on ./ligma/. [18:47:32] [main/INFO]: [DataFixerAPI] Everything up to date [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (4aa4d1, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=square}, seed=0, height=0, biomes=27) updates Map [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (4aa4d1, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=square}, seed=0, height=0, biomes=27) set Max Height: 128 [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (4aa4d1, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=square}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=27) updates Map [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (4aa4d1, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=square}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=27) [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Chunk Generator: BCLib - Chunk Generator (662d67c9) (biomeSource: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (4aa4d1, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=square}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=27)) [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (520665ca, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=square, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=0, customLand=true, biomes=30) updates Map [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (520665ca, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=square, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=0, customLand=true, biomes=30) set Max Height: 128 [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - The End BiomeSource (520665ca, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=square, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=128, customLand=true, biomes=30) [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Chunk Generator: BCLib - Chunk Generator (27f3fa9e) (biomeSource: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (520665ca, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=square, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=128, customLand=true, biomes=30)) [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (29155ad2, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=0, biomes=27) updates Map [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (29155ad2, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=0, biomes=27) set Max Height: 128 [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (29155ad2, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=27) updates Map [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (29155ad2, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=27) [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Chunk Generator: BCLib - Chunk Generator (48dc420f) (biomeSource: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (29155ad2, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=27)) [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (70c37680, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=0, customLand=true, biomes=30) updates Map [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (70c37680, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=0, customLand=true, biomes=30) set Max Height: 128 [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - The End BiomeSource (70c37680, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=128, customLand=true, biomes=30) [18:47:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Chunk Generator: BCLib - Chunk Generator (11ad1de) (biomeSource: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (70c37680, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=128, customLand=true, biomes=30)) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:amethyst_rainforest(net.minecraft.class_1959@28b720d0) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:mountain_steppe(net.minecraft.class_1959@70865ad0) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:blooming_valley(net.minecraft.class_1959@3317b195) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:windswept_spires(net.minecraft.class_1959@58f77c3) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cloud_forest(net.minecraft.class_1959@12514a14) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:frozen_cliffs(net.minecraft.class_1959@7bfd0a79) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:shield_clearing(net.minecraft.class_1959@7ecbbfc8) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:brushland(net.minecraft.class_1959@66d99f43) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:yosemite_cliffs(net.minecraft.class_1959@3b18892b) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/granite_caves(net.minecraft.class_1959@c923e0f) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:tropical_jungle(net.minecraft.class_1959@3dc3209) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:blooming_plateau(net.minecraft.class_1959@3084936e) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/fungal_caves(net.minecraft.class_1959@1df787c9) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:wintry_lowlands(net.minecraft.class_1959@5edb89f8) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:valley_clearing(net.minecraft.class_1959@6115b9dc) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:lavender_forest(net.minecraft.class_1959@72893b86) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:lush_valley(net.minecraft.class_1959@7a1cddba) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:siberian_grove(net.minecraft.class_1959@6464685a) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/desert_caves(net.minecraft.class_1959@7dd092b5) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:shield(net.minecraft.class_1959@110e472a) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:desert_canyon(net.minecraft.class_1959@3c516587) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/andesite_caves(net.minecraft.class_1959@67795123) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/tuff_caves(net.minecraft.class_1959@5d1d9844) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:scarlet_mountains(net.minecraft.class_1959@195f4e2a) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:rocky_mountains(net.minecraft.class_1959@7f5bffe7) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:hot_shrubland(net.minecraft.class_1959@f36876) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:skylands_spring(net.minecraft.class_1959@684dfcf6) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:gravel_desert(net.minecraft.class_1959@5d69f24b) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/diorite_caves(net.minecraft.class_1959@caa7d86) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:alpine_highlands(net.minecraft.class_1959@3aa28954) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:painted_mountains(net.minecraft.class_1959@64f46758) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:lavender_valley(net.minecraft.class_1959@7f78d42f) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:amethyst_canyon(net.minecraft.class_1959@3f855b61) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:alpha_islands_winter(net.minecraft.class_1959@7e350e11) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:rocky_shrubland(net.minecraft.class_1959@45109062) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/ice_caves(net.minecraft.class_1959@5a2d02d) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:siberian_taiga(net.minecraft.class_1959@3178a44b) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/frostfire_caves(net.minecraft.class_1959@1f92aec) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:rocky_jungle(net.minecraft.class_1959@1fb443cf) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:moonlight_valley(net.minecraft.class_1959@4b9745b9) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:orchid_swamp(net.minecraft.class_1959@3523d655) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:mirage_isles(net.minecraft.class_1959@17c0a229) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:temperate_highlands(net.minecraft.class_1959@9ee2238) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cold_shrubland(net.minecraft.class_1959@5febfa3d) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: