Prism Launcher version: 7.1 Launched instance in online mode resolves to: [N/A] resolves to: [**.**.**.**] resolves to: [**.**.**.**] resolves to: [**.**.**.**] Minecraft folder is: C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/instances/Railways/.minecraft Java path is: C:/Program Files/Common Files/Oracle/Java/javapath/javaw.exe Java is version 17.0.1, using 64 (amd64) architecture, from Oracle Corporation. Main Class: net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient Native path: C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/instances/Railways/natives Traits: traits FirstThreadOnMacOS traits XR:Initial Libraries: C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw-natives-windows-arm64/3.3.1/lwjgl-glfw-natives-windows-arm64-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-glfw-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-glfw-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw/3.3.1/lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc-natives-windows-arm64/3.3.1/lwjgl-jemalloc-natives-windows-arm64-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-jemalloc-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-jemalloc-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc/3.3.1/lwjgl-jemalloc-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-natives-windows-arm64/3.3.1/lwjgl-natives-windows-arm64-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal-natives-windows-arm64/3.3.1/lwjgl-openal-natives-windows-arm64-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-openal-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-openal-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal/3.3.1/lwjgl-openal-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl-natives-windows-arm64/3.3.1/lwjgl-opengl-natives-windows-arm64-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-opengl-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-opengl-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl/3.3.1/lwjgl-opengl-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb-natives-windows-arm64/3.3.1/lwjgl-stb-natives-windows-arm64-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-stb-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-stb-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb/3.3.1/lwjgl-stb-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-tinyfd-natives-windows-arm64/3.3.1/lwjgl-tinyfd-natives-windows-arm64-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-tinyfd-natives-windows-x86/3.3.1/lwjgl-tinyfd-natives-windows-x86-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-tinyfd-natives-windows/3.3.1/lwjgl-tinyfd-natives-windows-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-tinyfd/3.3.1/lwjgl-tinyfd-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/3.3.1/lwjgl-3.3.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/github/oshi/oshi-core/6.2.2/oshi-core-6.2.2.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.10/gson-2.10.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/google/guava/failureaccess/1.0.1/failureaccess-1.0.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/google/guava/guava/31.1-jre/guava-31.1-jre.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/ibm/icu/icu4j/71.1/icu4j-71.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/authlib/4.0.43/authlib-4.0.43.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/blocklist/1.0.10/blocklist-1.0.10.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/brigadier/1.1.8/brigadier-1.1.8.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/datafixerupper/6.0.8/datafixerupper-6.0.8.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/logging/1.1.1/logging-1.1.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/patchy/2.2.10/patchy-2.2.10.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/text2speech/1.17.9/text2speech-1.17.9.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.15/commons-codec-1.15.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/commons-io/commons-io/2.11.0/commons-io-2.11.0.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/commons-logging/commons-logging/1.2/commons-logging-1.2.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-buffer/4.1.82.Final/netty-buffer-4.1.82.Final.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-codec/4.1.82.Final/netty-codec-4.1.82.Final.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-common/4.1.82.Final/netty-common-4.1.82.Final.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-handler/4.1.82.Final/netty-handler-4.1.82.Final.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-resolver/4.1.82.Final/netty-resolver-4.1.82.Final.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-transport-classes-epoll/4.1.82.Final/netty-transport-classes-epoll-4.1.82.Final.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-transport-native-unix-common/4.1.82.Final/netty-transport-native-unix-common-4.1.82.Final.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/io/netty/netty-transport/4.1.82.Final/netty-transport-4.1.82.Final.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/it/unimi/dsi/fastutil/8.5.9/fastutil-8.5.9.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/java/dev/jna/jna-platform/5.12.1/jna-platform-5.12.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/java/dev/jna/jna/5.12.1/jna-5.12.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/sf/jopt-simple/jopt-simple/5.0.4/jopt-simple-5.0.4.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-compress/1.21/commons-compress-1.21.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.12.0/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.5.13/httpclient-4.5.13.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpcore/4.4.15/httpcore-4.4.15.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-api/2.19.0/log4j-api-2.19.0.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-core/2.19.0/log4j-core-2.19.0.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-slf4j2-impl/2.19.0/log4j-slf4j2-impl-2.19.0.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/joml/joml/1.10.5/joml-1.10.5.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/2.0.1/slf4j-api-2.0.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/intermediary/1.20.1/intermediary-1.20.1.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm/9.6/asm-9.6.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-analysis/9.6/asm-analysis-9.6.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-commons/9.6/asm-commons-9.6.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-tree/9.6/asm-tree-9.6.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-util/9.6/asm-util-9.6.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.13.3 mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.13.3 mixin.0.8.5.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/fabric-loader/0.15.11/fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/com/mojang/minecraft/1.20.1/minecraft-1.20.1-client.jar Native libraries: Mods: [✔] advancementinfo-1.20-fabric0.83.0-1.4 [✔] aileron-1.20.1-fabric-1.0.3 [✔] almostunified-fabric-1.20.1-0.9.3 [✔] amendments-1.20-1.1.27-fabric [✔] antighost-1.20-fabric0.83.0-1.1.5 [✔] appleskin-fabric-mc1.20.1-2.5.1 [✔] appliedenergistics2-fabric-15.2.0 [✔] architectury-9.2.14-fabric [✔] ArmorStatues-v8.0.6-1.20.1-Fabric [✔] armourersworkshop-fabric-1.20.1-2.1.3 [✔] athena-fabric-1.20.1-3.1.2 [✔] autotag-2.0.2 1.20 [✔] Axiom-3.0.0-for-MC1.20.1 [✔] backpacked-fabric-1.20.1-2.2.7 [✔] badstdout-1.1.1-1.20 [✔] balm-fabric-1.20.1-7.2.2 [✔] BarteringStation-v8.0.0-1.20.1-Fabric [✔] bclib-3.0.14 [✔] better_log4j_config-1.2.0-fabric [✔] better-end-4.0.11 [✔] betterstats-3.9.7 fabric-1.20.1 [✔] BetterTridents-v8.0.1-1.20.1-Fabric [✔] blahaj-quilt-1.20.1-0.3.0 [✔] borderless-mining-1.1.8 1.20.1 [✔] brewinandchewin-3.0.3 1.20.1 [✔] BuildingWands-mc1.20.1-2.6.9-release [✔] bwncr-fabric-1.20.1-3.17.0 [✔] capes-1.5.2 1.20-fabric [✔] cardinal-components-api-5.2.2 [✔] carpet-extra-1.20-1.4.115 [✔] carryon-fabric-1.20.1- [✔] cccbridge-mc1.20.1-fabric-v1.6.2b [✔] cc-tweaked-1.20.1-fabric-1.110.3 [✔] chat_heads-0.10.32-fabric-1.20 [✔] Chipped-fabric-1.20.1-3.0.6 [✔] Chunky-1.3.146 [✔] cicada-lib-0.6.2 1.20.1-and-below [✔] cicada-lib-0.7.2 1.20.1 [✔] cloth-config-11.1.118-fabric [✔] collective-1.20.1-7.57 [✔] comforts-fabric-6.3.5 1.20.1 [✔] completeconfig-2.5.0 [✔] connectiblechains-2.2.1 1.20.1 [✔] consistency_plus-fabric-0.5.2-rc.5 1.20.1 [✔] continuity-3.0.0-beta.4 1.20.1 [✔] Controlling-fabric-1.20.1-12.0.2 [✔] copycats-2.0.5 mc.1.20.1-fabric [✔] coroutil-fabric-1.20.1-1.3.7 [✔] CosmeticArmor-1.20-1.6.0 [✔] crawl-0.12.0 [✔] create_enchantment_industry-1.2.16 [✔] createaddition-fabric 1.20.1-1.2.3 [✔] createdeco-2.0.2-1.20.1-fabric [✔] create-fabric-0.5.1-f-build.1417 mc1.20.1 [✔] CreateNumismatics-1.0.6 fabric-mc1.20.1 [✔] createrailwaysnavigator-fabric-1.20.1-0.5.5 [✔] CreativeCore_FABRIC_v2.11.24_mc1.20.1 [✔] Crystal-Clear-2.0-Beta-fabric [✔] dawn-5.0.0 [✔] Debugify-1.20.1 2.0 [✔] Decorative Blocks-fabric-1.20.1-4.0.3 [✔] deepslatecutting-fabric-1.7.0 [✔] delightful-creators-1.1.8 [✔] demandingsaplings-0.1.1 [✔] design_decor-0.4_fabric 1.20.1 [✔] DetailArmorBar-2.6.3 1.20.1-fabric [✘] DistantHorizons-2.0.4-a-dev-1.20.1.jar (disabled) [✔] do_a_barrel_roll-fabric-3.5.6 1.20.1 [✔] duckyperiphs-1.20.1-1.3.1-fabric [✔] EasyAnvils-v8.0.2-1.20.1-Fabric [✔] eco-1.20.x-2.4.6 [✔] emi_loot-0.6.6 1.20.1 [✔] emi-1.1.6 1.20.1 fabric [✔] emiffect-fabric-1.1.2 mc1.20.1 [✔] emitrades-fabric-1.2.1 mc1.20.1 [✔] enchancement-1.20-25 [✔] entity_model_features_fabric_1.20.1-2.0.2 [✔] entity_texture_features_fabric_1.20.1-6.0.1 [✔] exposure_catalog-1.20.1-1.0.0-fabric [✔] exposure-1.20.1-1.6.0-fabric [✔] extra-mod-integrations-0.4.5 1.20.1 [✔] extremesoundmuffler-3.41-fabric-1.20 [✔] fabric-api-0.92.2 1.20.1 [✔] fabricated_zoomer-5.0.0-beta.12 1.20.1 [✔] fabric-carpet-1.20-1.4.112 v230608 [✔] fabric-end-remastered-5.2.4 [✔] fabric-language-kotlin-1.10.20 kotlin.1.9.24 [✔] fancymenu_fabric_3.2.3_MC_1.20.1 [✔] FarmersDelight-1.20.1-2.1.1 refabricated [✔] Farmersrespite-Fabric-3.0.2 [✔] fastpaintings-1.20-1.2.7-fabric [✔] fastquit-3.0.0 1.20 [✔] fdrfdcrf-0.0.0 [✔] ferritecore-6.0.1-fabric [✔] figura-0.1.4 1.20.1-fabric-mc [✔] fix-keyboard-on-linux-1.0.1 [✔] ForgeConfigAPIPort-v8.0.0-1.20.1-Fabric [✔] framework-fabric-1.20.1-0.6.16 [✔] fusion-1.1.1-fabric-mc1.20.1 [✔] geckolib-fabric-1.20.1-4.4.6 [✔] geophilic-v2.2.0-mc1.20u1.20.2 [✔] graves-3.0.1 1.20.1 [✔] handoveryouritems-1.20.1-3.3 [✔] harvestwithease-1.20.1- [✔] Hephaestus-1.20.1- [✔] HorseBuff-1.20-2.1.2 [✔] indium-1.0.30 mc1.20.4 [✔] InvView-1.4.12-1.20 [✔] iris-1.7.0 mc1.20.1 [✔] Item_Obliterator-Fabric_Quilt-2.1.0 [✔] ItemPhysicLite_FABRIC_v1.6.4_mc1.20.1 [✔] itemswapper-fabric-0.6.3-mc1.20.1 [✔] Jade-1.20-fabric-11.9.1 [✔] JadeAddons-1.20.1-fabric-5.2.5 [✔] jei-1.20.1-fabric- [✔] journeymap-1.20.1-5.9.21-fabric [✔] konkrete_fabric_1.8.1_MC_1.20.1 [✔] kubejs-fabric-2001.6.5-build.7 [✔] lambdynamiclights-2.3.2 1.20.1 [✔] lazydfu-0.1.3 [✔] LeaveMyBarsAlone-v8.0.0-1.20.1-Fabric [✔] LeavesBeGone-v8.0.0-1.20.1-Fabric [✔] letmedespawn-fabric-1.20.x-1.2.0 [✔] LetSleepingDogsLie-1.20.1-Fabric-1.2.0 [✔] lilac-1.0.0-beta.3 [✔] lithium-fabric-mc1.20.1-0.11.2 [✔] lmft-1.0.2 1.20-fabric [✔] Log-Begone-Fabric-1.20.1-1.0.8 [✔] lootjs-fabric-1.20.1-2.12.0 [✔] lootr-1.20- [✔] LuckPerms-Fabric-5.4.102 [✔] MagnumTorch-v8.0.2-1.20.1-Fabric [✔] main-menu-credits-1.1.2 [✔] MapFrontiers-1.20.1-2.6.0p1-fabric [✔] megacells-fabric-2.3.6-1.20.1 [✔] melody_fabric_1.0.4_MC_1.20.1-1.20.4 [✔] merequester-fabric-1.20.1-1.1.4 [✔] mes-1.3.1-1.20-fabric [✔] MineMath-2.0.0-1.20.1 [✔] MissingWilds-fabric-1.2.1 1.20.1 [✔] mixintrace-1.1.1 1.17 [✔] modelfix-1.15-fabric [✔] modernfix-fabric-5.17.0 mc1.20.1 [✔] modmenu-7.2.2 [✔] moonlight-1.20-2.11.17-fabric [✔] morechathistory-1.3.0 [✔] morediscs-1.20.1-33-fabric [✔] moremobvariants-fabric 1.20.1- [✔] mousewheelie-1.13.0 mc1.20.1 [✔] NaturesCompass-1.20.1-2.2.3-fabric [✔] naturespirit-1.4.4-1.20.1 [✔] Necronomicon-Fabric-1.4.2 [✔] NethersDelight-Refabricated-1.20.1-4.1.1 [✔] NoChatReports-FABRIC-1.20.1-v2.2.2 [✔] no-resource-pack-warnings-1.3.0 [✔] Nullscape_1.20.4_v1.2.4 [✔] nvidium-0.2.6-beta [✔] oldmclogo-1.1.0 [✔] opac-fabric-create-support-mc1.20-1.6.0 [✔] open-parties-and-claims-fabric-1.20.1-0.22.0 [✔] optigui-2.1.7 [✔] Patchouli-1.20.1-84-FABRIC [✔] pattern_schematics-1.1.4 fabric-1.20.1 [✔] Paxi-1.20-Fabric-4.0 [✔] peripheralium-fabric-1.20.1-0.6.15 [✔] peripheralworks-fabric-1.20.1-1.4.3 [✔] phonos-1.0.0-beta.11 1.20.1 [✔] picturesign-2.0.0-beta.1 unascribedtheora-patch.5 [✔] player-animation-lib-fabric-1.0.2-rc1 1.20 [✔] Plutonium-1.1.2-mc1.20.1 [✔] porting_lib-2.3.4 1.20.1 [✔] PowerAE2CCBridge- [✔] PresenceFootsteps-1.9.3 [✔] pretty-in-pink-1.0.1-1.20.1 [✔] promenade-4.1.1 [✔] puzzle-1.5.2 1.20 [✔] PuzzlesLib-v8.1.19-1.20.1-Fabric [✔] RailwaysTweaks-0.0.9 [✔] rechiseled-1.1.6-fabric-mc1.20 [✔] rechiseledcreate-1.0.2a-fabric-mc1.20 [✔] reeses_sodium_options-1.7.2 mc1.20.1-build.101 [✔] replaymod-1.20.1-2.6.15 [✔] resourcefulconfig-fabric-1.20.1-2.1.2 [✔] resourcefullib-fabric-1.20.1-2.1.24 [✔] respawnablepets-1.20-1 [✔] respite-creators-1.2.0 [✔] reterraforged-0.0.6-fabric-1.20.1 [✔] rhino-fabric-2001.2.2-build.18 [✔] Searchables-fabric-1.20.1-1.0.3 [✔] ShowMeWhatYouGot-1.20-1.1.1 [✔] shulkerboxtooltip-fabric-4.0.4 1.20.1 [✔] skinlayers3d-fabric-1.6.4-mc1.20.1 [✔] sodium-extra-0.5.4 mc1.20.1-build.115 [✔] sodium-fabric-0.5.8 mc1.20.1 [✔] spark-1.10.53-fabric [✔] spelunkery-1.20.1-0.3.5-fabric [✔] spiceoffabric-1.6.2 mc1.20.1 [✔] spindlemark-1.1.0 [✔] Steam_Rails-1.6.4 fabric-mc1.20.1 [✔] stendhal-1.4.0-1.20 [✔] StructureRemover-1.20-1.0.0 [✔] styled-chat-2.2.3 1.20.1 [✔] styledplayerlist-3.1.1 1.20.1 [✔] StylishEffects-v8.0.2-1.20.1-Fabric [✔] supermartijn642configlib-1.1.8a-fabric-mc1.20 [✔] supermartijn642corelib-1.1.17-fabric-mc1.20.1 [✔] supplementaries-1.20-2.8.10-fabric [✔] suppsquared-1.20-1.1.14-fabric [✔] swampier_swamps-1.20-4.0.0 [✔] tectonic-fabric-1.20-2.3.4 [✔] templates-2.1.1 1.20.1 [✔] TerraBlender-fabric-1.20.1- [✔] tooltipfix-1.1.1-1.20 [✔] trainperspectivefix-1.0.0-universal [✔] trashcans-1.0.18-fabric-mc1.20 [✔] trashslot-fabric-1.20-15.1.0 [✔] trinkets-3.7.2 [✔] tropics-1.0.3 [✔] Trowel-1.2.1-1.20 [✔] twigs-3.1.0-fabric [✔] UnlimitedBannerLayers-1.1.0 [✔] vanilla-permissions-0.2.2 1.20.1 [✔] vmp-fabric-mc1.20.1-0.2.0 beta.7.102-all [✔] voicechat-fabric-1.20.1-2.5.14 [✔] wired-redstone-0.7.8 1.20.1 [✔] WorldEditCUI-1.20 01 [✔] worldedit-mod-7.2.15 [✔] Xaeros_Minimap_24.1.1_Fabric_1.20 [✔] XaerosWorldMap_1.38.4_Fabric_1.20 [✔] YetAnotherConfigLib-3.4.2 1.20.1-fabric [✔] yosbr-0.1.2 [✔] YungsApi-1.20-Fabric-4.0.5 [✔] YungsBetterDesertTemples-1.20-Fabric-3.0.3 [✔] YungsBetterDungeons-1.20-Fabric-4.0.4 [✔] YungsBetterEndIsland-1.20-Fabric-2.0.6 [✔] YungsBetterJungleTemples-1.20-Fabric-2.0.5 [✔] YungsBetterMineshafts-1.20-Fabric-4.0.4 [✔] YungsBetterNetherFortresses-1.20-Fabric-2.0.6 [✔] YungsBetterOceanMonuments-1.20-Fabric-3.0.4 [✔] YungsBetterStrongholds-1.20-Fabric-4.0.3 [✔] YungsBetterWitchHuts-1.20-Fabric-3.0.3 Params: --username --version 1.20.1 --gameDir C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/instances/Railways/.minecraft --assetsDir C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/assets --assetIndex 5 --uuid --accessToken --userType --versionType release Window size: 854 x 480 Launcher: standard Java Arguments: [-javaagent:unsup.jar, -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump, -Xms4096m, -Xmx5722m, -Duser.language=en] Minecraft process ID: 15496 [14:40:50] [unsup agent/INFO]: Launch hijack successful. unsup v0.2.3 [14:40:50] [unsup agent/INFO]: Filesystem is NOT case sensitive [14:40:50] [unsup agent/INFO]: Found and loaded unsup.ini. What secrets does it hold? [14:40:50] [unsup agent/INFO]: Detected env is client [14:40:50] [unsup agent/INFO]: Attempting to summon a puppet for GUI feedback... [14:40:50] [unsup agent/INFO]: Dark spell successful. Puppet summoned. [14:40:50] [unsup agent/INFO]: Waiting for the puppet to come to life... [14:40:50] [unsup puppet/INFO]: I?! I?! Cthulhu fhtagn! [14:40:51] [unsup agent/INFO]: Puppet is alive! Continuing. [14:40:51] [unsup agent/INFO]: Update available - our index state is SHA-2 256:eaa3378554854a2a80af6524e5f72904147a4da89b8adfcd3a15dd3d50eb6e97, theirs is SHA-2 256:24bfa61e69cb8c93468c03909265e4d3c1bfd03ec845544301c2cf70377711eb [14:40:54] [unsup agent/WARN]: Using insecure hash function SHA-1 [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: mods/Rrls-3.2.0-1.20.1-fabric.jar was deleted in this update, but it's already missing locally. Skipping [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: mods/iris-flywheel-compat-1.20.1-0.2.5.jar was deleted in this update, but it's already missing locally. Skipping [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: mods/creeperoverhaul-3.0.2-fabric.jar was deleted in this update, but it's already missing locally. Skipping [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: mods/xlpackets-1.0.4-1.20.x.jar was deleted in this update, but it's already missing locally. Skipping [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: resourcepacks/ was deleted in this update, but it's already missing locally. Skipping [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: mods/simplyswords-fabric-1.54.0-1.20.1.jar was deleted in this update, but it's already missing locally. Skipping [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: mods/farmers-delight-fabric-1.4.3.jar was deleted in this update, but it's already missing locally. Skipping [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: mods/Blahaj-1.0.0.jar was deleted in this update, but it's already missing locally. Skipping [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: mods/PacketFixer-fabric-1.20.1-1.2.8.jar was deleted in this update, but it's already missing locally. Skipping [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: mods/sound-physics-remastered-fabric-1.20.1-1.3.1.jar was deleted in this update, but it's already missing locally. Skipping [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: mods/bedrodium-0.2.2.jar was deleted in this update, but it's already missing locally. Skipping [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: mods/bettercombat-fabric-1.8.4 1.20.1.jar was deleted in this update, but it's already missing locally. Skipping [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: config/paxi/resourcepacks/ was deleted in this update, but it's already missing locally. Skipping [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Downloading mods/deepdrilling-1.0.2 fabric-1.20.1-fabric.jar from Modrinth [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Downloading kubejs/server_scripts/create/mechanical_crafting.js from [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Updating... 0% [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Updating... 33% [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Deleting mods/Rrls-3.2.0-1.20.1-fabric.jar [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Deleting mods/iris-flywheel-compat-1.20.1-0.2.5.jar [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Deleting mods/creeperoverhaul-3.0.2-fabric.jar [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Deleting mods/xlpackets-1.0.4-1.20.x.jar [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Deleting resourcepacks/ [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Deleting mods/simplyswords-fabric-1.54.0-1.20.1.jar [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Deleting mods/farmers-delight-fabric-1.4.3.jar [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Deleting mods/Blahaj-1.0.0.jar [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Deleting mods/PacketFixer-fabric-1.20.1-1.2.8.jar [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Deleting mods/sound-physics-remastered-fabric-1.20.1-1.3.1.jar [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Deleting mods/bedrodium-0.2.2.jar [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Deleting mods/bettercombat-fabric-1.8.4 1.20.1.jar [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Deleting config/paxi/resourcepacks/ [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Update successful! [14:40:55] [unsup agent/INFO]: Waiting for puppet to complete done animation... [14:40:56] [unsup agent/INFO]: Waiting for puppet to exit... [14:40:57] [unsup agent/INFO]: All done, handing over control. [14:40:57] [unsup agent/INFO]: Finished after 6702ms. [14:40:59] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.20.1 with Fabric Loader 0.15.11 [14:41:00] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-3/WARN]: The mod "blahaj" contains invalid entries in its mod json: - Invalid entry in person "role" at line 9 column 9 - Invalid entry in person "role" at line 13 column 9 [14:41:00] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-3/WARN]: Mod blahaj uses the version ${version} which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component '${version}'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version [14:41:00] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-7/WARN]: Mod cccbridge uses the version 1.6.2b-fabric which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component '2b'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version [14:41:00] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-3/WARN]: Mod io_netty_netty-handler-proxy uses the version 4.1.82.Final which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component 'Final'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version [14:41:00] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-7/WARN]: Mod io_netty_netty-codec-socks uses the version 4.1.82.Final which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component 'Final'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version [14:41:00] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1/WARN]: Mod io_netty_netty-codec-http uses the version 4.1.82.Final which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component 'Final'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version [14:41:00] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-11/WARN]: Mod design_decor uses the version 0.4_fabric 1.20.1 which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component '4_fabric'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version [14:41:00] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-8/WARN]: Mod com_github_rtyley_animated-gif-lib-for-java uses the version animated-gif-lib-1.7 which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component 'animated'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version [14:41:00] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1/WARN]: Mod geophilic uses the version v2.2.0-mc1.20u1.20.2 which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component 'v2'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version [14:41:00] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-6/WARN]: The mod "necronomicon" contains invalid entries in its mod json: - Unsupported root entry "credits" at line 10 column 14 [14:41:00] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-4/WARN]: Mod trowel uses the version 1.2.1@1.20 which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component '1@1'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version [14:41:00] [main/INFO]: Dependencies overridden for railwaystweaks, plutonium [14:41:01] [main/WARN]: Warnings were found! - Mod 'Create Enchantment Industry' (create_enchantment_industry) 1.2.16 recommends version 0.5.1-f-build.1335 mc1.20.1 of mod 'Create' (create), but only the wrong version is present: 0.5.1-f-build.1417 mc1.20.1! - You should install version 0.5.1-f-build.1335 mc1.20.1 of mod 'Create' (create) for the optimal experience. - Mod 'Debugify' (debugify) 1.20.1 2.0 recommends any 3.x version of yet-another-config-lib, which is missing! - You should install any 3.x version of yet-another-config-lib for the optimal experience. - Mod 'LambDynamicLights' (lambdynlights) 2.3.2 1.20.1 recommends version 0.19.1 or later of quilt_loader, which is missing! - You should install version 0.19.1 or later of quilt_loader for the optimal experience. - Mod 'OptiGUI' (optigui) 2.1.7 recommends any version of animatica, which is missing! - You should install any version of animatica for the optimal experience. [14:41:01] [main/INFO]: Loading 472 mods: - advancementinfo 1.20-fabric0.83.0-1.4 - ae2 15.2.0 \-- team_reborn_energy 3.0.0 - ae2cc **.**.**.**-1.20.1-FABRIC - aileron 1.20.1-fabric-1.1.1 \-- midnightlib 1.4.1 - almostunified 1.20.1-0.9.3 - amendments 1.20-1.1.27 \-- mixinsquared 0.1.1 - antighost 1.20-fabric0.83.0-1.1.5 \-- crowdin-translate 1.4 1.19.3 - appleskin 2.5.1 mc1.20 - architectury 9.2.14 - armorstatues 8.0.6 \-- puzzlesapi 8.1.4 \-- puzzlesaccessapi 8.0.7 - armourers_workshop 2.1.3 - athena 3.1.2 - autotag-convention 2.0.2 1.20 \-- autotag 2.0.2 1.20 - axiom 3.0.0 |-- com_moulberry_axiomclientapi_axiomclientapi_ 1.0.0 |-- com_moulberry_mixinconstraints 1.0.1 \-- mixinextras 0.3.5 - backpacked 2.2.7 - badstdout 1.1.1-1.20 - balm-fabric 7.2.2 - barteringstation 8.0.0 - bclib 3.0.14 \-- wunderlib 1.1.5 - better_log4j_config 1.2.0 - betterdeserttemples 1.20-Fabric-3.0.3 \-- org_reflections_reflections 0.10.2 - betterdungeons 1.20-Fabric-4.0.4 - betterend 4.0.11 - betterendisland 1.20-Fabric-2.0.6 - betterfortresses 1.20-Fabric-2.0.6 - betterjungletemples 1.20-Fabric-2.0.5 - bettermineshafts 1.20-Fabric-4.0.4 - betteroceanmonuments 1.20-Fabric-3.0.4 - betterstats 3.9.7 fabric-1.20.1 \-- tcdcommons 3.9.6 fabric-1.20.1 - betterstrongholds 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3 - bettertridents 8.0.1 - betterwitchhuts 1.20-Fabric-3.0.3 - blahaj ${version} - borderlessmining 1.1.8 1.20.1 - brewinandchewin 3.0.3 1.20.1 \-- mm 2.3 - bwncr 3.17.0 - capes 1.5.2 1.20 - cardinal-components 5.2.2 |-- cardinal-components-base 5.2.2 |-- cardinal-components-block 5.2.2 |-- cardinal-components-chunk 5.2.2 |-- cardinal-components-entity 5.2.2 |-- cardinal-components-item 5.2.2 |-- cardinal-components-level 5.2.2 |-- cardinal-components-scoreboard 5.2.2 \-- cardinal-components-world 5.2.2 - carpet 1.4.112 v230608 - carpet-extra 1.4.115 - carryon **.**.**.** - cccbridge 1.6.2b-fabric - chat_heads 0.10.32 - chipped 3.0.6 - chunky 1.3.146 - cicada 0.7.1 1.20.1 - cloth-config 11.1.118 \-- cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 - collective 7.57 - comforts 6.3.5 1.20.1 \-- spectrelib 0.13.15 1.20.1 - completeconfig 2.5.0 |-- completeconfig-base 2.5.0 |-- completeconfig-gui-cloth 2.5.0 \-- completeconfig-gui-yacl 2.5.0 - computercraft 1.110.3 |-- cc_tweaked_cobalt 0.9.3 |-- com_electronwill_night-config_core 3.6.7 |-- com_electronwill_night-config_toml 3.6.7 |-- com_jcraft_jzlib 1.1.3 |-- io_netty_netty-codec-http 4.1.82.Final |-- io_netty_netty-codec-socks 4.1.82.Final \-- io_netty_netty-handler-proxy 4.1.82.Final - connectiblechains 2.2.1 1.20.1 - consistency_plus 0.5.2-rc.5 1.20.1 \-- stonecutter_recipe_tags 5.2.0 1.19.4.fabric - continuity 3.0.0-beta.4 1.20.1 - controlling 12.0.2 - copycats 2.0.5 mc.1.20.1-fabric - coroutil 1.20.1-1.3.7 - cosmetic-armor 1.6.0 - crawl 0.12.0 \-- mm 2.3 - create 0.5.1-f-build.1417 mc1.20.1 |-- com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305 3.0.2 |-- flywheel 0.6.10-2 |-- milk 1.2.60 | \-- dripstone_fluid_lib 3.0.2 |-- porting_lib_tags 3.0 |-- reach-entity-attributes 2.4.0 \-- registrate-fabric 1.3.62-MC1.20.1 - create_enchantment_industry 1.2.16 \-- create_dragon_lib 1.4.2 - create_pattern_schematics 1.1.4 - createaddition 1.2.3 - createdeco 2.0.2-1.20.1-fabric - createrailwaysnavigator 1.20.1-0.5.5 \-- dragonlib 1.20.1-2.1.14 - creativecore 2.11.24 \-- net_minecraftforge_eventbus 6.0.3 - crystal_clear 0.0 - dawn 5.0.0 |-- terraform-shapes-api-v1 7.0.1 \-- terraform-wood-api-v1 7.0.1 - debugify 1.20.1 2.0 - decorative_blocks 4.0.3 - deepdrilling 1.0.2 fabric-1.20.1 - deepslatecutting 1.7.0 - delightfulcreators 1.1.8 - demandingsaplings 0.1.1 - design_decor 0.4_fabric 1.20.1 - detailab 2.6.3 1.20.1-fabric - do_a_barrel_roll 3.5.6 1.20.1 |-- fabric-permissions-api-v0 0.2-SNAPSHOT \-- mixinsquared 0.1.1 - dogslie 1.2.0 - ducky-periphs 1.20.1-1.3.1 |-- org_jblas_jblas 1.2.5 |-- org_joml_joml 1.10.5 \-- serialization_hooks 0.4.99999 - easyanvils 8.0.2 - eco 2.4.6 - emi 1.1.6 1.20.1 fabric - emi_loot 0.6.6 1.20.1 - emiffect 1.1.2 mc1.20.1 - emitrades 1.2.1 mc1.20.1 \-- org_quiltmc_parsers_json 0.2.1 - enchancement 1.20-25 |-- midnightlib 1.4.1 \-- step-height-entity-attribute 1.2.0 - endrem 5.2.4 - entity_model_features 2.0.2 - entity_texture_features 6.0.1 \-- org_apache_httpcomponents_httpmime 4.5.10 - exposure 1.6.0 - exposure_catalog 1.0.0 - extra-mod-integrations 0.4.5 1.20.1 - extremesoundmuffler 3.41-fabric-1.20 \-- fiber 0.23.0-2 - fabric-api 0.92.2 1.20.1 |-- fabric-api-base 0.4.31 1802ada577 |-- fabric-api-lookup-api-v1 1.6.36 1802ada577 |-- fabric-biome-api-v1 13.0.13 1802ada577 |-- fabric-block-api-v1 1.0.11 1802ada577 |-- fabric-block-view-api-v2 1.0.1 1802ada577 |-- fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1 1.1.41 1802ada577 |-- fabric-client-tags-api-v1 1.1.2 1802ada577 |-- fabric-command-api-v1 1.2.34 f71b366f77 |-- fabric-command-api-v2 2.2.13 1802ada577 |-- fabric-commands-v0 0.2.51 df3654b377 |-- fabric-containers-v0 0.1.64 df3654b377 |-- fabric-content-registries-v0 4.0.11 1802ada577 |-- fabric-convention-tags-v1 1.5.5 1802ada577 |-- fabric-crash-report-info-v1 0.2.19 1802ada577 |-- fabric-data-attachment-api-v1 1.0.0 de0fd6d177 |-- fabric-data-generation-api-v1 12.3.4 1802ada577 |-- fabric-dimensions-v1 2.1.54 1802ada577 |-- fabric-entity-events-v1 1.6.0 1c78457f77 |-- fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.6.2 1802ada577 |-- fabric-events-lifecycle-v0 0.2.63 df3654b377 |-- fabric-game-rule-api-v1 1.0.40 1802ada577 |-- fabric-item-api-v1 2.1.28 1802ada577 |-- fabric-item-group-api-v1 4.0.12 1802ada577 |-- fabric-key-binding-api-v1 1.0.37 1802ada577 |-- fabric-keybindings-v0 0.2.35 df3654b377 |-- fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.2.22 1802ada577 |-- fabric-loot-api-v2 1.2.1 1802ada577 |-- fabric-loot-tables-v1 1.1.45 9e7660c677 |-- fabric-message-api-v1 5.1.9 1802ada577 |-- fabric-mining-level-api-v1 2.1.50 1802ada577 |-- fabric-model-loading-api-v1 1.0.3 1802ada577 |-- fabric-models-v0 0.4.2 9386d8a777 |-- fabric-networking-api-v1 1.3.11 1802ada577 |-- fabric-networking-v0 0.3.51 df3654b377 |-- fabric-object-builder-api-v1 11.1.3 1802ada577 |-- fabric-particles-v1 1.1.2 1802ada577 |-- fabric-recipe-api-v1 1.0.21 1802ada577 |-- fabric-registry-sync-v0 2.3.3 1802ada577 |-- fabric-renderer-api-v1 3.2.1 1802ada577 |-- fabric-renderer-indigo 1.5.2 85287f9f77 |-- fabric-renderer-registries-v1 3.2.46 df3654b377 |-- fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1 0.3.37 92a0d36777 |-- fabric-rendering-fluids-v1 3.0.28 1802ada577 |-- fabric-rendering-v0 1.1.49 df3654b377 |-- fabric-rendering-v1 3.0.8 1802ada577 |-- fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1 2.3.8 1802ada577 |-- fabric-resource-loader-v0 0.11.10 1802ada577 |-- fabric-screen-api-v1 2.0.8 1802ada577 |-- fabric-screen-handler-api-v1 1.3.30 1802ada577 |-- fabric-sound-api-v1 1.0.13 1802ada577 |-- fabric-transfer-api-v1 3.3.5 8dd72ea377 \-- fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1 4.3.1 1802ada577 - fabric-language-kotlin 1.10.20 kotlin.1.9.24 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect 1.9.24 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib 1.9.24 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.9.24 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.9.24 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm 0.24.0 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.8.0 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.8.0 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.5.0 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.6.3 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.6.3 \-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.6.3 - fabricloader 0.15.11 \-- mixinextras 0.3.5 - fancymenu 3.2.3 |-- com_github_keksuccino_japng 0.5.3 \-- com_github_rtyley_animated-gif-lib-for-java animated-gif-lib-1.7 - farmersdelight 1.20.1-2.1.1 refabricated |-- mm 2.3 |-- porting_lib_accessors 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_base 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_attributes 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_common 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_entity 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_fluids 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_mixin_extensions 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_transfer 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_utility 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- reach-entity-attributes 2.4.0 |-- porting_lib_client_events 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_config 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_extensions 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_attributes 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_common 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- reach-entity-attributes 2.4.0 |-- porting_lib_lazy_registration 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_loot 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_networking 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_recipe_book_categories 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_registries 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 \-- porting_lib_tool_actions 2.3.4 1.20.1 \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 - farmersrespite 3.0.2 - fastpaintings 1.20-1.2.7 - fastquit 3.0.0 1.20 - ferritecore 6.0.1 - figura 0.1.4 1.20.1 |-- com_github_figuramc_luaj_luaj-core 3.0.8-figura |-- com_github_figuramc_luaj_luaj-jse 3.0.8-figura \-- com_neovisionaries_nv-websocket-client 2.14 - fix-keyboard-on-linux 1.0.1 - forgeconfigapiport 8.0.0 - framework 0.6.16 \-- org_javassist_javassist 3.29.2-GA - fusion 1.1.1 - geckolib 4.4.6 \-- com_eliotlash_mclib_mclib 20 - geophilic v2.2.0-mc1.20u1.20.2 - handoveryouritems 3.3 - harvestwithease **.**.**.** - horsebuff 2.1.2 - indium 1.0.30 mc1.20.4 - invview 1.4.12-1.20 |-- fabric-permissions-api-v0 0.2-SNAPSHOT \-- sgui 1.2.2 1.20 - iris 1.7.0 mc1.20.1 |-- io_github_douira_glsl-transformer 2.0.0-pre13 |-- org_anarres_jcpp 1.4.14 \-- org_antlr_antlr4-runtime 4.11.1 - isxander-main-menu-credits 1.1.2 - item_obliterator 2.1.0 - itemphysiclite 1.6.4 - itemswapper 0.6.3 - jade 11.9.1 fabric - jadeaddons 5.2.5 - java 17 - jei **.**.**.** - journeymap 5.9.21 \-- journeymap-api-fabric 1.20-1.9-fabric-SNAPSHOT - konkrete 1.8.1 - kubejs 2001.6.5-build.7 - lambdynlights 2.3.2 1.20.1 |-- pride 1.2.0 1.19.4 \-- spruceui 5.0.0 1.20 - lazydfu 0.1.3 - leavemybarsalone 8.0.0 - leavesbegone 8.0.0 - letmedespawn 1.2.0 - lilac 1.0.0-beta.3 - lithium 0.11.2 - lmft 1.0.2 1.20 - logbegone 1.0.8 - lootjs 1.20.1-2.12.0 - lootr **.**.**.** - magnumtorch 8.0.2 - mapfrontiers 2.6.0 \-- commonnetworking 1.0.2-1.20.1 - megacells 2.3.6-1.20.1 - melody 1.0.3 - merequester 1.20.1-1.1.4 - mes 1.3.1-1.20-fabric - minecraft 1.20.1 - minemath 2.0.0-1.20.1 \-- libgui 8.1.0 1.20.1 |-- jankson 6.0.0 j1.2.3 | \-- blue_endless_jankson 1.2.3 \-- libninepatch 1.2.0 - missingwilds 1.2.1 1.20.1 - mixintrace 1.1.1 1.17 - modelfix 1.15 - modernfix 5.17.0 mc1.20.1 - modmenu 7.2.2 - moonlight 1.20-2.11.17 - morechathistory 1.3.0 - morediscs 1.20.1-33-fabric - moremobvariants **.**.**.** - mousewheelie 1.13.0 mc1.20.1 |-- amecsapi 1.5.1 mc1.20-pre1 |-- coat 1.0.0-beta.20 mc1.20-pre1 |-- tweed4_annotated 1.3.1 mc1.20-pre1 |-- tweed4_base 1.7.1 mc1.20-pre1 |-- tweed4_data 1.2.1 mc1.20-pre1 |-- tweed4_data_hjson 1.1.1 mc1.20-pre1 |-- tweed4_tailor_coat 1.1.3 mc1.20-pre1 |-- tweed4_tailor_lang_json_descriptions 1.1.0 mc1.20-pre1 \-- tweed4_tailor_screen 1.1.4 mc1.20-pre1 - mr_fdrfdcrf 0.0.0 - natures_spirit 1.4.4-1.20.1 - naturescompass 1.20.1-2.2.3-fabric - necronomicon 1.4.2 - nethersdelight 1.20.1-4.1.1 - no-resource-pack-warnings 1.3.0 - nochatreports 1.20.1-v2.2.2 - nullscape 1.2.4 - numismatics 1.0.6 fabric-mc1.20.1 - nvidium 0.2.6-beta - ok_zoomer 5.0.0-beta.12 1.20.1 |-- libzoomer 0.7.0 1.20.1 \-- org_quiltmc_quilt-config 1.1.0-beta.3 - oldmclogo 1.1.0 - opaccreatesupport 1.6.0 - openpartiesandclaims 0.22.0 - optigui 2.1.7 |-- optiglue 2.1.7-mc.1.19.3 |-- org_apache_commons_commons-text 1.10.0 \-- org_ini4j_ini4j 0.5.4 - patchouli 1.20.1-84-FABRIC \-- fiber 0.23.0-2 - paxi 1.20-Fabric-4.0 - peripheralium 0.6.15 - peripheralworks 1.4.3 - phonos 1.0.0-beta.11 1.20.1 \-- jsonem 0.2.1 1.20 - picturesign 2.0.0-beta.1 unascribedtheora5 \-- midnightlib 1.4.1 - player-animator 1.0.2-rc1 1.20 - plutonium 1.1.2-mc1.20.1 |-- com_github_luben_zstd-jni 1.5.5-5 |-- io_netty_incubator_netty-incubator-transport-classes-io_uring 0.0.15 |-- io_netty_incubator_netty-incubator-transport-nativ1acc2b1d81ab5a 0.0.15 \-- mm 2.3 - porting_lib 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_asm 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_attributes 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_blocks 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_brewing 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_chunk_loading 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_common 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_data 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_entity 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_fluids 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_gametest 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_gui_utils 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_items 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_level_events 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_mixin_extensions 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_model_builders 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_model_generators 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_model_loader 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_model_materials 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_models 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_obj_loader 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_transfer 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_utility 2.3.4 1.20.1 \-- reach-entity-attributes 2.4.0 - presencefootsteps 1.9.3 \-- kirin 1.15.6 1.20.1 - pretty-in-pink 1.0.1-1.20.1 - promenade 4.1.1 \-- biolith 1.0.0-alpha.8 \-- terraform-surfaces-api-v1 7.0.1 - puzzle 1.5.2 1.20 |-- midnightlib 1.4.1 |-- puzzle-base 1.5.2 1.20 |-- puzzle-gui 1.5.2 1.20 |-- puzzle-models 1.5.2 1.20 \-- puzzle-splashscreen 1.5.2 1.20 - puzzleslib 8.1.19 \-- puzzlesaccessapi 8.0.7 - railways 1.6.4 fabric-mc1.20.1 |-- mixinextras 0.3.5 \-- mm 2.3 - railwaystweaks 0.0.9 - rechiseled 1.1.6 - rechiseledcreate 1.0.2 a - reeses-sodium-options 1.7.2 mc1.20.1-build.101 - replaymod 1.20.1-2.6.15 - resourcefulconfig 2.1.2 - resourcefullib 2.1.24 |-- com_teamresourceful_bytecodecs 1.0.2 \-- com_teamresourceful_yabn 1.0.3 - respawnablepets 1.20-1 \-- midnightlib 1.4.1 - respitecreators 1.2.0 - reterraforged 0.0.6 - rhino 2001.2.2-build.18 - searchables 1.0.3 - shulkerboxtooltip 4.0.4 1.20.1 - skinlayers3d 1.6.4 - smwyg 1.1.1 - sodium 0.5.8 mc1.20.1 - sodium-extra 0.5.4 mc1.20.1-build.115 |-- caffeineconfig 1.3.0 1.17 \-- crowdin-translate 1.4 1.19.3 - spark 1.10.53 - spelunkery 1.20.1-0.3.5 - spiceoffabric 1.6.2 mc1.20.1 |-- capsaicin 1.3.3 mc1.20.1 |-- coat 1.0.0-beta.20 mc1.20-pre1 |-- tweed4_annotated 1.3.1 mc1.20-pre1 |-- tweed4_base 1.7.1 mc1.20-pre1 |-- tweed4_data 1.2.1 mc1.20-pre1 |-- tweed4_data_hjson 1.1.1 mc1.20-pre1 |-- tweed4_tailor_coat 1.1.3 mc1.20-pre1 |-- tweed4_tailor_lang_json_descriptions 1.1.0 mc1.20-pre1 \-- tweed4_tailor_screen 1.1.4 mc1.20-pre1 - spindlemark 1.1.0 |-- lib39-core 1.5.0-experimental5 1.20.1 \-- lib39-keygen 1.5.0-experimental5 1.20.1 - stendhal 1.4.0-1.20 - structure-remover 1.0.0 - styledchat 2.2.3 1.20.1 |-- fabric-permissions-api-v0 0.2-SNAPSHOT |-- placeholder-api 2.1.3 1.20.1 \-- player-data-api 0.2.2 1.19.3 - styledplayerlist 3.1.1 1.20.1 \-- player-data-api 0.2.2 1.19.3 - stylisheffects 8.0.2 - supermartijn642configlib 1.1.8 a - supermartijn642corelib 1.1.17 - supplementaries 1.20-2.8.10 \-- mixinsquared 0.1.1 - suppsquared 1.20-1.1.14 - swampier_swamps 1.20-4.0.0 - tconstruct 1.20.1- |-- com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305 3.0.2 |-- mantle 1.20.1-1.9.268 | |-- com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305 3.0.2 | \-- star 1.5.1 1.20.1 |-- mixinsquared 0.1.1 |-- porting_lib_accessors 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_base 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_attributes 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_common 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_entity 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_fluids 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_mixin_extensions 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_transfer 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_utility 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- reach-entity-attributes 2.4.0 |-- porting_lib_client_events 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_config 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_extensions 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_attributes 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_common 2.3.4 1.20.1 | |-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- reach-entity-attributes 2.4.0 |-- porting_lib_lazy_registration 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_loot 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 |-- porting_lib_networking 2.3.4 1.20.1 | \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 \-- porting_lib_tool_actions 2.3.4 1.20.1 \-- porting_lib_core 2.3.4 1.20.1 - tectonic 2.3.4 - templates 2.1.1 1.20.1 - terrablender **.