[12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Booting up Velocity 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT (git-5ef90c46-b258)... [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Loading localizations... [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.network.ConnectionManager]: Connections will use epoll channels, libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression, OpenSSL 3.0.x (Linux x86_64) ciphers [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Loading plugins... [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin alwaysonline 6.2.0 by Dablakbandit [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin bungeepackfix 1.1.0-r3 by LoneDev, YoSoyVillaa [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin commandwhitelist 2.8.1 by YouHaveTrouble [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin connectorplugin 1.3-SNAPSHOT (build 56) by Phoenix616 [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin craftingstore by [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [floodgate]: Took 161ms to boot Floodgate [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin floodgate 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT (b69-492be77) by GeyserMC [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin geyser 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT (git-master-7b409fd) by GeyserMC [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin litebans 2.12.4 by Ruan [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin luckperms 5.4.46 by Luck [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin mysqldriver 1.0 by BenCodez [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin nuvotifier 2.7.3 by Ichbinjoe [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin serverutils 3.5.4 by FrankHeijden [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin snap 1.1-SNAPSHOT (build 34) by Phoenix616 [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin spark 1.10.43 by Luck [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin velocitycoollist 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT by atikiNBTW [12:31:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin votingplugin 1.0 by BenCodez [12:31:39] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Loaded 16 plugins [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: __ [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: | |__) LuckPerms v5.4.46 [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: |___ | Running on Velocity - Velocity [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Loading configuration... [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Loading storage provider... [MYSQL] [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: luckperms-hikari - Starting... [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: luckperms-hikari - Start completed. [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Loading messaging service... [SQL] [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Loading internal permission managers... [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Performing initial data load... [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Successfully enabled. (took 858ms) [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Loading configuration... [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Successfully loaded previous state variables! [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Loading file database... [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Database is ready to go! [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Head Session server check: true [12:31:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Total check methods active: 1 [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [connectorplugin]: [DEBUG] Loaded config.yml [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [connectorplugin]: Using PluginMessage messenger [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/WARN] [connectorplugin]: This messenger type requires at least one player connected to the sending and receiving server, some functionality might not work the best! Please consider using a different messenger type. [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/WARN] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.network.ConnectionManager]: The server channel initializer has been replaced by java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/WARN] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.network.ConnectionManager]: The backend channel initializer has been replaced by java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [geyser]: Loading extensions... [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [geyser]: Loaded 0 extension(s) [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Using default database drivers (version:8). [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Using system locale (en) [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Loaded 2 templates from templates.yml! [12:31:40] [LiteBans-0/INFO] [litebans]: Downloading GeoIP API... [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Loading SQL driver: mysql 8.0.29 (com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver) [12:31:40] [LiteBans-0/INFO] [litebans]: Downloading GeoIP database (GeoLite2-Country.mmdb)... [12:31:40] [LiteBans-0/WARN] [litebans]: GeoIP download URL has not yet been configured. [12:31:40] [LiteBans-0/WARN] [litebans]: https://gitlab.com/ruany/LiteBans/-/wikis/GeoIP#geoip-download-issue [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Connecting to database... [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: litebans-pool - Starting... [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: litebans-pool - Start completed. [12:31:40] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Connected to MySQL database successfully (105.6 ms). [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: [Sync] Server name: Velocity [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: [Sync] Server UUID: e1a6b4dabb374cb980c634e2f7088ba0 <1> [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: Database connection fully initialized (219.2 ms). [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [litebans]: v2.12.4 enabled. Startup took 565 ms. [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [nuvotifier]: Loaded token for website: default [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [nuvotifier]: Using epoll transport to accept votes. [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [nuvotifier]: Method none selected for vote forwarding: Votes will not be forwarded to backend servers. [12:31:41] [Votifier epoll boss/INFO] [nuvotifier]: Votifier enabled on socket /[****:****:****:****:****:****:****:**** [12:31:41] [ServerUtils - Task Executor #0/INFO] [serverutils]: Checking for updates... [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [snap]: Loaded snap.conf [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [Snap]: Loaded plugin ChatSentry-BungeeBridge version 5.0.0 by kixmc [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [Snap]: Enabled plugin ChatSentry-BungeeBridge version 5.0.0 by kixmc [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [snap]: Registering forwarding listener for PluginMessageEvent [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [snap]: If you experience some plugin-event-listeners to not work properly then set register-all-listeners = true in the snap.conf! [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [snap]: Loaded 1 plugins! [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.bencodez.votingplugin.advancedcore.hikari.HikariDataSource]: HikariPool-1 - Starting... [12:31:41] [ServerUtils - Task Executor #0/INFO] [serverutils]: We are up-to-date! [12:31:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.bencodez.votingplugin.advancedcore.hikari.HikariDataSource]: HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [votingplugin]: VotingPlugin velocity loaded, method: PLUGINMESSAGING, PluginMessagingVersion: 1, Internal Jar Version: 6.14 [12:31:42] [Netty epoll Boss #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.network.ConnectionManager]: Listening on /[****:****:****:****:****:****:****:**** [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: ****************************************** [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Loading Geyser version 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT (git-master-7b409fd) [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: ****************************************** [12:31:42] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.Velocity]: Done (4.66s)! [12:31:42] [pool-6-thread-1/WARN] [floodgate]: ********************************** * You specified an empty prefix in your Floodgate config for Bedrock players! * Should a Java player join and a Bedrock player join with the same username, unwanted results and conflicts will happen! * We strongly recommend using . as the prefix, but other alternatives that will not conflict include: +, - and * ********************************** [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.SolidCollision [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.TrapdoorCollision [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.SnowCollision [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.DirtPathCollision [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.DoorCollision [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.SpawnerCollision [12:31:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated collision translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.ScaffoldingCollision [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Skipping particle mapping BLOCK_MARKER because no Bedrock equivalent exists. [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaPlayerCombatKillTranslator : ClientboundPlayerCombatKillPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaDisguisedChatTranslator : ClientboundDisguisedChatPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaStopSoundTranslator : ClientboundStopSoundPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaUpdateAttributesTranslator : ClientboundUpdateAttributesPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockMoveEntityAbsoluteTranslator : MoveEntityAbsolutePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaBlockUpdateTranslator : ClientboundBlockUpdatePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaContainerSetContentTranslator : ClientboundContainerSetContentPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaMoveEntityPosRotTranslator : ClientboundMoveEntityPosRotPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaPlayerAbilitiesTranslator : ClientboundPlayerAbilitiesPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.player.BedrockMovePlayerTranslator : MovePlayerPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaSetEntityLinkTranslator : ClientboundSetEntityLinkPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockPositionTrackingDBClientRequestTranslator : PositionTrackingDBClientRequestPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaCooldownTranslator : ClientboundCooldownPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaSoundEntityTranslator : ClientboundSoundEntityPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaUpdateTagsTranslator : ClientboundUpdateTagsPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.border.JavaSetBorderCenterTranslator : ClientboundSetBorderCenterPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockContainerCloseTranslator : ContainerClosePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockPlayerInputTranslator : PlayerInputPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaAwardStatsTranslator : ClientboundAwardStatsPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaLoginTranslator : ClientboundLoginPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaSystemChatTranslator : ClientboundSystemChatPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaLevelEventTranslator : ClientboundLevelEventPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaLoginDisconnectTranslator : ClientboundLoginDisconnectPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaSetHealthTranslator : ClientboundSetHealthPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaSectionBlocksUpdateTranslator : ClientboundSectionBlocksUpdatePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockNetworkStackLatencyTranslator : NetworkStackLatencyPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaAnimateTranslator : ClientboundAnimatePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaContainerCloseTranslator : ClientboundContainerClosePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.spawn.JavaAddEntityTranslator : ClientboundAddEntityPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaMerchantOffersTranslator : ClientboundMerchantOffersPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaPlayerPositionTranslator : ClientboundPlayerPositionPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.title.JavaSetSubtitleTextTranslator : ClientboundSetSubtitleTextPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaBlockDestructionTranslator : ClientboundBlockDestructionPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaCustomQueryTranslator : ClientboundCustomQueryPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaUpdateAdvancementsTranslator : ClientboundUpdateAdvancementsPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.title.JavaSetTitleTextTranslator : ClientboundSetTitleTextPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.player.BedrockRiderJumpTranslator : RiderJumpPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.title.JavaSetActionBarTextTranslator : ClientboundSetActionBarTextPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaHorseScreenOpenTranslator : ClientboundHorseScreenOpenPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaRespawnTranslator : ClientboundRespawnPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaSetCarriedItemTranslator : ClientboundSetCarriedItemPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaSetChunkCacheRadiusTranslator : ClientboundSetChunkCacheRadiusPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockCommandBlockUpdateTranslator : CommandBlockUpdatePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockFilterTextTranslator : FilterTextPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockSetLocalPlayerAsInitializedTranslator : SetLocalPlayerAsInitializedPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockBookEditTranslator : BookEditPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaRemoveEntitiesTranslator : ClientboundRemoveEntitiesPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaContainerSetSlotTranslator : ClientboundContainerSetSlotPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaGameProfileTranslator : ClientboundGameProfilePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockBlockEntityDataTranslator : BlockEntityDataPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.border.JavaSetBorderLerpSizeTranslator : ClientboundSetBorderLerpSizePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.player.BedrockActionTranslator : PlayerActionPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaBlockEventTranslator : ClientboundBlockEventPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaSelectAdvancementsTabTranslator : ClientboundSelectAdvancementsTabPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.title.JavaClearTitlesTranslator : ClientboundClearTitlesPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaUpdateRecipesTranslator : ClientboundUpdateRecipesPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.scoreboard.JavaSetScoreTranslator : ClientboundSetScorePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaContainerSetDataTranslator : ClientboundContainerSetDataPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.border.JavaSetBorderSizeTranslator : ClientboundSetBorderSizePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockEmoteListTranslator : EmoteListPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaSetExperienceTranslator : ClientboundSetExperiencePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaPingTranslator : ClientboundPingPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaTeleportEntityTranslator : ClientboundTeleportEntityPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaSetPassengersTranslator : ClientboundSetPassengersPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaPlayerInfoUpdateTranslator : ClientboundPlayerInfoUpdatePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaTakeItemEntityTranslator : ClientboundTakeItemEntityPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaMoveEntityPosTranslator : ClientboundMoveEntityPosPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaLevelChunkWithLightTranslator : ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaDamageEventTranslator : ClientboundDamageEventPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaSoundTranslator : ClientboundSoundPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockLecternUpdateTranslator : LecternUpdatePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.BedrockEntityEventTranslator : EntityEventPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockTextTranslator : TextPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaEntityEventTranslator : ClientboundEntityEventPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockAnimateTranslator : AnimatePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.border.JavaSetBorderWarningDelayTranslator : ClientboundSetBorderWarningDelayPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockPacketViolationWarningTranslator : PacketViolationWarningPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockServerSettingsRequestTranslator : ServerSettingsRequestPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaRemoveMobEffectTranslator : ClientboundRemoveMobEffectPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockRequestChunkRadiusTranslator : RequestChunkRadiusPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockInventoryTransactionTranslator : InventoryTransactionPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaUpdateMobEffectTranslator : ClientboundUpdateMobEffectPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockShowCreditsTranslator : ShowCreditsPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaPlayerChatTranslator : ClientboundPlayerChatPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaMapItemDataTranslator : ClientboundMapItemDataPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.world.BedrockLevelSoundEventTranslator : LevelSoundEventPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaCustomPayloadTranslator : ClientboundCustomPayloadPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockBlockPickRequestTranslator : BlockPickRequestPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockItemStackRequestTranslator : ItemStackRequestPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.player.BedrockEmoteTranslator : EmotePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaExplodeTranslator : ClientboundExplodePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.scoreboard.JavaSetObjectiveTranslator : ClientboundSetObjectivePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaMoveEntityRotTranslator : ClientboundMoveEntityRotPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockRespawnTranslator : RespawnPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaBlockEntityDataTranslator : ClientboundBlockEntityDataPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaKeepAliveTranslator : ClientboundKeepAlivePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaMoveVehicleTranslator : ClientboundMoveVehiclePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaForgetLevelChunkTranslator : ClientboundForgetLevelChunkPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.border.JavaInitializeBorderTranslator : ClientboundInitializeBorderPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaPlayerLookAtTranslator : ClientboundPlayerLookAtPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockRequestAbilityTranslator : RequestAbilityPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaRotateHeadTranslator : ClientboundRotateHeadPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaChangeDifficultyTranslator : ClientboundChangeDifficultyPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaSetChunkCacheCenterTranslator : ClientboundSetChunkCacheCenterPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaBossEventTranslator : ClientboundBossEventPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockMapInfoRequestTranslator : MapInfoRequestPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockMobEquipmentTranslator : MobEquipmentPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaLevelParticlesTranslator : ClientboundLevelParticlesPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaBlockChangedAckTranslator : ClientboundBlockChangedAckPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.player.BedrockInteractTranslator : InteractPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaSetDefaultSpawnPositionTranslator : ClientboundSetDefaultSpawnPositionPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaGameEventTranslator : ClientboundGameEventPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaOpenSignEditorTranslator : ClientboundOpenSignEditorPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaSetEquipmentTranslator : ClientboundSetEquipmentPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.JavaSetTimeTranslator : ClientboundSetTimePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockEntityPickRequestTranslator : EntityPickRequestPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.spawn.JavaAddPlayerTranslator : ClientboundAddPlayerPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.player.JavaPlayerInfoRemoveTranslator : ClientboundPlayerInfoRemovePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockCommandRequestTranslator : CommandRequestPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.level.border.JavaSetBorderWarningDistanceTranslator : ClientboundSetBorderWarningDistancePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.BedrockItemFrameDropItemTranslator : ItemFrameDropItemPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.title.JavaSetTitlesAnimationTranslator : ClientboundSetTitlesAnimationPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.spawn.JavaAddExperienceOrbTranslator : ClientboundAddExperienceOrbPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.scoreboard.JavaSetDisplayObjectiveTranslator : ClientboundSetDisplayObjectivePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaSetEntityMotionTranslator : ClientboundSetEntityMotionPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.scoreboard.JavaSetPlayerTeamTranslator : ClientboundSetPlayerTeamPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.inventory.JavaOpenScreenTranslator : ClientboundOpenScreenPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaCommandsTranslator : ClientboundCommandsPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.entity.JavaSetEntityDataTranslator : ClientboundSetEntityDataPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.bedrock.entity.player.BedrockSetPlayerGameTypeTranslator : SetPlayerGameTypePacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Found annotated translator: org.geysermc.geyser.translator.protocol.java.JavaDisconnectTranslator : ClientboundDisconnectPacket [12:31:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered 379 custom items [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:pitcher_plant as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:sniffer_egg as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_b233ce8' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_5208962' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_5208962' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_5208962' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/ERROR] [geyser]: Custom item name 'gmdl_ff7b86f' already exists and was registered again! Skipping... [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:bundle as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:pitcher_pod as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:spectral_arrow as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:tipped_arrow as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:knowledge_book as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:debug_stick as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:music_disc_relic as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:bundle as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:spectral_arrow as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:tipped_arrow as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:knowledge_book as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:debug_stick as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #6/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: VelocityCoolList >>> Whitelist disabled! [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:bundle as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:spectral_arrow as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:tipped_arrow as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:knowledge_book as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Adding minecraft:debug_stick as an item that needs to be translated. [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=7, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=3, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=6, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=1, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=5, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=4, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=8, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=9, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=7, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=3, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=6, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=1, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=5, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=4, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=8, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=596, componentBased=false), damage=9, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=7, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=3, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=6, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=1, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=5, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=4, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=8, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=2, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:suspicious_stew, runtimeId=597, componentBased=false), damage=9, count=1, tag=null, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=null, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Auto-loaded Floodgate key [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: EventLoop type: class io.netty.channel.epoll.EpollDatagramChannel [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Started Geyser on [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Loaded Floodgate key! [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Done (2.553s)! Run /geyser help for help! [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command help [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command list [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command reload [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command offhand [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command dump [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command version [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command settings [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command statistics [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command advancements [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command tooltips [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Registered command connectiontest [12:31:44] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Local injection succeeded! [12:31:44] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] [geyser]: {"client":{"sha1":"e575a48efda46cf88111ba05b624ef90c520eef1","size":23028278,"url":"https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/e575a48efda46cf88111ba05b624ef90c520eef1/client.jar"},"client_mappings":{"sha1":"a4cd9a97400f7ecfe4dba23e427549ebc5815d66","size":8001434,"url":"https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/a4cd9a97400f7ecfe4dba23e427549ebc5815d66/client.txt"},"server":{"sha1":"15c777e2cfe0556eef19aab534b186c0c6f277e1","size":47787288,"url":"https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/15c777e2cfe0556eef19aab534b186c0c6f277e1/server.jar"},"server_mappings":{"sha1":"15e61168fd24c7950b22cd3b9e771a7ce4035b41","size":6153964,"url":"https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/15e61168fd24c7950b22cd3b9e771a7ce4035b41/server.txt"}} [12:31:44] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] [geyser]: {"sha1":"e575a48efda46cf88111ba05b624ef90c520eef1","size":23028278,"url":"https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/e575a48efda46cf88111ba05b624ef90c520eef1/client.jar"} [12:31:44] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] [geyser]: Downloading and loading locale: en_us [12:31:45] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:47086 has pinged you! [12:31:46] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:31:46] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:62658 has pinged you! [12:31:48] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 0 players [12:31:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:31:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:31:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:31:50] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you! [12:31:50] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you! [12:31:50] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:47086 has pinged you! [12:31:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:31:51] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #10/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: VelocityCoolList >>> Whitelist enabled! [12:31:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:31:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:31:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:31:55] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:47086 has pinged you! [12:31:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:21837 has pinged you! [12:31:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:31:56] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 0 players [12:31:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you! [12:31:58] [Netty epoll Worker #7/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.client.AuthSessionHandler]: [connected player] DuneSciFye (/**.**.**.