# _____ _ _ _ # | __ \ | | | | | | # | |__) |___ _ _| | ___| |_| |_ ___ # | _ // _ \| | | | |/ _ \ __| __/ _ \ # | | \ \ (_) | |_| | | __/ |_| || __/ # |_| \_\___/ \__,_|_|\___|\__|\__\___| # # Developed by Matsuneitor. # :) # Don't touch this! config-version: 2 # The render distance for the models. Default: 96. render-distance: 96 # Whether to allow players to swap chairs before the game starts. If false, you can bypass this with 'roulette.swapchair' permission. # if false, players will be seated in the first empty chair. swap-chair: true # Whether to instantly explode the fireworks. instant-explode: true # Whether to fix the camera when changing chairs so the player looks forward. fix-chair-camera: false # The delay before you can move your chip / from chair (in millis, minimum value allowed = 200). move-interval: 200 # Whether to allow players to hit other players within a game. hit-on-game: true # If true, players will remain seated at the table after a game ends; ready for the next game. keep-seat: true # If you want to use abbreviation format when naming money. Useful for prison type servers where money values are much higher. # You can add your own translations per value, using the abbreviation as the key. # For more info on scales, take a look here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_and_short_scales money-abbreviation-format: enabled: false translations: K: 1_000 M: 1_000_000 B: 1_000_000_000 T: 1_000_000_000_000 Q: 1_000_000_000_000_000 croupier-ball: # The material that'll be used as a ball by the croupier. material: SNOWBALL # The speed of the ball (rotation speed). speed: 35.0 # Here you can define custom win multiplier per slot. # NOTE: The given value is multiplied to the price. # For example: If you bet $100 in red and win, if the multiplier is 1.2 then the final winning money is 100 * 1.2 = 120 (money recovered + 20). # If this option is enabled but a slot is not defined, the default (real-world) multiplier is applied (SINGLE = 36, RED/BLACK = 3, OTHERS = 2). # Example: SLOT_RED: 1.5 # https://github.com/aematsubara/Roulette/blob/master/src/main/java/me/matsubara/roulette/game/data/Slot.java custom-win-multiplier: enabled: false slots: [] # The countdown of each part of the game (in seconds), must be a multiple of 5. countdown: # Starts after reaching the minimum amount of players. # This time is set by default, you can change it for each game with the game editor GUI, by right-clicking an NPC. waiting: 10 # Starts at the end of the previous countdown, time for players to choose their bet. selecting: 30 # Starts at the end of the previous countdown, where the roulette begins to spin. sorting: 10 # Here you can modify the restart time and the amount of fireworks. # Be CAREFUL with this, as the fireworks'll be launched based on the restart time. # If you want to restart the game in 5s and launch 10 fireworks, then: 5 / 10 = 0.5, this means that every 0.5s a firework'll be launched. # NOTE: Both values must be a multiple of 5, if you don't want fireworks to be launched, set @fireworks to 0. restart: # In how many seconds the game must be restarted. time: 5 # How many fireworks'll be launched (only if there are winners). fireworks: 10 sounds: # The sound that'll play when you click an item in the chip inventory. click: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING # The sound that'll play along with the countdown