**.**.** |-- com_electronwill_night-config_core 3.6.7 \-- com_electronwill_night-config_toml 3.6.7 - tooltipfix 1.1.1-1.20 - trainperspectivefix 1.0.0 - trashcans 1.0.18 \-- team_reborn_energy 3.0.0 - trashslot 15.1.0 - trinkets 3.7.2 - tropics 1.0.3 - trowel 1.2.1@1.20 - twigs 3.1.0 - universal-graves 3.0.1 1.20.1 |-- common-protection-api 1.0.0 |-- fabric-permissions-api-v0 0.2-SNAPSHOT |-- placeholder-api 2.1.3 1.20.1 |-- polymer-core 0.5.19 1.20.1 | |-- polymer-networking 0.5.19 1.20.1 | | \-- polymer-common 0.5.19 1.20.1 | | \-- packet_tweaker 0.4.0 1.19.4 | \-- polymer-registry-sync-manipulator 0.5.19 1.20.1 |-- polymer-resource-pack 0.5.19 1.20.1 | \-- polymer-common 0.5.19 1.20.1 | \-- packet_tweaker 0.4.0 1.19.4 |-- polymer-virtual-entity 0.5.19 1.20.1 | \-- polymer-common 0.5.19 1.20.1 | \-- packet_tweaker 0.4.0 1.19.4 |-- predicate-api 0.2.1 1.20.1 |-- server_translations_api 2.0.0 1.20 | \-- packet_tweaker 0.4.0 1.19.4 \-- sgui 1.2.2 1.20 - unlimitedbannerlayers 1.1.0 \-- midnightlib 1.4.1 - vanilla-permissions 0.2.2 1.20.1 \-- fabric-permissions-api-v0 0.2-SNAPSHOT - vmp 0.2.0 beta.7.102 - voicechat 1.20.1-2.5.14 - wands 2.6.9-release - wiredredstone 0.7.8 1.20.1 |-- graphlib 1.4.0 1.20 | |-- kmodlib-overlay 0.2.12 1.20 | \-- libnetworkstack 0.10.0 |-- libmultipart_deps_container 0.11.0 | |-- libblockattributes_core 0.14.0 | |-- libmultipart 0.11.0 | \-- libmultipart_compat 0.11.0 \-- team_reborn_energy 3.0.0 - worldedit 7.2.15 6463-5ca4dff - worldeditcui 1.20 01 - xaerominimap 24.1.1 - xaeroworldmap 1.38.4 - yet_another_config_lib_v3 3.4.2 1.20.1-fabric |-- com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-image 3.10.0 |-- com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-io 3.10.0 |-- com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-lang 3.10.0 |-- com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-core 3.10.0 |-- com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-metadata 3.10.0 |-- com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-webp 3.10.0 \-- org_quiltmc_parsers_gson 0.2.1 - yosbr 0.1.2 - yungsapi 1.20-Fabric-4.0.5 \-- mixinextras 0.3.5 [14:41:03] [main/INFO]: Applying default options... (YOSBR) [14:41:05] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/C:/Users/********/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.13.3 mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.13.3 mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=CLIENT [14:41:05] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_11 [14:41:05] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17 [14:41:06] [main/INFO]: Loading Mixin Plugin for Axiom/3.0.0 [14:41:07] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'coroutil.refmap.json' for coroutil_fabric.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:07] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'createdeco-fabric-refmap.json' for createdeco.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:07] [main/INFO]: Preloading Debugify [14:41:07] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'deepdrilling-fabric-refmap.json' for deepdrilling.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:07] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'deepdrilling-common-refmap.json' for deepdrilling-common.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:07] [main/INFO]: File exists, reading config for elocindev.item_obliterator.fabric_quilt.config.ConfigEntries. [14:41:07] [main/INFO]: Config for elocindev.item_obliterator.fabric_quilt.config.ConfigEntries read successfully. [14:41:08] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Lithium: 115 options available, 3 override(s) found [14:41:08] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'lmft-fabric-refmap.json' for lmft.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:08] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for ModernFix 5.17.0 mc1.20.1: 55 options available, 1 override(s) found [14:41:08] [main/WARN]: Option 'mixin.perf.dynamic_resources' overriden (by user configuration) to 'true' [14:41:08] [main/INFO]: Applying Nashorn fix [14:41:08] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'morediscs-refmap.json' for morediscs.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:08] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'rechiseled.mixins.refmap.json' for rechiseled.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:08] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'rechiseledcreate.mixins.refmap.json' for rechiseledcreate.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:08] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'mixins.nonmmlauncher.replaymod.refmap.json' for mixins.nonmmlauncher.replaymod.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:08] [main/INFO]: Enabling Terrablender compat [14:41:08] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Sodium: 42 options available, 3 override(s) found [14:41:08] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Sodium Extra: 34 options available, 0 override(s) found [14:41:08] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'spelunkery-fabric-refmap.json' for spelunkery.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:09] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'supermartijn642configlib.mixins.refmap.json' for supermartijn642configlib.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:09] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'suppsquared-fabric-refmap.json' for suppsquared.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:09] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'suppsquared-common-refmap.json' for suppsquared-common.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:09] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'trainperspectivefix.refmap.json' for trainperspectivefix.fabric.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:09] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'trashcans.mixins.refmap.json' for trashcans.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [14:41:09] [main/INFO]: Successfully started async appender with [ServerGuiConsole, SysOut, File] [14:41:09] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: io/vram/frex/base/renderer/context/render/EntityBlockRenderContext (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: io/vram/frex/base/renderer/context/render/EntityBlockRenderContext) [14:41:09] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target io.vram.frex.base.renderer.context.render.EntityBlockRenderContext was not found porting_lib_base.mixins.json:client.frex.EntityBlockRenderContextMixin from mod porting_lib_base [14:41:09] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: me/shedaniel/rei/RoughlyEnoughItemsCoreClient (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: me/shedaniel/rei/RoughlyEnoughItemsCoreClient) [14:41:09] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: dev/ftb/mods/ftblibrary/FTBLibraryClient (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: dev/ftb/mods/ftblibrary/FTBLibraryClient) [14:41:09] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/optifine/shaders/Shaders (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/optifine/shaders/Shaders) [14:41:09] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/coderbot/iris/pipeline/newshader/ExtendedShader (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/coderbot/iris/pipeline/newshader/ExtendedShader) [14:41:10] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/common/ConfigCommon (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/common/ConfigCommon) [14:41:10] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock) [14:41:10] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target com.firemerald.additionalplacements.block.AdditionalPlacementBlock was not found copycats-common.mixins.json:compat.additionalplacements.PlacementBlockMixin from mod copycats [14:41:10] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: me/jellysquid/mods/lithium/common/ai/pathing/PathNodeDefaults (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: me/jellysquid/mods/lithium/common/ai/pathing/PathNodeDefaults) [14:41:10] [main/WARN]: Force disabled MC-135971 because it's conflicting with: carpet [14:41:10] [main/WARN]: Force disabled MC-121772 because it only applies to OS: MAC [14:41:10] [main/WARN]: Force disabled MC-122477 because it only applies to OS: LINUX [14:41:10] [main/WARN]: Force disabled MC-176559 because it's conflicting with: fabric-api [14:41:10] [main/WARN]: Force disabled MC-22882 because it only applies to OS: MAC [14:41:10] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: me/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/model/quad/blender/LinearColorBlender (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: me/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/model/quad/blender/LinearColorBlender) [14:41:10] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: at/petrak/hexcasting/api/casting/circles/BlockEntityAbstractImpetus (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: at/petrak/hexcasting/api/casting/circles/BlockEntityAbstractImpetus) [14:41:11] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/raphimc/immediatelyfast/feature/core/ImmediateAdapter (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/raphimc/immediatelyfast/feature/core/ImmediateAdapter) [14:41:11] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/coderbot/batchedentityrendering/impl/FullyBufferedMultiBufferSource (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/coderbot/batchedentityrendering/impl/FullyBufferedMultiBufferSource) [14:41:11] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/coderbot/iris/layer/InnerWrappedRenderType (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/coderbot/iris/layer/InnerWrappedRenderType) [14:41:11] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/coderbot/iris/layer/OuterWrappedRenderType (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/coderbot/iris/layer/OuterWrappedRenderType) [14:41:11] [main/WARN]: Mixin malte0811.ferritecore.mixin.threaddetec.PalettedContainerMixin is disabled automatically as lithium is installed [14:41:11] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: mezz/modnametooltip/TooltipEventHandler (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: mezz/modnametooltip/TooltipEventHandler) [14:41:11] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: me/shedaniel/rei/impl/client/ClientHelperImpl (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: me/shedaniel/rei/impl/client/ClientHelperImpl) [14:41:11] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'alloc.blockstate.StateMixin' as rule 'mixin.alloc.blockstate' (added by mods [ferritecore]) disables it and children [14:41:11] [main/WARN]: Force-enabling mixin 'block.hopper.worldedit_compat.WorldChunkMixin' as rule 'mixin.block.hopper.worldedit_compat' (added by mods [lithium-fabric]) enables it [14:41:11] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'world.player_chunk_tick.ThreadedAnvilChunkStorageMixin' as rule '' (added by mods [vmp]) disables it and children [14:41:11] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/fabricmc/fabric/impl/client/model/ModelLoadingRegistryImpl$LoaderInstance (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/fabricmc/fabric/impl/client/model/ModelLoadingRegistryImpl$LoaderInstance) [14:41:11] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.fabricmc.fabric.impl.client.model.ModelLoadingRegistryImpl$LoaderInstance was not found modernfix-fabric.mixins.json:perf.dynamic_resources.LoaderInstanceMixin from mod modernfix [14:41:12] [main/WARN]: Mixin 'client.compat.emi_ItemEmiStackMixin' from 'polymer-core' was disabled by EMI (emi). Reason: Please stop mixing into impl. This might cause issues and isn't generally supported! [14:41:12] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: com/copycatsplus/copycats/content/copycat/base/model/multistate/fabric/MultiStateCopycatModel (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/copycatsplus/copycats/content/copycat/base/model/multistate/fabric/MultiStateCopycatModel) [14:41:12] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.CuboidMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children [14:41:12] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.ModelPartMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children [14:41:12] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.cull.EntityRendererMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children [14:41:12] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.shadows.EntityRenderDispatcherMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children [14:41:12] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.gui.font.GlyphRendererMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.gui.font' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children [14:41:12] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin '' as rule '' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children [14:41:12] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin '' as rule '' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children [14:41:12] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin '' as rule '' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children [14:41:12] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: io/vram/frex/api/model/fluid/SimpleFluidModel (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: io/vram/frex/api/model/fluid/SimpleFluidModel) [14:41:13] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/raphimc/immediatelyfast/feature/map_atlas_generation/MapAtlasTexture (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/raphimc/immediatelyfast/feature/map_atlas_generation/MapAtlasTexture) [14:41:13] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: com/ishland/c2me/notickvd/common/NoTickChunkSendingInterceptor (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/ishland/c2me/notickvd/common/NoTickChunkSendingInterceptor) [14:41:13] [main/WARN]: [carpet] detected, disabling UPDATE mixin com.sk89q.worldedit.fabric.mixin.MixinLevelChunkSetBlockHook [14:41:13] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/coderbot/iris/pipeline/newshader/ExtendedShader (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/coderbot/iris/pipeline/newshader/ExtendedShader) [14:41:13] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/coderbot/iris/pipeline/newshader/ExtendedShader (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/coderbot/iris/pipeline/newshader/ExtendedShader) [14:41:13] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: org/jetbrains/annotations/ApiStatus$Internal (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org/jetbrains/annotations/ApiStatus$Internal) [14:41:13] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: org/jetbrains/annotations/ApiStatus$Internal (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org/jetbrains/annotations/ApiStatus$Internal) [14:41:13] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: org/jetbrains/annotations/ApiStatus$Internal (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org/jetbrains/annotations/ApiStatus$Internal) [14:41:13] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock) [14:41:13] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock) Replay Mod is still using the traditional Early Riser initialisation [14:41:14] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: org/jetbrains/annotations/ApiStatus$Internal (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org/jetbrains/annotations/ApiStatus$Internal) [14:41:14] [main/INFO]: Starting Log4j reconfiguration. [14:41:14] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/optifine/render/ChunkVisibility (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/optifine/render/ChunkVisibility) [14:41:14] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: shadersmod/client/ShadersRender (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: shadersmod/client/ShadersRender) [14:41:14] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/optifine/shaders/ShadersRender (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/optifine/shaders/ShadersRender) [14:41:14] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/coderbot/iris/uniforms/CommonUniforms (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/coderbot/iris/uniforms/CommonUniforms) [14:41:14] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/coderbot/iris/Iris (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/coderbot/iris/Iris) [14:41:14] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/coderbot/iris/pipeline/HandRenderer (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/coderbot/iris/pipeline/HandRenderer) [14:41:14] [main/INFO] (Better Log4j Config) Finished Log4j reconfiguration. [14:41:14] [main/INFO] (Sodium-GraphicsAdapterProbe) Searching for graphics cards... [14:41:15] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/MixinExtras|Service) Initializing MixinExtras via com.llamalad7.mixinextras.service.MixinExtrasServiceImpl(version=0.3.5). [14:41:16] [main/INFO] (Sodium-GraphicsAdapterProbe) Found graphics card: GraphicsAdapterInfo[vendor=NVIDIA, name=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080, version=DriverVersion=] [14:41:16] [main/WARN] (Sodium-Workarounds) Sodium has applied one or more workarounds to prevent crashes or other issues on your system: [NVIDIA_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS] [14:41:16] [main/WARN] (Sodium-Workarounds) This is not necessarily an issue, but it may result in certain features or optimizations being disabled. You can sometimes fix these issues by upgrading your graphics driver. [14:41:20] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) @Inject(@At("INVOKE")) Shift.BY=2 on porting_lib_entity.mixins.json:common.LivingEntityMixin from mod porting_lib_entity::handler$kde000$porting_lib_entity$port_lib$onFinishUsing exceeds the maximum allowed value: 0. Increase the value of maxShiftBy to suppress this warning. [14:41:21] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Method overwrite conflict for getLanguage in worldedit-fabric.mixins.json:MixinServerPlayer from mod worldedit, previously written by carpet.mixins.ServerPlayer_scarpetEventMixin. Skipping method. [14:41:22] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinMinecraft from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_310 [14:41:22] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinMinecraft from mixins/fabric/nochatreports-fabric.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_310 [14:41:22] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Method overwrite conflict for getPausedTickDelta in entity_model_features-common.mixins.json:accessor.MinecraftClientAccessor from mod entity_model_features, previously written by carpet.mixins.Minecraft_pausedShakeMixin. Skipping method. [14:41:23] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinTitleScreen from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_442 [14:41:23] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinChatScreen from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_408 [14:41:23] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$4()Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$4$0 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatScreen from mod nochatreports [14:41:23] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$3(Lnet/minecraft/class_4185;)V to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$3$1 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatScreen from mod nochatreports [14:41:23] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$2()Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$2$2 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatScreen from mod nochatreports [14:41:23] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$1(Lnet/minecraft/class_4185;)V to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$1$3 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatScreen from mod nochatreports [14:41:23] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$onBeforeMessage$0(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfoReturnable;Lcom/aizistral/nochatreports/common/encryption/Encryptor;)V to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$onBeforeMessage$0$4 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatScreen from mod nochatreports [14:41:23] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixin stendhal.mixins.json:ChatScreenMixin from mod stendhal has multiple constructors, (Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;)V was selected [14:41:24] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Method overwrite conflict for getEntityManager in spark.mixins.json:ClientWorldAccessor from mod spark, previously written by me.jellysquid.mods.lithium.mixin.chunk.entity_class_groups.ClientWorldMixin. Skipping method. [14:41:24] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_2540 [14:41:24] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$onWriteJsonWithCodec$1(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/EncoderException; to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$onWriteJsonWithCodec$1$0 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mod nochatreports [14:41:24] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$onReadJsonWithCodec$0(Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/DecoderException; to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$onReadJsonWithCodec$0$1 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mod nochatreports [14:41:26] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Error loading class: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock) [14:41:26] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Error loading class: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock) [14:41:27] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Error loading class: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock) [14:41:27] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Error loading class: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock) [14:41:27] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Error loading class: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/firemerald/additionalplacements/block/AdditionalPlacementBlock) [14:41:27] [main/INFO] (ModernFix) Injecting BlockStateBase cache population hook into getNeighborPathNodeType from [14:41:27] [main/INFO] (ModernFix) Injecting BlockStateBase cache population hook into getPathNodeType from [14:41:27] [main/INFO] (ModernFix) Injecting BlockStateBase cache population hook into getAllFlags from me.jellysquid.mods.lithium.mixin.util.block_tracking.AbstractBlockStateMixin [14:41:32] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Method overwrite conflict for method_5773 in spelunkery-common.mixins.json:ItemFrameMixin from mod spelunkery, previously written by carpetextra.mixins.ItemFrameEntity_comparatorReadsClockMixin. Skipping method. [14:41:33] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing server.MixinServerGamePacketListenerImpl from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_3244 [14:41:33] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Method overwrite conflict for getConnection in fabric-networking-api-v1.mixins.json:accessor.ServerPlayNetworkHandlerAccessor from mod fabric-networking-api-v1, previously written by carpet.mixins.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl_coreMixin. Skipping method. [14:41:33] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Method overwrite conflict for getConnection in wiredredstone.mixins.json:ServerPlayNetworkHandlerAccessor from mod wiredredstone, previously written by carpet.mixins.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl_coreMixin. Skipping method. [14:41:36] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Static binding violation: PRIVATE @Overwrite method method_21740 in modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.remove_biome_temperature_cache.BiomeMixin from mod modernfix cannot reduce visibiliy of PUBLIC target method, visibility will be upgraded. [14:41:36] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Method overwrite conflict for method_21740 in modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.remove_biome_temperature_cache.BiomeMixin from mod modernfix, previously written by Skipping method. [14:41:36] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Method overwrite conflict for getClimateSettings in architectury.mixins.json:BiomeAccessor from mod architectury, previously written by carpet.mixins.Biome_scarpetMixin. Skipping method. [14:41:36] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Method overwrite conflict for getClimateSettings in figura-common.mixins.json:BiomeAccessor from mod figura, previously written by carpet.mixins.Biome_scarpetMixin. Skipping method. [14:41:36] [main/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Method overwrite conflict for getClimateSettings in supplementaries.mixins.json:BiomeAccessor from mod supplementaries, previously written by carpet.mixins.Biome_scarpetMixin. Skipping method. [14:41:38] [main/INFO] (Minecraft) Vanilla bootstrap took 13763 milliseconds [14:41:38] [Render thread/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Static binding violation: PRIVATE @Overwrite method method_31950 in sodium.mixins.json:features.render.immediate.buffer_builder.sorting.BufferBuilderMixin from mod sodium cannot reduce visibiliy of PROTECTED target method, visibility will be upgraded. [14:41:38] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: [LWJGL] [ERROR] Incompatible Java and native library versions detected. Possible reasons: a) -Djava.library.path is set to a folder containing shared libraries of an older LWJGL version. b) The classpath contains jar files of an older LWJGL version. Possible solutions: a) Make sure to not set -Djava.library.path (it is not needed for developing with LWJGL 3) or make sure the folder it points to contains the shared libraries of the correct LWJGL version. b) Check the classpath and make sure to only have jar files of the same LWJGL version in it. [14:41:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD' [14:41:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinYggdrasilUserApiService from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilUserApiService [14:41:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Setting user: NeonCityDrifter [14:41:40] [Render thread/INFO] (ModernFix) Bypassed Mojang DFU [14:41:40] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinToastComponent from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_374 [14:41:41] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 271 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 2 keys and 26 values [14:41:41] [Render thread/INFO] (coroutil) fabric loader environment detected [14:41:46] [Render thread/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Injection warning: LVT in net/minecraft/class_757::method_3188(FJLnet/minecraft/class_4587;)V has incompatible changes at opcode 264 in callback figura-common.mixins.json:render.GameRendererMixin from mod figura->@Inject::renderLevelSaveBobbingOF(FJLnet/minecraft/class_4587;Lorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;ZZLnet/minecraft/class_4184;Lnet/minecraft/class_4587;D)V. Expected: [Z, Z, Lnet/minecraft/class_4184;, Lnet/minecraft/class_4587;, D] Found: [Z, Lnet/minecraft/class_4184;, Lnet/minecraft/class_4587;, D, F] Available: [Z, Lnet/minecraft/class_4184;, Lnet/minecraft/class_4587;, D, F, F, I, F, Lnet/minecraft/class_7833;, F] [14:41:46] [Render thread/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Discarding @Unique public method getOffset in porting_lib_extensions.mixins.json:client.VertexFormatMixin from mod porting_lib_extensions because it already exists in net.minecraft.class_293 [14:41:46] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinClientPacketListener from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_634 [14:41:47] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Loaded config amendments-common.json [14:41:47] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Loaded config amendments-client.json [14:41:47] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Loaded config moonlight-client.json [14:41:47] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing common components for armorstatues:main [14:41:47] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Loading client config for armorstatues [14:41:47] [Thread-2/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading client config for armorstatues [14:41:49] [Render thread/INFO] (axiom) Initializing Axiom/3.0.0. Build timestamp: 1715974492419 [14:41:52] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing common components for barteringstation:main [14:41:52] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Loading client config for barteringstation [14:41:52] [Thread-2/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading client config for barteringstation [14:41:52] [Thread-2/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading client config for barteringstation [14:41:52] [Render thread/INFO] (Logger) [bclib] Added Config bclib.generator to auto sync (file hash) [14:41:52] [Render thread/INFO] (Logger) [bclib] Added Config bclib.main to auto sync (content diff) [14:41:52] [Render thread/INFO] (Logger) [bclib] Added Config bclib.biomes to auto sync (file hash) [14:41:52] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [14:41:52] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [14:41:52] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values [14:41:52] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values [14:41:53] [Render thread/INFO] (Logger) [bclib] Added Config betterend.entities to auto sync (file hash) [14:41:53] [Render thread/INFO] (Logger) [bclib] Added Config betterend.blocks to auto sync (file hash) [14:41:53] [Render thread/INFO] (Logger) [bclib] Added Config betterend.items to auto sync (file hash) [14:41:53] [Render thread/INFO] (Logger) [bclib] Added Config betterend.biomes to auto sync (file hash) [14:41:53] [Render thread/INFO] (Logger) [bclib] Added Config to auto sync (file hash) [14:41:53] [Render thread/INFO] (Logger) [bclib] Added Config betterend.enchantments to auto sync (file hash) [14:41:54] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [14:41:54] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [14:41:54] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values [14:41:54] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing common components for bettertridents:main [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Loading common config for bettertridents [14:41:55] [Thread-2/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading common config for bettertridents [14:41:55] [Thread-2/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading common config for bettertridents [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (biolith) Biolith is initializing... [14:41:55] [Render thread/INFO] (biolith) Enabling Biolith's TerraBlender compatibility layer. [14:41:56] [Render thread/INFO] (Collective) Loading Collective version 7.57. [14:41:56] [Cicada thread 0/INFO] (do_a_barrel_roll) [do_a_barrel_roll] One day I'll finish the swimming version of this mod. One day. [14:41:56] [Cicada thread 0/INFO] (do_a_barrel_roll) [do_a_barrel_roll] Though that day may come sooner than expected... [14:41:57] [Render thread/INFO] (ConnectibleChains) Initialized entity types. [14:42:04] [Render thread/INFO] (DragonLib) Create: Dragon Lib Create Dragon Lib has initialized, ready to support your Create add-ons! [14:42:04] [Render thread/INFO] (EnchantmentIndustry) CEI: hyper_experience_orb got converted to hyper_experience_orb [14:42:04] [Render thread/INFO] (EnchantmentIndustry) CEI: hyper_experience_bottle got converted to hyper_experience_bottle [14:42:05] [Render thread/WARN] (FuelRegistryImpl) Tried to register an overly high cookTime: 57600 > 32767! (air) [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [com.mrh0.createaddition.CreateAddition] Create Crafts & Additions Initialized! [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) Registering items for Create Deco [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) Registering blocks for Create Deco [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) Create Deco is accessing Porting Lib on a Fabric client! [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Create Deco) placard tooltip was null [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Custom display sources registered! [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/1d0ac4252cec31ad974c93918eb8736a [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/1d0ac4252cec31ad974c93918eb8736a [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/bbbe938f50123ae1a33b88e7702baeea [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/bbbe938f50123ae1a33b88e7702baeea [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/7ef86e5181523d3db4e2f82200447e8b [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/7ef86e5181523d3db4e2f82200447e8b [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/a8b984aca0483ef78b864bf9f2aea80e [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/a8b984aca0483ef78b864bf9f2aea80e [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/a4b07d566354311dbfb4afc69c314726 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/a4b07d566354311dbfb4afc69c314726 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/685f763aee52352ebea05f6dd442d557 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/685f763aee52352ebea05f6dd442d557 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/43caef3f3dec30568576203d12b10bf7 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/43caef3f3dec30568576203d12b10bf7 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/67724a3b3531326f95653bc1614cf875 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/67724a3b3531326f95653bc1614cf875 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/24de284ed1a534cfb2664200bfb3b1e3 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/24de284ed1a534cfb2664200bfb3b1e3 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/719b62978114348a9d67f5bf04e4ea90 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/719b62978114348a9d67f5bf04e4ea90 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/830f6d92d9633e2f916bf733eb0b9a61 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/830f6d92d9633e2f916bf733eb0b9a61 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/5c835cb0e3b4349ea7abbf594560160f [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/5c835cb0e3b4349ea7abbf594560160f [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/bee93fe017d03b659de7d1bc090ce35a [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/bee93fe017d03b659de7d1bc090ce35a [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/cdcde435daae3fba8a42bb8799687e48 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/cdcde435daae3fba8a42bb8799687e48 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/b977ce0284d33fc79f13f0af88be87d7 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/b977ce0284d33fc79f13f0af88be87d7 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/adecdf88fb7a3b969b956d7830ea92db [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/adecdf88fb7a3b969b956d7830ea92db [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/5bab7ef58bee35718294293ce78aa556 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/5bab7ef58bee35718294293ce78aa556 [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/76c802420d82316d9a98b73c163ad7ed [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id createrailwaysnavigator:crn_network/76c802420d82316d9a98b73c163ad7ed [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Debugify) Enabled 66 bug fixes: [MC-577, MC-2025, MC-4490, MC-7569, MC-8187, MC-12829, MC-14923, MC-22882, MC-30391, MC-31819, MC-46766, MC-55347, MC-69216, MC-72151, MC-79545, MC-80859, MC-88371, MC-89146, MC-90084, MC-90683, MC-93018, MC-93384, MC-100991, MC-108948, MC-111516, MC-112730, MC-116379, MC-119417, MC-119754, MC-121706, MC-121772, MC-121903, MC-122477, MC-122627, MC-123739, MC-124117, MC-127970, MC-129909, MC-132878, MC-135971, MC-140646, MC-143474, MC-155509, MC-159163, MC-160095, MC-165381, MC-176559, MC-179072, MC-183776, MC-183990, MC-193343, MC-197260, MC-199467, MC-200418, MC-206922, MC-215530, MC-215531, MC-217716, MC-223153, MC-224729, MC-227169, MC-231097, MC-231743, MC-232869, MC-237493, MC-263865] [14:42:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Debugify) Successfully