**:51822) has connected [12:31:58] [Netty epoll Worker #7/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] DuneSciFye -> lobby has connected [12:31:58] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:21837 has pinged you! [12:31:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:31:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:31:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:32:00] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: This command does not exist. [12:32:00] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #8/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: VelocityCoolList >>> List of whitelisted players: DuneSciFye [12:32:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:22613 tried to connect! [12:32:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:32:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:22613 tried to connect! [12:32:02] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-2/INFO] [geyser]: Is player data signed? true [12:32:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientToServerHandshakePacket [12:32:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientCacheStatusPacket [12:32:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-2/INFO] [geyser]: Player connected with username widadw9372 [12:32:04] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-1/INFO] [geyser]: widadw9372 (logged in as: widadw9372) has connected to the Java server [12:32:04] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-1/INFO] [geyser]: Downloading and loading locale: en_us [12:32:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:32:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:32:04] [pool-7-thread-1/INFO] [floodgate]: Floodgate player who is logged in as widadw9372 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25 joined [12:32:04] [Netty epoll Worker #13/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.client.AuthSessionHandler]: [connected player] widadw9372 (/**.**.**.**:0) has connected [12:32:04] [Geyser player thread-6-1/INFO] [geyser]: Registering bedrock skin for widadw9372 (00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25) [12:32:04] [Netty epoll Worker #13/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.client.ConnectedPlayer]: [connected player] widadw9372 (/**.**.**.**:0) has disconnected: VelocityCoolList >>> Whitelist is enabled and you are not on it! [12:32:04] [Netty epoll Worker #13/INFO] [floodgate]: Floodgate player logged in as widadw9372 disconnected [12:32:04] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-1/INFO] [geyser]: widadw9372 has disconnected from the Java server because of VelocityCoolList >>> Whitelist is enabled and you are not on it! [12:32:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:32:06] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:32:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:32:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:32:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:32:09] [VelocityCoolList - Task Executor #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: VelocityCoolList >>> widadw9372 has been added to the whitelist [12:32:09] [VelocityCoolList - Task Executor #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: widadw9372 has been added to the whitelist by CONSOLE [12:32:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:32:11] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:32:13] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 0 players [12:32:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:32:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:32:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:32:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:57820 has pinged you! [12:32:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you! [12:32:16] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:32:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:32:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:32:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:32:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:32:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:32:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:57820 has pinged you! [12:32:21] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:32:21] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you! [12:32:23] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:32:23] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 0 players [12:32:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:32:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:32:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:32:25] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you! [12:32:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:32:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you! [12:32:28] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:32:28] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 0 players [12:32:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:32:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:32:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:32:30] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 0 players [12:32:30] [Netty epoll Worker #7/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] DuneSciFye -> skyblock has connected [12:32:30] [Netty epoll Worker #7/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] DuneSciFye -> lobby has disconnected [12:32:31] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:32:31] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you! [12:32:33] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:32:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:32:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:32:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:32:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:32:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you! [12:32:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:32:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you! [12:32:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you! [12:32:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:32:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:32:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:32:39] [Always Online - Task Executor #1/INFO] [alwaysonline]: Checking update for AlwaysOnline v6.2.0 [12:32:41] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:11901 has pinged you! [12:32:41] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:32:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:22613 tried to connect! [12:32:42] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:22613 tried to connect! [12:32:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:32:43] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Is player data signed? true [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientToServerHandshakePacket [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientCacheStatusPacket [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you! [12:32:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Player connected with username widadw9372 [12:32:44] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: widadw9372 (logged in as: widadw9372) has connected to the Java server [12:32:44] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Downloading and loading locale: en_us [12:32:45] [pool-7-thread-1/INFO] [floodgate]: Floodgate player who is logged in as widadw9372 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25 joined [12:32:45] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.client.AuthSessionHandler]: [connected player] widadw9372 (/**.**.**.**:0) has connected [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Registering bedrock skin for widadw9372 (00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25) [12:32:45] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] widadw9372 -> lobby has connected [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundUpdateEnabledFeaturesPacket [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundRecipePacket [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundCustomChatCompletionsPacket [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundSetSimulationDistancePacket [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundServerDataPacket [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundResourcePackPacket [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Emulating post 1.18 block predication logic for widadw9372? true [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Emulating post 1.13 villager logic for widadw9372? true [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_NoName CREATE [] [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP0 CREATE [Linh1763, King25877] [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet collideRule_1207 CREATE [] [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned player at 0.5 100.0 0.5 [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP2670 CREATE [] [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP2670 ADD_PLAYER [widadw9372] [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP2670 UPDATE null [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP2670 UPDATE null [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP2670 UPDATE null [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Ignoring player info update for 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25 [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.5067153, 98.0, -7.4366207) with id 3 (java id 2) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity WARDEN at location (5.4738, 98.0, 13.4608) with id 5 (java id 117) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-7.5, 98.0, 15.5) with id 8 (java id 3) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Not sure how to handle skull head item display. CompoundTag { {Damage=IntTag(Damage) { 3 }, SkullOwner=CompoundTag(SkullOwner) { {Properties=CompoundTag(Properties) { {textures=ListTag(textures) { [CompoundTag { {Value=StringTag(Value) { eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmM3YzhjZmI2MGNkYWE0MWZlZjBhMjg4NmU1MTdlMWFhOWRjYTRmYzY5ODM1ZDM4ZGM1NTFiNDAxOTk1ZWNkNSJ9fX0= }} }] }} }, Id=IntArrayTag(Id) { [1336611417, 1691045497, -1409100105, 673726612] }} }} } [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 226157 REMOVE null [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 226157 CREATE [[ZNPC] 226157] [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.861, 101.033, 14.069) with id 10 (java id 92) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 831516 REMOVE null [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 831516 CREATE [[ZNPC] 831516] [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.861, 100.733, 13.969) with id 12 (java id 94) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.0, 5.5) with id 13 (java id 82) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.7, 5.5) with id 14 (java id 84) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.4, 5.5) with id 15 (java id 86) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.5, 5.5) with id 16 (java id 129) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 CREATE [SlimeSMP 2.0] [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 CREATE [9653a46d-f1c3-4a68-9a05-7e58d8f7c22a] [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 CREATE [skyblock] [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a CREATE [Gaming SMP] [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Teleport (2) from 0.5 100.0 0.5 [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: to 0.5 100.0 0.5 [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (45.5, 98.0, -12.5) with id 17 (java id 130) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Not sure how to handle skull head item display. CompoundTag { {Damage=IntTag(Damage) { 3 }, SkullOwner=CompoundTag(SkullOwner) { {Properties=CompoundTag(Properties) { {textures=ListTag(textures) { [CompoundTag { {Value=StringTag(Value) { eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmM3YzhjZmI2MGNkYWE0MWZlZjBhMjg4NmU1MTdlMWFhOWRjYTRmYzY5ODM1ZDM4ZGM1NTFiNDAxOTk1ZWNkNSJ9fX0= }} }] }} }, Id=IntArrayTag(Id) { [-1316397804, -1916383713, -1199850153, -1942020103] }} }} } [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (44.5, 98.0, -13.5) with id 18 (java id 131) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Not sure how to handle skull head item display. CompoundTag { {Damage=IntTag(Damage) { 3 }, SkullOwner=CompoundTag(SkullOwner) { {Properties=CompoundTag(Properties) { {textures=ListTag(textures) { [CompoundTag { {Value=StringTag(Value) { eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmM3YzhjZmI2MGNkYWE0MWZlZjBhMjg4NmU1MTdlMWFhOWRjYTRmYzY5ODM1ZDM4ZGM1NTFiNDAxOTk1ZWNkNSJ9fX0= }} }] }} }, Id=IntArrayTag(Id) { [1035813756, -1270198626, -1692420747, -125896164] }} }} } [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (45.5, 98.0, -13.5) with id 19 (java id 132) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Not sure how to handle skull head item display. CompoundTag { {Damage=IntTag(Damage) { 3 }, SkullOwner=CompoundTag(SkullOwner) { {Properties=CompoundTag(Properties) { {textures=ListTag(textures) { [CompoundTag { {Value=StringTag(Value) { eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmM3YzhjZmI2MGNkYWE0MWZlZjBhMjg4NmU1MTdlMWFhOWRjYTRmYzY5ODM1ZDM4ZGM1NTFiNDAxOTk1ZWNkNSJ9fX0= }} }] }} }, Id=IntArrayTag(Id) { [304337950, -2135932873, -1722598383, 1844325044] }} }} } [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (44.5, 98.0, -14.5) with id 20 (java id 133) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Not sure how to handle skull head item display. CompoundTag { {Damage=IntTag(Damage) { 3 }, SkullOwner=CompoundTag(SkullOwner) { {Properties=CompoundTag(Properties) { {textures=ListTag(textures) { [CompoundTag { {Value=StringTag(Value) { eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmM3YzhjZmI2MGNkYWE0MWZlZjBhMjg4NmU1MTdlMWFhOWRjYTRmYzY5ODM1ZDM4ZGM1NTFiNDAxOTk1ZWNkNSJ9fX0= }} }] }} }, Id=IntArrayTag(Id) { [922310117, -1037676896, -1847032268, -54046274] }} }} } [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (59.5, 98.0, -14.5) with id 21 (java id 134) [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-4/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/729abbadfa8784d51b3c91e73028350f101cc887651de10db12ac5f16e52f38f [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-4/INFO] [geyser]: Took 51ms for 46c548e8-c029-2aa8-9938-d50bf1675ad8 [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-2/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/e3ed8743b804ceb16f331013518356a2a72215915e3ced1a86b91ef4a3d4f0e7 [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-1/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/f012b2fdbac6fa309d59e726eca6559302b8680dc9072f91c2cf05f5ea6e25a1 [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-3/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/c745d3a23d52413a20239d7ff979d76c1c2e568092596a02245a555b82904f73 [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-1/INFO] [geyser]: Took 72ms for 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25 [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-3/INFO] [geyser]: Took 65ms for 9b6d8894-7486-292a-8b68-9d23ffc6c651 [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-2/INFO] [geyser]: Took 66ms for c8aecdb3-6f6a-234e-81fa-ca0acb3b5aa4 [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-6/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/5a8cf433bf44c11bde4c764dc33ea07b4a15133553b01eebee3228f27f2d0233 [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-6/INFO] [geyser]: Took 57ms for f78c911f-2045-480d-89e8-6da0547779c7 [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.861, 101.033, 14.069) with id 22 (java id 92) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.861, 100.733, 13.969) with id 23 (java id 94) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.0, 5.5) with id 24 (java id 82) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.7, 5.5) with id 25 (java id 84) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.4, 5.5) with id 26 (java id 86) [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.5, 5.5) with id 27 (java id 129) [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-5/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/c3172f0c032652e19eb9a05a981b9937edb73f0b8fe7a369bfa2234773a3bcdf [12:32:45] [pool-28-thread-5/INFO] [geyser]: Took 83ms for 22479d68-316d-420e-ba7d-a8acdcf30b5b [12:32:45] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundCustomChatCompletionsPacket [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:32:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands [12:32:45] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] [geyser]: Loaded Local Bedrock Java Skin Data for widadw9372 [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Teleport (3) from 0.5 100.0 0.5 [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: to 0.0 100.0 0.0 [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (6.3, 99.95, 6.3) with id 31 (java id 1127) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (5.5, 101.37, 13.5) with id 32 (java id 1125) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (-4.7, 99.95, 6.3) with id 33 (java id 1126) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:32:46] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.861, 101.033, 14.069) with id 34 (java id 92) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.861, 100.733, 13.969) with id 35 (java id 94) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.0, 5.5) with id 36 (java id 82) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.7, 5.5) with id 37 (java id 84) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.4, 5.5) with id 38 (java id 86) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 99.5, 5.5) with id 39 (java id 129) [12:32:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0) [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0) [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:32:47] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for TickSyncPacket [12:32:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:32:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Ignoring player info update for 22479d68-316d-420e-ba7d-a8acdcf30b5b [12:32:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Ignoring player info update for f78c911f-2045-480d-89e8-6da0547779c7 [12:32:48] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:32:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:32:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:32:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:32:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:32:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:32:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:32:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:32:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:32:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:32:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:32:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:32:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:28564 has pinged you! [12:32:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:32:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:32:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:32:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:32:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:53086 has pinged you! [12:32:52] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:50677 has pinged you! [12:32:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:32:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:32:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:32:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:32:53] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:32:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:32:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:32:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:32:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:32:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:32:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:32:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:32:55] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 1 players [12:32:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:32:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:32:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:32:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:32:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:32:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:32:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:32:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:32:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:32:58] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:32:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:32:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:32:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:32:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:32:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:32:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:32:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:33:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:33:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:33:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:33:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:33:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:33:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:33:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:33:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:33:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:33:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:33:03] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:33:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:33:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:33:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:33:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:33:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:33:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:33:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:33:05] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:53086 has pinged you! [12:33:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:33:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:33:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:33:06] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:33:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:33:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:33:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:33:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:33:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:33:08] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:33:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:33:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:33:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:33:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:33:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:33:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:33:09] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:33:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:enchanted_book, runtimeId=528, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={ "PublicBukkitValues": { "executableitems:ei-id": "menu", "score:usage": 1i }, "display": { "Name": "Servers" } }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:33:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:33:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:33:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:33:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:53086 has pinged you! [12:33:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9653a46df1c3 UPDATE null [12:33:11] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:33:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c8aecdb36f6a UPDATE null [12:33:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9b6d88947486 UPDATE null [12:33:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-46c548e8c029 UPDATE null [12:33:12] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] widadw9372 -> skyblock has connected [12:33:12] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] widadw9372 -> lobby has disconnected [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundUpdateEnabledFeaturesPacket [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundRecipePacket [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundServerDataPacket [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundCustomChatCompletionsPacket [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundSetSimulationDistancePacket [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Emulating post 1.18 block predication logic for widadw9372? true [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Emulating post 1.13 villager logic for widadw9372? true [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_a CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_b CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP2 CREATE [DuneSciFye] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_7 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_8 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet team_GREEN CREATE [cd9c5b5d-9956-41ae-b963-62131320a84d, addbe193-57aa-4bab-b8cb-8c104bc6ef61] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_9 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_3 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_4 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet fireworkrocket CREATE [_TomDeath_] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_5 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet team_WHITE CREATE [GiltTiger967472, 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01fb9d3a9ff0] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_6 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_0 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_1 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_2 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_NoName CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_c CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_d CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_e CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet LD_Color_f CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned player at 37.182396 135.0 23.4485 [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundSetSimulationDistancePacket [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-1 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-2 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-4 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-5 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-6 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-7 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-8 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-9 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet 0DuneSciFyeA CREATE [DuneSciFye] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet =widadw9372A CREATE [widadw9372] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (37.182396, 195.0, 23.4485) with id 49 (java id 134) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (37.182396, 195.0, 23.4485) with id 50 (java id 135) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP904 CREATE [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP904 ADD_PLAYER [] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP904 UPDATE null [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP904 UPDATE null [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CMINP904 UPDATE null [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundSetSimulationDistancePacket [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Ignoring player info update for 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25 [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (37.483936, 126.0, 17.24327) with id 52 (java id 4273) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (37.5, 134.5, 21.5) with id 53 (java id 4269) [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-7/INFO] [geyser]: Took 0ms for 00000000-0000-0000-0009-01f274f67e25 [12:33:12] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-6/INFO] [geyser]: Loaded Local Bedrock Java Skin Data for widadw9372 [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (36.54802, 123.0625, 19.3) with id 54 (java id 4265) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (36.5, 133.0, 21.5) with id 55 (java id 4267) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (38.247837, 126.0, 18.707758) with id 56 (java id 4271) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (36.42157, 124.93536, 18.877115) with id 57 (java id 4272) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (40.3, 151.1, 25.8875) with id 58 (java id 4270) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (40.3, 123.0, 27.498438) with id 59 (java id 4268) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (36.5, 134.5, 21.5) with id 60 (java id 4264) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (37.5, 133.0, 21.5) with id 61 (java id 4266) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (38.17643, 123.875, 27.629436) with id 62 (java id 4263) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 CREATE [1548fc71-f8e4-41b4-9010-d0f3fa324fd4] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 CREATE [b2ef6898-cc50-46f2-a274-db89db3a5575] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 CREATE [Gem Shop] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 CREATE [CIT-9d30b7ba69a5] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 CREATE [Coin Shop] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e CREATE [Pocket Games] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d CREATE [370e83b0-712d-414c-a9df-c8b24164d1fb] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 CREATE [Smith] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 CREATE [c5399e5b-7eb7-4a4e-82db-38c08c3d491d] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c CREATE [b660bb45-7e4c-4cfa-bf9c-21fe26f0b5d0] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 CREATE [CIT-13442b5b7615] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 CREATE [Item Shop] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 160.0625, 0.5) with id 63 (java id 134) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.5, 160.0625, 0.5) with id 64 (java id 135) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned player at 0.5 100.0625 0.5 [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.08749999, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 67 (java id 248) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.08749999, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 68 (java id 249) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.17044212, 102.33835, 10.841668) with id 69 (java id 216) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.17044212, 102.71335, 10.841668) with id 70 (java id 219) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (1.0875, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 71 (java id 250) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (1.0875, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 72 (java id 251) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.09375, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 73 (java id 242) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.09375, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 74 (java id 243) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.84375, 101.849, 8.78125) with id 75 (java id 246) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.84375, 102.224, 8.78125) with id 76 (java id 247) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.46875, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 77 (java id 254) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.46875, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 78 (java id 255) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.114409365, 102.34316, 10.842768) with id 79 (java id 238) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.114409365, 102.71816, 10.842768) with id 80 (java id 239) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.9990162, 102.446915, 10.873763) with id 81 (java id 244) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.9990162, 102.821915, 10.873763) with id 82 (java id 245) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.28949785, 103.90064, 12.6438675) with id 83 (java id 240) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.28949785, 104.27564, 12.6438675) with id 84 (java id 241) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.5, 100.399, 10.5) with id 85 (java id 252) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.774, 10.5) with id 86 (java id 253) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 87 (java id 280) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 88 (java id 281) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 104.45, 10.5) with id 89 (java id 312) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 101.45, -31.5) with id 90 (java id 314) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 104.21, 10.5) with id 91 (java id 313) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 101.21, -31.5) with id 92 (java id 315) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (13.9804, 100.8, -15.5152) with id 93 (java id 196) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.21, 10.5) with id 94 (java id 311) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.08749999, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 95 (java id 475) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.08749999, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 96 (java id 476) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.17044212, 102.33835, 10.841668) with id 97 (java id 463) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.17044212, 102.71335, 10.841668) with id 98 (java id 464) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (1.0875, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 99 (java id 477) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (1.0875, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 100 (java id 478) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.09375, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 101 (java id 469) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.09375, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 102 (java id 470) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.84375, 101.849, 8.78125) with id 103 (java id 473) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.84375, 102.224, 8.78125) with id 104 (java id 474) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.46875, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 105 (java id 481) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.46875, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 106 (java id 482) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.11444694, 102.34157, 10.8373995) with id 107 (java id 465) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.11437703, 102.71649, 10.83837) with id 108 (java id 466) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.9990162, 102.446915, 10.873763) with id 109 (java id 471) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.9990162, 102.821915, 10.873763) with id 110 (java id 472) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (1.9719164, 103.64883, 9.63886) with id 111 (java id 467) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (1.9719164, 104.02383, 9.63886) with id 112 (java id 468) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.5, 100.399, 10.5) with id 113 (java id 479) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.774, 10.5) with id 114 (java id 480) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 115 (java id 483) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 116 (java id 484) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.08749999, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 117 (java id 230) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.08749999, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 118 (java id 231) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.17044212, 102.33835, 10.841668) with id 119 (java id 217) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.17044212, 102.71335, 10.841668) with id 120 (java id 218) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (1.0875, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 121 (java id 232) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (1.0875, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 122 (java id 233) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.09375, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 123 (java id 224) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.09375, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 124 (java id 225) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.84375, 101.849, 8.78125) with id 125 (java id 228) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.84375, 102.224, 8.78125) with id 126 (java id 229) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.46875, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 127 (java id 236) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.46875, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 128 (java id 237) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.114409365, 102.34316, 10.842768) with id 129 (java id 220) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.114409365, 102.71816, 10.842768) with id 130 (java id 221) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.9990162, 102.446915, 10.873763) with id 131 (java id 226) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.9990162, 102.821915, 10.873763) with id 132 (java id 227) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.28949785, 103.90064, 12.6438675) with id 133 (java id 222) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.28949785, 104.27564, 12.6438675) with id 134 (java id 223) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.5, 100.399, 10.5) with id 135 (java id 234) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.774, 10.5) with id 136 (java id 235) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 137 (java id 276) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 138 (java id 277) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.08749999, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 139 (java id 268) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.08749999, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 140 (java id 269) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.17044212, 102.33835, 10.841668) with id 141 (java id 256) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.17044212, 102.71335, 10.841668) with id 142 (java id 257) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (1.0875, 100.50525, 10.48125) with id 143 (java id 270) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (1.0875, 100.88025, 10.48125) with id 144 (java id 271) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.09375, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 145 (java id 262) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.09375, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 146 (java id 263) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.84375, 101.849, 8.78125) with id 147 (java id 266) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.84375, 102.224, 8.78125) with id 148 (java id 267) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.46875, 101.849, 10.46875) with id 149 (java id 274) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.46875, 102.224, 10.46875) with id 150 (java id 275) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.114409365, 102.34316, 10.842768) with id 151 (java id 258) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.114409365, 102.71816, 10.842768) with id 152 (java id 259) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.9990162, 102.446915, 10.873763) with id 153 (java id 264) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.9990162, 102.821915, 10.873763) with id 154 (java id 265) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (-0.28949785, 103.90064, 12.6438675) with id 155 (java id 260) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-0.28949785, 104.27564, 12.6438675) with id 156 (java id 261) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (0.5, 100.399, 10.5) with id 157 (java id 272) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 100.774, 10.5) with id 158 (java id 273) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 159 (java id 278) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 101.5, 10.5) with id 160 (java id 279) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (-24.5991, 99.0, -19.646) with id 162 (java id 185) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 96.0, 35.5) with id 164 (java id 323) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-5.187, 100.8, -32.9556) with id 165 (java id 173) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-14.5, 96.0, 35.5) with id 166 (java id 321) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-14.5, 97.5, 35.5) with id 167 (java id 322) [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-9/INFO] [geyser]: Took 0ms for 4130a41a-781e-2909-946f-9c39b07c0444 [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (2.6632, 101.0, 7.5982) with id 169 (java id 191) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (-24.3, 99.0, -22.0001) with id 170 (java id 190) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ILLUSIONER at location (3.3843, 101.0, -5.5281) with id 172 (java id 204) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.45, 10.5) with id 176 (java id 310) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (28.332869, 101.0, -32.107197) with id 177 (java id 316) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 97.5, 35.5) with id 178 (java id 324) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SHEEP at location (-2.5205, 100.0, -33.329) with id 179 (java id 164) [12:33:12] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundCustomChatCompletionsPacket [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 373426 REMOVE null [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 373426 CREATE [[ZNPC] 373426] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 028738 REMOVE null [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet [ZNPC] 028738 CREATE [[ZNPC] 028738] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Could not find an entity definition with type ITEM_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (-6.5, 103.25, 7.5) with id 184 (java id 4274) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (7.5, 103.25, 7.5) with id 185 (java id 4275) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (0.5, 101.93, -5.5) with id 186 (java id 4276) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (0.5, 102.12, -5.7) with id 187 (java id 4280) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (7.5, 104.15, -6.5) with id 188 (java id 4278) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (-6.5, 104.15, -6.5) with id 189 (java id 4281) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (-5.8, 102.43, -14.0) with id 190 (java id 4279) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (-5.8, 102.23, -14.2) with id 191 (java id 4282) [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-10/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/6a0f26ad3f047a21a80ed260e77f79f1867e36c9051c0163b0bf32bedbeaaf2d [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-10/INFO] [geyser]: Took 52ms for 13442b5b-7615-2d27-b310-fd2c60b69264 [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-8/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/aa3a49fce5f57039fb62302fa6f99cc0693d04b79258bac0b1dabc6dce383bb1 [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-8/INFO] [geyser]: Took 93ms for 05c7c92b-0821-2dd8-a201-981702e14215 [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-11/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/b036b65043956db81ce8df8528818a936faad22d08001f90e3b9a4db97c37645 [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-11/INFO] [geyser]: Took 75ms for fbcb8d89-c919-2193-be95-601e1d37be2e [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-12/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/4d2dee6715b0e23dc6fd90a7bcc805e67bc939aff75dc75733ee35aec8cb1b3c [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-12/INFO] [geyser]: Took 73ms for 30ad578c-5346-41ba-88fa-9e5f00863f69 [12:33:12] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: widadw9372 received more than 20 score packets per second (currently 77).We will decrease the amount that the scoreboard is updated to once every 0.25 seconds to improve performance. [12:33:12] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 1 players [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 CREATE [e8a1e1ec-fb59-4bfa-811e-1b0a7f07aaeb] [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-13/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/60aa367f5016b29f649e6bccb1a2ce2e968800cd0491e92e026bae1bed5dead [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-5 UPDATE null [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-13/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/2340c0e03dd24a11b15a8b33c2a7e9e32abb2051b2481d0ba7defd635ca7a933 [12:33:12] [pool-28-thread-13/INFO] [geyser]: Took 206ms for 827215c8-e375-4038-8f88-5b4188bb6543 [12:33:12] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 1 players [12:33:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-2.5, 100.985, -33.5) with id 198 (java id 136) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-2.5, 101.5, -33.5) with id 199 (java id 506) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 104.0, 10.5) with id 200 (java id 158) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.7, 10.5) with id 201 (java id 160) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.5, 10.5) with id 202 (java id 507) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-20.5, 102.5, -20.5) with id 203 (java id 162) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-20.5, 102.5, -20.5) with id 204 (java id 508) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 104.751, 7.5) with id 205 (java id 138) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 104.451, 7.5) with id 206 (java id 140) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 104.151, 7.5) with id 207 (java id 142) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.851, 7.5) with id 