messages. countdown: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP # The sound that'll play when the roulette starts to spin. spinning: BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON # The sound that'll play when swapping chairs. swap-chair: ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_CRIT # The sound that'll play when selecting a slot in the table (when moving the chip). select: BLOCK_WOOL_PLACE # Here you can disable the slots of the table that you want. # https://github.com/aematsubara/Roulette/blob/master/src/main/java/me/matsubara/roulette/game/data/Slot.java disabled-slots: [] # Whether to give a map (or "casino voucher") to the winner of a game. # The image must be named "image.png" and must be 128x128 (otherwise will be resized). # Text format: LINE, TEXT # # Available placeholders: # %player% - the player who won. # %money% - the amount of money earned. # %original-money% -the original amount of money bet. # %date% - which date the game was won. # %selected-slot% - the slot in which the bet was placed. # %winner-slot% - the winning number of the roulette wheel. map-image: enabled: true text: - 15, %player% - 105, %money% date-format: dd-MM-yyyy item: display-name: '&a恭喜!' lore: - '&7你在轮盘中赢得了 &a%money% &7!' # The word that must be typed to cancel an input request (account name / NPC name / NPC texture). cancel-word: cancel # Name to display in the hologram of each slot. # %number% - the number if the slot is single. slots: single: zero: '&a&l压%number% &a(绿色)' red: '&c&l压%number% &c(红色)' black: '&0&l压%number% &0(黑色)' column: '1': '&6&l压1的等差数列公差为3 &6(3倍)' '2': '&6&l压2的等差数列公差为3 &6(3倍)' '3': '&6&l压3的等差数列公差为3 &6(3倍)' dozen: '1': '&6&l压数字为低部分 &6(3倍)' '2': '&6&l压数字为中部分 &6(3倍)' '3': '&6&l压数字为高部分 &6(3倍)' other: low: '&6&l压数字为低 &6(2倍)' high: '&6&l压数字为高 &6(2倍)' even: '&6&l压偶数 &6(2倍)' odd: '&6&l压奇数 &6(2倍)' red: '&c&l压红色 &6(2倍)' black: '&0&l压黑色 &6(2倍)' # The name of the %type% variable depending on the type of the game for the join hologram. types: european: '&a(欧式玩法)' american: '&a(美式玩法)' confirmation-gui: # The title of the confirmation GUI. title: 你确定要选这个吗? # The display name of the confirmation item. confirm: '&a确认' # The display name of the cancel item. cancel: '&c取消' # The hologram of the game. # %name% - the name of the game. # %playing% - amount of players in the game. # %max% - the maximum amount of players allowed. # %type% - the type of the table, can be european or american (see @join-hologram.european and @join-hologram.american). join-hologram: - '%type%' - '&e%name% (%playing%/%max%)' - '&u&l放手一搏吧!' # The line that'll appear on the spinning hologram. spin-holograms: spinning: '&6弹珠滚动中...' winning-number: '&6得奖号码:' # The hologram that'll appear above the player's chip. # %player% - the name of the player. # %bet% - the selected bet of the player. # %money% - the amount of money betting. select-hologram: - '&e%player%' - '&aBET: %bet%' # This item replaces the shop chip that is clicked without having enough money. not-enough-money: material: BARRIER display-name: "&c隆浣犲凡缁忔病閽卞暒!" lore: [] # The state text using in some variables. state: enabled: '&a启用' disabled: '&c禁用' # Here you can modify each item within the inventory of the game editor, accessible by right-clicking an NPC. # %name% - the name of the game. (@title) # %player% - the name of the player. (@account.display-name and no-account.display-name) # %state% - the state of the bet-all