graveyard_biomes:ancient_dead_coral_reef(net.minecraft.class_1959@7945a12f) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: graveyard_biomes:haunted_forest(net.minecraft.class_1959@801606b) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:basalt_cliffs(net.minecraft.class_1959@ffcd285) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:savanna_badlands(net.minecraft.class_1959@6382e0cd) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terrablender:deferred_placeholder(net.minecraft.class_1959@5a92453e) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:fractured_savanna(net.minecraft.class_1959@db01bd7) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:glacial_chasm(net.minecraft.class_1959@5594695d) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:snowy_badlands(net.minecraft.class_1959@5342414b) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:white_cliffs(net.minecraft.class_1959@11bc81b8) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:yosemite_lowlands(net.minecraft.class_1959@21d6bc5a) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:ancient_sands(net.minecraft.class_1959@27cc1285) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:skylands(net.minecraft.class_1959@1e67584) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:desert_spires(net.minecraft.class_1959@235527c3) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:alpine_grove(net.minecraft.class_1959@4ab412a9) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:warm_river(net.minecraft.class_1959@74462af9) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/deep_caves(net.minecraft.class_1959@45927a57) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:volcanic_crater(net.minecraft.class_1959@303df0cc) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/crystal_caves(net.minecraft.class_1959@3399af6) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:arid_highlands(net.minecraft.class_1959@647cb2fe) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:snowy_maple_forest(net.minecraft.class_1959@19cace) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:skylands_winter(net.minecraft.class_1959@60f8ad12) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:moonlight_grove(net.minecraft.class_1959@3a217c21) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:wintry_forest(net.minecraft.class_1959@49f6b26e) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:warped_mesa(net.minecraft.class_1959@50291e84) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:red_oasis(net.minecraft.class_1959@248502c3) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:gravel_beach(net.minecraft.class_1959@6a1fcc7a) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:bryce_canyon(net.minecraft.class_1959@32ff810b) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:haze_mountain(net.minecraft.class_1959@2b2b17c9) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:sakura_valley(net.minecraft.class_1959@1280f3b4) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:emerald_peaks(net.minecraft.class_1959@5f415a06) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:skylands_summer(net.minecraft.class_1959@31c2b279) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:steppe(net.minecraft.class_1959@64205303) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:snowy_shield(net.minecraft.class_1959@28cfd813) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:birch_taiga(net.minecraft.class_1959@181d6ac1) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/underground_jungle(net.minecraft.class_1959@101a20dd) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: graveyard_biomes:haunted_lakes(net.minecraft.class_1959@79ee4373) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:sakura_grove(net.minecraft.class_1959@531e8060) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:savanna_slopes(net.minecraft.class_1959@6ecc6dc3) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:white_mesa(net.minecraft.class_1959@237ed886) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:stony_spires(net.minecraft.class_1959@11b6986b) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:jungle_mountains(net.minecraft.class_1959@3721c513) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: graveyard_biomes:eroded_haunted_forest(net.minecraft.class_1959@4c5cd09e) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:volcanic_peaks(net.minecraft.class_1959@1588a867) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:yellowstone(net.minecraft.class_1959@2399d250) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:desert_oasis(net.minecraft.class_1959@16bcbe1c) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:skylands_autumn(net.minecraft.class_1959@715244ff) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:ice_marsh(net.minecraft.class_1959@55238113) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/infested_caves(net.minecraft.class_1959@1824533b) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:sandstone_valley(net.minecraft.class_1959@2d8aa0af) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/mantle_caves(net.minecraft.class_1959@1442c89d) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:shrubland(net.minecraft.class_1959@649793be) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:cave/thermal_caves(net.minecraft.class_1959@6b9ec0ca) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:granite_cliffs(net.minecraft.class_1959@6ba3612f) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:ashen_savanna(net.minecraft.class_1959@c12a797) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:lush_desert(net.minecraft.class_1959@4344e343) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:caldera(net.minecraft.class_1959@375b4261) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:highlands(net.minecraft.class_1959@1f138c22) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:forested_highlands(net.minecraft.class_1959@5fa1bb3) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Sorting Features in Biome: terralith:alpha_islands(net.minecraft.class_1959@2652bce9) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [fabric-registry-sync] Loaded registry data [file 1/4] [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (6a1ed9a7, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=2094170545900333609, height=0, customLand=true, biomes=30) updates Map [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (6a1ed9a7, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=2094170545900333609, height=0, customLand=true, biomes=30) set Max Height: 128 [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - The End BiomeSource (6a1ed9a7, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=2094170545900333609, height=128, customLand=true, biomes=30) [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Chunk Generator: BCLib - Chunk