208 (java id 144) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.551, 7.5) with id 209 (java id 146) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.5, 7.5) with id 210 (java id 509) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.493, 102.5, 0.518) with id 211 (java id 152) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.493, 102.2, 0.518) with id 212 (java id 154) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.493, 101.9, 0.518) with id 213 (java id 156) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-4.493, 102.5, 0.518) with id 214 (java id 510) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.5, -6.5) with id 215 (java id 148) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.2, -6.5) with id 216 (java id 150) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (0.5, 103.5, -6.5) with id 217 (java id 511) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 CREATE [dd9c0799-6bd3-4766-8e6b-0a919cfe2a1c] [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=0) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 25 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=25, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=-26) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=2097152000) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=1000) [12:33:13] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2 [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2 [12:33:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2 [12:33:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2 [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (7.5, 100.25, 7.5) with id 224 (java id 4288) [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (7.5, 100.5, 7.5) with id 225 (java id 4287) [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (7.5, 100.0, 7.5) with id 226 (java id 4289) [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 100.0, 7.5) with id 227 (java id 4286) [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 100.5, 7.5) with id 228 (java id 4284) [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 100.25, 7.5) with id 229 (java id 4285) [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (7.5, 100.5, -6.5) with id 230 (java id 4290) [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 100.5, -6.5) with id 231 (java id 4293) [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 100.25, -6.5) with id 232 (java id 4294) [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (7.5, 100.25, -6.5) with id 233 (java id 4291) [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (-6.5, 100.0, -6.5) with id 234 (java id 4295) [12:33:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (7.5, 100.0, -6.5) with id 235 (java id 4292) [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2 [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Ignoring player info update for 30ad578c-5346-41ba-88fa-9e5f00863f69 [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Ignoring player info update for 827215c8-e375-4038-8f88-5b4188bb6543 [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2 [12:33:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:15] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:53086 has pinged you! [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2 [12:33:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:16] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2 [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2 [12:33:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2 [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2 [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2 [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 2 [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:18] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Teleport (3) from 0.5 98.91739 0.5 [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: to 0.5 100.0625 0.5 [12:33:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 3 [12:33:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 3 [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:20] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:53086 has pinged you! [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:21] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:23] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:5064 has pinged you! [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:33:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:enchanted_book, runtimeId=528, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={ "HideFlags": 33i, "PublicBukkitValues": { "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 1i, "executableitems:ei-id": "menu", "score:usage": -1i }, "display": { "Lore": [ "Drag and Drop to apply" ], "Name": "Skyblock Menu" }, "ench": [ { "id": 2s, "lvl": 6s } ] }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:26] [pool-28-thread-14/INFO] [geyser]: Downloaded https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/fc7c8cfb60cdaa41fef0a2886e517e1aa9dca4fc69835d38dc551b401995ecd5 [12:33:26] [pool-28-thread-14/INFO] [geyser]: Took 63ms for d185feed-cbe7-478e-811c-b52fb3c76120 [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:27] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 1 players [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-6 UPDATE null [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity TEXT_DISPLAY at location (-0.76466125, 102.5, 1.8213621) with id 250 (java id 4327) [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=-8355712) [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=255) [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 24 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=24, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=-8355712) [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 26 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=26, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ByteMetadataType@719d8946, value=1) [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/WARN] [geyser]: Metadata ID 23 is out of bounds of known entity metadata size 23 for entity type TEXT_DISPLAY [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: EntityMetadata(id=23, type=com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.IntMetadataType@82b0870, value=255) [12:33:28] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:33:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:29] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:29] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:30] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:30] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:30] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:30] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:30] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:30] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:31] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:31] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:32] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:32] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:33] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundSetSimulationDistancePacket [12:33:33] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for ClientboundSetSimulationDistancePacket [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SLIME at location (33.150185, 184.5625, 30.429182) with id 251 (java id 134) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD at location (33.150185, 184.5625, 30.429182) with id 252 (java id 135) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned player at 33.150185 124.5625 30.429182 [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (28.3, 134.04561, 17.939087) with id 255 (java id 4341) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (38.247837, 126.0, 18.707758) with id 256 (java id 4337) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity WITCH at location (25.5, 142.0, 44.5) with id 257 (java id 4349) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (38.87853, 145.0, 44.536247) with id 258 (java id 4362) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (38.17643, 123.875, 27.629436) with id 259 (java id 4329) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (40.3, 151.1, 40.3) with id 260 (java id 4357) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (42.7, 146.1, 36.233723) with id 261 (java id 4354) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (30.278719, 134.0, 33.18574) with id 262 (java id 4353) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (39.5, 145.0, 47.5) with id 263 (java id 4358) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (37.5, 133.0, 21.5) with id 264 (java id 4332) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (36.5, 133.0, 21.5) with id 265 (java id 4333) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (25.7, 142.1, 25.7) with id 266 (java id 4340) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (36.42157, 124.93536, 18.877115) with id 267 (java id 4338) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (40.3, 151.1, 25.8875) with id 268 (java id 4336) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (28.347965, 134.0, 24.052107) with id 269 (java id 4342) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (26.849884, 145.0, 47.530746) with id 270 (java id 4348) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (23.965212, 141.00702, 32.49468) with id 271 (java id 4350) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity HORSE at location (28.85473, 99.0, 32.159966) with id 272 (java id 4344) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (28.7, 135.1, 32.818325) with id 273 (java id 4346) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (23.3, 143.1, 36.973743) with id 274 (java id 4345) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (23.3, 146.1, 25.7) with id 275 (java id 4339) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (28.3, 134.0, 31.971073) with id 276 (java id 4343) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (22.201136, 141.16225, 32.49358) with id 277 (java id 4347) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (36.54802, 123.0625, 19.3) with id 278 (java id 4331) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (31.624983, 134.0, 32.3) with id 279 (java id 4351) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (32.901463, 140.0, 45.878) with id 280 (java id 4360) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (32.689785, 139.35849, 39.95226) with id 281 (java id 4356) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (39.815216, 145.0, 43.34659) with id 282 (java id 4359) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (29.137135, 134.0, 33.09273) with id 283 (java id 4352) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (33.394356, 140.0, 41.85855) with id 284 (java id 4355) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (37.5, 134.5, 21.5) with id 285 (java id 4335) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity VILLAGER at location (40.3, 123.0, 27.498438) with id 286 (java id 4334) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (39.3, 145.0, 42.68058) with id 287 (java id 4361) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (36.5, 134.5, 21.5) with id 288 (java id 4330) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (37.483936, 126.0, 17.24327) with id 289 (java id 4328) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (32.4906, 140.0, 47.939354) with id 290 (java id 4366) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (33.50892, 140.0, 42.55528) with id 291 (java id 4363) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (32.48784, 140.0, 44.589264) with id 292 (java id 4365) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (34.5, 142.0, 47.5) with id 293 (java id 4364) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity BOAT at location (17.671818, 99.35001, 9.875494) with id 296 (java id 4367) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CHICKEN at location (17.671818, 99.04, 9.875494) with id 297 (java id 4368) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SHEEP at location (17.671818, 99.04, 9.875494) with id 298 (java id 4369) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (23.500565, 99.0, 4.59953) with id 300 (java id 4371) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (30.5, 132.5, 14.5) with id 301 (java id 4372) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity EXPERIENCE_ORB at location (28.673712, 100.5, 6.772579) with id 302 (java id 4373) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (30.5, 131.0, 14.5) with id 303 (java id 4374) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (25.260275, 99.0, 5.599059) with id 304 (java id 4375) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (22.867332, 99.0, 10.599582) with id 305 (java id 4376) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (20.075, 99.0, 10.55) with id 306 (java id 4377) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity HORSE at location (22.336847, 99.0, 7.8582726) with id 307 (java id 4378) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (20.075, 99.0, 9.41758) with id 308 (java id 4379) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (20.496014, 99.0, 2.7936764) with id 309 (java id 4380) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (26.408106, 99.0, 10.318408) with id 311 (java id 4382) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (25.221048, 99.0, 7.891393) with id 313 (java id 4384) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (24.253483, 99.0, 6.190882) with id 314 (java id 4385) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (35.706284, 137.0, 12.5) with id 315 (java id 4386) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (14.983016, 99.0, 7.6018996) with id 316 (java id 4387) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CHICKEN at location (1.8453969, 99.0, 7.0784106) with id 317 (java id 4388) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CHICKEN at location (9.857883, 99.0, 3.8588545) with id 318 (java id 4389) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (6.344541, 99.0, 40.78867) with id 319 (java id 4390) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CHICKEN at location (2.0898912, 99.0, 16.797613) with id 320 (java id 4391) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (-6.853061, 99.0, 29.827904) with id 321 (java id 4397) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CHICKEN at location (-7.5009146, 99.0, 26.169832) with id 322 (java id 4398) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (25.152796, 99.0, -0.87502253) with id 323 (java id 4399) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (26.531105, 99.0, -5.925) with id 324 (java id 4400) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity PIG at location (27.519943, 99.0, -5.670022) with id 325 (java id 4401) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CHICKEN at location (28.175, 99.0, -6.175) with id 326 (java id 4402) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (23.817698, 99.0, -2.75091) with id 327 (java id 4403) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (27.925, 99.0, -4.4627647) with id 328 (java id 4404) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (26.877838, 99.0, -2.2315419) with id 329 (java id 4405) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity PIG at location (20.075, 99.0, -5.925) with id 330 (java id 4406) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (22.240137, 99.0, -4.9982347) with id 331 (java id 4407) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (22.411945, 99.0, -5.925) with id 332 (java id 4408) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (26.604012, 99.0, -3.8490558) with id 333 (java