option. (@bet-all.display-name) # %croupier-name% - the name of the croupier. (@croupier.display-name) game-menu: title: "缂栬緫: %name%" account: display-name: "&a褰撳墠鐜╁璐︽埛: &e%player%" lore: - "&7鐜╁鍦ㄦ湰娆¤祵灞�涓姇娉ㄧ殑鎵�鏈夌‖甯�" - "&7閮藉皢浼氳姹囧叆閫夊畾鐜╁鐨勮处鎴�" - "&7" - "&6宸﹂敭鍗曞嚮浠ユ洿鏀�" - "&6鍙抽敭鍗曞嚮浠ュ垹闄�" no-account: material: BARRIER display-name: "&c褰撳墠鏈�変腑鐜╁璐︽埛" lore: - "&7鐜╁鍦ㄦ湰娆¤祵灞�涓姇娉ㄧ殑鎵�鏈夌‖甯�" - "&7閮藉皢浼氳姹囧叆閫夊畾鐜╁鐨勮处鎴�" - "&7" - "&6宸﹂敭鍗曞嚮浠ユ洿鏀�" min-amount: material: MINECART display-name: "&a鏈�灏戠帺瀹舵暟閲�" lore: - "&7寮�濮嬩竴灞�娓告垙" - "&7鎵�闇�鐨勬渶灏戠帺瀹舵暟" - "&7" - "&6宸﹂敭鍗曞嚮浠ュ噺灏戞暟閲�" - "&6鍙抽敭鍗曞嚮浠ュ鍔犳暟閲�" max-amount: material: CHEST_MINECART display-name: "&a鏈�澶х帺瀹舵暟閲�" lore: - "&7寮�濮嬩竴灞�娓告垙" - "&7鎵�闇�鐨勬渶澶х帺瀹舵暟" - "&7" - "&6宸﹂敭鍗曞嚮浠ュ噺灏戞暟閲�" - "&6鍙抽敭鍗曞嚮浠ュ鍔犳暟閲�" start-time: material: CLOCK display-name: "&a寮�濮嬫椂闂�: &e%seconds% 绉�" lore: - "&7褰撳弬涓庣帺瀹舵暟鐩揪鍒版渶灏戝��" - "&7璧屽眬灏嗕細鍦ㄨ瀹氭椂闂村�煎悗寮�濮�" - "&7" - "&6宸﹂敭鍗曞嚮浠ュ噺灏�5绉�" - "&6鍙抽敭鍗曞嚮浠ュ鍔�5绉�" la-partage: display-name: "&aLa Partage" lore: - "&7鏃嬭浆鍗曚釜闆跺悗锛�" - "&7骞冲垎绉嬭壊鐨勮祵娉ㄥ皢绔嬪嵆" - "&7闄や互浜�." - "&7" - "&7杩欐牱锛�50%鐨勮祵娉ㄥ皢鏄�" - "&7鎭㈠鍒扮帺瀹讹紝鑰�" - "&7鍏朵粬50%灏嗚浜ゅ嚭" - "&7鍒帮紝鎴夸富." - "&7" - "&6鍗曞嚮浠ュ惎鐢�/绂佺敤." en-prison: display-name: "&aEn Prison" lore: - "&7璁╃帺瀹舵湁鏈轰細" - "&7鏀跺洖浠栦滑骞冲垎绉嬭壊鐨勮祵娉�" - "&7闆剁偣鏃嬭浆鍚�." - "&7" - "&7璧屾敞浠嶇劧鍦ㄥけ璐ヨ�呰韩涓�" - "&7涓嬩竴娆℃棆杞殑鍋舵暟璧屾敞" - "&7濡傛灉鐜╁璧簡绗簩涓�" - "&7闅忕潃鏃堕棿鐨勬祦閫濓紝浠栦滑寰楀埌浜嗕粬浠師鏈殑" - "&7璐ㄦ娂." - "&7" - "&6鍗曞嚮浠ュ惎鐢�/绂佺敤." surrender: display-name: "&a鎶曢檷" lore: - "&7瀹冨熀鏈笂涓嶭a Partage鐩稿悓" - "&7鍥犱负姣忓綋 0 鎴� 00 鑾疯儨鏃堕兘浼氬己鍒舵墽琛�," - "&7鍦ㄨ繖绉嶆儏鍐典笅锛岀帺瀹垛�滄姇闄嶁��" - "&7浠栦滑鍘熸潵閲戦鐨勪竴鍗婏紝浠ュ強" - "&7淇濈暀鍏朵綑閮ㄥ垎." - "&7" - "&6鍗曞嚮浠ュ惎鐢�/绂佺敤." last-winning-numbers: display-name: "&a鏈�鍚庝腑濂栧彿鐮�" lore: - "&7鍦ㄨ繖閲屼綘鍙互鐪嬪埌鏈�鍚庣殑涓" - "&7杩欎釜娓告垙涓殑鏁板瓧." croupier: display-name: "&a鍓富鎸佷汉: &e%croupier-name%" lore: - "&7鍦ㄨ繖閲岋紝鎮ㄥ彲浠ユ洿鏀逛竴浜涢�夐」" - "&7of the npc." - "&7" - "&6宸﹂敭鐐瑰嚮鏇存敼鍚嶇О." - "&6鍙抽敭鍗曞嚮浠ユ洿鏀圭汗鐞�." - "&7" - "&cShift 宸﹂敭鐐瑰嚮閲嶈鍚嶇О." - "&cShifft 鍙抽敭鍗曞嚮浠ラ噸缃汗鐞�." bet-all: url: "e36e94f6c34a35465fce4a90f2e25976389eb9709a12273574ff70fd4daa6852" material: PLAYER_HEAD display-name: "&e鍏ㄦ娂: %state%" lore: - "&7鍏佽鐜╁涓嬫敞鎵�鏈夌殑閽�." - "&6鍗曞嚮浠ュ惎鐢�/绂佺敤." close: material: BARRIER display-name: "&c鍏抽棴" lore: - "&7鐐瑰嚮鍏抽棴." # Text added to the surrender rule item if the table being edited isn't american. only-american: '&c(仅适用于美式玩法)' # Text added to the croupier settings item when has no name. unnamed-croupier: '&c小艺' # Here you can modify each item within the inventory of purchase of chips. # You can't change the material of @chip, as this will use a head with the chip skin, defined in @chips.yml. # %page% - the current page. (@title) # %max% - the amount of pages. (@title) # %money% - the money involved. (@chip.display-name and @money.display-name) shop: title: "璧屾敞 (%page%/%max%)" chip: display-name: "&a%money%" lore: - "&7鐐瑰嚮璐拱璧屾敞涓�鏋�." previous: url: "bd69e06e5dadfd84e5f3d1c21063f2553b2fa945ee1d4d7152fdc5425bc12a9" material: PLAYER_HEAD display-name: "&6Previous" lore: - "&7鐐瑰嚮杩涘叆涓婁竴椤�." money: url: "6e7e3e8ab060e64d0256b3688e62d433eab341a157f2a733ed43450fee4e7264" material: PLAYER_HEAD display-name: "&6浣犵殑閽卞寘: &e%money%" lore: [] bet-all: url: "e36e94f6c34a35465fce4a90f2e25976389eb9709a12273574ff70fd4daa6852" material: PLAYER_HEAD display-name: "&a鎵�鏈夐挶" lore: - "&7鎶婁綘鎵�鏈夌殑閽遍兘鎶煎湪杩欎釜娓告垙涓�." - "&c(鎮ㄥ繀椤荤‘璁�)" exit: material: BARRIER display-name: "&c閫�鍑�" lore: - "&7鐐瑰嚮閫�鍑烘父鎴�." next: url: "19bf3292e126a105b54eba713aa1b152d541a1d8938829c56364d178ed22bf" material: PLAYER_HEAD display-name: "&6涓嬩竴椤�" lore: - "&7鐐瑰嚮杩涘叆涓嬩竴椤�."