Generator (62351730) (biomeSource: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (6a1ed9a7, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=2094170545900333609, height=128, customLand=true, biomes=30)) [18:47:49] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (7689eb6a, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=2094170545900333609, height=0, biomes=27) updates Map [18:47:49] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (7689eb6a, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=2094170545900333609, height=0, biomes=27) set Max Height: 128 [18:47:49] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (7689eb6a, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=2094170545900333609, height=128, biomes=27) updates Map [18:47:49] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (7689eb6a, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=2094170545900333609, height=128, biomes=27) [18:47:49] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Chunk Generator: BCLib - Chunk Generator (c2620e1) (biomeSource: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (7689eb6a, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=2094170545900333609, height=128, biomes=27)) [18:47:50] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (11c967bb, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=0, customLand=true, biomes=30) updates Map [18:47:50] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (11c967bb, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=0, customLand=true, biomes=30) set Max Height: 128 [18:47:50] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - The End BiomeSource (11c967bb, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=128, customLand=true, biomes=30) [18:47:50] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Chunk Generator: BCLib - Chunk Generator (531a8aee) (biomeSource: BCLib - The End BiomeSource (11c967bb, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=0, height=128, customLand=true, biomes=30)) [18:47:50] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (4fda1718, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=0, biomes=27) updates Map [18:47:50] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (4fda1718, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=0, biomes=27) set Max Height: 128 [18:47:50] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (4fda1718, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=27) updates Map [18:47:50] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Make sure features are loaded from terrablender for BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (4fda1718, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=27) [18:47:50] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Chunk Generator: BCLib - Chunk Generator (6ebc68d4) (biomeSource: BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (4fda1718, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=0, height=128, biomes=27)) [18:47:51] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: [REI] Processed 0 tags in 155.1 μs for minecraft:worldgen/structure [18:47:51] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: [REI] Processed 0 tags in 276.8 μs for minecraft:worldgen/biome [18:47:51] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: [REI] Processed 0 tags in 13.16 μs for minecraft:worldgen/world_preset [18:47:51] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: [REI] Processed 0 tags in 7.391 μs for minecraft:worldgen/flat_level_generator_preset [18:47:51] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: [REI] Processed 0 tags in 7.910 μs for minecraft:dimension_type [18:47:51] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: [REI] Processed 0 tags in 10.76 μs for minecraft:worldgen/structure_set [18:47:51] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: [REI] Processed 5 tags in 1.011 ms for minecraft:game_event [18:47:51] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: [REI] Processed 6 tags in 40.75 μs for minecraft:fluid [18:47:51] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: [REI] Processed 5 tags in 52.34 μs for minecraft:enchantment [18:47:51] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: [REI] Processed 23 tags in 149.6 μs for minecraft:entity_type [18:47:52] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: [REI] Processed 403 tags in 32.82 ms for minecraft:block [18:47:52] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: [REI] Processed 1 tags in 26.45 μs for minecraft:painting_variant [18:47:52] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: [REI] Processed 1076 tags in 6.895 ms for minecraft:item [18:47:52] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: [REI] Processed 3 tags in 68.09 μs for minecraft:point_of_interest_type [18:47:53] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: [REI] Processed 2 tags in 22.65 μs for minecraft:cat_variant [18:47:53] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: [REI] Processed 3 tags in 23.33 μs for minecraft:instrument [18:47:53] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: [REI] Processed 7 tags in 35.42 μs for minecraft:banner_pattern [18:47:54] [main/WARN]: The ring recipe extraalchemy:ring_recipes/extraalchemy_shrinking_strong has no non-instant effects associated with extraalchemy:shrinking_strong, this functionality is meant for long lasting effects. [18:47:54] [main/WARN]: The ring recipe extraalchemy:ring_recipes/extraalchemy_growing has no non-instant effects associated with extraalchemy:growing, this functionality is meant for long lasting effects. [18:47:54] [main/WARN]: The ring recipe extraalchemy:ring_recipes/extraalchemy_shrinking has no non-instant effects associated with extraalchemy:shrinking, this functionality is meant for long lasting effects. [18:47:54] [main/WARN]: The ring recipe extraalchemy:ring_recipes/extraalchemy_growing_strong has no non-instant effects associated with extraalchemy:growing_strong, this functionality is meant for long lasting effects. [18:47:54] [main/INFO]: Loaded 10 recipes [18:47:55] [main/INFO]: Loaded 2482 advancements [18:47:56] [main/INFO]: [REI] Reloading Plugin Manager [REIPlugin] stage [START], registered 5 plugins: CharmReiServerPlugin [charm], AdornReiServer [adorn], DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems], FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin, DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] [18:47:56] [main/INFO]: [REI] Reloading Plugin Manager [REIServerPlugin] stage [START], registered 5 plugins: CharmReiServerPlugin [charm], AdornReiServer [adorn], DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems], FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin, DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] [18:47:56] [main/INFO]: [REI] Reloaded Plugin Manager [REIPlugin] with 2 entry types, 5 item comparators, 0 fluid comparators and 2 fluid support providers in 153ms. [18:47:56] [main/INFO]: [REI] Reloaded Plugin Manager [REIServerPlugin] with 0 menu infos in 44ms. [18:47:56] [main/INFO]: [REI] Reloading Plugin Manager [REIPlugin] stage [END], registered 5 plugins: CharmReiServerPlugin [charm], AdornReiServer [adorn], DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems], FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin, DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] [18:47:56] [main/INFO]: [REI] Reloading Plugin Manager [REIServerPlugin] stage [END], registered 5 plugins: CharmReiServerPlugin [charm], AdornReiServer [adorn], DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems], FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin, DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] [18:47:56] [main/INFO]: [REI] Reloaded Plugin Manager [REIPlugin] with 2 entry types, 5 item comparators, 0 fluid comparators and 2 fluid support providers in 48ms. [18:47:56] [main/INFO]: [REI] Reloaded Plugin Manager [REIServerPlugin] with 5 menu infos in 12ms. [18:47:56] [main/INFO]: Reloading graveyard [18:47:56] [main/INFO]: Reloading custom grave areas [18:47:56] [main/INFO]: Reloading grave shape (server side) [18:48:01] [main/INFO]: Applied 3913 biome modifications to 214 of 214 new biomes in 456.8 ms [18:48:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Successfully loaded './ligma/./serverconfig/whisperwoods-server.json5' [18:48:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Successfully loaded './config/whisperwoods-client.json5' [18:48:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Initialized TerraBlender biomes for level stem minecraft:overworld [18:48:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.19 [18:48:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties [18:48:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL [18:48:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair [18:48:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:21119 [18:48:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type [18:48:11] [Server thread/WARN]: **** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE! [18:48:11] [Server thread/WARN]: The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware. [18:48:11] [Server thread/WARN]: While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose. [18:48:11] [Server thread/WARN]: To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file. [18:48:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "ligma" [18:48:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] Apply Modifications for minecraft:overworld BiomeSource net.minecraft.class_4766@2d67e3a4 [18:48:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] Apply Modifications for minecraft:the_end BiomeSource BCLib - The End BiomeSource (6a1ed9a7, config=BCLEndBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex, generatorVersion=paulevs, withVoidBiomes=true, innerVoidRadiusSquared=1048576, voidBiomesSize=256, centerBiomesSize=256, landBiomesSize=256, barrensBiomesSize=256}, seed=2094170545900333609, height=128, customLand=true, biomes=30) [18:48:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] Apply Modifications for minecraft:the_nether BiomeSource BCLib - Nether BiomeSource (7689eb6a, config=BCLibNetherBiomeSourceConfig{mapVersion=hex}, seed=2094170545900333609, height=128, biomes=27) [18:48:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:32] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [18:48:33] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 7% [18:48:33] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 7% [18:48:34] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 15% [18:48:34] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 78% [18:48:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 22794 ms [18:48:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (24.565s)! For help, type "help" [18:48:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting GS4 status listener [18:48:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Thread Query Listener started [18:48:35] [Server thread/INFO]: JMX monitoring enabled [18:48:35] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Query running on [18:48:35] [Server thread/WARN]: Running in offline mode - Voice chat encryption is not secure! [18:48:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Using default voicechat socket implementation [18:48:35] [VoiceChatServerThread/INFO]: Server started at port 21119 [18:48:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Loaded data from grave data file [18:48:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading Xaero's Minimap - Stage 2/2 (Server) [18:48:37] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2005ms or 40 ticks behind [18:48:57] [Server thread/INFO]: lalonja4k[/**.**.**.**:34913] logged in with entity id 299 at (81.68192478364578, 89.0, 268.4085738984187) [18:48:57] [Server thread/INFO]: lalonja4k joined the game [18:48:57] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO]: Received secret request of lalonja4k (14) [18:48:57] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO]: Sent secret to lalonja4k [18:48:57] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO]: Priority overwritten for player lalonja4k. Normal: GRAVE / Robbing: INVENTORY [18:49:04] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO]: Successfully authenticated player 73ec377e-44a8-3dc8-b958-eb3ece3ce530 [18:49:05] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz[/**.**.**.**:19027] logged in with entity id 300 at (79.58073838120809, 89.0, 268.6020908726275) [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz joined the game [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] Received Hello from Client. (server=2.0.10, client=2.0.10) [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] Sending Hello to Client. (server=2.0.10) [18:49:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #4/INFO]: Received secret request of ItsAbrahamXz (14) [18:49:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #4/INFO]: Sent secret to ItsAbrahamXz [18:49:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #4/INFO]: Priority overwritten for player ItsAbrahamXz. Normal: GRAVE / Robbing: INVENTORY [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Listing Mod bclib v2.0.10 (size: 1313.3 KiB, download=true) [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Listing Mod betternether v7.0.5 (size: 20.7 MiB, download=true) [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_bclib.main [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_bclib.recipes [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.main [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.generator [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.blocks [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.items [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.biomes [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.mobs [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.recipes [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.entities [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.blocks [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.items [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.biomes [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.recipes [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.enchantments [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Folder /server/bclib-sync (allowDelete=true) [18:49:06] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 10787ms or 215 ticks behind [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] Received Hello from Client. (server=2.0.10, client=2.0.10) [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] Sending Hello to Client. (server=2.0.10) [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Listing Mod bclib v2.0.10 (size: 1313.3 KiB, download=true) [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Listing Mod betternether v7.0.5 (size: 20.7 MiB, download=true) [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_bclib.main [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_bclib.recipes [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.main [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.generator [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.blocks [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.items [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.biomes [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.mobs [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.recipes [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.entities [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.blocks [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.items [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.biomes [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.recipes [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.enchantments [18:49:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Folder /server/bclib-sync (allowDelete=true) [18:49:07] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO]: Successfully authenticated player e7df1e9a-ed3d-3802-af3f-d0091932228d [18:49:12] [Server thread/WARN]: @Final field field_25883:Lnet/minecraft/class_4970$class_4973; in charm.mixins.json:more_portal_frames.AddValidPortalFrameBlocksMixin from mod charm should be final [18:49:23] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead[/**.**.**.**:4173] logged in with entity id 588 at (631.4999127780695, 104.0, 272.7338328623394) [18:49:23] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead joined the game [18:49:23] [Netty Epoll Server IO #5/INFO]: Received secret request of ZetaUndead (14) [18:49:23] [Netty Epoll Server IO #5/INFO]: Sent secret to ZetaUndead [18:49:23] [Netty Epoll Server IO #5/INFO]: Priority overwritten for player ZetaUndead. Normal: GRAVE / Robbing: INVENTORY [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] Received Hello from Client. (server=2.0.10, client=2.0.10) [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] Sending Hello to Client. (server=2.0.10) [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Listing Mod bclib v2.0.10 (size: 1313.3 KiB, download=true) [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Listing Mod betternether v7.0.5 (size: 20.7 MiB, download=true) [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_bclib.main [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_bclib.recipes [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.main [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.generator [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.blocks [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.items [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.biomes [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.mobs [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betternether.recipes [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.entities [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.blocks [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.items [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.biomes [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.recipes [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Config bclib.CONFIG_betterend.enchantments [18:49:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [bclib] - Offering Folder /server/bclib-sync (allowDelete=true) [18:49:26] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 4935ms or 98 ticks behind [18:49:26] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO]: Successfully authenticated player 01b4811a-a3d4-354f-a3d8-d074ceb69b46 [18:49:27] [Server thread/INFO]: lalonja4k has made the advancement [Those Were the Days] [18:49:29] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz has made the advancement [Those Were the Days] [18:49:32] [Server thread/INFO]: ola [18:49:49] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 7653ms or 153 ticks behind [18:50:31] [Server thread/WARN]: ItsAbrahamXz moved too quickly! -4.040319550044202,1.5651066875386164,-9.097710171129222 [18:51:38] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2023ms or 40 ticks behind [18:52:32] [Server thread/INFO]: lalonja4k has made the advancement [War Pigs] [18:56:24] [Server thread/INFO]: me robe los 16 bloques de oro [18:56:27] [Server thread/INFO]: jejeje [18:56:33] [Server thread/INFO]: sumadre [18:57:12] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead was blown up by Creeper [18:57:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 689, 91, 214 | overworld [18:57:18] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by entity.graveyard.revenant [18:57:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 692, 91, 217 | overworld [18:57:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZetaUndead: Set own game mode to Creative Mode] [18:57:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 689, 91, 214 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [18:57:40] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead is retrieving their grave at 689, 91, 214 [18:57:40] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead retrieved the items from the grave [18:58:07] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 692, 91, 217 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [18:58:07] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 692, 91, 217 [18:58:07] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [18:58:12] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by entity.graveyard.revenant [18:58:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 691, 91, 218 | overworld [18:58:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZetaUndead: Set ItsAbrahamXz's game mode to Creative Mode] [18:58:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Teleported ItsAbrahamXz to ZetaUndead] [18:58:24] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 691, 91, 218 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [18:58:24] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 691, 91, 218 [18:58:24] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [18:59:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving grave backup data [18:59:55] [Server thread/WARN]: entity.mythicmounts.geckotoalizard (vehicle of ItsAbrahamXz) moved wrongly! 0.3739611888794343 [18:59:55] [Server thread/WARN]: entity.mythicmounts.geckotoalizard (vehicle of ItsAbrahamXz) moved wrongly! 0.8339161794210668 [18:59:55] [Server thread/WARN]: entity.mythicmounts.geckotoalizard (vehicle of ItsAbrahamXz) moved wrongly! 1.3169006677787956 [18:59:55] [Server thread/WARN]: entity.mythicmounts.geckotoalizard (vehicle of ItsAbrahamXz) moved wrongly! 1.8495745200987894 [19:00:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZetaUndead: Set ItsAbrahamXz's game mode to Survival Mode] [19:00:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZetaUndead: Set own game mode to Survival Mode] [19:00:15] [Server thread/INFO]: abue [19:00:16] [Server thread/INFO]: sddsajdsajads [19:03:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Duerme en el nether we [19:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: voy [19:03:48] [Server thread/INFO]: noooooooooo [19:03:59] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by Zombified Piglin [19:03:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 640, 107, 306 | overworld [19:04:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving grave backup data [19:04:05] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 640, 107, 306 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [19:04:05] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 640, 107, 306 [19:04:05] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [19:05:11] [Server thread/WARN]: entity.mythicmounts.geckotoalizard (vehicle of ItsAbrahamXz) moved wrongly! 