NO LOG FILE! - setting up server logging... [2022-08-23 15:45:30:590 INFO] Starting Server [2022-08-23 15:45:30:590 INFO] Version [2022-08-23 15:45:30:590 INFO] Session ID a4f8ece5-977b-47c5-9b9f-3fdfa121071a [2022-08-23 15:45:30:590 INFO] Level Name: world [2022-08-23 15:45:30:618 INFO] Game mode: 0 Survival [2022-08-23 15:45:30:619 INFO] Difficulty: 3 HARD [2022-08-23 15:45:30:747 INFO] Content logging enabled. Writing log to: ContentLog__Tuesday__2022_August_23__15_45_30 [2022-08-23 15:45:30:747 INFO] Experiment(s) active: ddi_, ucft, gtst, mola [2022-08-23 15:45:30:747 INFO] opening worlds/world/db [2022-08-23 15:45:31:093 INFO] IPv4 supported, port: 45904 [2022-08-23 15:45:31:093 INFO] IPv6 not supported [2022-08-23 15:45:37:349 INFO] Server started. [2022-08-23 15:45:37:399 INFO] ================ TELEMETRY MESSAGE =================== [2022-08-23 15:45:37:399 INFO] Server Telemetry is currently not enabled. [2022-08-23 15:45:37:399 INFO] Enabling this telemetry helps us improve the game. [2022-08-23 15:45:37:399 INFO] [2022-08-23 15:45:37:399 INFO] To enable this feature, add the line 'emit-server-telemetry=true' [2022-08-23 15:45:37:399 INFO] to the file in the handheld/src-server directory [2022-08-23 15:45:37:399 INFO] ====================================================== [2022-08-23 15:45:37:819 INFO] IPv4 supported, port: 19132 [2022-08-23 15:45:37:819 INFO] IPv6 not supported [2022-08-23 15:46:30:745 INFO] Player connected: MYYEETSON0612, xuid: 2535458703886053 [2022-08-23 16:15:56:864 INFO] Running AutoCompaction... [2022-08-23 16:31:52:673 INFO] Player connected: VictoriousMP, xuid: 2535427968244863 [2022-08-23 16:42:27:462 INFO] Player disconnected: MYYEETSON0612, xuid: 2535458703886053 [2022-08-23 16:55:19:810 INFO] Player connected: MYYEETSON0612, xuid: 2535458703886053 [2022-08-23 16:58:18:303 INFO] Player connected: Keeve Fermin, xuid: 2535426820700016 [2022-08-23 17:01:47:147 INFO] Player disconnected: MYYEETSON0612, xuid: 2535458703886053 [2022-08-23 17:15:56:379 INFO] Package: com.mojang.minecraft.dedicatedserver Version: **.**.**.** OS: Linux Server start: 2022-08-23 15:45:30 PST Dmp timestamp: 2022-08-23 17:15:56 PST Upload Date: 2022-08-23 17:15:56 PST Session ID: a4f8ece5-977b-47c5-9b9f-3fdfa121071a Commit hash: 1aa76c5813541fe1bbb16c4e3a0af2b29474dc34 Build id: 10811062 CrashReporter Key: 8c4937c1-64cb-3532-a8dc-1deb28f67293 Crash [2022-08-23 17:15:56:379 INFO] at clone (UnknownFile:?) c9b6aec7-97f1-40d4-8a77-531de848f717