Debugify'd your game! [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (Deep Drilling) Deep Drilling initializing! Create version: 0.5.1f on platform: Fabric [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (Deep Drilling) Registering blocks for Deep Drilling [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (Deep Drilling) Registering block entities for Deep Drilling [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (Deep Drilling) Registred 3 drill heads [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (Deep Drilling) Deep Drilling is accessing Porting Lib on a Fabric client! [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (demandingsaplings) Registering ItemGroup for demandingsaplings [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (demandingsaplings) Registering ModItems for demandingsaplings [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (demandingsaplings) Registering ModBlocks for demandingsaplings [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (DesignDecor) Create addon mod [Create: Design n' Decor] is loading alongside Create [0.5.1f]! [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (DesignDecor) Create: Design n' Decor is accessing Porting Lib from the client! [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id dragonlib:dragonlib_network/69a65f20acde32448da097b16eacfce9 [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id dragonlib:dragonlib_network/69a65f20acde32448da097b16eacfce9 [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id dragonlib:dragonlib_network/69d73e101ecb38b59cc59ce369f9f0e6 [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id dragonlib:dragonlib_network/69d73e101ecb38b59cc59ce369f9f0e6 [14:42:06] [Poison Dragon/INFO] (DragonLib) ? [14:42:06] [Poison Dragon/INFO] (DragonLib) ------------------------------------------------------------------ [14:42:06] [Poison Dragon/INFO] (DragonLib) Loaded DRAGONLIB by MRJULSEN! [14:42:06] [Poison Dragon/INFO] (DragonLib) Minecraft Fabric 1.20.1 [14:42:06] [Poison Dragon/INFO] (DragonLib) Discord: [14:42:06] [Poison Dragon/INFO] (DragonLib) GitHub: [14:42:06] [Poison Dragon/INFO] (DragonLib) Bug Reports: [14:42:06] [Poison Dragon/INFO] (DragonLib) ------------------------------------------------------------------ [14:42:06] [Poison Dragon/INFO] (DragonLib) ? [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id ducky-periphs:key_press_packet [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id ducky-periphs:key_up_packet [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id ducky-periphs:char_typed_packet [14:42:06] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id ducky-periphs:event_sent_packet [14:42:07] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing common components for easyanvils:main [14:42:07] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Loading client config for easyanvils [14:42:07] [Thread-2/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading client config for easyanvils [14:42:07] [Thread-2/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading client config for easyanvils [14:42:07] [Render thread/INFO] (FancyMenu) [FANCYMENU] Loading v3.2.3 in client-side mode on FABRIC! [14:42:08] [Render thread/INFO] (graphlib) Initializing GraphLib... [14:42:08] [Render thread/INFO] (graphlib) GraphLib Initialized. [14:42:08] [Render thread/INFO] (HorseBuff) Horse Buff Initialized [14:42:08] [Render thread/INFO] (necronomicon) File exists, reading config for elocindev.item_obliterator.fabric_quilt.config.ConfigEntries. [14:42:08] [Render thread/INFO] (necronomicon) Config for elocindev.item_obliterator.fabric_quilt.config.ConfigEntries read successfully. [14:42:08] [Render thread/INFO] (item_obliterator) Item Obliterator Config Loaded [14:42:08] [Render thread/INFO] (journeymap) Initializing ServerSide Packet Registries [14:42:08] [Render thread/INFO] (Konkrete) [KONKRETE] Successfully initialized! [14:42:08] [Render thread/INFO] (Konkrete) [KONKRETE] Server-side libs ready to use! [14:42:08] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS) Loaded [14:42:08] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS) Loaded [14:42:08] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS) Looking for KubeJS plugins... [14:42:08] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS) Found plugin source kubejs [14:42:09] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS) Found plugin source exposure [14:42:11] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS) Found plugin source lootjs [14:42:12] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS) Done in 3.591 s [14:42:12] [Render thread/INFO] (Rhino Script Remapper) Loading Rhino Minecraft remapper... [14:42:12] [Render thread/INFO] (RhinoProperties) Rhino properties loaded. [14:42:12] [Render thread/INFO] (Rhino Script Remapper) Loading mappings for 1.20.1 [14:42:12] [Render thread/INFO] (Rhino Script Remapper) Done in 0.112 s [14:42:13] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinChatListener from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7594 [14:42:13] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinServerData from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_642 [14:42:13] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinOptions from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_315 [14:42:13] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$onlyShowSecureChat$0(Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$onlyShowSecureChat$0$2 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinOptions from mod nochatreports [14:42:14] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS) Added bindings for script type STARTUP from mod 'almostunified': [AlmostUnified] [14:42:14] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS Startup) example.js#5: Hello, World! (Loaded startup scripts) [14:42:14] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS Startup) Loaded script startup_scripts:example.js in 0.176 s [14:42:14] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS Startup) Loaded 1/1 KubeJS startup scripts in 1.863 s with 0 errors and 0 warnings [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS) Added bindings for script type CLIENT from mod 'almostunified': [AlmostUnified] [14:42:15] [Render thread/ERROR] (KubeJS Client) emi/hide.js#3: ReferenceError: "EMIEvents" is not defined. [14:42:15] [Render thread/ERROR] (KubeJS Client) emi/mods/ae2_facade.js#1: ReferenceError: "EMIEvents" is not defined. [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS Client) Loaded script client_scripts:tooltips.js in 0.016 s [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS Client) Loaded 1/3 KubeJS client scripts in 0.064 s with 0 errors and 0 warnings [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id kubejs:send_data_from_client [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id kubejs:send_data_from_server [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id kubejs:paint [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id kubejs:add_stage [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id kubejs:remove_stage [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id kubejs:sync_stages [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id kubejs:first_click [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id kubejs:toast [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id kubejs:reload_startup_scripts [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id kubejs:display_server_errors [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id kubejs:display_client_errors [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing common components for leavemybarsalone:main [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Loading client config for leavemybarsalone [14:42:15] [Thread-2/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading client config for leavemybarsalone [14:42:15] [Thread-2/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading client config for leavemybarsalone [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing common components for leavesbegone:main [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing server.MixinServerboundChatCommandPacket from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7472 [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing server.MixinServerboundChatPacket from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_2797 [14:42:15] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing server.MixinServerboundChatSessionUpdatePacket from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7861 [14:42:16] [Render thread/INFO] (LMFTCommon) [LMFT]: Loaded Config File! [14:42:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing common components for magnumtorch:main [14:42:16] [Render thread/INFO] (ModernFix) Instantiating Mojang DFU [14:42:17] [Render thread/INFO] (MapFrontiers) PacketHandler init done [14:42:17] [Render thread/INFO] (MapFrontiers) Fabric onInitialize done [14:42:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Melody) [MELODY] Loading Melody background audio library.. [14:42:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Missing Wilds) Missing Wilds for Fabric is loading! [14:42:17] [Render thread/INFO] (MM) Definitely not up to no good [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (moremobvariants) Giving mobs a fresh coat of paint... [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: sugi_forest [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: windswept_sugi_forest [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: blooming_sugi_forest [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: lavender_fields [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: eroded_river [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: marsh [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: bamboo_wetlands [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: wisteria_forest [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: redwood_forest [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: aspen_forest [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: maple_woodlands [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: golden_wilds [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: marigold_meadows [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: fir_forest [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: snowy_fir_forest [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: cypress_fields [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: carnation_fields [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: stratified_desert [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: blooming_dunes [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: lively_dunes [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: drylands [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: wooded_drylands [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: xeric_plains [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: white_cliffs [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: prairie [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: oak_savanna [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: heather_fields [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: tundra [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: alpine_clearings [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: alpine_highlands [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: coniferous_covert [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: amber_covert [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: boreal_taiga [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: tropical_shores [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: tropical_woods [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: sparse_tropical_woods [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: tropical_basin [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: arid_savanna [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: scorched_dunes [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: flowering_shrubland [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: shrubland [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: arid_highlands [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: shrubby_highlands [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: woody_highlands [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: red_peaks [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: dusty_slopes [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: snowcapped_red_peaks [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: sleeted_slopes [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: blooming_highlands [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [] Registered Resource Key for biome: chaparral [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) terra_ferax_frequency = 4 [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) terra_solaris_frequency = 4 [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) terra_flava_frequency = 4 [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) terra_laeta_frequency = 4 [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_sugi_forest = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_eroded_river = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_marsh = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_bamboo_wetlands = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_wisteria_forest = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_redwood_forest = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_aspen_forest = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_maple = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_fir = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_cypress_fields = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_lively_dunes = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_drylands = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_white_cliffs = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_tropical_shores = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_xeric_plains = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_larch = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_oak_savanna = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_mahogany = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_arid = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_shrublands = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_steppe = true [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [net.hibiscus.naturespirit.config.HibiscusConfig] Thanks for viewing your messages [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (necronomicon) Necronomicon Initialized [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (necronomicon) File exists, reading config for elocindev.necronomicon.NecronomiconConfig. [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (necronomicon) Config for elocindev.necronomicon.NecronomiconConfig read successfully. [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (NoChatReports) KONNICHIWA ZA WARUDO! [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (NoChatReports) Default JVM text encoding is: windows-1252 [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (NoChatReports) Reading config file NoChatReports/NCR-Common.json... [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (NoChatReports) Reading config file NoChatReports/NCR-Client.json... [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (NoChatReports) Reading config file NoChatReports/NCR-ServerPreferences.json... [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (NoChatReports) Reading config file NoChatReports/NCR-Encryption.json... [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (NoChatReports) Writing config file NoChatReports/NCR-Common.json... [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (NoChatReports) Writing config file NoChatReports/NCR-Client.json... [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (NoChatReports) Writing config file NoChatReports/NCR-ServerPreferences.json... [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (NoChatReports) Writing config file NoChatReports/NCR-Encryption.json... [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (NoChatReports) Client initialization... [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Create: Numismatics) Create: Numismatics 1.0.6 fabric-mc1.20.1 initializing! Create version: 0.5.1f on platform: FABRIC [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Create: Numismatics) Registering items for Create: Numismatics [14:42:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Create: Numismatics) Registering blocks for Create: Numismatics [14:42:19] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateSupport) Open Parties and Claims: Create mod support! [14:42:19] [Render thread/ERROR] (patchouli) Failed to load book consistency_plus:guidebook defined by mod consistency_plus, skipping java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Book consistency_plus:guidebook has use_resource_pack set to false. This behaviour was removed in 1.20. The book author should enable this flag and move all book contents clientside to /assets/, leaving the book.json in /data/. See for details. at ~[Patchouli-1.20.1-84-FABRIC.jar:?] at ~[Patchouli-1.20.1-84-FABRIC.jar:?] at$init$3( ~[Patchouli-1.20.1-84-FABRIC.jar:?] at java.util.HashMap.forEach( ~[?:?] at ~[Patchouli-1.20.1-84-FABRIC.jar:?] at vazkii.patchouli.fabric.common.FabricModInitializer.onInitialize( ~[Patchouli-1.20.1-84-FABRIC.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( ~[minecraft-1.20.1-client.jar:?] at ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] [14:42:19] [Render thread/INFO] (peripheralworks) Mod automobility is not present, skip loading integration [14:42:19] [Render thread/INFO] (peripheralworks) Loading integration for ae2 [14:42:19] [Render thread/INFO] (peripheralworks) Loading integration for team_reborn_energy [14:42:19] [Render thread/INFO] (peripheralworks) Loading integration for naturescompass [14:42:19] [Render thread/INFO] (peripheralworks) Mod toms_storage is not present, skip loading integration [14:42:19] [Render thread/INFO] (peripheralworks) Mod additionallanterns is not present, skip loading integration [14:42:19] [Render thread/INFO] (peripheralworks) Mod alloy_forgery is not present, skip loading integration [14:42:19] [Render thread/INFO] (peripheralworks) Mod universal_shops is not present, skip loading integration [14:42:19] [Render thread/INFO] (peripheralworks) Mod powah is not present, skip loading integration [14:42:19] [Render thread/INFO] (peripheralworks) Mod modern_industrialization is not present, skip loading integration [14:42:20] [Render thread/INFO] (plutonium) Enabling full-stream compression [14:42:20] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Loaded config spelunkery-common.json [14:42:20] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing common components for puzzlesapi:iteminteractions [14:42:20] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Loading client config for puzzlesapi [14:42:20] [Thread-2/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading client config for puzzlesapi [14:42:20] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing common components for puzzlesapi:slotcycling [14:42:20] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Loading client config for puzzlesapi [14:42:20] [Thread-2/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading client config for puzzlesapi [14:42:20] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing common components for puzzlesapi:limitlesscontainers [14:42:20] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing common components for puzzlesapi:statues [14:42:20] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing common components for puzzleslib:main [14:42:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Railways) Registered bogey styles from railways [14:42:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Railways) Registering data fixers [14:42:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) 0 Datafixer optimizations took 0 milliseconds [14:42:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Railways) Registering tracks for Hex Casting [14:42:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Railways) Registering tracks for Oh The Biomes You'll Go [14:42:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Railways) Registering tracks for Blue Skies [14:42:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Railways) Registering tracks for Twilight Forest [14:42:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Railways) Registering tracks for Biomes O' Plenty [14:42:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Railways) Registering tracks for Nature's Spirit [14:42:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Railways) Registering tracks for Dreams and Desires [14:42:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Railways) Registering tracks for Quark [14:42:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Railways) Registering tracks for TerraFirmaCraft [14:42:22] [Render thread/INFO] (railwaystweaks) Railways Tweaks is loading... [14:42:23] [Render thread/INFO] (ShulkerBoxTooltip) [ShulkerBoxTooltip] Could not find configuration file, creating default file [14:42:23] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Loaded config spelunkery-client.json [14:42:24] [Render thread/INFO] (Tweed 4) Reloaded configs for spiceoffabric (universal/highest) [14:42:24] [Render thread/INFO] (stendhal) [Stendhal] Initializing [14:42:24] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing common components for stylisheffects:main [14:42:24] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Loading client config for stylisheffects [14:42:24] [Thread-2/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading client config for stylisheffects [14:42:24] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Loaded config supplementaries-common.json [14:42:24] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Loaded config supplementaries-client.json [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing server.MixinPlayerList from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_3324 [14:42:28] [Render thread/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) @Inject(@At("INVOKE")) Shift.BY=2 on stonecutter_recipe_tags.mixins.json:PlayerManagerMixin from mod stonecutter_recipe_tags::handler$mbj000$stonecutter_recipe_tags$stonecutterRecipeTags$afterSyncTagsOnPlayerConnect exceeds the maximum allowed value: 0. Increase the value of maxShiftBy to suppress this warning. [14:42:28] [Render thread/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) @Inject(@At("INVOKE")) Shift.BY=2 on stonecutter_recipe_tags.mixins.json:PlayerManagerMixin from mod stonecutter_recipe_tags::handler$mbj000$stonecutter_recipe_tags$stonecutterRecipeTags$afterSyncTagsOnDataPacksReloaded exceeds the maximum allowed value: 0. Increase the value of maxShiftBy to suppress this warning. [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) terra_ferax_frequency = 4 [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) terra_solaris_frequency = 4 [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) terra_flava_frequency = 4 [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) terra_laeta_frequency = 4 [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_sugi_forest = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_eroded_river = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_marsh = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_bamboo_wetlands = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_wisteria_forest = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_redwood_forest = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_aspen_forest = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_maple = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_fir = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_cypress_fields = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_lively_dunes = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_drylands = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_white_cliffs = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_tropical_shores = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_xeric_plains = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_larch = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_oak_savanna = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_mahogany = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_arid = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_shrublands = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Nature's Spirit) has_steppe = true [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [net.hibiscus.naturespirit.config.HibiscusConfig] Thanks for viewing your messages [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (terrablender) Registered region minecraft:overworld to index 0 for type OVERWORLD [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (terrablender) Registered region minecraft:nether to index 0 for type NETHER [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (terrablender) Registered region natures_spirit:terra_ferax to index 1 for type OVERWORLD [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (terrablender) Registered region natures_spirit:terra_solaris to index 2 for type OVERWORLD [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (terrablender) Registered region natures_spirit:terra_flava to index 3 for type OVERWORLD [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (terrablender) Registered region natures_spirit:terra_mater to index 4 for type OVERWORLD [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (terrablender) Registered region natures_spirit:terra_laeta to index 5 for type OVERWORLD [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (trowel) Seizing the means of block placement! [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (unlimitedbannerlayers) unlimitedbannerlayers has been Initialized [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: Raknetify: Warning: unknown packet type alexiil/mc/lib/net/impl/CompactDataPacketToServer ( for raknet multi-channel [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: Raknetify: Warning: unknown packet type alexiil/mc/lib/net/impl/CompactDataPacketToClient ( for raknet multi-channel [14:42:28] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Compatibility version 18 [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Loading plugins [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Loaded 0 plugin(s) [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Initializing plugins [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Initialized 0 plugin(s) [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [net.nicguzzo.wands.config.WandsConfig] Config updated! [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (STDOUT) [net.nicguzzo.wands.config.WandsConfig] Config loaded! [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id wands:key_packet [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id wands:palette_packet [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id wands:wand_packet [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id wands:pos_packet [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering C2S receiver with id wands:global_settings_packet [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] [v0.7.8 1.20.1] Initializing... [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] Loading common config... [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] Synchronization will happen during LOGIN phase. [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] Enabling Computer Craft integration! [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] Enabling Create compatibility! [14:42:29] [Render thread/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] Initialized. [14:42:31] [Render thread/INFO] (PlatformManager) Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.fabric.FabricPlatform with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@6addd4d] [14:42:31] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricWorldEdit) WorldEdit for Fabric (version 7.2.15 6463-5ca4dff) is loaded [14:42:31] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 4 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 4 values [14:42:31] [Render thread/INFO] (Reflections) Reflections took 3 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 4 values [14:42:31] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancementInfo) AdvancementInfo initialized [14:42:32] [Render thread/INFO] (MERequester) Registering content [14:42:33] [Render thread/INFO] (MEGA Cells) Initialised items. [14:42:33] [Render thread/INFO] (MEGA Cells) Initialised blocks. [14:42:33] [Render thread/INFO] (MEGA Cells) Initialised block entities. [14:42:33] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Welcome to the CREATE RAILWAYS NAVIGATOR mod by MRJULSEN. [14:42:33] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id architectury:spawn_entity_packet [14:42:33] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing client components for armorstatues:main [14:42:34] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing client components for barteringstation:main [14:42:35] [Render thread/INFO] (betterstats) Initializing 'Better Statistics Screen' as 'BetterStatsClient'. [14:42:35] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinJoinMultiplayerScreen from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_500 [14:42:35] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$2()Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$2$0 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinJoinMultiplayerScreen from mod nochatreports [14:42:35] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$1(Lnet/minecraft/class_4185;)V to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$1$1 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinJoinMultiplayerScreen from mod nochatreports [14:42:35] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$onInit$0(Lnet/minecraft/class_4185;)V to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$onInit$0$2 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinJoinMultiplayerScreen from mod nochatreports [14:42:35] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing client components for bettertridents:main [14:42:35] [Render thread/INFO] (Capes) Trying to read config file... [14:42:35] [Render thread/INFO] (Capes) A config file was found, loading it.. [14:42:35] [Render thread/INFO] (Capes) Successfully loaded config file. [14:42:36] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricConfigFile) Loading config from C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Railways\.minecraft\config\computercraft-client.toml [14:42:36] [Render thread/INFO] (ConnectibleChains) Initializing Renderers. [14:42:36] [Render thread/INFO] (ConsistencyPlus) Consistency Main - Starting client initialization [14:42:36] [Render thread/INFO] (ConsistencyPlus) Consistency Main - Finished client initialization [14:42:37] [Render thread/INFO] (Debugify) Loading Description Cache [14:42:37] [Render thread/INFO] (Deep Drilling) Client initialization! [14:42:37] [Render thread/INFO] (Deep Drilling) Loading partial models for 3 drill heads [14:42:37] [Render thread/INFO] (Deep Drilling) Registred 3 drill heads [14:42:37] [Render thread/INFO] (DetailArmorBar) Successfully registered 'minecraft:netherite_chestplate' and 3 more items! [14:42:37] [Render thread/INFO] (DetailArmorBar) Successfully registered 'minecraft:diamond_helmet' and 3 more items! [14:42:37] [Render thread/INFO] (DetailArmorBar) Successfully registered 'minecraft:turtle_helmet'! [14:42:37] [Render thread/INFO] (DetailArmorBar) Successfully registered 'minecraft:iron_helmet' and 3 more items! [14:42:37] [Render thread/INFO] (DetailArmorBar) Successfully registered 'minecraft:chainmail_helmet' and 3 more items! [14:42:37] [Render thread/INFO] (DetailArmorBar) Successfully registered 'minecraft:golden_helmet' and 3 more items! [14:42:37] [Render thread/INFO] (DetailArmorBar) Successfully registered 'minecraft:leather_helmet' and 3 more items! [14:42:37] [Render thread/INFO] (DetailArmorBar) Successfully registered 'minecraft:elytra'! [14:42:38] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing client components for easyanvils:main [14:42:38] [Render thread/INFO] (EMF) Loading Entity Model Features, not fit for consumption in Portugal. [14:42:38] [Render thread/INFO] (Entity Texture Features) 6 new ETF Random Properties registered by entity_model_features. [14:42:38] [Render thread/INFO] (Entity Texture Features) Loading Entity Texture Features, did you know if you turn off the lights and whisper 'OptiFine' 3 times you will lose 20fps. [14:42:38] [Render thread/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) EMI Addon: Extra Mod Integrations! [14:42:38] [Render thread/INFO] (Indigo) [Indigo] Different rendering plugin detected; not applying Indigo. [14:42:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FastQuit) [FastQuit] Initialized [14:42:39] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO] (Figura) Fetching backend resources... [14:42:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Backend) Iris detected. [14:42:40] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Loading ItemSwapper! [14:42:40] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Loading ItemSwapper server support. [14:42:40] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Adding Amecs-API support! [14:42:41] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending ConfigManager... [14:42:41] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending ConfigManager took 6.104 ms [14:42:41] [Render thread/INFO] (lambdynlights) [LambDynLights] Initializing LambDynamicLights... [14:42:41] [Render thread/INFO] (lambdynlights) [LambDynLights] Configuration loaded. [14:42:41] [Render thread/INFO] (MapFrontiers) PacketHandler init done [14:42:41] [Render thread/INFO] (MapFrontiers) Fabric onInitializeClient done [14:42:42] [Render thread/INFO] (SpectreLib) Registering config screens for mod comforts with 1 config(s) [14:42:43] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Initialized block sets in 54ms [14:42:43] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Loaded config fastpaintings-common.json [14:42:43] [Render thread/INFO] (Spelunkery) Finished mod setup in: [0, 4] ms [14:42:43] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Initialized color sets in 167ms [14:42:43] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Finished mod setup in: [78, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 48, 0] ms [14:42:44] [Render thread/INFO] (OpenPartiesAndClaims) Loading Open Parties and Claims! [14:42:45] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGlue) OptiGlue initialized. [14:42:45] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) OptiGUI initialized. [14:42:45] [Render thread/ERROR] (phonos) Error loading Phonos client config! java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Railways\.minecraft\config\phonos.json at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException( ~[?:?] at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException( ~[?:?] at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException( ~[?:?] at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.newByteChannel( ~[?:?] at java.nio.file.Files.newByteChannel( ~[?:?] at java.nio.file.Files.newByteChannel( ~[?:?] at java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider.newInputStream( ~[?:?] at java.nio.file.Files.newInputStream( ~[?:?] at java.nio.file.Files.newBufferedReader( ~[?:?] at java.nio.file.Files.newBufferedReader( ~[?:?] at io.github.foundationgames.phonos.config.PhonosClientConfig.load( ~[phonos-1.0.0-beta.11 1.20.1.jar:?] at io.github.foundationgames.phonos.config.PhonosClientConfig.get( ~[phonos-1.0.0-beta.11 1.20.1.jar:?] at io.github.foundationgames.phonos.PhonosClient.onInitializeClient( ~[phonos-1.0.0-beta.11 1.20.1.