0.4497736740407845 [19:05:11] [Server thread/WARN]: entity.mythicmounts.geckotoalizard (vehicle of ItsAbrahamXz) moved wrongly! 0.9915959503343856 [19:09:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving grave backup data [19:10:21] [Server thread/INFO]: lalonja4k has completed the challenge [Return to Sender] [19:10:29] [Server thread/INFO]: ojo [19:10:30] [Server thread/INFO]: asu el pro [19:10:36] [Server thread/INFO]: le devolvi la bola ocn una flecha [19:10:38] [Server thread/INFO]: xd [19:11:17] [Server thread/INFO]: encontre un spawn de cosas de magma [19:12:25] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2020ms or 40 ticks behind [19:15:32] [Server thread/INFO]: lets gooooo [19:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: weather [19:15:36] [Server thread/INFO]: fortuna 3 [19:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: epaaa [19:15:39] [Server thread/INFO]: :D [19:15:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Set the weather to clear] [19:15:52] [Server thread/INFO]: voy a la jaus [19:21:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Set own game mode to Creative Mode] [19:21:35] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead has made the advancement [Hot Stuff] [19:21:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Set own game mode to Survival Mode] [19:24:08] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by entity.adventurez.orc [19:24:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 634, 103, 242 | overworld [19:24:15] [Server thread/INFO]: XDDDD [19:24:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 634, 103, 242 was replaced with Block{minecraft:dirt_path} [19:24:21] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 634, 103, 242 [19:24:21] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [19:24:36] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead was slain by Zombie [19:24:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 627, 104, 222 | overworld [19:24:41] [Server thread/INFO]: JAJAJAJAJA [19:24:51] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 627, 104, 222 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [19:24:51] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead is retrieving their grave at 627, 104, 222 [19:24:51] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead retrieved the items from the grave [19:29:04] [Server thread/INFO]: vengo en 2 [19:29:05] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving grave backup data [19:35:02] [Server thread/INFO]: es de noche ? [19:35:10] [Server thread/INFO]: asies [19:35:19] [Server thread/INFO]: pueden hacer de dia plis ? [19:35:25] [Server thread/INFO]: :b [19:37:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Removed 500 items from player ItsAbrahamXz] [19:37:34] [Server thread/INFO]: como q el diamante sale en capas negativas ? [19:37:36] [Server thread/INFO]: JSDJSDASJAD [19:37:40] [Server thread/INFO]: como q items borrados [19:37:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Bergaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [19:37:48] [Server thread/INFO]: la regué [19:37:57] [Server thread/INFO]: ilegalisimo eeeh [19:38:01] [Server thread/INFO]: ME LLEVA LA GUAYABA [19:38:16] [Server thread/INFO]: report 0.0 [19:39:07] [Server thread/INFO]: epale epale [19:39:16] [Server thread/INFO]: q [19:39:23] [Server thread/INFO]: como que 500 items borrados [19:39:28] [Server thread/INFO]: ahh [19:39:30] [Server thread/INFO]: ADSJDASADSJ lo mismo dig [19:39:32] [Server thread/INFO]: xd [19:39:43] [Server thread/INFO]: los diamantes aparecen mejor en la -56 [19:39:50] [Server thread/INFO]: llevo 58 [19:39:53] [Server thread/INFO]: :b [19:40:21] [Server thread/INFO]: na no cheto [19:40:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Set own game mode to Creative Mode] [19:40:54] [Server thread/INFO]: JSDAJDASAJSD [19:40:57] [Server thread/INFO]: Q HACEN? [19:41:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Set own game mode to Survival Mode] [19:41:10] [Server thread/INFO]: el mecoide borró sus cosas [19:41:13] [Server thread/INFO]: es que ya vez que borre mi inventario xd [19:41:21] [Server thread/INFO]: me saque mi espadita y mi pico xd [19:42:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Ivan puedes picar redstone porfis [19:42:20] [Server thread/INFO]: smn [19:42:28] [Server thread/INFO]: LLEVAS 58 DIAMANTES? [19:42:31] [Server thread/INFO]: q weno q me dices por q ya la andaba dejando [19:44:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZetaUndead: Set own game mode to Creative Mode] [19:44:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZetaUndead: Set own game mode to Survival Mode] [19:48:46] [Server thread/INFO]: men [19:48:49] [Server thread/INFO]: ptm [19:49:00] [Server thread/INFO]: eo [19:49:32] [Server thread/INFO]: puedo hacerme tp ? [19:50:20] [Server thread/INFO]: ? [19:50:24] [Server thread/INFO]: chi ? [19:50:26] [Server thread/INFO]: tan en casa ? [19:50:42] [Server thread/INFO]: alo ? :,v [19:52:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [lalonja4k: Teleported lalonja4k to ZetaUndead] [19:52:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [lalonja4k: Teleported lalonja4k to ItsAbrahamXz] [19:54:19] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 14287ms or 285 ticks behind [19:54:19] [Server thread/WARN]: ZetaUndead moved too quickly! -9.920606015328985,-1.0013359791121417,-1.8302064619037992 [19:55:26] [Server thread/INFO]: lalonja4k has made the advancement [Cover Me with Diamonds] [19:57:06] [Server thread/INFO]: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz [19:57:07] [Server thread/INFO]: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz [19:57:10] [Server thread/INFO]: ZZZZZZZZZZZZ [19:57:11] [Server thread/INFO]: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ [19:57:11] [Server thread/INFO]: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ [19:57:12] [Server thread/INFO]: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ [19:57:13] [Server thread/INFO]: zz [19:57:13] [Server thread/INFO]: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ [19:57:49] [Server thread/INFO]: zzz [19:57:53] [Server thread/INFO]: papu mimido [19:57:58] [Server thread/INFO]: when haces tus momos en video [19:58:00] [Server thread/INFO]: :v [19:58:03] [Server thread/INFO]: pacman [19:58:04] [Server thread/INFO]: >:v [19:58:07] [Server thread/INFO]: v:< [19:58:11] [Server thread/INFO]: ZZZZZZZZZ [19:58:18] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead was slain by ItsAbrahamXz [19:58:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 651, 104, 267 | overworld [19:58:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 651, 104, 267 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [19:58:20] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead is retrieving their grave at 651, 104, 267 [19:58:20] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead retrieved the items from the grave [19:58:22] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by ZetaUndead [19:58:22] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 645, 104, 273 | overworld [19:58:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 