id 4409) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (26.448668, 99.0, -4.7497196) with id 334 (java id 4410) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (21.393631, 99.0, -5.925) with id 335 (java id 4411) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (20.351654, 99.0, -4.7619624) with id 336 (java id 4412) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity COW at location (22.766924, 99.0, -0.30394736) with id 337 (java id 4413) [12:33:33] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity BOAT at location (5.3125, 99.35001, -9.6875) with id 338 (java id 4414) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity PIG at location (-7.2415338, 99.0, 42.731083) with id 339 (java id 4419) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.51313514, 119.0, 0.15613067) with id 340 (java id 4423) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.6615376, 119.0, 2.625) with id 341 (java id 4424) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.8974928, 121.0, 1.0338055) with id 342 (java id 4425) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.3248607, 121.0, 2.1882002) with id 343 (java id 4426) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.9923902, 121.0, -0.9111061) with id 344 (java id 4433) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -0.48670214) with id 345 (java id 4434) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.5629797, 121.0, -0.42973062) with id 346 (java id 4435) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (38.20281, 126.0, 21.418272) with id 347 (java id 4446) [12:33:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Sending command packet of 2 commands [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:33:34] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (35.5, 124.70078, 28.5) with id 348 (java id 4459) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (25.5, 123.2, 29.2) with id 349 (java id 4461) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (26.5, 123.2, 29.2) with id 350 (java id 4460) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (26.5, 124.2, 29.2) with id 351 (java id 4462) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (33.5, 134.2, 23.8) with id 352 (java id 4464) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (25.5, 124.2, 29.2) with id 353 (java id 4463) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (27.5, 124.2, 29.2) with id 354 (java id 4466) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (40.5, 124.301, 26.7) with id 355 (java id 4468) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (34.5, 134.2, 23.8) with id 356 (java id 4465) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (27.5, 123.2, 29.2) with id 357 (java id 4467) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (40.5, 124.001, 26.7) with id 358 (java id 4469) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (38.3, 124.301, 27.5) with id 359 (java id 4470) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (38.3, 124.301, 25.5) with id 360 (java id 4472) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (38.3, 124.001, 27.5) with id 361 (java id 4471) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (38.3, 124.001, 25.5) with id 362 (java id 4473) [12:33:34] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (40.5, 142.0, 49.5) with id 363 (java id 4474) [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (37.5, 142.0, 47.5) with id 364 (java id 4475) [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:35] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:42236 has pinged you! [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:35] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4 [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4 [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (36.7459, 126.0, 21.875282) with id 365 (java id 4484) [12:33:36] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4 [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4 [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:36] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4 [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4 [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4 [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4 [12:33:37] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4 [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4 [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Resending teleport 4 [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (34.475826, 126.0, 16.669676) with id 367 (java id 4489) [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:38] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Could not find packet for SetEntityLinkPacket [12:33:38] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:39] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:39] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:39] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:33:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:33:39] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:33:39] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (25.5, 150.0, 31.5) with id 368 (java id 4491) [12:33:39] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:39] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:40] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:40] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:42236 has pinged you! [12:33:41] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:33:41] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:41] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -1.4657525) with id 369 (java id 4434) [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.5080804, 119.0, -0.36722493) with id 370 (java id 4424) [12:33:42] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.64699584, 121.0, -1.5696973) with id 371 (java id 4433) [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-6 UPDATE null [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.2780129, 121.0, -1.625) with id 372 (java id 4425) [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (38.045704, 126.0, 22.792439) with id 373 (java id 4492) [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:43] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.0, 17.5) with id 376 (java id 4497) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.25, 18.5) with id 377 (java id 4499) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.5, 17.5) with id 378 (java id 4495) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.25, 17.5) with id 379 (java id 4496) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.5, 18.5) with id 380 (java id 4498) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.0, 18.5) with id 381 (java id 4500) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.5, 16.5) with id 382 (java id 4501) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.0, 17.5) with id 383 (java id 4506) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.0, 16.5) with id 384 (java id 4503) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.5, 17.5) with id 385 (java id 4504) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.25, 17.5) with id 386 (java id 4505) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.25, 16.5) with id 387 (java id 4502) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.0, 16.5) with id 388 (java id 4509) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.5, 16.5) with id 389 (java id 4507) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (8.5, 103.25, 16.5) with id 390 (java id 4508) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.5, 18.5) with id 391 (java id 4510) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.25, 18.5) with id 392 (java id 4511) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (9.5, 103.0, 18.5) with id 393 (java id 4512) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:44] [pool-28-thread-15/INFO] [geyser]: Took 0ms for d185feed-cbe7-478e-811c-b52fb3c76120 [12:33:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (38.5, 150.0, 36.5) with id 394 (java id 4513) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (40.5, 150.0, 31.5) with id 395 (java id 4514) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (40.5, 150.0, 37.5) with id 396 (java id 4515) [12:33:44] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (38.5, 150.0, 39.5) with id 397 (java id 4516) [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (34.980553, 126.0, 16.271294) with id 398 (java id 4517) [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:45] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:42236 has pinged you! [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:45] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.1443747, 121.0, -1.619113) with id 399 (java id 4433) [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:46] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:46] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (31.954943, 126.0, 19.077631) with id 400 (java id 4522) [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:diamond_sword, runtimeId=318, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={ "AuctionHouseRepaired": 1b, "Damage": 147i, "HideFlags": 1i, "PublicBukkitValues": { "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 0i }, "RepairCost": 63i, "ae_enchantment;berserk": 1i, "ae_enchantment;cekeyfinder": 3i, "ae_enchantment;deranged": 3i, "ae_enchantment;nightowl": 3i, "ae_enchantment;reforged": 4i, "display": { "Lore": [ "§zFire Aspect II, Knockback II", "§zLooting III, Mending", "§zSharpness V, Sweeping Edge III", "§zUnbreaking III", "CE Key Finder III", "Berserk I", "Reforged IV", "Night Owl III", "Deranged III", "Sweeping Edge III" ], "Name": "kiếm thánh" }, "ench": [ { "id": 13s, "lvl": 2s }, { "id": 12s, "lvl": 2s }, { "id": 14s, "lvl": 3s }, { "id": 26s, "lvl": 1s }, { "id": 9s, "lvl": 5s }, { "id": 17s, "lvl": 3s } ], "slots": 5i }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:diamond_sword, runtimeId=318, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={ "AuctionHouseRepaired": 1b, "Damage": 147i, "HideFlags": 1i, "PublicBukkitValues": { "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 0i }, "RepairCost": 63i, "ae_enchantment;berserk": 1i, "ae_enchantment;cekeyfinder": 3i, "ae_enchantment;deranged": 3i, "ae_enchantment;nightowl": 3i, "ae_enchantment;reforged": 4i, "display": { "Lore": [ "§zFire Aspect II, Knockback II", "§zLooting III, Mending", "§zSharpness V, Sweeping Edge III", "§zUnbreaking III", "CE Key Finder III", "Berserk I", "Reforged IV", "Night Owl III", "Deranged III", "Sweeping Edge III" ], "Name": "kiếm thánh" }, "ench": [ { "id": 13s, "lvl": 2s }, { "id": 12s, "lvl": 2s }, { "id": 14s, "lvl": 3s }, { "id": 26s, "lvl": 1s }, { "id": 9s, "lvl": 5s }, { "id": 17s, "lvl": 3s } ], "slots": 5i }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:diamond_sword, runtimeId=318, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={ "AuctionHouseRepaired": 1b, "Damage": 147i, "HideFlags": 1i, "PublicBukkitValues": { "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 0i }, "RepairCost": 63i, "ae_enchantment;berserk": 1i, "ae_enchantment;cekeyfinder": 3i, "ae_enchantment;deranged": 3i, "ae_enchantment;nightowl": 3i, "ae_enchantment;reforged": 4i, "display": { "Lore": [ "§zFire Aspect II, Knockback II", "§zLooting III, Mending", "§zSharpness V, Sweeping Edge III", "§zUnbreaking III", "CE Key Finder III", "Berserk I", "Reforged IV", "Night Owl III", "Deranged III", "Sweeping Edge III" ], "Name": "kiếm thánh" }, "ench": [ { "id": 13s, "lvl": 2s }, { "id": 12s, "lvl": 2s }, { "id": 14s, "lvl": 3s }, { "id": 26s, "lvl": 1s }, { "id": 9s, "lvl": 5s }, { "id": 17s, "lvl": 3s } ], "slots": 5i }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:diamond_sword, runtimeId=318, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={ "AuctionHouseRepaired": 1b, "Damage": 147i, "HideFlags": 1i, "PublicBukkitValues": { "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 0i }, "RepairCost": 63i, "ae_enchantment;berserk": 1i, "ae_enchantment;cekeyfinder": 3i, "ae_enchantment;deranged": 3i, "ae_enchantment;nightowl": 3i, "ae_enchantment;reforged": 4i, "display": { "Lore": [ "§zFire Aspect II, Knockback II", "§zLooting III, Mending", "§zSharpness V, Sweeping Edge III", "§zUnbreaking III", "CE Key Finder III", "Berserk I", "Reforged IV", "Night Owl III", "Deranged III", "Sweeping Edge III" ], "Name": "kiếm thánh" }, "ench": [ { "id": 13s, "lvl": 2s }, { "id": 12s, "lvl": 2s }, { "id": 14s, "lvl": 3s }, { "id": 26s, "lvl": 1s }, { "id": 9s, "lvl": 5s }, { "id": 17s, "lvl": 3s } ], "slots": 5i }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:diamond_sword, runtimeId=318, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={ "AuctionHouseRepaired": 1b, "Damage": 147i, "HideFlags": 1i, "PublicBukkitValues": { "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 0i }, "RepairCost": 63i, "ae_enchantment;berserk": 1i, "ae_enchantment;cekeyfinder": 3i, "ae_enchantment;deranged": 3i, "ae_enchantment;nightowl": 3i, "ae_enchantment;reforged": 4i, "display": { "Lore": [ "§zFire Aspect II, Knockback II", "§zLooting III, Mending", "§zSharpness V, Sweeping Edge III", "§zUnbreaking III", "CE Key Finder III", "Berserk I", "Reforged IV", "Night Owl III", "Deranged III", "Sweeping Edge III" ], "Name": "kiếm thánh" }, "ench": [ { "id": 13s, "lvl": 2s }, { "id": 12s, "lvl": 2s }, { "id": 14s, "lvl": 3s }, { "id": 26s, "lvl": 1s }, { "id": 9s, "lvl": 5s }, { "id": 17s, "lvl": 3s } ], "slots": 5i }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Missing mapping for bedrock item BaseItemData(definition=SimpleItemDefinition(identifier=minecraft:diamond_sword, runtimeId=318, componentBased=false), damage=0, count=1, tag={ "AuctionHouseRepaired": 1b, "Damage": 147i, "HideFlags": 1i, "PublicBukkitValues": { "ecoenchants:ecoenchantlore-skip": 0i }, "RepairCost": 63i, "ae_enchantment;berserk": 1i, "ae_enchantment;cekeyfinder": 3i, "ae_enchantment;deranged": 3i, "ae_enchantment;nightowl": 3i, "ae_enchantment;reforged": 4i, "display": { "Lore": [ "§zFire Aspect II, Knockback II", "§zLooting III, Mending", "§zSharpness V, Sweeping Edge III", "§zUnbreaking III", "CE Key Finder III", "Berserk I", "Reforged IV", "Night Owl III", "Deranged III", "Sweeping Edge III" ], "Name": "kiếm thánh" }, "ench": [ { "id": 13s, "lvl": 2s }, { "id": 12s, "lvl": 2s }, { "id": 14s, "lvl": 3s }, { "id": 26s, "lvl": 1s }, { "id": 9s, "lvl": 5s }, { "id": 17s, "lvl": 3s } ], "slots": 5i }, canPlace=[], canBreak=[], blockingTicks=0, blockDefinition=GeyserBedrockBlock{minecraft:blue_candle}, usingNetId=false, netId=0) [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (35.357006, 124.600784, 36.512886) with id 402 (java id 4527) [12:33:47] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (35.357006, 124.600784, 36.11289) with id 403 (java id 4526) [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (26.5, 142.0, 49.5) with id 404 (java id 4529) [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (27.5, 142.0, 49.5) with id 405 (java id 4530) [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SPIDER at location (48.5, 145.0, 31.5) with id 406 (java id 4531) [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (46.5, 145.0, 35.5) with id 407 (java id 4532) [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:48] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:33:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:49] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.66574085, 119.0, 1.2605621) with id 408 (java id 4423) [12:33:49] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.4354391, 121.0, 1.0579218) with id 411 (java id 4425) [12:33:50] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:50] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:42236 