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( ~[minecraft-1.20.1-client.jar:?] at ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] [14:42:46] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing client components for puzzlesapi:iteminteractions [14:42:46] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing client components for puzzlesapi:slotcycling [14:42:46] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing client components for puzzlesapi:statues [14:42:46] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing client components for puzzleslib:main [14:42:47] [Render thread/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Constructing client components for stylisheffects:main [14:42:47] [Render thread/INFO] (tcdcommons) Initializing 'TCD Commons API' 3.9.6 fabric-1.20.1 as 'TCDCommonsClient'. [14:42:48] [Render thread/INFO] (Tweed 4) Reloaded configs for mousewheelie (universal/highest) [14:42:48] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Using Cloth Config GUI [14:42:48] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Loading Opus [14:42:48] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id wands:sound_packet [14:42:48] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id wands:state_packet [14:42:48] [Render thread/INFO] (NetworkManagerImpl) Registering S2C receiver with id wands:conf_packet [14:42:48] [Render thread/INFO] (XaeroMinimap) Loading Xaero's Minimap - Stage 1/2 [14:42:49] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Loading Xaero's World Map - Stage 1/2 [14:42:50] [Render thread/INFO] (YetAnotherConfigLib) Deserializing YACLConfig from 'C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Railways\.minecraft\config\yacl.json5' [14:42:50] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinChatComponent from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_338 [14:42:50] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$modifyGUIMessage$1()V to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$modifyGUIMessage$1$2 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatComponent from mod nochatreports [14:42:50] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$modifyGUIMessage$0(Lnet/minecraft/class_5348;Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;)V to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$modifyGUIMessage$0$3 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatComponent from mod nochatreports [14:42:51] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinGuiMessageTagIcon from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7591$class_7592 [14:42:51] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming @Invoker method create(Ljava/lang/String;IIIII)Lnet/minecraft/class_7591$class_7592; to create$nochatreports_$md$f00fa8$0 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinGuiMessageTagIcon from mod nochatreports [14:42:51] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/WARN] (Iris) [Iris Update Check] Cached update file detected, using that! [14:42:51] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.2-snapshot [14:42:51] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS) Loaded [14:42:51] [Render thread/WARN] (Sodium-NvidiaWorkarounds) Applying workaround: Prevent the NVIDIA OpenGL driver from using broken optimizations (NVIDIA_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS) [14:42:51] [Render thread/WARN] (Nvidium) Not all requirements met, disabling nvidium [14:42:51] [Render thread/INFO] (Sodium-PostlaunchChecks) OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation [14:42:51] [Render thread/INFO] (Sodium-PostlaunchChecks) OpenGL Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2 [14:42:51] [Render thread/INFO] (Sodium-PostlaunchChecks) OpenGL Version: 3.2.0 NVIDIA 536.67 [14:42:52] [Render thread/INFO] (oldmclogo) Trying to change Icon [14:42:52] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Debug functionality is disabled. [14:42:52] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) ARB_direct_state_access detected, enabling DSA. [14:42:52] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Shaders are disabled because enableShaders is set to false in [14:42:52] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Shaders are disabled [14:42:53] [Render thread/INFO] (Sodium) Block minecraft:water_cauldron had its color provider replaced with net.mehvahdjukaar.amendments.AmendmentsClient$$Lambda$24197/0x00000008037f2f28@4d424d9b and will not use per-vertex coloring [14:42:53] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Hardware information: [14:42:53] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) CPU: 32x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz [14:42:53] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2 (Supports OpenGL 3.2.0 NVIDIA 536.67) [14:42:53] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) OS: Windows 10 (10.0) [14:42:54] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [FANCYMENU] Registering resource reload listener.. [14:42:54] [Render thread/WARN] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Error loading class: net/coderbot/iris/pipeline/newshader/ExtendedShader (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/coderbot/iris/pipeline/newshader/ExtendedShader) [14:42:54] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomization) [FANCYMENU] Initializing screen customization engine! Addons should NOT REGISTER TO REGISTRIES anymore now! [14:42:55] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinConnectScreen from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_412 [14:42:55] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinChatOptionsScreen from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_404 [14:42:55] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$init$0(Lnet/minecraft/class_339;)V to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$init$0$0 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinChatOptionsScreen from mod nochatreports [14:42:55] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] Minecraft resource reload: STARTING [14:42:55] [Render thread/INFO] (ModernFix) Invalidating pack caches [14:42:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Reloading ResourceManager: vanilla, Figura runtime resource pack, fabric (advancementinfo, ae2, ae2cc, aileron, almostunified, amecsapi, amendments, antighost, appleskin, armorstatues, armourers_workshop, autotag, autotag-convention, axiom, backpacked, badstdout, balm-fabric, barteringstation, bclib, better_log4j_config, betterdeserttemples, betterdungeons, betterend, betterendisland, betterfortresses, betterjungletemples, bettermineshafts, betteroceanmonuments, betterstats, betterstrongholds, bettertridents, betterwitchhuts, biolith, blahaj, borderlessmining, brewinandchewin, bwncr, caffeineconfig, capes, capsaicin, cardinal-components, cardinal-components-base, cardinal-components-block, cardinal-components-chunk, cardinal-components-entity, cardinal-components-item, cardinal-components-level, cardinal-components-scoreboard, cardinal-components-world, carpet, carpet-extra, carryon, cccbridge, chat_heads, chipped, chunky, cicada, cloth-config, coat, comforts, completeconfig-base, computercraft, connectiblechains, consistency_plus, continuity, controlling, copycats, cosmetic-armor, crawl, create, create_enchantment_industry, create_pattern_schematics, createaddition, createdeco, createrailwaysnavigator, creativecore, crystal_clear, dawn, debugify, decorative_blocks, deepdrilling, deepslatecutting, delightfulcreators, demandingsaplings, design_decor, detailab, do_a_barrel_roll, dogslie, dragonlib, dripstone_fluid_lib, ducky-periphs, easyanvils, eco, emi, emi_loot, emiffect, emitrades, enchancement, endrem, entity_model_features, entity_texture_features, exposure, exposure_catalog, extra-mod-integrations, extremesoundmuffler, fabric-api, fabric-api-base, fabric-api-lookup-api-v1, fabric-biome-api-v1, fabric-block-api-v1, fabric-block-view-api-v2, fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1, fabric-client-tags-api-v1, fabric-command-api-v1, fabric-command-api-v2, fabric-commands-v0, fabric-containers-v0, fabric-content-registries-v0, fabric-convention-tags-v1, fabric-crash-report-info-v1, fabric-data-attachment-api-v1, fabric-data-generation-api-v1, fabric-dimensions-v1, fabric-entity-events-v1, fabric-events-interaction-v0, fabric-events-lifecycle-v0, fabric-game-rule-api-v1, fabric-item-api-v1, fabric-item-group-api-v1, fabric-key-binding-api-v1, fabric-keybindings-v0, fabric-language-kotlin, fabric-lifecycle-events-v1, fabric-loot-api-v2, fabric-loot-tables-v1, fabric-message-api-v1, fabric-mining-level-api-v1, fabric-model-loading-api-v1, fabric-models-v0, fabric-networking-api-v1, fabric-networking-v0, fabric-object-builder-api-v1, fabric-particles-v1, fabric-recipe-api-v1, fabric-registry-sync-v0, fabric-renderer-api-v1, fabric-renderer-indigo, fabric-renderer-registries-v1, fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1, fabric-rendering-fluids-v1, fabric-rendering-v0, fabric-rendering-v1, fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1, fabric-resource-loader-v0, fabric-screen-api-v1, fabric-screen-handler-api-v1, fabric-sound-api-v1, fabric-transfer-api-v1, fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1, fabricloader, fancymenu, farmersdelight, farmersrespite, fastpaintings, fastquit, figura, fix-keyboard-on-linux, flywheel, forgeconfigapiport, geckolib, graphlib, harvestwithease, horsebuff, indium, iris, item_obliterator, itemswapper, jade, jadeaddons, jankson, jei, journeymap, jsonem, kmodlib-overlay, konkrete, kubejs, lambdynlights, lazydfu, letmedespawn, libblockattributes_core, libgui, libmultipart, libmultipart_compat, libmultipart_deps_container, libnetworkstack, libzoomer, lilac, lithium, lmft, logbegone, lootr, magnumtorch, mantle, mapfrontiers, megacells, merequester, mes, midnightlib, milk, minemath, missingwilds, mixintrace, mm, modernfix, modmenu, moonlight, morechathistory, morediscs, moremobvariants, mousewheelie, natures_spirit, naturescompass, necronomicon, nethersdelight, nochatreports, nullscape, numismatics, nvidium, ok_zoomer, oldmclogo, openpartiesandclaims, optigui, patchouli, peripheralium, peripheralworks, phonos, picturesign, polymer-core, polymer-resource-pack, porting_lib, porting_lib_accessors, porting_lib_asm, porting_lib_attributes, porting_lib_base, porting_lib_blocks, porting_lib_brewing, porting_lib_chunk_loading, porting_lib_client_events, porting_lib_common, porting_lib_config, porting_lib_core, porting_lib_data, porting_lib_entity, porting_lib_extensions, porting_lib_fluids, porting_lib_gametest, porting_lib_gui_utils, porting_lib_items, porting_lib_lazy_registration, porting_lib_level_events, porting_lib_loot, porting_lib_mixin_extensions, porting_lib_model_builders, porting_lib_model_generators, porting_lib_model_loader, porting_lib_model_materials, porting_lib_models, porting_lib_networking, porting_lib_obj_loader, porting_lib_recipe_book_categories, porting_lib_registries, porting_lib_tags, porting_lib_tool_actions, porting_lib_transfer, porting_lib_utility, presencefootsteps, pretty-in-pink, pride, promenade, puzzle, puzzle-base, puzzle-gui, puzzle-models, puzzle-splashscreen, puzzlesapi, railways, reach-entity-attributes, rechiseled, rechiseledcreate, reeses-sodium-options, registrate-fabric, replaymod, respawnablepets, respitecreators, reterraforged, searchables, serialization_hooks, shulkerboxtooltip, skinlayers3d, smwyg, sodium, sodium-extra, spark, spelunkery, spiceoffabric, spindlemark, spruceui, stendhal, step-height-entity-attribute, stonecutter_recipe_tags, structure-remover, styledplayerlist, stylisheffects, supermartijn642corelib, supplementaries, suppsquared, swampier_swamps, tcdcommons, tconstruct, team_reborn_energy, tectonic, templates, terrablender, terraform-shapes-api-v1, terraform-surfaces-api-v1, terraform-wood-api-v1, tooltipfix, trashcans, trashslot, trinkets, tropics, trowel, tweed4_annotated, tweed4_base, tweed4_data, tweed4_data_hjson, tweed4_tailor_coat, tweed4_tailor_lang_json_descriptions, tweed4_tailor_screen, twigs, universal-graves, unlimitedbannerlayers, vanilla-permissions, vmp, voicechat, wands, wiredredstone, worldedit, worldeditcui, xaerominimap, xaeroworldmap, yet_another_config_lib_v3, yosbr), spelunkery:unlit_redstone_ores, consistency_plus:vanilla_changes, presencefootsteps:default_sound_pack, itemswapper:default, spelunkery:better_vanilla_gems, Moonlight Mods Dynamic Assets, black_icons, KubeJS Resource Pack [assets], file/, file/Expressive Fresh Moves, file/, itemswapper:experimental_addon, $polymer-resources, supplementaries:darker_ropes, continuity:glass_pane_culling_fix, create:legacy_copper, enchancement:alternate_gale, enchancement:alternate_dash, spelunkery:emissive_better_vanilla_ores, spelunkery:emissive_ores, file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20, file/,,,, Fluxie's Create's Style Phonos 1.20.1, RailwaysTweaks, Refreshed, [1.4] Enhanced Boss, replaymod_lang [14:42:55] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Ignored non-lowercase namespace: .DS_Store in C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Railways\.minecraft\resourcepacks\ [14:42:55] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Ignored non-lowercase namespace: .DS_Store in C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Railways\.minecraft\resourcepacks\ [14:42:55] [Render thread/WARN] (Amendments) Failed to generate record item texture for disc. No model / texture found [14:42:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Amendments) Generated runtime CLIENT_RESOURCES for pack Moonlight Mods Dynamic Assets (amendments) in: 304 ms [14:42:55] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Generated runtime CLIENT_RESOURCES for pack Moonlight Mods Dynamic Assets (moonlight) in: 4 ms [14:42:56] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Generated runtime CLIENT_RESOURCES for pack Moonlight Mods Dynamic Assets (supplementaries) in: 139 ms [14:42:56] [Render thread/INFO] (suppsquared) Generated runtime CLIENT_RESOURCES for pack Moonlight Mods Dynamic Assets (suppsquared) in: 104 ms [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-17/INFO] (Minecraft) Found unifont_all_no_pua-15.0.06.hex, loading [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:ivis_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:ivis_phylium' at index 4 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/08_amber_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:vermilion_sculk' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:vermilion_sculk' at index 9 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/08_amber_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:shulkren_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:shulkren_phylium' at index 10 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/08_amber_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:ivis_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:ivis_phylium' at index 10 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/07_jungle_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:vermilion_sculk' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:vermilion_sculk' at index 11 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/07_jungle_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:shulkren_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:shulkren_phylium' at index 12 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/07_jungle_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:ivis_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:ivis_phylium' at index 8 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/06_end_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:vermilion_sculk' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:vermilion_sculk' at index 9 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/06_end_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:shulkren_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:shulkren_phylium' at index 10 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/06_end_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:ivis_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:ivis_phylium' at index 3 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/05_chorus_nylium/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:vermilion_sculk' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:vermilion_sculk' at index 8 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/05_chorus_nylium/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:shulkren_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:shulkren_phylium' at index 9 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/05_chorus_nylium/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:ivis_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:ivis_phylium' at index 6 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/04_crystal_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:vermilion_sculk' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:vermilion_sculk' at index 7 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/04_crystal_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:shulkren_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:shulkren_phylium' at index 8 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/04_crystal_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:ivis_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:ivis_phylium' at index 5 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/03_pink_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:vermilion_sculk' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:vermilion_sculk' at index 6 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/03_pink_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:shulkren_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:shulkren_phylium' at index 7 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/03_pink_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:ivis_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:ivis_phylium' at index 4 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/02_shadow_grass/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:vermilion_sculk' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:vermilion_sculk' at index 5 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/02_shadow_grass/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:shulkren_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:shulkren_phylium' at index 6 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/02_shadow_grass/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:ivis_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:ivis_phylium' at index 4 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/01_end_mycelium/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:vermilion_sculk' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:vermilion_sculk' at index 5 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/01_end_mycelium/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:shulkren_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:shulkren_phylium' at index 6 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/01_end_mycelium/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:ivis_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:ivis_phylium' at index 2 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/00_cave_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:vermilion_sculk' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:vermilion_sculk' at index 3 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/00_cave_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Continuity) Unknown block 'byg:shulkren_phylium' in 'matchBlocks' element 'byg:shulkren_phylium' at index 4 in file 'minecraft:optifine/ctm/_overlays/00_cave_moss/' in pack 'fabric' [14:42:56] [Worker-ResourceReload-19/WARN] (Minecraft) Ignored non-lowercase namespace: .DS_Store in C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\PrismLauncher\instances\Railways\.minecraft\resourcepacks\ [14:42:57] [Render thread/INFO] (LiLaC/ResourceLoader) No resource loader plugins were found, no resources to load [14:42:57] [Finalizer/WARN] (ModernFix) One or more BufferBuilders have been leaked, ModernFix will attempt to correct this. [14:42:57] [Render thread/ERROR] (ModNioResourcePack) Invalid path in mod resource-pack design_decor: design_decor:textures/block/zinc_catwalk - kopie.png, ignoring [14:42:57] [Worker-ResourceReload-21/ERROR] (ModNioResourcePack) Invalid path in mod resource-pack design_decor: design_decor:textures/block/zinc_catwalk - kopie.png, ignoring [14:42:57] [Worker-ResourceReload-29/INFO] (SpindleMark) Gathering track data... [14:42:57] [Worker-ResourceReload-29/INFO] (SpindleMark) Found 0 tracks in 1.873 ms [14:42:58] [Worker-ResourceReload-3/INFO] (MaterialRenderInfoLoader) 91 material render infos loaded [14:42:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AnimationHandler) [FANCYMENU] Preloading animations! This could cause the loading screen to freeze for a while.. [14:42:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AnimationHandler) [FANCYMENU] Finished preloading animations! [14:42:58] [Render thread/INFO] (FancyMenu) [FANCYMENU] Starting late client initialization phase.. [14:42:58] [Render thread/INFO] (Konkrete) [KONKRETE] Client-side libs ready to use! [14:42:59] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: title_screen [14:42:59] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Creating pipeline for dimension NamespacedId{namespace='minecraft', name='overworld'} [14:43:00] [Render thread/INFO] (KubeJS Client) Client resource reload complete! [14:43:00] [Render thread/INFO] (axiom) Using DearImGui config: config\axiom\imgui.ini [14:43:01] [Render thread/INFO] (NoChatReports) Game entered main loop! [14:43:01] [Worker-ResourceReload-9/WARN] (Minecraft) Texture ducky-periphs:block/keyboard/keyzones/backslash_key with size 16x8 limits mip level from 4 to 3 [14:43:01] [Worker-ResourceReload-9/WARN] (Minecraft) minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png: dropping miplevel from 4 to 3, because of minimum power of two: 8 [14:43:01] [Worker-ResourceReload-9/INFO] (ModernFix) Early baking 1120 models [14:43:03] [Render thread/INFO] (Jade) Start loading plugin from Applied Energistics 2 [14:43:03] [Render thread/INFO] (Jade) Start loading plugin from Exposure [14:43:03] [Render thread/INFO] (Jade) Start loading plugin from Jade [14:43:03] [Render thread/INFO] (Jade) Start loading plugin from Jade [14:43:03] [Render thread/INFO] (Jade) Start loading plugin from Jade [14:43:03] [Render thread/INFO] (Jade) Start loading plugin from Jade Addons [14:43:03] [Render thread/INFO] (Jade) Start loading plugin from Jade Addons [14:43:03] [Render thread/INFO] (Jade) Start loading plugin from Polymer (Core) [14:43:03] [Render thread/INFO] (Jade) Start loading plugin from Supplementaries [14:43:03] [Render thread/INFO] (journeymap) Initializing ClientSide Packet Registries [14:43:03] [Render thread/INFO] (journeymap) Found @IClientPlugin: games.alejandrocoria.mapfrontiers.client.plugin.MapFrontiersPlugin [14:43:03] [Render thread/INFO] (journeymap) Found @IClientPlugin: com.railwayteam.railways.compat.journeymap.RailwayMapPlugin [14:43:06] [Render thread/INFO] (Ok Zoomer) [Ok Zoomer] —w— what's this [14:43:06] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) Registry 'serialization_hooks:value_deserializers' was empty after loading [14:43:06] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Loading Xaero's World Map - Stage 2/2 [14:43:06] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) New world map region cache hash code: -916653236 [14:43:06] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Registered player tracker system: map_synced [14:43:06] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Xaero's WorldMap Mod: Xaero's minimap found! [14:43:06] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Registered player tracker system: minimap_synced [14:43:06] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Registered player tracker system: openpartiesandclaims [14:43:06] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Xaero's WorldMap Mod: Open Parties And Claims found! [14:43:06] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) No Optifine! [14:43:06] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Xaero's World Map: No Vivecraft! [14:43:06] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Xaero's World Map: Iris found! [14:43:06] [Render thread/WARN] (Puzzle) A problem with the database occurred, could not check for updates. [14:43:07] [Render thread/INFO] (XaeroMinimap) Loading Xaero's Minimap - Stage 2/2 [14:43:07] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Registered player tracker system: minimap_synced [14:43:07] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Xaero's Minimap: World Map found! [14:43:07] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Registered player tracker system: openpartiesandclaims [14:43:07] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Xaero's Minimap: Open Parties And Claims found! [14:43:07] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) No Optifine! [14:43:07] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Xaero's Minimap: No Vivecraft! [14:43:07] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Xaero's Minimap: Iris found! [14:43:11] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Updated custom language to: (Default) [14:43:15] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Missing sound for event: [14:43:15] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Missing sound for event: minecraft:entity.goat.screaming.horn_break [14:43:15] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Missing sound for event: supplementaries:item.wrench.hit [14:43:15] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) OpenAL initialized on device OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Logitech G733 Gaming Headset) [14:43:15] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Sound engine started [14:43:15] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [FANCYMENU] Reloading AudioResourceHandler after Minecraft SoundEngine reload.. [14:43:15] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 8192x4096x3 minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png-atlas [14:43:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/signs.png-atlas [14:43:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shield_patterns.png-atlas [14:43:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/banner_patterns.png-atlas [14:43:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 1024x1024x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/armor_trims.png-atlas [14:43:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 128x64x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/decorated_pot.png-atlas [14:43:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/chest.png-atlas [14:43:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png-atlas [14:43:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/beds.png-atlas [14:43:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Entity Texture Features) emissive suffixes loaded: {_e}. [14:43:38] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Shader rendertype_entity_translucent_emissive could not find sampler named Sampler2 in the specified shader program. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Processing item groups: [itemswapper:v2/colors/brown, itemswapper:v2/wood/birch, itemswapper:v2/creative/spawnegg_passive, itemswapper:v2/technical/directory_technical, itemswapper:v2/earthen/mud, itemswapper:v2/colors/magenta, itemswapper:v2/tools, itemswapper:v2/copper/copper, itemswapper:v2/technical/triggers, itemswapper:v2/creative/spawnegg_hostile_nether, itemswapper:v2/the_depths/sculk, itemswapper:v2/colors/light_blue, itemswapper:v2/functional/storage, itemswapper:v2/colors/red, itemswapper:v2/functional/villagers, itemswapper:v2/misc/bundles, itemswapper:v2/consumables/potions, itemswapper:v2/technical/redstone_functional, itemswapper:v2/copper/copper_blocks, itemswapper:v2/earthen/granite, itemswapper:v2/the_depths/deepslate, itemswapper:v2/consumables/consumables, itemswapper:v2/ice/ice, itemswapper:v2/wood/woodenpressureplates, itemswapper:v2/copper/copper_bulbs, itemswapper:v2/earthen/bricks, itemswapper:v2/sand/sand, itemswapper:v2/stone/stonebrick, itemswapper:v2/growable/seeds, itemswapper:v2/the_oceans/prismarine, itemswapper:v2/stone/stone_slabs, itemswapper:v2/colored_items/glass, itemswapper:v2/colored_items/glass_panes, itemswapper:v2/misc/banner, itemswapper:v2/technical/rail, itemswapper:v2/copper/copper_grate, itemswapper:v2/functional/sherds, itemswapper:v2/wood/woodenslabs, itemswapper:v2/the_oceans/dead_coral, itemswapper:v2/wood/woodenfencegate, itemswapper:v2/wood/spruce, itemswapper:v2/colors/pink, itemswapper:v2/colors/blue, itemswapper:v2/wood/acacia, itemswapper:v2/colors/orange, itemswapper:v2/colors/gray, itemswapper:v2/wood/signs, itemswapper:v2/functional/miscellaneous, itemswapper:v2/colored_items/wool, itemswapper:v2/copper/honeycomb_weathering, itemswapper:v2/nature/lush, itemswapper:v2/creative/spawnegg_passive_air, itemswapper:v2/wood/jungle, itemswapper:v2/technical/fluid, itemswapper:v2/functional/lights, itemswapper:v2/marbled/quartz, itemswapper:v2/the_oceans/coral, itemswapper:v2/modify_redstone, itemswapper:v2/crafting/misc, itemswapper:v2/misc/enchanted_books, itemswapper:v2/precious_materials/precious, itemswapper:v2/colors/light_gray, itemswapper:v2/marbled/amethyst, itemswapper:v2/colors/white, itemswapper:v2/misc/devices, itemswapper:v2/the_end/purpur, itemswapper:v2/the_depths/basalt, itemswapper:v2/wood/mangrove, itemswapper:v2/copper/honeycomb_type, itemswapper:v2/colors/green, itemswapper:v2/creative/spawnegg_hostile_raid, itemswapper:v2/stone/infested_stone, itemswapper:v2/stone/moss, itemswapper:v2/growable/saplings, itemswapper:v2/precious_materials/potion_brewing, itemswapper:v2/consumables/food, itemswapper:v2/misc/beds, itemswapper:v2/stone/stone_stairs, itemswapper:v2/wood/boats, itemswapper:v2/stone/andesite, itemswapper:v2/colored_items/powder, itemswapper:v2/misc/records, itemswapper:v2/the_nether/netherflora, itemswapper:v2/the_nether/netherterrain, itemswapper:v2/creative/spawnegg_passive_water, itemswapper:v2/nature/natural, itemswapper:v2/earthen/dirt, itemswapper:v2/technical/musical, itemswapper:v2/misc/shulker, itemswapper:v2/stone/stone_wall, itemswapper:v2/colors/cyan, itemswapper:v2/wood/dark_oak, itemswapper:v2/wood/woodenstairs, itemswapper:v2/wood/warped, itemswapper:v2/copper/copper_cut, itemswapper:v2/copper/copper_weathered, itemswapper:v2/the_nether/netherbrick, itemswapper:v2/colored_items/concrete, itemswapper:v2/stone/cobblestone, itemswapper:v2/copper/copper_stairs, itemswapper:v2/creative/creative, itemswapper:v2/precious_materials/ores, itemswapper:v2/wood/planktypes, itemswapper:v2/functional/smithing, itemswapper:v2/wood/woodentrapdoors, itemswapper:v2/misc/heads, itemswapper:v2/colored_items/glazed_terracotta, itemswapper:v2/the_oceans/underwater, itemswapper:v2/wood/woodenfences, itemswapper:v2/wood/doors, itemswapper:v2/colors/dyes, itemswapper:v2/nature/flowers, itemswapper:v2/tuff, itemswapper:v2/colors/purple, itemswapper:v2/wood/crimson, itemswapper:v2/armor, itemswapper:v2/nature/leaves, itemswapper:v2/sand/redsand, itemswapper:v2/the_depths/blackstone, itemswapper:v2/wood/bamboo, itemswapper:v2/wood/strippedlogs, itemswapper:v2/wood/hangingsigns, itemswapper:v2/wood/woodenbuttons, itemswapper:v2/the_end/end_stone, itemswapper:v2/weapons, itemswapper:v2/wood/wood, itemswapper:v2/functional/decorative, itemswapper:v2/colors/black, itemswapper:v2/wood/logs, itemswapper:v2/growable/hoes, itemswapper:v2/wood/cherry, itemswapper:v2/wood/oak, itemswapper:v2/copper/copper_door, itemswapper:v2/crafting/banner_patterns, itemswapper:v2/colored_items/terracotta, itemswapper:v2/colors/lime, itemswapper:v2/misc/buckets, itemswapper:v2/functional/functional, itemswapper:v2/consumables/arrow, itemswapper:v2/colored_items/candle, itemswapper:v2/stone/stone_blocks, itemswapper:v2/copper/copper_slabs, itemswapper:v2/copper/copper_trapdoor, itemswapper:v2/creative/spawnegg_passive_villager, itemswapper:v2/consumables/unprocessed_food, itemswapper:v2/marbled/diorite, itemswapper:v2/copper/copper_oxidized, itemswapper:v2/creative/spawnegg_hostile, itemswapper:v2/colors/yellow, itemswapper:v2/crafting/mob_drops, itemswapper:v2/copper/copper_exposed, itemswapper:v2/stone/stone, itemswapper:v2/main, itemswapper:v2/colored_items/carpets, itemswapper:v2/misc/books, itemswapper:v2/technical/redstone, itemswapper:v2/wood/strippedwood] [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:copper_bulb, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:exposed_copper_bulb, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:weathered_copper_bulb, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:oxidized_copper_bulb, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_copper_bulb, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_exposed_copper_bulb, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_weathered_copper_bulb, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_oxidized_copper_bulb, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:copper_grate, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:exposed_copper_grate, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:weathered_copper_grate, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:oxidized_copper_grate, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_copper_grate, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_exposed_copper_grate, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_weathered_copper_grate, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_oxidized_copper_grate, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:short_grass, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:crafter, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_copper_bulb, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_exposed_copper_bulb, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_weathered_copper_bulb, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_oxidized_copper_bulb, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:tuff_stairs, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:tuff_slab, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:tuff_wall, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:polished_tuff, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:polished_tuff_stairs, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:polished_tuff_slab, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:copper_door, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:exposed_copper_door, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:weathered_copper_door, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:oxidized_copper_door, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_copper_door, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_exposed_copper_door, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_weathered_copper_door, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_oxidized_copper_door, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:copper_trapdoor, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:exposed_copper_trapdoor, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:weathered_copper_trapdoor, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:oxidized_copper_trapdoor, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_copper_trapdoor, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_exposed_copper_trapdoor, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_weathered_copper_trapdoor, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:waxed_oxidized_copper_trapdoor, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:turtle_scute, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ItemSwapper) Unable to find minecraft:armadillo_scute, ignoring. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 2048x1024x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/particles.png-atlas [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/paintings.png-atlas [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 256x128x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/mob_effects.png-atlas [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ResourceHandlers) [FANCYMENU] Reloading resources.. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ResourcePreLoader) [FANCYMENU] Pre-loading resources.. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 128x128x0 computercraft:textures/atlas/gui.png-atlas [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 256x128x0 jei:textures/atlas/gui.png-atlas [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 256x256x0 moonlight:textures/atlas/map_markers.png-atlas [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Loading exposure filters: [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:light_blue_pane, exposure:shaders/light_blue_tint.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:orange_pane, exposure:shaders/orange_tint.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:red_pane, exposure:shaders/red_filter.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:purple_pane, exposure:shaders/purple_tint.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:blue_pane, exposure:shaders/blue_filter.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:light_gray_pane, exposure:shaders/light_gray_tint.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:magenta_pane, exposure:shaders/magenta_tint.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:gray_pane, exposure:shaders/gray_tint.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:lime_pane, exposure:shaders/lime_tint.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:green_pane, exposure:shaders/green_filter.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:pink_pane, exposure:shaders/pink_tint.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:yellow_pane, exposure:shaders/yellow_tint.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:white_pane, exposure:shaders/white_tint.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:brown_pane, exposure:shaders/brown_tint.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:glass_pane, exposure:shaders/crisp.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:black_pane, exposure:shaders/black_tint.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (FiltersResourceLoader) Filter [exposure:cyan_pane, exposure:shaders/cyan_tint.json] added. [14:43:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Backend) Loaded all shader sources. [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (FluidTooltipHandler) Loaded 0 fluid unit lists in 1.714 ms [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading optigui:gui/villager/armorer.ini from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading optigui:gui/villager/butcher.ini from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading optigui:gui/villager/cartographer.ini from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading optigui:gui/villager/cleric.ini from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading optigui:gui/villager/farmer.ini from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading optigui:gui/villager/fisher.ini from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading optigui:gui/villager/fletcher.ini from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading optigui:gui/villager/leatherworker.ini from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading optigui:gui/villager/librarian.ini from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading optigui:gui/villager/mason.ini from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading optigui:gui/villager/shepherd.ini from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading optigui:gui/villager/toolsmith.ini from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading optigui:gui/villager/weaponsmith.ini from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/cabinet/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/chests/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/chests/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/chests/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/chests/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/llama/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/shulker_box/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/villager/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/villager/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/villager/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/villager/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/villager/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/villager/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/villager/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/villager/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/villager/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/villager/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/villager/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/villager/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (OptiGUI) Loading minecraft:optifine/gui/container/villager/ from file/Fern's Fancy Inventory 1.20 [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (patchouli) BookContentResourceListenerLoader preloaded 24 jsons [14:43:40] [Render thread/ERROR] (ModNioResourcePack) Invalid path in mod resource-pack design_decor: design_decor:textures/block/zinc_catwalk - kopie.png, ignoring [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (Tweed 4) Reloaded configs for spiceoffabric (client/smallest) [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (Tweed 4) Reloaded configs for mousewheelie (client/smallest) [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Successfully reloaded the minimap shaders! [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Successfully reloaded the world map shaders! [14:43:40] [Render thread/INFO] (YetAnotherConfigLib) Successfully loaded image 'supplementaries:textures/block/gottem.gif' [14:43:41] [Render thread/INFO] (Entity Texture Features) reloading ETF data. [14:43:41] [Render thread/INFO] (Entity Texture Features) emissive suffixes loaded: {_e}. [14:43:41] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] Updating animation sizes.. [14:43:41] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] Minecraft resource reload: FINISHED [14:43:44] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: xaero.common.gui.GuiWidgetUpdateAll [14:43:44] [Render thread/WARN] (ModernFix) Game took 175.421 seconds to start [14:48:38] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3/INFO] (Figura) Authenticating with Figura server... [14:48:39] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3/INFO] (Figura) Successfully authed with the Figura auth server! [14:48:39] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3/INFO] (Figura) Initializing custom websocket [14:48:40] [ReadingThread/INFO] (Figura) Connecting to Figura ws backend (wss:// [14:48:40] [ReadingThread/INFO] (Figura) Connected to Figura ws backend [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Disconnecting from server, EMI data cleared [16:33:22] [Thread-50/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Clearing data [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (ClientLifecycleHandler) Stopping JEI [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (JeiStarter) Stopping JEI [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable... [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricGuiPlugin) Stopping JEI GUI [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable took 764.8 ?s [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Removed all overlays. [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Closed current Create Railways Navigator settings instance. [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: progress_screen [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (Entity Texture Features) emissive suffixes loaded: {_e}. [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (Figura) Cleared all avatars [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (betterstats) Clearing 'BetterStatsClientNetworkHandler' flags. [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: connect_screen [16:33:22] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Connecting to **.