645, 104, 273 was replaced with Block{minecraft:oak_door} [19:58:29] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 645, 104, 273 [19:58:29] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [19:58:52] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by ZetaUndead [19:58:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 639, 105, 274 | overworld [19:59:04] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by ZetaUndead [19:59:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Didn't generate grave as grave wouldn't contain anything [19:59:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving grave backup data [19:59:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 639, 105, 274 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [19:59:35] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 639, 105, 274 [19:59:35] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [19:59:53] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead fell from a high place [19:59:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 633, 104, 259 | overworld [19:59:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 633, 104, 259 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [19:59:59] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead is retrieving their grave at 633, 104, 259 [19:59:59] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead retrieved the items from the grave [20:00:13] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by ZetaUndead [20:00:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 622, 104, 271 | overworld [20:00:26] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead was slain by lalonja4k [20:00:26] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 640, 104, 267 | overworld [20:00:28] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by lalonja4k [20:00:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Didn't generate grave as grave wouldn't contain anything [20:00:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 640, 104, 267 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:00:32] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead is retrieving their grave at 640, 104, 267 [20:00:32] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead retrieved the items from the grave [20:00:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 622, 104, 271 was replaced with Block{twigs:pebble} [20:00:50] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 622, 104, 271 [20:00:50] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [20:02:06] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead was slain by ItsAbrahamXz [20:02:06] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 651, 109, 278 | overworld [20:02:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 651, 109, 278 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:02:09] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead is retrieving their grave at 651, 109, 278 [20:02:09] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead retrieved the items from the grave [20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by ZetaUndead [20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 648, 109, 277 | overworld [20:02:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 648, 109, 277 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:02:17] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 648, 109, 277 [20:02:17] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [20:02:24] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by ZetaUndead [20:02:24] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 650, 109, 273 | overworld [20:02:31] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by ZetaUndead [20:02:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Didn't generate grave as grave wouldn't contain anything [20:02:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 650, 109, 273 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:02:44] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 650, 109, 273 [20:02:44] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [20:03:02] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead was slain by ItsAbrahamXz [20:03:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 651, 109, 263 | overworld [20:03:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 651, 109, 263 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:03:09] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead is retrieving their grave at 651, 109, 263 [20:03:09] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead retrieved the items from the grave [20:03:10] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by lalonja4k [20:03:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 658, 104, 265 | overworld [20:03:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 658, 104, 265 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:03:16] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 658, 104, 265 [20:03:16] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [20:03:23] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead was slain by ItsAbrahamXz [20:03:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 656, 104, 262 | overworld [20:03:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 656, 104, 262 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:03:31] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead is retrieving their grave at 656, 104, 262 [20:03:31] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead retrieved the items from the grave [20:04:03] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by lalonja4k [20:04:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 651, 104, 256 | overworld [20:04:05] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead was slain by lalonja4k [20:04:05] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 653, 104, 256 | overworld [20:04:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 651, 104, 256 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:04:08] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 651, 104, 256 [20:04:08] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [20:04:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 653, 104, 256 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:04:10] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead is retrieving their grave at 653, 104, 256 [20:04:10] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead retrieved the items from the grave [20:04:18] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by lalonja4k [20:04:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 627, 104, 261 | overworld [20:04:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving grave backup data [20:04:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 627, 104, 261 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:04:28] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 627, 104, 261 [20:04:28] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [20:04:29] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead was slain by lalonja4k [20:04:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 626, 104, 260 | overworld [20:04:31] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by lalonja4k [20:04:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 625, 104, 261 | overworld [20:04:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 626, 104, 260 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:04:36] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead is retrieving their grave at 626, 104, 260 [20:04:36] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead retrieved the items from the grave [20:04:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 625, 104, 261 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:04:39] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 625, 104, 261 [20:04:39] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [20:05:23] [Server thread/WARN]: ZetaUndead moved too quickly! -9.786886784474632,0.7334083839322858,2.8306782408284903 [20:05:32] [Server thread/INFO]: lalonja4k fell out of the world [20:05:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Killed lalonja4k] [20:05:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 645, 108, 320 | overworld [20:05:40] [Server thread/INFO]: XDDD [20:05:41] [Server thread/INFO]: te alv JSD [20:05:43] [Server thread/INFO]: DSAJSADJDA [20:05:49] [Server thread/INFO]: jajajajaja [20:05:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 645, 108, 320 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:05:52] [Server thread/INFO]: lalonja4k is retrieving their grave at 645, 108, 320 [20:05:52] [Server thread/INFO]: lalonja4k retrieved the items from the grave [20:06:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Me rifé [20:06:36] [Server thread/INFO]: lalonja4k lost connection: Disconnected [20:06:36] [Server thread/INFO]: lalonja4k left the game [20:06:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Disconnecting client lalonja4k [20:08:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Set own game mode to Creative Mode] [20:09:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving grave backup data [20:10:50] [Server thread/INFO]: ayudame a buscarlo [20:10:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Teleported ZetaUndead to ItsAbrahamXz] [20:11:20] [Server thread/INFO]: no te sirve el de arañas? [20:11:23] [Server thread/INFO]: ÑO [20:11:28] [Server thread/INFO]: AGUANTA [20:11:29] [Server thread/INFO]: o [20:11:31] [Server thread/INFO]: AHI QUEDATE [20:11:35] [Server thread/INFO]: ok [20:11:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Teleported ItsAbrahamXz to ZetaUndead] [20:12:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZetaUndead: Teleported ZetaUndead to 631.500000, 104.500000, 292.500000] [20:26:16] [Server thread/INFO]: hello men [20:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: ei [20:27:51] [Server thread/INFO]: how are you? [20:28:09] [Server thread/INFO]: fine thank you [20:28:11] [Server thread/INFO]: and you? [20:28:23] [Server thread/INFO]: creo q ivan si se cabreo we [20:28:27] [Server thread/INFO]: naaambe [20:28:34] [Server thread/INFO]: si? xd [20:28:43] [Server thread/INFO]: no volvio xd [20:28:59] [Server thread/INFO]: que tal que está cenando [20:29:28] [Server thread/INFO]: por tus mamadas de andar matando jajaja [20:29:39] [Server thread/INFO]: ándale pendejo JAJAJJA [20:29:52] [Server thread/INFO]: jajaja [20:36:08] [Server thread/INFO]: vengo [20:39:30] [Server thread/INFO]: ola [20:39:34] [Server thread/INFO]: fui al baño xd [20:39:36] [Server thread/INFO]: ola we [20:40:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZetaUndead: Set own game mode to Creative Mode] [20:42:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZetaUndead: Set own game mode to Survival Mode] [20:42:59] [Server thread/INFO]: u [20:43:06] [Server thread/INFO]: ola [20:43:10] [Server thread/INFO]: ola we [20:43:15] [Server thread/INFO]: ola [20:43:17] [Server thread/INFO]: fine [20:43:21] [Server thread/INFO]: thankyu [20:43:29] [Server thread/INFO]: fine [20:46:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Set own game mode to Survival Mode] [20:46:40] [Server thread/INFO]: uuuu [20:46:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Teleported ZetaUndead to ItsAbrahamXz] [20:50:28] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by Zombie [20:50:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 684, 28, 124 | overworld [20:50:35] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2008ms or 40 ticks behind [20:50:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Set own game mode to Creative Mode] [20:50:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Teleported ItsAbrahamXz to ZetaUndead] [20:51:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Set own game mode to Survival Mode] [20:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 684, 28, 124 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [20:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 684, 28, 124 [20:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [20:54:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving grave backup data [20:56:30] [Server thread/INFO]: men [20:56:36] [Server thread/INFO]: no se ha petado en un rato [20:58:55] [Server thread/INFO]: no eches la sal [20:59:51] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz was slain by ZetaUndead [20:59:51] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 653, 109, 267 | overworld [21:00:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItsAbrahamXz: Teleported ItsAbrahamXz to ZetaUndead] [21:00:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 653, 109, 267 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [21:00:02] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz is retrieving their grave at 653, 109, 267 [21:00:02] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz retrieved the items from the grave [21:00:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Villager class_1646['Cleric'/18, l='ServerLevel[ligma]', x=9.25, y=76.00, z=16.30] died, message: 'Cleric hit the ground too hard' [21:00:16] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead was slain by ItsAbrahamXz [21:00:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave spawned at: 653, 109, 276 | overworld [21:00:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZetaUndead: Teleported ZetaUndead to ItsAbrahamXz] [21:00:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Grave at 653, 109, 276 was replaced with Block{minecraft:air} [21:00:31] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead is retrieving their grave at 653, 109, 276 [21:00:31] [Server thread/INFO]: ZetaUndead retrieved the items from the grave [21:04:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving grave backup data [21:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: men [21:05:52] [Server thread/INFO]: eo [21:05:54] [Server thread/INFO]: hay q jugar hasta tarde [21:05:57] [Server thread/INFO]: no seas gei [21:06:20] [Server thread/INFO]: pero si ya es hasta tarde y no me he bañado xd [21:06:20] [Server thread/INFO]: buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu [21:06:27] [Server thread/INFO]: tarde como a las 2 [21:06:31] [Server thread/INFO]: xD [21:06:32] [Server thread/INFO]: na tu también JAJAJAJA [21:06:37] [Server thread/INFO]: que cacooooooo [21:06:53] [Server thread/INFO]: todo quieres pa [21:07:00] [Server thread/INFO]: xd [21:07:36] [Server thread/INFO]: ItsAbrahamXz has made the advancement [Cover Me with Diamonds] [21:12:00] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2109ms or 42 ticks behind [21:13:05] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO]: Player e7df1e9a-ed3d-3802-af3f-d0091932228d timed out [21:13:05] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO]: Reconnecting player ItsAbrahamXz [21:13:05] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO]: Sent secret to ItsAbrahamXz