has pinged you! [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.5924917, 121.0, 2.1967762) with id 412 (java id 4434) [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.5710061, 119.0, 1.7332059) with id 413 (java id 4424) [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.40773132, 121.0, -0.51540476) with id 414 (java id 4426) [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -1.4174407) with id 415 (java id 4433) [12:33:51] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.204189, 121.0, -1.6146688) with id 416 (java id 4435) [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:51] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:52] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (36.06501, 126.0, 22.883926) with id 419 (java id 4537) [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:53] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:33:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:33:54] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:33:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:54] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (32.4164, 126.0, 21.323006) with id 420 (java id 4540) [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:55] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:33:56] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:33:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:56] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:57] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-6 UPDATE null [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:33:58] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:33:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:53412 has pinged you! [12:33:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:33:59] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:33:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:33:59] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (20.5, 145.0, 35.5) with id 423 (java id 4545) [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (19.5, 145.0, 30.5) with id 424 (java id 4546) [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (18.5, 145.0, 30.5) with id 425 (java id 4547) [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (21.5, 145.0, 29.5) with id 426 (java id 4548) [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:00] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:01] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:34:01] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (50.5, 145.0, 31.5) with id 427 (java id 4550) [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (43.5, 145.0, 37.5) with id 428 (java id 4551) [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (49.5, 145.0, 31.5) with id 429 (java id 4554) [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (48.5, 145.0, 31.5) with id 430 (java id 4555) [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (37.869923, 126.0, 21.594065) with id 431 (java id 4556) [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (29.5, 147.0, 34.5) with id 432 (java id 4557) [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (30.5, 147.0, 39.5) with id 433 (java id 4558) [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (35.5, 147.0, 37.5) with id 434 (java id 4559) [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (31.5, 147.0, 36.5) with id 435 (java id 4560) [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:02] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (34.89329, 126.0, 20.515438) with id 436 (java id 4561) [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:03] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.7729446, 121.0, -0.27776968) with id 437 (java id 4435) [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.6075181, 119.0, 0.62494105) with id 438 (java id 4423) [12:34:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:34:04] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -0.57025486) with id 439 (java id 4434) [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:04] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (46.5, 142.0, 37.5) with id 440 (java id 4562) [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (47.5, 142.0, 39.5) with id 441 (java id 4563) [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:05] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.68797237, 121.0, 0.13100436) with id 442 (java id 4435) [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:06] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (37.5, 145.0, 18.5) with id 443 (java id 4564) [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (34.5, 145.0, 20.5) with id 444 (java id 4565) [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (36.5, 145.0, 19.5) with id 445 (java id 4566) [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (40.5, 145.0, 19.5) with id 446 (java id 4567) [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:06] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (39.5, 140.0, 13.5) with id 447 (java id 4569) [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.57182086, 119.0, -0.36771318) with id 448 (java id 4424) [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.38683206, 121.0, -0.5503044) with id 449 (java id 4434) [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:07] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.058602, 119.0, 0.3474163) with id 450 (java id 4423) [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (35.5, 145.0, 21.5) with id 451 (java id 4570) [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (35.661507, 126.0, 21.053911) with id 452 (java id 4571) [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:08] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:34:09] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -0.5771086) with id 453 (java id 4434) [12:34:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:34:09] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:34:09] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (28.5, 142.0, 17.5) with id 454 (java id 4572) [12:34:09] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:09] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -0.48136362) with id 455 (java id 4434) [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 119.0, -0.4039832) with id 456 (java id 4423) [12:34:10] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (35.487114, 124.600784, 36.357006) with id 459 (java id 4578) [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ARMOR_STAND at location (35.88711, 124.600784, 36.357006) with id 460 (java id 4577) [12:34:11] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (16.5, 145.0, 34.5) with id 461 (java id 4580) [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:11] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (32.68117, 126.0, 21.582254) with id 462 (java id 4582) [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.40135032, 119.0, 0.7641666) with id 463 (java id 4424) [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:34:12] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-6 UPDATE null [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:13] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (22.5, 145.0, 40.5) with id 464 (java id 4584) [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (20.5, 145.0, 39.5) with id 465 (java id 4585) [12:34:14] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:34:14] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.622344, 121.0, 2.065214) with id 466 (java id 4435) [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Unknown Java enchantment while NBT item translating: minecraft:autosmelt [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (44.5, 145.0, 40.5) with id 467 (java id 4586) [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity ZOMBIE at location (47.5, 145.0, 40.5) with id 468 (java id 4587) [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity SKELETON at location (50.5, 145.0, 40.5) with id 469 (java id 4588) [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.625, 121.0, 2.080898) with id 470 (java id 4435) [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, 0.7149242) with id 471 (java id 4426) [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (35.829082, 126.0, 20.947699) with id 472 (java id 4589) [12:34:15] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.81421804, 119.0, 1.2319782) with id 473 (java id 4424) [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:16] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:16] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.375, 121.0, -0.26155847) with id 474 (java id 4425) [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.42747477, 119.0, -0.6600037) with id 475 (java id 4423) [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:17] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 1 players [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:17] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.40696838, 121.0, -0.60388285) with id 476 (java id 4426) [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.37725645, 121.0, -0.59439933) with id 477 (java id 4434) [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:18] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.42266423, 121.0, -0.62239546) with id 478 (java id 4433) [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:19] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:19] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.3912669, 121.0, -0.7123197) with id 480 (java id 4435) [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.60786, 119.0, 0.58627546) with id 481 (java id 4423) [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (34.768642, 126.0, 16.268068) with id 482 (java id 4592) [12:34:20] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.5306624, 121.0, 0.41714483) with id 483 (java id 4426) [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.37987196, 119.0, -0.6174006) with id 484 (java id 4424) [12:34:21] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:21] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.3827679, 121.0, -0.7369379) with id 485 (java id 4425) [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:22] [Thread-16/INFO] [geyser]: Scoreboard updater: took 1 ms. Updated 1 players [12:34:22] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (38.293934, 126.0, 21.934143) with id 486 (java id 4593) [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-1.3610646, 121.0, 0.27036527) with id 487 (java id 4435) [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:23] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:24] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:38136 has pinged you! [12:34:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:54305 has pinged you! [12:34:24] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:58287 has pinged you! [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.386158, 121.0, -0.6535982) with id 488 (java id 4435) [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity IRON_GOLEM at location (37.345474, 126.0, 21.566511) with id 489 (java id 4595) [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-9d30b7ba69a5 UPDATE null [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-13442b5b7615 UPDATE null [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-277dda43fb59 UPDATE null [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-763fb993e1a6 UPDATE null [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-fbcb8d89c919 UPDATE null [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-370e83b0712d UPDATE null [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-c5399e5b7eb7 UPDATE null [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-4130a41a781e UPDATE null [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity AXOLOTL at location (-0.38101578, 119.0, -0.7201672) with id 490 (java id 4423) [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-1548fc71f8e4 UPDATE null [12:34:25] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-e8a1e1ecfb59 UPDATE null [12:34:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-05c7c92b0821 UPDATE null [12:34:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Spawned entity CREEPER at location (28.5, 145.0, 23.5) with id 491 (java id 4596) [12:34:26] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: /**.**.**.**:64089 has pinged you! [12:34:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet TAB-SB-TM-3 UPDATE null [12:34:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-dd9c07996bd3 UPDATE null [12:34:26] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b2ef6898cc50 UPDATE null [12:34:27] [Geyser player thread-6-2/INFO] [geyser]: Team packet CIT-b660bb457e4c UPDATE null [12:34:27] [Thread-34/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Shutting down the proxy... [12:34:27] [Thread-34/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.network.ConnectionManager]: Closing endpoint / [12:34:27] [Netty epoll Worker #7/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.client.ConnectedPlayer]: [connected player] DuneSciFye (/**.**.**.**:51822) has disconnected: Proxy shutting down. [12:34:27] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.client.ConnectedPlayer]: [connected player] widadw9372 (/**.**.**.**:0) has disconnected: Proxy shutting down. [12:34:27] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [floodgate]: Floodgate player logged in as widadw9372 disconnected [12:34:27] [defaultEventLoopGroup-7-2/INFO] [geyser]: widadw9372 has disconnected from the Java server because of Proxy shutting down. [12:34:27] [Netty epoll Worker #9/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] widadw9372 -> skyblock has disconnected [12:34:27] [Netty epoll Worker #7/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] DuneSciFye -> skyblock has disconnected [12:34:27] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [geyser]: Shutting down Geyser. [12:34:27] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [geyser]: Geyser shutdown successfully. [12:34:27] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [litebans]: litebans-pool - Shutdown initiated... [12:34:27] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [litebans]: litebans-pool - Shutdown completed. [12:34:27] [WebSocketConnectReadThread-116/INFO] [geyser]: The skin uploader has been closed [12:34:28] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [litebans]: v2.12.4 disabled. [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [nuvotifier]: Votifier disabled. [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [votingplugin]: VotingPlugin saving vote cache: 0/0 [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [com.bencodez.votingplugin.advancedcore.hikari.HikariDataSource]: HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated... [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [com.bencodez.votingplugin.advancedcore.hikari.HikariDataSource]: HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed. [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [votingplugin]: VotingPlugin disabled [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [luckperms]: Starting shutdown process... [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [luckperms]: Closing messaging service... [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [luckperms]: Closing storage... [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: luckperms-hikari - Shutdown initiated... [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: luckperms-hikari - Shutdown completed. [12:34:30] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #7/INFO] [luckperms]: Goodbye!