**.**.**, 25565 [16:33:32] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (ReplayModRecording) Multiplayer Recording is disabled [16:33:32] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for barteringstation [16:33:33] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for magnumtorch [16:33:33] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for bettertridents [16:33:33] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for puzzlesapi [16:33:33] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for easyanvils [16:33:33] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for leavesbegone [16:33:33] [Render thread/INFO] (Framework) Loading synced config from server: backpacked:server [16:33:33] [Render thread/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] Synced config values from server. [16:33:34] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/INFO] (ConnectibleChains) Received connectiblechains config from server [16:33:35] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) New minimap session initialized! [16:33:35] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) New world map session initialized! [16:33:36] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Reloading pipeline on dimension change: NamespacedId{namespace='minecraft', name='overworld'} => NamespacedId{namespace='minecraft', name='overworld'} [16:33:36] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Destroying pipeline NamespacedId{namespace='minecraft', name='overworld'} [16:33:36] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Creating pipeline for dimension NamespacedId{namespace='minecraft', name='overworld'} [16:33:36] [Render thread/INFO] (BatchExecutor) Started 10 worker threads [16:33:36] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) star.mixins.json:sodium.FluidRendererAccessor from mod star->@Invoker[METHOD_PROXY]::callSetVertex(Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/model/quad/ModelQuadViewMutable;IFFFFF)V should be static as its target is [16:33:36] [Render thread/INFO] (ChunkBuilder) Started 10 worker threads [16:33:37] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: receiving_level_screen [16:33:37] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Journey Listener started. [16:33:37] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Updated custom language to: (Default) [16:33:37] [Render thread/INFO] (Logger) [bclib] Auto-Sync was disabled on the client. [16:33:37] [Render thread/INFO] (MapFrontiers) ClientConnectedEvent done [16:33:44] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Sending secret request to the server [16:33:44] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Joining server, EMI waiting for data from server... [16:33:44] [Render thread/INFO] (Tweed 4) Requested config sync for spiceoffabric [16:33:44] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Synced amendments-common.json configs [16:33:45] [Render thread/INFO] (ShulkerBoxTooltip Plugins) [ShulkerBoxTooltip Plugins] Loading 1 plugin: shulkerboxtooltip [16:33:45] [Render thread/INFO] (ShulkerBoxTooltip Plugins) [ShulkerBoxTooltip Plugins] Registered 19 color keys for mod shulkerboxtooltip [16:33:45] [Render thread/INFO] (ShulkerBoxTooltip Plugins) [ShulkerBoxTooltip Plugins] Registered 7 providers for mod shulkerboxtooltip [16:33:47] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingle_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingle_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:47] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (create:kjs/7ibk5phei6y3snvkzb04oo1yh) has more fluid inputs (3) than supported (2). [16:33:47] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/cut_copper_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/cut_copper_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:47] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingles recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingles) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:47] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/copper_shingle_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/copper_shingle_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:47] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/straw recipe (createaddition:rolling/straw) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:47] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/iron_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/iron_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:47] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/brass_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/brass_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:47] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_copper recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_copper) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/gold_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/gold_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/copper_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/copper_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingles recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingles) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/electrum_plate recipe (createaddition:rolling/electrum_plate) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Suspicious fluid amount in recipe [create:kjs/8uuhcbox0ve6ez4nonbd53063]: 250 [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingle_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingle_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_copper recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_copper) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/copper_shingles recipe (createaddition:charging/copper_shingles) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/copper_plate recipe (createaddition:rolling/copper_plate) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/channeling recipe (createaddition:charging/channeling) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/gold_plate recipe (createaddition:rolling/gold_plate) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (create:kjs/mqpn21mxbbzajjeu7tkspybp) has more fluid inputs (3) than supported (2). [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingle_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingle_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (createaddition:compat/tconstruct/pig_iron_2) has more item inputs (13) than supported (9). [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/cut_copper_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/cut_copper_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/cut_copper_block recipe (createaddition:charging/cut_copper_block) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/iron_plate recipe (createaddition:rolling/iron_plate) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (create:kjs/8ef2fob55o4xmo0rlicidotc6) has more fluid inputs (3) than supported (2). [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/electrum_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/electrum_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:compat/ae2/charged_certus_quartz recipe (createaddition:compat/ae2/charged_certus_quartz) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingle_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingle_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/copper_block recipe (createaddition:charging/copper_block) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (create:kjs/b0b5eltdaphpqaprqy8q5tgrz) has more fluid inputs (3) than supported (2). [16:33:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/copper_shingle_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/copper_shingle_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:33:49] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/INFO] (do_a_barrel_roll) [do_a_barrel_roll] Received config from server [16:33:49] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/INFO] (WandsModClient) got config [16:33:49] [Render thread/INFO] (Jade) Received config from the server: {} [16:33:49] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod fastpaintings: / [16:33:49] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod spelunkery: / [16:33:49] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod moonlight: / [16:33:49] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod amendments: / [16:33:49] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod supplementaries: / [16:33:49] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod suppsquared: / [16:33:49] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Synced spelunkery-common.json configs [16:33:49] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Synced supplementaries-common.json configs [16:33:50] [Render thread/INFO] (ShulkerBoxTooltip) [ShulkerBoxTooltip] Server integration enabled, attempting handshake... [16:33:51] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/INFO] (ShulkerBoxTooltip) [ShulkerBoxTooltip] Handshake succeeded [16:33:51] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/INFO] (ShulkerBoxTooltip) [ShulkerBoxTooltip] Server protocol version: 2.0 [16:33:56] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Synced Flute Songs [16:33:56] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Synced Captured Mobs settings [16:33:56] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Synced Globe data [16:33:56] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Synced Hourglass data [16:33:56] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Tags synchronized, waiting for recipes to reload EMI... [16:33:58] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Starting JEI... [16:33:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering item subtypes... [16:33:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering item subtypes took 5.384 ms [16:33:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering fluid subtypes... [16:33:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering fluid subtypes took 4.418 ms [16:33:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering ingredients... [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering ingredients: jei:minecraft took 990.1 milliseconds [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering ingredients took 991.1 ms [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering categories... [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering categories: jei:minecraft took 89.35 milliseconds [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering categories: ae2:core took 51.66 milliseconds [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering categories: create:jei_plugin took 157.1 milliseconds [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering categories: create_enchantment_industry:jei_plugin took 11.78 milliseconds [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering categories: createaddition:jei_plugin took 18.17 milliseconds [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering categories: farmersdelight:jei_plugin took 11.46 milliseconds [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering categories took 365.2 ms [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering vanilla category extensions... [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering vanilla category extensions took 11.87 ms [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipe catalysts... [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipe catalysts took 3.697 ms [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering advanced plugins... [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe manager plugin: class appeng.integration.modules.jei.FacadeRegistryPlugin [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:crafting [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:stonecutting [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:furnace [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:smoking [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:blasting [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:campfire [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:smithing [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:compostable [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:fuel [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:brewing [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:anvil [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:item_transformation [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:condenser [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:inscriber [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:charger [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:attunement [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:certus_growth [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:entropy [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:botanist_workbench [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:glassblower [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:carpenters_table [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:loom_table [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:mason_table [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:alchemy_bench [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:tinkering_table [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:milling [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:crushing [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:pressing [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_washing [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_smoking [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_blasting [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_haunting [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mixing [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_shapeless [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_brewing [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:packing [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_packing [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sawing [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:block_cutting [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:wood_cutting [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sandpaper_polishing [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:item_application [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:deploying [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:spout_filling [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:draining [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_shaped [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mechanical_crafting [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sequenced_assembly [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mystery_conversion [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create_enchantment_industry:disenchanting [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:rolling [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:charging [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:liquid_burning [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: exposure:photograph_printing [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: exposure:photograph_stacking [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:cooking [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:cutting [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:decomposition [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: nethersdelight:composition [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: rechiseled:chiseling [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: jei:information [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe manager plugin: class dan200.computercraft.shared.integration.jei.RecipeResolver [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering advanced plugins took 15.49 ms [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building recipe registry... [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building recipe registry took 28.68 ms [16:33:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes... [16:34:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: ae2:core took 243.1 milliseconds [16:34:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: chipped:chipped took 424.7 milliseconds [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 4 mezz.jei.api.fabric.ingredients.fluids.IJeiFluidIngredient [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: create:jei_plugin took 1.763 seconds [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 3 mezz.jei.api.fabric.ingredients.fluids.IJeiFluidIngredient [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: exposure:jei_plugin took 23.40 milliseconds [16:34:02] [Render thread/ERROR] (IngredientSupplierHelper) Found a broken recipe, failed to setRecipe with RecipeLayoutBuilder: vectorwing.farmersdelight.integration.jei.resource.DecompositionDummy@10672833 java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value present at java.util.Optional.get( ~[?:?] at vectorwing.farmersdelight.integration.jei.category.DecompositionRecipeCategory.setRecipe( ~[FarmersDelight-1.20.1-2.1.1 refabricated.jar:?] at vectorwing.farmersdelight.integration.jei.category.DecompositionRecipeCategory.setRecipe( ~[FarmersDelight-1.20.1-2.1.1 refabricated.jar:?] at mezz.jei.library.util.IngredientSupplierHelper.getIngredientSupplier( ~[jei-1.20.1-fabric-] at$addRecipes$0( ~[jei-1.20.1-fabric-] at$2$1.accept( ~[?:?] at java.util.Collections$2.tryAdvance( ~[?:?] at java.util.Collections$2.forEachRemaining( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[jei-1.20.1-fabric-] at ~[jei-1.20.1-fabric-] at mezz.jei.library.load.registration.RecipeRegistration.addRecipes( ~[jei-1.20.1-fabric-] at vectorwing.farmersdelight.integration.jei.JEIPlugin.registerRecipes( ~[FarmersDelight-1.20.1-2.1.1 refabricated.jar:?] at mezz.jei.library.load.PluginLoader.lambda$createRecipeManager$10( ~[jei-1.20.1-fabric-] at mezz.jei.library.load.PluginCaller.redirect$edj000$emi$callOnPlugins( ~[jei-1.20.1-fabric-] at mezz.jei.library.load.PluginCaller.callOnPlugins( ~[jei-1.20.1-fabric-] at mezz.jei.library.load.PluginLoader.createRecipeManager( ~[jei-1.20.1-fabric-] at mezz.jei.library.startup.JeiStarter.start( ~[jei-1.20.1-fabric-] at mezz.jei.fabric.startup.ClientLifecycleHandler.startJei( ~[jei-1.20.1-fabric-] at mezz.jei.fabric.startup.ClientLifecycleHandler.lambda$registerEvents$1( ~[jei-1.20.1-fabric-] at$static$4( ~[jei-1.20.1-fabric-] at$hfm002$jei$handleUpdateRecipes( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.executeTask( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantThreadExecutor.executeTask( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.runTask( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.runTasks( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.render( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( ~[minecraft-1.20.1-client.jar:?] at ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: farmersdelight:jei_plugin took 425.3 milliseconds [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 1 net.minecraft.class_1799 [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being added at runtime: 1 net.minecraft.class_1799 [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: polymer:jei_plugin took 22.98 milliseconds [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes took 2.923 s [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes transfer handlers... [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes transfer handlers took 15.67 ms [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building runtime... [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering gui handlers... [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering gui handlers took 25.09 ms [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering Runtime... [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering Runtime took 9.333 ms [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building runtime took 59.05 ms [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime... [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 9 net.minecraft.class_1799 [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Sending Runtime: almostunified:jei took 52.21 milliseconds [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being added at runtime: 44 net.minecraft.class_1799 [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime took 66.86 ms [16:34:02] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Starting JEI took 4.642 s [16:34:03] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Recipes synchronized, reloading EMI [16:34:03] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Starting Reload [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Starting EMI reload... [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Clearing data [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emi [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emi in 20ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from almostunified [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from almostunified in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from bclib [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from bclib in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from betterend [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from betterend in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from brewinandchewin [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from brewinandchewin in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from computercraft [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from computercraft in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from create [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from create in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from createaddition [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from createaddition in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emi_loot [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emi_loot in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emiffect [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emiffect in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emitrades [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emitrades in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from extra-mod-integrations [16:34:03] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Finished additional setup in 59 ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from extra-mod-integrations in 15ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from farmersdelight [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from farmersdelight in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from farmersrespite [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from farmersrespite in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from item_obliterator [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from item_obliterator in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from nethersdelight [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from nethersdelight in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from polymer-core [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from polymer-core in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from spelunkery [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from spelunkery in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from supplementaries [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from supplementaries in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from trinkets [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from trinkets in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from wiredredstone [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from wiredredstone in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from jemi [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from jemi in 0ms [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing tags [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Constructing index [16:34:03] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emi [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emi in 1942ms [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from almostunified [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:coal_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_coal_ore] [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/2 items for tag '#c:copper_nuggets' -> [tconstruct:copper_nugget] [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:lapis_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_lapis_ore] [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:emerald_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_emerald_ore] [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:iron_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_iron_ore] [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/2 items for tag '#c:iron_ingots' -> [betterend:thallasium_ingot] [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:copper_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_copper_ore] [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:diamond_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_diamond_ore] [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/4 items for tag '#c:gold_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_gold_ore] [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from almostunified in 14ms [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from bclib [16:34:05] [Thread-56/ERROR] (Logger) [worlds_together] Tried to read from global registry! [16:34:05] [Thread-56/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception loading plugin provided by bclib [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_5455.method_30530(net.minecraft.class_5321)" because the return value of "" is null [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIAnvilRecipe.addAllRecipes( [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIPlugin.register( [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:34:05] [Thread-56/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_5455.method_30530(net.minecraft.class_5321)" because the return value of "" is null at at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIAnvilRecipe.addAllRecipes( at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIPlugin.register( at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ at java.base [16:34:05] [Thread-56/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from betterend [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from betterend in 12ms [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from brewinandchewin [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from brewinandchewin in 5ms [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from computercraft [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from computercraft in 0ms [16:34:05] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from create [16:34:06] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from create in 468ms [16:34:06] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from createaddition [16:34:06] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from createaddition in 11ms [16:34:06] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emi_loot [16:34:07] [Render thread/INFO] (carpet) Joined carpet server with matching carpet version [16:34:07] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emi_loot in 1215ms [16:34:07] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emiffect [16:34:07] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Minimap updated server level id: 1873517896 for world ResourceKey[minecraft:dimension / minecraft:overworld] [16:34:07] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3508 advancements [16:34:07] [Render thread/INFO] (patchouli) BookContentResourceListenerLoader: Files found in 512.4 ?s [16:34:07] [Render thread/INFO] (patchouli) BookContentResourceListenerLoader: Files found in 114.0 ?s [16:34:07] [Render thread/INFO] (patchouli) BookContentResourceListenerLoader: Files found in 146.8 ?s [16:34:08] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emiffect in 470ms [16:34:08] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emitrades [16:34:08] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI Trades) Reloaded. [16:34:08] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emitrades in 572ms [16:34:08] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from extra-mod-integrations [16:34:08] [Thread-56/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Tech Reborn (mod not found) [16:34:08] [Thread-56/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Industrial Revolution (mod not found) [16:34:08] [Thread-56/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Farmer's Delight (mod not found) [16:34:08] [Thread-56/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Conjuring (mod not found) [16:34:08] [Thread-56/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Loading Applied Energistics 2 Integration... [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Dimensional Doors (mod not found) [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from extra-mod-integrations in 1034ms [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from farmersdelight [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from farmersdelight in 65ms [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from farmersrespite [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from farmersrespite in 6ms [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from item_obliterator [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from item_obliterator in 1ms [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from nethersdelight [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from nethersdelight in 16ms [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from polymer-core [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from polymer-core in 79ms [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from spelunkery [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from spelunkery in 79ms [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from supplementaries [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from supplementaries in 128ms [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from trinkets [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from trinkets in 3ms [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from wiredredstone [16:34:09] [Thread-56/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] Loading EMI Plugin... [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from wiredredstone in 31ms [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from jemi [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Waiting for JEI to finish reloading... [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Waiting for JEI to finish... [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] JEI reloaded! [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading information from JEI... [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI stacks... [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI subtypes... [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI recipes... [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Crafting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Crafting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Alchemy Bench [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Alchemy Bench [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Anvil [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Anvil [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Blasting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Blasting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Botanist's Workbench [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Botanist's Workbench [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Brewing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Brewing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Campfire Cooking [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Campfire Cooking [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Carpenter's Workbench [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Carpenter's Workbench [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Compostable [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Compostable [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Fuel [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Fuel [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smelting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smelting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Glassblower's Workbench [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Glassblower's Workbench [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Shepherd's Workbench [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Shepherd's Workbench [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mason's Workbench [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mason's Workbench [16:34:10] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Received secret [16:34:10] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Connecting to voice chat server: '**.**.**.**:24454' [16:34:10] [VoiceChatAuthenticationThread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Trying to authenticate voice chat connection [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smithing Table [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smithing Table [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smoking [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smoking [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Stonecutting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Stonecutting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Tinkering Table [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Tinkering Table [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for P2P Tunnel Attunement [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for P2P Tunnel Attunement [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Certus Quartz Growth [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Certus Quartz Growth [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Charger [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Charger [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category ae2:charger because native EMI recipe category already exists [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Matter Condenser [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Matter Condenser [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Entropy Manipulator [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Entropy Manipulator [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Inscriber [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Inscriber [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category ae2:inscriber because native EMI recipe category already exists [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for In-World Transformation [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for In-World Transformation [16:34:10] [VoiceChatConnectionThread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Server acknowledged authentication [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Brewing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Brewing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_brewing because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Packing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Packing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_packing because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Shaped Crafting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Shaped Crafting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_shaped because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Shapeless Crafting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Shapeless Crafting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_shapeless because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Block Cutting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Block Cutting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:block_cutting because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Crushing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Crushing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:crushing because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Deploying [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Deploying [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:deploying because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Item Draining [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Item Draining [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:draining because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Blasting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Blasting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_blasting because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Haunting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Haunting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_haunting because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Smoking [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Smoking [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_smoking because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Washing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Washing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_washing because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Manual Item Application [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Manual Item Application [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:item_application because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mechanical Crafting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mechanical Crafting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mechanical_crafting because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Milling [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Milling [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:milling because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mixing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mixing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mixing because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mysterious Conversion [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mysterious Conversion [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mystery_conversion because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Compacting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Compacting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:packing because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Pressing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Pressing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:pressing because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Sandpaper Polishing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Sandpaper Polishing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sandpaper_polishing because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Sawing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Sawing [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sawing because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Recipe Sequence [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Recipe Sequence [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sequenced_assembly because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Filling by Spout [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Filling by Spout [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:spout_filling because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Wood Cutting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Wood Cutting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:wood_cutting because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Disenchanting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Disenchanting [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Charging [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Charging [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:charging because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Liquid Burning [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Liquid Burning [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:liquid_burning because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Rolling [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Rolling [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:rolling because mod is already handled [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Information [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Information [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Chiseling [16:34:10] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Chiseling [16:34:11] [Render thread/INFO] (ChunkBuilder) Stopping worker threads [16:34:11] [Render thread/INFO] (ChunkBuilder) Started 10 worker threads [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Printing [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Printing [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Stacking Photographs [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Stacking Photographs [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Cooking [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Cooking [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:cooking because mod is already handled [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Cutting Board [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Cutting Board [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:cutting because mod is already handled [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Decomposition [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Decomposition [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:decomposition because mod is already handled [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Composition [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Composition [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category nethersdelight:composition because mod is already handled [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from jemi in 1165ms [16:34:11] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baking index [16:34:11] [VoiceChatAuthenticationThread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Trying to validate voice chat connection [16:34:11] [VoiceChatConnectionThread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Server acknowledged connection check [16:34:12] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Reloading entity icon resources... [16:34:12] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Reloaded entity icon resources! [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.AnalyzerException: Error at instruction 356: Cannot invoke "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo.hasSuperClass(org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo)" because the return value of "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo.forType(org.objectweb.asm.Type, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo$TypeLookup)" is null [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer.analyze( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.generateLocalVariableTable( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getGeneratedLocalVariableTable( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getLocalVariableAt( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getLocalVariableAt( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getLocalsAt( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.Locals.getLocalsAt( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.modify.LocalVariableDiscriminator$Context.initLocals( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.modify.LocalVariableDiscriminator$Context.( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at com.llamalad7.mixinextras.versions.MixinVersionImpl_v0_8_4.makeLvtContext( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at com.llamalad7.mixinextras.utils.CompatibilityHelper.makeLvtContext( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at com.llamalad7.mixinextras.sugar.impl.LocalSugarApplicator.getOrCreateLocalContext( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at com.llamalad7.mixinextras.sugar.impl.LocalSugarApplicator.validate( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at com.llamalad7.mixinextras.sugar.impl.SugarInjector.validateApplicators( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at com.llamalad7.mixinextras.sugar.impl.SugarInjector.prepareSugar( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at com.llamalad7.mixinextras.sugar.impl.SugarWrapperImpl.prepare( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at com.llamalad7.mixinextras.wrapper.WrapperInjectionInfo.prepare( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTargetContext.prepareInjections( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.prepareInjections( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.applyMixin( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.apply( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.apply( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.applyMixins( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClass( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClassBytes( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.getPostMixinClassByteArray( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.tryLoadClass( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at com.simibubi.create.content.trains.track.TrackPlacementOverlay.renderOverlay( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at com.simibubi.create.CreateClient.lambda$registerOverlays$4( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendering.v1.HudRenderCallback.lambda$static$0( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at net.minecraft.class_329.handler$fnn001$fabric-rendering-v1$render( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at net.minecraft.class_329.method_1753( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3192( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo.hasSuperClass(org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo)" because the return value of "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo.forType(org.objectweb.asm.Type, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ClassInfo$TypeLookup)" is null [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.spongepowered.asm.util.asm.MixinVerifier.isAssignableFrom( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.SimpleVerifier.merge( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.SimpleVerifier.merge( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Frame.merge( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer.merge( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer.analyze( [16:34:13] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: ... 45 more [16:34:13] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Registering late recipes [16:34:15] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinGuiMessageTag from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7591 [16:34:15] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] §eJourneyMap:§f Press [§bJ§f] [16:34:16] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: pause_screen [16:34:16] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinRowHelper from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7845$class_7939 [16:34:17] [Render thread/WARN] (ModernFix) Time from main menu to in-game was 54.62819 seconds [16:34:17] [Render thread/WARN] (ModernFix) Total time to load game and open world was 230.0492 seconds [16:34:20] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baking recipes [16:34:21] [Thread-56/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Untranslated recipe category nethersdelight:composition [16:34:22] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: inventory_screen [16:34:22] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: creative_mode_inventory_screen [16:34:23] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Discovered Sodium [16:34:24] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Exception when loading create:fake_track texture, using material colour. [16:34:24] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) No texture minecraft:textures/missingno.png [16:34:24] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baked 52179 recipes in 4575ms [16:34:24] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baking search [16:34:25] [Thread-62/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Untranslated recipe category nethersdelight:composition [16:34:28] [Thread-62/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baked recipes after reload in 3720ms [16:34:29] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Finishing up [16:34:29] [Thread-56/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded EMI in 26128ms [16:34:30] [Render thread/WARN] (Porting Lib) Model loader 'amendments:wall_lantern' not found. Registered loaders: tconstruct:tank, tconstruct:material, porting_lib:elements, porting_lib:composite, porting_lib:fluid_container, porting_lib:obj, mantle:nbt_key, tconstruct:fluid_texture, mantle:inventory, tconstruct:copper_can, tconstruct:casting, tconstruct:table, mantle:retextured, tconstruct:tool, mantle:fluid_texture, mantle:colored_block, forge:bucket, tconstruct:melter, tconstruct:channel, mantle:connected, mantle:fallback, mantle:fluids, mantle:item_layer [16:34:30] [Render thread/WARN] (Porting Lib) Falling back to vanilla logic. [16:34:35] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: dev.emi.emi.screen.RecipeScreen [16:34:52] [Render thread/WARN] (Porting Lib) Model loader 'supplementaries:flower_box' not found. Registered loaders: tconstruct:tank, tconstruct:material, porting_lib:elements, porting_lib:composite, porting_lib:fluid_container, porting_lib:obj, mantle:nbt_key, tconstruct:fluid_texture, mantle:inventory, tconstruct:copper_can, tconstruct:casting, tconstruct:table, mantle:retextured, tconstruct:tool, mantle:fluid_texture, mantle:colored_block, forge:bucket, tconstruct:melter, tconstruct:channel, mantle:connected, mantle:fallback, mantle:fluids, mantle:item_layer [16:34:52] [Render thread/WARN] (Porting Lib) Falling back to vanilla logic. [16:34:55] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: chat_screen [16:35:01] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] Unknown or incomplete command, see below for error [16:35:01] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] ...ejs errors<--[HERE] [16:35:06] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: dev.latvian.mods.kubejs.client.KubeJSErrorScreen [16:35:23] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] [DISCORD] violent Incoming [16:35:27] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] hi [16:35:34] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] No errors or warnings found! [16:35:44] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3509 advancements [16:36:45] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3512 advancements [16:37:06] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3513 advancements [16:37:11] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] ? NeonCityDrifter has made the advancement [Complex Curiosities] [16:37:11] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3548 advancements [16:37:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3551 advancements [16:37:22] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3552 advancements [16:37:36] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] Changed the block at 1895, 77, 2593 [16:37:47] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] Expected whitespace to end one argument, but found trailing data [16:37:47] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] ...tive_motor\<--[HERE] [16:37:49] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] Changed the block at 1895, 77, 2594 [16:37:53] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3553 advancements [16:37:59] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3553 advancements [16:38:24] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Disconnecting from server, EMI data cleared [16:38:24] [Thread-76/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Clearing data [16:38:24] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Clearing audio channels [16:38:24] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/INFO] (Framework) Unloading synced configs from server [16:38:24] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/INFO] (Framework) Sending config unload event for backpacked-server.toml [16:38:24] [Netty Play IO Thread #0/INFO] (MapFrontiers) ClientDisconnectedEvent done [16:38:24] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Stopping microphone thread [16:38:24] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Disconnecting voicechat [16:38:24] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Minimap session finalized. [16:38:24] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Finalizing world map session... [16:38:26] [Thread-43/INFO] (WorldMap) World map force-cleaned! [16:38:26] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) World map session finalized. [16:38:26] [Render thread/INFO] (ClientLifecycleHandler) Stopping JEI [16:38:26] [Render thread/INFO] (JeiStarter) Stopping JEI [16:38:26] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable... [16:38:26] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricGuiPlugin) Stopping JEI GUI [16:38:26] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable took 947.7 ?s [16:38:26] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Removed all overlays. [16:38:26] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Journey Listener stopped. [16:38:26] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Closed current Create Railways Navigator settings instance. [16:38:28] [Render thread/WARN] (Polymer) Can't update entries of ItemGroups! java.lang.IllegalStateException: Config property is not linked yet at com.mrcrayfish.framework.api.config.AbstractProperty.get( ~[framework-fabric-1.20.1-0.6.16.jar:?] at com.mrcrayfish.backpacked.util.ClientUtils.createBackpackTooltip( ~[backpacked-fabric-1.20.1-2.2.7.jar:?] at com.mrcrayfish.backpacked.item.BackpackItem.method_7851( ~[backpacked-fabric-1.20.1-2.2.7.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.getTooltip( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_1485( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at$Instance.reload( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.reloadSearchProvider( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_46740( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroup.reloadSearchProvider( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroup.updateEntries( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroups.method_47331( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at$ForEachOp$OfRef.accept( ~[?:?] at$2$1.accept( ~[?:?] at java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining( ~[?:?] at java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.forEachRemaining( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential( ~[?:?] at$ForEachOp$OfRef.evaluateSequential( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroups.updateEntries( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.class_7706.callUpdateEntries$polymer-core_$md$f00fa8$2( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.mixin.other.ItemGroupsAccessor.callUpdateEntries( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.impl.client.InternalClientRegistry.lambda$clear$6( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.execute( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.impl.client.InternalClientRegistry.clear( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.impl.client.InternalClientRegistry.disable( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.handler$jpj000$polymer-core$polymer$onDisconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.disconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.disconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.GameMenuScreen.disconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.GameMenuScreen.method_19836( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget.onPress( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.PressableWidget.onClick( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ClickableWidget.mouseClicked( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.ParentElement.mouseClicked( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_1611( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen.wrapScreenError( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.onMouseButton( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22686( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.execute( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22684( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallback$Container.invoke( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar:?] at com.moulberry.axiom.editor.CustomImGuiImplGlfw.mouseButtonCallback( ~[Axiom-3.0.0-for-MC1.20.1.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.callback( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method) ~[Axiom-3.0.0-for-MC1.20.1.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwPollEvents( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.util.Window.swapBuffers( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.render( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( ~[minecraft-1.20.1-client.jar:?] at ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] [16:38:28] [Render thread/INFO] (ChunkBuilder) Stopping worker threads [16:38:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Entity Texture Features) emissive suffixes loaded: {_e}. [16:38:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Figura) Cleared all avatars [16:38:28] [Render thread/INFO] (betterstats) Clearing 'BetterStatsClientNetworkHandler' flags. [16:38:28] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: join_multiplayer_screen [16:38:28] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinOnlineServerEntry from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_4267$class_4270 [16:38:28] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Renaming synthetic method lambda$onRender$0()Ljava/util/ArrayList; to mdf00fa8$nochatreports$lambda$onRender$0$0 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:client.MixinOnlineServerEntry from mod nochatreports [16:38:36] [Server Pinger #0/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinServerStatusPinger$1 from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_644$1 [16:38:36] [Server Pinger #0/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing client.MixinServerStatusPinger$1 from mixins/fabric/nochatreports-fabric.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_644$1 [16:38:36] [Server Pinger #0/INFO] (NoChatReports) Common mixin into ServerStatusPinger$1 succeeded. [16:38:36] [Server Pinger #0/INFO] (NoChatReports) Fabric mixin into ServerStatusPinger$1 succeeded. [16:38:36] [Netty Client IO #1/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Mixing common.MixinServerStatus from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_2926 [16:42:39] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) Can't ping **.**.**.**:25565: Disconnected [16:53:19] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Disconnecting from server, EMI data cleared [16:53:19] [Render thread/INFO] (ClientLifecycleHandler) Stopping JEI [16:53:19] [Render thread/INFO] (JeiStarter) Stopping JEI [16:53:19] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable... [16:53:19] [Thread-78/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Clearing data [16:53:19] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricGuiPlugin) Stopping JEI GUI [16:53:19] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable took 722.6 ?s [16:53:19] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Removed all overlays. [16:53:19] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Closed current Create Railways Navigator settings instance. [16:53:21] [Render thread/WARN] (Polymer) Can't update entries of ItemGroups! java.lang.IllegalStateException: Config property is not linked yet at com.mrcrayfish.framework.api.config.AbstractProperty.get( ~[framework-fabric-1.20.1-0.6.16.jar:?] at com.mrcrayfish.backpacked.util.ClientUtils.createBackpackTooltip( ~[backpacked-fabric-1.20.1-2.2.7.jar:?] at com.mrcrayfish.backpacked.item.BackpackItem.method_7851( ~[backpacked-fabric-1.20.1-2.2.7.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.getTooltip( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_1485( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at$Instance.reload( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.reloadSearchProvider( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_46740( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroup.reloadSearchProvider( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroup.updateEntries( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroups.method_47331( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at$ForEachOp$OfRef.accept( ~[?:?] at$2$1.accept( ~[?:?] at java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining( ~[?:?] at java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.forEachRemaining( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential( ~[?:?] at$ForEachOp$OfRef.evaluateSequential( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroups.updateEntries( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.class_7706.callUpdateEntries$polymer-core_$md$f00fa8$2( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.mixin.other.ItemGroupsAccessor.callUpdateEntries( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.impl.client.InternalClientRegistry.lambda$clear$6( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.execute( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.impl.client.InternalClientRegistry.clear( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.impl.client.InternalClientRegistry.disable( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.handler$jpj000$polymer-core$polymer$onDisconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.disconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.disconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ConnectScreen.connect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.multiplayer.MultiplayerScreen.connect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.multiplayer.MultiplayerScreen.connect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.multiplayer.MultiplayerScreen.method_19918( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget.onPress( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.PressableWidget.onClick( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ClickableWidget.mouseClicked( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.ParentElement.mouseClicked( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_1611( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen.wrapScreenError( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.onMouseButton( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22686( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.execute( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22684( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallback$Container.invoke( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar:?] at com.moulberry.axiom.editor.CustomImGuiImplGlfw.mouseButtonCallback( ~[Axiom-3.0.0-for-MC1.20.1.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.callback( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method) ~[Axiom-3.0.0-for-MC1.20.1.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwWaitEventsTimeout( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.render( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( ~[minecraft-1.20.1-client.jar:?] at ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] [16:53:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Entity Texture Features) emissive suffixes loaded: {_e}. [16:53:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Figura) Cleared all avatars [16:53:21] [Render thread/INFO] (betterstats) Clearing 'BetterStatsClientNetworkHandler' flags. [16:53:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Connecting to **.**.**.**, 25565 [16:53:26] [Netty Login IO Thread #1/INFO] (ReplayModRecording) Multiplayer Recording is disabled [16:53:26] [Netty Login IO Thread #1/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for barteringstation [16:53:26] [Netty Login IO Thread #1/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for magnumtorch [16:53:26] [Netty Login IO Thread #1/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for bettertridents [16:53:26] [Netty Login IO Thread #1/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for puzzlesapi [16:53:26] [Netty Login IO Thread #1/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for easyanvils [16:53:26] [Netty Login IO Thread #1/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for leavesbegone [16:53:26] [Render thread/INFO] (Framework) Loading synced config from server: backpacked:server [16:53:26] [Render thread/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] Synced config values from server. [16:53:27] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/INFO] (ConnectibleChains) Received connectiblechains config from server [16:53:27] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) New minimap session initialized! [16:53:27] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) New world map session initialized! [16:53:27] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Reloading pipeline on dimension change: NamespacedId{namespace='minecraft', name='overworld'} => NamespacedId{namespace='minecraft', name='overworld'} [16:53:27] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Destroying pipeline NamespacedId{namespace='minecraft', name='overworld'} [16:53:27] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Creating pipeline for dimension NamespacedId{namespace='minecraft', name='overworld'} [16:53:27] [Render thread/INFO] (ChunkBuilder) Started 10 worker threads [16:53:27] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Journey Listener started. [16:53:27] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Updated custom language to: (Default) [16:53:27] [Render thread/INFO] (Logger) [bclib] Auto-Sync was disabled on the client. [16:53:27] [Render thread/INFO] (MapFrontiers) ClientConnectedEvent done [16:53:31] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Sending secret request to the server [16:53:31] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Joining server, EMI waiting for data from server... [16:53:31] [Render thread/INFO] (Tweed 4) Requested config sync for spiceoffabric [16:53:31] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Synced amendments-common.json configs [16:53:32] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:32] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:32] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:32] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/cut_copper_block recipe (createaddition:charging/cut_copper_block) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:32] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/copper_shingle_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/copper_shingle_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/iron_plate recipe (createaddition:rolling/iron_plate) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/copper_plate recipe (createaddition:rolling/copper_plate) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/copper_block recipe (createaddition:charging/copper_block) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/cut_copper_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/cut_copper_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingles recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingles) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingle_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingle_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (create:kjs/7ibk5phei6y3snvkzb04oo1yh) has more fluid inputs (3) than supported (2). [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/electrum_plate recipe (createaddition:rolling/electrum_plate) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:compat/ae2/charged_certus_quartz recipe (createaddition:compat/ae2/charged_certus_quartz) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/electrum_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/electrum_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/gold_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/gold_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/copper_shingle_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/copper_shingle_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/cut_copper_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/cut_copper_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/copper_shingles recipe (createaddition:charging/copper_shingles) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (create:kjs/mqpn21mxbbzajjeu7tkspybp) has more fluid inputs (3) than supported (2). [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/straw recipe (createaddition:rolling/straw) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_copper recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_copper) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingles recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingles) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/channeling recipe (createaddition:charging/channeling) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/copper_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/copper_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Suspicious fluid amount in recipe [create:kjs/8uuhcbox0ve6ez4nonbd53063]: 250 [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (create:kjs/8ef2fob55o4xmo0rlicidotc6) has more fluid inputs (3) than supported (2). [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/iron_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/iron_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingle_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingle_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/brass_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/brass_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/gold_plate recipe (createaddition:rolling/gold_plate) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_copper recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_copper) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingle_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingle_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (createaddition:compat/tconstruct/pig_iron_2) has more item inputs (13) than supported (9). [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (create:kjs/b0b5eltdaphpqaprqy8q5tgrz) has more fluid inputs (3) than supported (2). [16:53:33] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingle_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingle_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [16:53:34] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/INFO] (do_a_barrel_roll) [do_a_barrel_roll] Received config from server [16:53:34] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/INFO] (WandsModClient) got config [16:53:35] [Render thread/INFO] (Jade) Received config from the server: {} [16:53:35] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod fastpaintings: / [16:53:35] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod spelunkery: / [16:53:35] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod moonlight: / [16:53:35] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod amendments: / [16:53:35] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod supplementaries: / [16:53:35] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod suppsquared: / [16:53:35] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Synced spelunkery-common.json configs [16:53:35] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Synced supplementaries-common.json configs [16:53:35] [Render thread/INFO] (ShulkerBoxTooltip) [ShulkerBoxTooltip] Server integration enabled, attempting handshake... [16:53:36] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/INFO] (ShulkerBoxTooltip) [ShulkerBoxTooltip] Handshake succeeded [16:53:36] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/INFO] (ShulkerBoxTooltip) [ShulkerBoxTooltip] Server protocol version: 2.0 [16:53:38] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Starting Reload [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Starting EMI reload... [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Clearing data [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emi [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emi in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from almostunified [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from almostunified in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from bclib [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from bclib in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from betterend [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from betterend in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from brewinandchewin [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from brewinandchewin in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from computercraft [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from computercraft in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from create [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from create in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from createaddition [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from createaddition in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emi_loot [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emi_loot in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emiffect [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emiffect in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emitrades [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emitrades in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from extra-mod-integrations [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from extra-mod-integrations in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from farmersdelight [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from farmersdelight in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from farmersrespite [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from farmersrespite in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from item_obliterator [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from item_obliterator in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from nethersdelight [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from nethersdelight in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from polymer-core [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from polymer-core in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from spelunkery [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from spelunkery in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from supplementaries [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from supplementaries in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from trinkets [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from trinkets in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from wiredredstone [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from wiredredstone in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from jemi [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from jemi in 0ms [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing tags [16:53:38] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Constructing index [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emi [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emi in 180ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from almostunified [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from almostunified in 3ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from bclib [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (Logger) [worlds_together] Tried to read from global registry! [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception loading plugin provided by bclib [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_5455.method_30530(net.minecraft.class_5321)" because the return value of "" is null [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIAnvilRecipe.addAllRecipes( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIPlugin.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_5455.method_30530(net.minecraft.class_5321)" because the return value of "" is null at at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIAnvilRecipe.addAllRecipes( at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIPlugin.register( at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ at java.base [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from betterend [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from betterend in 0ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from brewinandchewin [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from brewinandchewin in 0ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from computercraft [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from computercraft in 0ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from create [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from create in 3ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from createaddition [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from createaddition in 0ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emi_loot [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emi_loot in 80ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emiffect [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emiffect in 231ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emitrades [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI Trades) Reloaded. [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emitrades in 44ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from extra-mod-integrations [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Tech Reborn (mod not found) [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Industrial Revolution (mod not found) [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Farmer's Delight (mod not found) [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Conjuring (mod not found) [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Loading Applied Energistics 2 Integration... [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Dimensional Doors (mod not found) [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from extra-mod-integrations in 4ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from farmersdelight [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from farmersdelight in 0ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from farmersrespite [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from farmersrespite in 0ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from item_obliterator [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from item_obliterator in 0ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from nethersdelight [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from nethersdelight in 0ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from polymer-core [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from polymer-core in 35ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from spelunkery [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception loading plugin provided by spelunkery [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Cannot mutate an empty stack [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.api.stack.EmptyEmiStack.setRemainder( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.api.recipe.EmiWorldInteractionRecipe.( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.api.recipe.EmiWorldInteractionRecipe$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at com.ordana.spelunkery.integrations.EmiIntegration.register( [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Cannot mutate an empty stack at dev.emi.emi.api.stack.EmptyEmiStack.setRemainder( at dev.emi.emi.api.recipe.EmiWorldInteractionRecipe.( at dev.emi.emi.api.recipe.EmiWorldInteractionRecipe$ at com.ordana.spelunkery.integrations.EmiIntegration.register( at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ at java.base [16:53:39] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from supplementaries [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from supplementaries in 10ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from trinkets [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from trinkets in 0ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from wiredredstone [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] Loading EMI Plugin... [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from wiredredstone in 1ms [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from jemi [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Waiting for JEI to finish reloading... [16:53:39] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Waiting for JEI to finish... [16:53:42] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Starting Reload [16:53:42] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Synced Flute Songs [16:53:42] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Synced Captured Mobs settings [16:53:42] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Synced Globe data [16:53:42] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Synced Hourglass data [16:53:42] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Tags synchronized, waiting for recipes to reload EMI... [16:53:43] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Starting JEI... [16:53:43] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering item subtypes... [16:53:43] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering item subtypes took 730.5 ?s [16:53:43] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering fluid subtypes... [16:53:43] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering fluid subtypes took 411.8 ?s [16:53:43] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering ingredients... [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering ingredients: jei:minecraft took 517.0 milliseconds [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering ingredients took 517.9 ms [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering categories... [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering categories took 1.633 ms [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering vanilla category extensions... [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering vanilla category extensions took 421.7 ?s [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipe catalysts... [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipe catalysts took 993.9 ?s [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering advanced plugins... [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe manager plugin: class appeng.integration.modules.jei.FacadeRegistryPlugin [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:crafting [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:stonecutting [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:furnace [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:smoking [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:blasting [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:campfire [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:smithing [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:compostable [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:fuel [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:brewing [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:anvil [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:item_transformation [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:condenser [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:inscriber [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:charger [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:attunement [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:certus_growth [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:entropy [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:botanist_workbench [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:glassblower [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:carpenters_table [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:loom_table [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:mason_table [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:alchemy_bench [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:tinkering_table [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:milling [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:crushing [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:pressing [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_washing [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_smoking [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_blasting [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_haunting [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mixing [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_shapeless [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_brewing [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:packing [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_packing [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sawing [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:block_cutting [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:wood_cutting [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sandpaper_polishing [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:item_application [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:deploying [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:spout_filling [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:draining [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_shaped [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mechanical_crafting [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sequenced_assembly [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mystery_conversion [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create_enchantment_industry:disenchanting [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:rolling [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:charging [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:liquid_burning [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: exposure:photograph_printing [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: exposure:photograph_stacking [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:cooking [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:cutting [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:decomposition [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: nethersdelight:composition [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: rechiseled:chiseling [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: jei:information [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe manager plugin: class dan200.computercraft.shared.integration.jei.RecipeResolver [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering advanced plugins took 4.764 ms [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building recipe registry... [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building recipe registry took 558.1 ?s [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes... [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: ae2:core took 17.62 milliseconds [16:53:44] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: chipped:chipped took 257.0 milliseconds [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 4 mezz.jei.api.fabric.ingredients.fluids.IJeiFluidIngredient [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: create:jei_plugin took 837.0 milliseconds [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 3 mezz.jei.api.fabric.ingredients.fluids.IJeiFluidIngredient [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: farmersdelight:jei_plugin took 289.7 milliseconds [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 1 net.minecraft.class_1799 [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being added at runtime: 1 net.minecraft.class_1799 [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes took 1.420 s [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes transfer handlers... [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes transfer handlers took 508.4 ?s [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building runtime... [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering gui handlers... [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering gui handlers took 451.7 ?s [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering Runtime... [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering Runtime took 405.0 ?s [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building runtime took 1.275 ms [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime... [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 9 net.minecraft.class_1799 [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being added at runtime: 44 net.minecraft.class_1799 [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime took 3.256 ms [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Starting JEI took 1.957 s [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (ClientLifecycleHandler) Stopping JEI [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (JeiStarter) Stopping JEI [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable... [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricGuiPlugin) Stopping JEI GUI [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable took 462.3 ?s [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Starting JEI... [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering item subtypes... [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering item subtypes took 382.0 ?s [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering fluid subtypes... [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering fluid subtypes took 419.6 ?s [16:53:45] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering ingredients... [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering ingredients: jei:minecraft took 535.6 milliseconds [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering ingredients took 536.3 ms [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering categories... [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering categories took 1.337 ms [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering vanilla category extensions... [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering vanilla category extensions took 415.3 ?s [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipe catalysts... [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipe catalysts took 794.7 ?s [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering advanced plugins... [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe manager plugin: class appeng.integration.modules.jei.FacadeRegistryPlugin [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:crafting [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:stonecutting [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:furnace [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:smoking [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:blasting [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:campfire [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:smithing [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:compostable [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:fuel [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:brewing [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:anvil [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:item_transformation [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:condenser [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:inscriber [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:charger [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:attunement [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:certus_growth [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:entropy [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:botanist_workbench [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:glassblower [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:carpenters_table [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:loom_table [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:mason_table [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:alchemy_bench [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:tinkering_table [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:milling [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:crushing [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:pressing [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_washing [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_smoking [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_blasting [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_haunting [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mixing [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_shapeless [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_brewing [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:packing [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_packing [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sawing [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:block_cutting [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:wood_cutting [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sandpaper_polishing [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:item_application [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:deploying [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:spout_filling [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:draining [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_shaped [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mechanical_crafting [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sequenced_assembly [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mystery_conversion [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create_enchantment_industry:disenchanting [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:rolling [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:charging [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:liquid_burning [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: exposure:photograph_printing [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: exposure:photograph_stacking [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:cooking [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:cutting [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:decomposition [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: nethersdelight:composition [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: rechiseled:chiseling [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: jei:information [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe manager plugin: class dan200.computercraft.shared.integration.jei.RecipeResolver [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering advanced plugins took 5.206 ms [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building recipe registry... [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building recipe registry took 576.6 ?s [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes... [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: ae2:core took 17.32 milliseconds [16:53:46] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: chipped:chipped took 305.7 milliseconds [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 4 mezz.jei.api.fabric.ingredients.fluids.IJeiFluidIngredient [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: create:jei_plugin took 748.6 milliseconds [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 3 mezz.jei.api.fabric.ingredients.fluids.IJeiFluidIngredient [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 1 net.minecraft.class_1799 [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being added at runtime: 1 net.minecraft.class_1799 [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: polymer:jei_plugin took 11.02 milliseconds [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes took 1.096 s [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes transfer handlers... [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes transfer handlers took 549.2 ?s [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building runtime... [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering gui handlers... [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering gui handlers took 439.5 ?s [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering Runtime... [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering Runtime took 418.3 ?s [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building runtime took 1.253 ms [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime... [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 9 net.minecraft.class_1799 [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being added at runtime: 44 net.minecraft.class_1799 [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime took 3.491 ms [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Starting JEI took 1.652 s [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Recipes synchronized, reloading EMI [16:53:47] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Starting Reload [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] JEI reloaded! [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading information from JEI... [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI stacks... [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI subtypes... [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI recipes... [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Crafting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Crafting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Alchemy Bench [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Alchemy Bench [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Anvil [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Anvil [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Blasting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Blasting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Botanist's Workbench [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Botanist's Workbench [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Brewing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Brewing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Campfire Cooking [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Campfire Cooking [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Carpenter's Workbench [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Carpenter's Workbench [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Compostable [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Compostable [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Fuel [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Fuel [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smelting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smelting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Glassblower's Workbench [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Glassblower's Workbench [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Shepherd's Workbench [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Shepherd's Workbench [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mason's Workbench [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mason's Workbench [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smithing Table [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smithing Table [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smoking [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smoking [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Stonecutting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Stonecutting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Tinkering Table [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Tinkering Table [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for P2P Tunnel Attunement [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for P2P Tunnel Attunement [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Certus Quartz Growth [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Certus Quartz Growth [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Charger [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Charger [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category ae2:charger because native EMI recipe category already exists [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Matter Condenser [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Matter Condenser [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Entropy Manipulator [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Entropy Manipulator [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Inscriber [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Inscriber [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category ae2:inscriber because native EMI recipe category already exists [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for In-World Transformation [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for In-World Transformation [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Brewing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Brewing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_brewing because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Packing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Packing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_packing because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Shaped Crafting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Shaped Crafting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_shaped because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Shapeless Crafting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Shapeless Crafting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_shapeless because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Block Cutting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Block Cutting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:block_cutting because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Crushing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Crushing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:crushing because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Deploying [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Deploying [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:deploying because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Item Draining [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Item Draining [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:draining because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Blasting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Blasting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_blasting because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Haunting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Haunting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_haunting because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Smoking [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Smoking [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_smoking because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Washing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Washing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_washing because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Manual Item Application [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Manual Item Application [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:item_application because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mechanical Crafting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mechanical Crafting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mechanical_crafting because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Milling [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Milling [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:milling because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mixing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mixing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mixing because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mysterious Conversion [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mysterious Conversion [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mystery_conversion because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Compacting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Compacting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:packing because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Pressing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Pressing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:pressing because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Sandpaper Polishing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Sandpaper Polishing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sandpaper_polishing because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Sawing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Sawing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sawing because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Recipe Sequence [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Recipe Sequence [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sequenced_assembly because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Filling by Spout [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Filling by Spout [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:spout_filling because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Wood Cutting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Wood Cutting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:wood_cutting because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Disenchanting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Disenchanting [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Charging [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Charging [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:charging because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Liquid Burning [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Liquid Burning [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:liquid_burning because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Rolling [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Rolling [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:rolling because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Information [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Information [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Chiseling [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Chiseling [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Printing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Printing [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Stacking Photographs [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Stacking Photographs [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Cooking [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Cooking [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:cooking because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Cutting Board [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Cutting Board [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:cutting because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Decomposition [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Decomposition [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:decomposition because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Composition [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Composition [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category nethersdelight:composition because mod is already handled [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from jemi in 7959ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Starting EMI reload... [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Clearing data [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emi [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emi in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from almostunified [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from almostunified in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from bclib [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from bclib in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from betterend [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from betterend in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from brewinandchewin [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from brewinandchewin in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from computercraft [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from computercraft in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from create [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from create in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from createaddition [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from createaddition in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emi_loot [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emi_loot in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emiffect [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emiffect in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emitrades [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emitrades in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from extra-mod-integrations [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from extra-mod-integrations in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from farmersdelight [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from farmersdelight in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from farmersrespite [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from farmersrespite in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from item_obliterator [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from item_obliterator in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from nethersdelight [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from nethersdelight in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from polymer-core [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from polymer-core in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from spelunkery [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from spelunkery in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from supplementaries [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from supplementaries in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from trinkets [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from trinkets in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from wiredredstone [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from wiredredstone in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from jemi [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from jemi in 0ms [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing tags [16:53:47] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Constructing index [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emi [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emi in 757ms [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from almostunified [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:coal_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_coal_ore] [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/2 items for tag '#c:copper_nuggets' -> [tconstruct:copper_nugget] [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:lapis_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_lapis_ore] [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:emerald_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_emerald_ore] [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:iron_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_iron_ore] [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/2 items for tag '#c:iron_ingots' -> [betterend:thallasium_ingot] [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:copper_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_copper_ore] [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:diamond_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_diamond_ore] [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/4 items for tag '#c:gold_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_gold_ore] [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from almostunified in 4ms [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from bclib [16:53:48] [Thread-84/ERROR] (Logger) [worlds_together] Tried to read from global registry! [16:53:48] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception loading plugin provided by bclib [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_5455.method_30530(net.minecraft.class_5321)" because the return value of "" is null [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIAnvilRecipe.addAllRecipes( [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIPlugin.register( [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [16:53:48] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_5455.method_30530(net.minecraft.class_5321)" because the return value of "" is null at at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIAnvilRecipe.addAllRecipes( at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIPlugin.register( at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ at java.base [16:53:48] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from betterend [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from betterend in 3ms [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from brewinandchewin [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from brewinandchewin in 1ms [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from computercraft [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from computercraft in 0ms [16:53:48] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from create [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from create in 240ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from createaddition [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from createaddition in 0ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emi_loot [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emi_loot in 114ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emiffect [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emiffect in 205ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emitrades [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI Trades) Reloaded. [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emitrades in 44ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from extra-mod-integrations [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Tech Reborn (mod not found) [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Industrial Revolution (mod not found) [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Farmer's Delight (mod not found) [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Conjuring (mod not found) [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Loading Applied Energistics 2 Integration... [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Dimensional Doors (mod not found) [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from extra-mod-integrations in 148ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from farmersdelight [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from farmersdelight in 4ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from farmersrespite [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from farmersrespite in 0ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from item_obliterator [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from item_obliterator in 0ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from nethersdelight [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from nethersdelight in 0ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from polymer-core [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from polymer-core in 32ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from spelunkery [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from spelunkery in 1ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from supplementaries [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from supplementaries in 33ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from trinkets [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from trinkets in 0ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from wiredredstone [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] Loading EMI Plugin... [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from wiredredstone in 2ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from jemi [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Waiting for JEI to finish reloading... [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Waiting for JEI to finish... [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] JEI reloaded! [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading information from JEI... [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI stacks... [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI subtypes... [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI recipes... [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Crafting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Crafting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Alchemy Bench [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Alchemy Bench [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Anvil [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Anvil [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Blasting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Blasting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Botanist's Workbench [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Botanist's Workbench [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Brewing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Brewing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Campfire Cooking [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Campfire Cooking [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Carpenter's Workbench [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Carpenter's Workbench [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Compostable [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Compostable [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Fuel [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Fuel [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smelting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smelting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Glassblower's Workbench [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Glassblower's Workbench [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Shepherd's Workbench [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Shepherd's Workbench [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mason's Workbench [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mason's Workbench [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smithing Table [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smithing Table [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smoking [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smoking [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Stonecutting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Stonecutting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Tinkering Table [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Tinkering Table [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for P2P Tunnel Attunement [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for P2P Tunnel Attunement [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Certus Quartz Growth [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Certus Quartz Growth [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Charger [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Charger [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category ae2:charger because native EMI recipe category already exists [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Matter Condenser [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Matter Condenser [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Entropy Manipulator [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Entropy Manipulator [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Inscriber [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Inscriber [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category ae2:inscriber because native EMI recipe category already exists [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for In-World Transformation [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for In-World Transformation [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Brewing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Brewing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_brewing because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Packing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Packing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_packing because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Shaped Crafting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Shaped Crafting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_shaped because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Shapeless Crafting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Shapeless Crafting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_shapeless because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Block Cutting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Block Cutting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:block_cutting because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Crushing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Crushing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:crushing because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Deploying [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Deploying [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:deploying because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Item Draining [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Item Draining [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:draining because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Blasting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Blasting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_blasting because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Haunting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Haunting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_haunting because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Smoking [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Smoking [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_smoking because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Washing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Washing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_washing because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Manual Item Application [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Manual Item Application [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:item_application because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mechanical Crafting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mechanical Crafting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mechanical_crafting because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Milling [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Milling [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:milling because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mixing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mixing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mixing because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mysterious Conversion [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mysterious Conversion [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mystery_conversion because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Compacting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Compacting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:packing because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Pressing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Pressing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:pressing because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Sandpaper Polishing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Sandpaper Polishing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sandpaper_polishing because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Sawing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Sawing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sawing because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Recipe Sequence [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Recipe Sequence [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sequenced_assembly because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Filling by Spout [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Filling by Spout [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:spout_filling because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Wood Cutting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Wood Cutting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:wood_cutting because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Disenchanting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Disenchanting [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Charging [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Charging [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:charging because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Liquid Burning [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Liquid Burning [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:liquid_burning because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Rolling [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Rolling [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:rolling because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Information [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Information [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Chiseling [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Chiseling [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Printing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Printing [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Stacking Photographs [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Stacking Photographs [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Cooking [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Cooking [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:cooking because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Cutting Board [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Cutting Board [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:cutting because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Decomposition [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Decomposition [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:decomposition because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Composition [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Composition [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category nethersdelight:composition because mod is already handled [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from jemi in 341ms [16:53:49] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baking index [16:53:51] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Registering late recipes [16:53:51] [Render thread/INFO] (carpet) Joined carpet server with matching carpet version [16:53:51] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Minimap updated server level id: 1873517896 for world ResourceKey[minecraft:dimension / minecraft:overworld] [16:53:51] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3553 advancements [16:53:51] [Render thread/INFO] (patchouli) BookContentResourceListenerLoader: Files found in 166.4 ?s [16:53:51] [Render thread/INFO] (patchouli) BookContentResourceListenerLoader: Files found in 47.90 ?s [16:53:51] [Render thread/INFO] (patchouli) BookContentResourceListenerLoader: Files found in 51.40 ?s [16:53:51] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Received secret [16:53:51] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Connecting to voice chat server: '**.**.**.**:24454' [16:53:51] [VoiceChatAuthenticationThread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Trying to authenticate voice chat connection [16:53:52] [VoiceChatConnectionThread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Server acknowledged authentication [16:53:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ModernFix) Time from main menu to in-game was 31.511349 seconds [16:53:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ModernFix) Total time to load game and open world was 206.93236 seconds [16:53:52] [VoiceChatAuthenticationThread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Trying to validate voice chat connection [16:53:53] [VoiceChatConnectionThread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Server acknowledged connection check [16:53:58] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Exception when loading create:fake_track texture, using material colour. [16:53:58] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) No texture minecraft:textures/missingno.png [16:53:58] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baking recipes [16:53:58] [Thread-84/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Untranslated recipe category nethersdelight:composition [16:54:01] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baked 52196 recipes in 2700ms [16:54:01] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baking search [16:54:01] [Thread-89/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Untranslated recipe category nethersdelight:composition [16:54:03] [Thread-89/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baked recipes after reload in 2802ms [16:54:04] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Finishing up [16:54:04] [Thread-84/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded EMI in 16717ms [16:54:15] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3554 advancements [16:54:22] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3557 advancements [16:56:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] okay the drill system is in place [16:56:22] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: [16:56:25] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] Teleported ? NeonCityDrifter to 1165.500000, 68.500000, 2519.500000 [16:56:27] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Created new Create Railways Navigator settings instance. [16:56:32] [Chunk Render Task Executor #0/WARN] (Porting Lib) Model loader 'amendments:cauldron' not found. Registered loaders: tconstruct:tank, tconstruct:material, porting_lib:elements, porting_lib:composite, porting_lib:fluid_container, porting_lib:obj, mantle:nbt_key, tconstruct:fluid_texture, mantle:inventory, tconstruct:copper_can, tconstruct:casting, tconstruct:table, mantle:retextured, tconstruct:tool, mantle:fluid_texture, mantle:colored_block, forge:bucket, tconstruct:melter, tconstruct:channel, mantle:connected, mantle:fallback, mantle:fluids, mantle:item_layer [16:56:32] [Chunk Render Task Executor #0/WARN] (Porting Lib) Falling back to vanilla logic. [16:56:43] [Chunk Render Task Executor #8/WARN] (Porting Lib) Model loader 'supplementaries:mimic_block' not found. Registered loaders: tconstruct:tank, tconstruct:material, porting_lib:elements, porting_lib:composite, porting_lib:fluid_container, porting_lib:obj, mantle:nbt_key, tconstruct:fluid_texture, mantle:inventory, tconstruct:copper_can, tconstruct:casting, tconstruct:table, mantle:retextured, tconstruct:tool, mantle:fluid_texture, mantle:colored_block, forge:bucket, tconstruct:melter, tconstruct:channel, mantle:connected, mantle:fallback, mantle:fluids, mantle:item_layer [16:56:43] [Chunk Render Task Executor #8/WARN] (Porting Lib) Falling back to vanilla logic. [16:56:43] [Chunk Render Task Executor #8/WARN] (Sodium-VertexConsumerTracker) Class net.mehvahdjukaar.moonlight.api.client.model.fabric.BakedQuadBuilderImpl does not support optimized vertex writing code paths, which may cause reduced rendering performance [16:57:04] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] [DISCORD] sick [16:57:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] ? FirstSwordfish joined the game [16:57:30] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] should be a breeze to add in the nodes once player start developing [16:58:05] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] sick [16:58:09] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] also hello [16:58:15] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] o/ [16:58:33] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] what is this thing [16:58:48] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] [? FirstSwordfish: Teleported ? FirstSwordfish to ? NeonCityDrifter] [16:59:01] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] I have no idea [16:59:01] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] it looks like some kind of transport system [16:59:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] brb [16:59:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] tunnel planning? [17:00:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2452) which is not chain knot [17:00:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2452) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2468) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2468) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2469) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2470) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2470) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2471) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2471) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2472) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2474) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2476) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2477) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2478) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2478) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2479) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2479) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2480) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2481) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2481) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2482) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2483) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2483) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2483) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2484) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2485) which is not chain knot [17:00:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2487) which is not chain knot [17:00:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2815) which is not chain knot [17:00:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#2815) which is not chain knot [17:03:12] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] [DISCORD] Probly [17:03:50] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) Deleting stream buffers: Invalid operation. [17:04:10] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) Deleting stream buffers: Invalid operation. [17:04:17] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) Deleting stream buffers: Invalid operation. [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4162) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4162) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4163) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4164) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4164) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4165) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4165) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4166) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4168) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4170) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4171) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4172) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4172) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4173) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4173) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4174) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4175) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4175) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4176) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4177) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4177) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4177) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4178) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4179) which is not chain knot [17:08:10] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4181) which is not chain knot [17:08:11] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4192) which is not chain knot [17:08:11] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#4192) which is not chain knot [17:15:12] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] ? FirstSwordfish has reached the goal [Thank you for traveling] [17:18:12] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] ? FirstSwordfish has made the advancement [Not quite 4k] [17:18:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#7375) which is not chain knot [17:18:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#7377) which is not chain knot [17:20:09] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] [? FirstSwordfish: Teleported ? FirstSwordfish to 1159.500000, 78.500000, 1497.500000] [17:21:13] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: [17:21:20] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] the new display boards rock [17:21:26] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] yea [17:21:31] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] Gamerule doDaylightCycle is now set to: true [17:21:40] [Chunk Render Task Executor #8/WARN] (Porting Lib) Model loader 'supplementaries:book_pile' not found. Registered loaders: tconstruct:tank, tconstruct:material, porting_lib:elements, porting_lib:composite, porting_lib:fluid_container, porting_lib:obj, mantle:nbt_key, tconstruct:fluid_texture, mantle:inventory, tconstruct:copper_can, tconstruct:casting, tconstruct:table, mantle:retextured, tconstruct:tool, mantle:fluid_texture, mantle:colored_block, forge:bucket, tconstruct:melter, tconstruct:channel, mantle:connected, mantle:fallback, mantle:fluids, mantle:item_layer [17:21:40] [Chunk Render Task Executor #8/WARN] (Porting Lib) Falling back to vanilla logic. [17:21:40] [Chunk Render Task Executor #8/WARN] (Porting Lib) Model loader 'supplementaries:goblet' not found. Registered loaders: tconstruct:tank, tconstruct:material, porting_lib:elements, porting_lib:composite, porting_lib:fluid_container, porting_lib:obj, mantle:nbt_key, tconstruct:fluid_texture, mantle:inventory, tconstruct:copper_can, tconstruct:casting, tconstruct:table, mantle:retextured, tconstruct:tool, mantle:fluid_texture, mantle:colored_block, forge:bucket, tconstruct:melter, tconstruct:channel, mantle:connected, mantle:fallback, mantle:fluids, mantle:item_layer [17:21:40] [Chunk Render Task Executor #8/WARN] (Porting Lib) Falling back to vanilla logic. [17:21:41] [Chunk Render Task Executor #3/WARN] (Porting Lib) Model loader 'fastpaintings:painting' not found. Registered loaders: tconstruct:tank, tconstruct:material, porting_lib:elements, porting_lib:composite, porting_lib:fluid_container, porting_lib:obj, mantle:nbt_key, tconstruct:fluid_texture, mantle:inventory, tconstruct:copper_can, tconstruct:casting, tconstruct:table, mantle:retextured, tconstruct:tool, mantle:fluid_texture, mantle:colored_block, forge:bucket, tconstruct:melter, tconstruct:channel, mantle:connected, mantle:fallback, mantle:fluids, mantle:item_layer [17:21:41] [Chunk Render Task Executor #3/WARN] (Porting Lib) Falling back to vanilla logic. [17:21:41] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#7986) which is not chain knot [17:21:41] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#8004) which is not chain knot [17:21:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#7988) which is not chain knot [17:21:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#51) which is not chain knot [17:21:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#52) which is not chain knot [17:21:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#18) which is not chain knot [17:21:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#19) which is not chain knot [17:21:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#20) which is not chain knot [17:21:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#21) which is not chain knot [17:21:44] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#23) which is not chain knot [17:21:44] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#24) which is not chain knot [17:21:44] [Chunk Render Task Executor #8/WARN] (Porting Lib) Model loader 'supplementaries:blackboard' not found. Registered loaders: tconstruct:tank, tconstruct:material, porting_lib:elements, porting_lib:composite, porting_lib:fluid_container, porting_lib:obj, mantle:nbt_key, tconstruct:fluid_texture, mantle:inventory, tconstruct:copper_can, tconstruct:casting, tconstruct:table, mantle:retextured, tconstruct:tool, mantle:fluid_texture, mantle:colored_block, forge:bucket, tconstruct:melter, tconstruct:channel, mantle:connected, mantle:fallback, mantle:fluids, mantle:item_layer [17:21:44] [Chunk Render Task Executor #8/WARN] (Porting Lib) Falling back to vanilla logic. [17:21:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#28) which is not chain knot [17:21:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#30) which is not chain knot [17:21:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#31) which is not chain knot [17:21:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#32) which is not chain knot [17:21:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#34) which is not chain knot [17:21:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#36) which is not chain knot [17:21:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#37) which is not chain knot [17:21:59] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] dang [17:22:01] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] what [17:22:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#28) which is not chain knot [17:22:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#30) which is not chain knot [17:22:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#31) which is not chain knot [17:22:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#32) which is not chain knot [17:22:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#34) which is not chain knot [17:22:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#36) which is not chain knot [17:22:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#37) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#58) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#59) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#61) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#62) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#63) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#64) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#66) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#67) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#68) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#69) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#70) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#71) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#72) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#73) which is not chain knot [17:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#74) which is not chain knot [17:22:06] [Render thread/WARN] (Sodium-VertexConsumerTracker) Class xaero.common.minimap.render.radar.EntityIconModelPartsRenderer$VertexConsumerWrapper does not support optimized vertex writing code paths, which may cause reduced rendering performance [17:22:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#42) which is not chain knot [17:22:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#43) which is not chain knot [17:22:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#45) which is not chain knot [17:22:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#46) which is not chain knot [17:22:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#47) which is not chain knot [17:22:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#48) which is not chain knot [17:22:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [17:22:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#77) which is not chain knot [17:22:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#78) which is not chain knot [17:22:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#79) which is not chain knot [17:22:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#81) which is not chain knot [17:22:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#83) which is not chain knot [17:22:16] [Chunk Render Task Executor #1/WARN] (Porting Lib) Model loader 'supplementaries:frame_block' not found. Registered loaders: tconstruct:tank, tconstruct:material, porting_lib:elements, porting_lib:composite, porting_lib:fluid_container, porting_lib:obj, mantle:nbt_key, tconstruct:fluid_texture, mantle:inventory, tconstruct:copper_can, tconstruct:casting, tconstruct:table, mantle:retextured, tconstruct:tool, mantle:fluid_texture, mantle:colored_block, forge:bucket, tconstruct:melter, tconstruct:channel, mantle:connected, mantle:fallback, mantle:fluids, mantle:item_layer [17:22:16] [Chunk Render Task Executor #1/WARN] (Porting Lib) Falling back to vanilla logic. [17:22:20] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Exception when loading suppsquared:item_shelf_spruce texture, using material colour. [17:22:20] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) No texture suppsquared:textures/block/item_shelves/spruce.png [17:22:25] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] just counted it out, one of the stations I built is a solid 40 blocks short [17:22:53] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] Ascended 1 levels. [17:26:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] [? FirstSwordfish: Teleported ? FirstSwordfish to 3151.500000, 71.500000, 3704.500000] [17:26:37] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] [DISCORD] damn [17:27:18] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) Deleting stream buffers: Invalid operation. [17:27:48] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) Deleting stream buffers: Invalid operation. [17:27:48] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) Deleting stream buffers: Invalid operation. [17:28:08] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] aaaand the other town builds and stuff dont have a large enough area for a station of that scale [17:33:37] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] [? FirstSwordfish: Teleported ? FirstSwordfish to 2539.500000, 70.500000, 2338.500000] [17:38:38] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) Deleting stream buffers: Invalid operation. [17:39:28] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] ? FirstSwordfish left the game [17:39:51] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] ? FirstSwordfish joined the game [17:44:35] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] ? FirstSwordfish left the game [17:58:35] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: sign_edit_screen [18:00:31] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] Netherite Sword cannot support that enchantment [18:00:45] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] Applied enchantment Frostbite to ? NeonCityDrifter's item [18:01:27] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] Applied enchantment Bury to ? NeonCityDrifter's item [18:02:19] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] Applied enchantment Extracting to ? NeonCityDrifter's item [18:22:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#42) which is not chain knot [18:22:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#43) which is not chain knot [18:22:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#45) which is not chain knot [18:22:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#46) which is not chain knot [18:22:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#47) which is not chain knot [18:22:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#48) which is not chain knot [18:22:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [18:22:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#42) which is not chain knot [18:22:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#43) which is not chain knot [18:22:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#45) which is not chain knot [18:22:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#46) which is not chain knot [18:22:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#47) which is not chain knot [18:22:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#48) which is not chain knot [18:22:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [18:23:12] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3559 advancements [18:26:20] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) ########## GL ERROR ########## [18:26:20] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) @ Render [18:26:20] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) 65540: Invalid scancode 0 [18:26:21] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) ########## GL ERROR ########## [18:26:21] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) @ Render [18:26:21] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) 65540: Invalid scancode 0 [18:27:03] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3586 advancements [18:28:43] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: de.mrjulsen.crn.client.gui.screen.AdvancedDisplaySettingsScreen [18:28:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#42) which is not chain knot [18:28:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#43) which is not chain knot [18:28:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#45) which is not chain knot [18:28:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#46) which is not chain knot [18:28:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#47) which is not chain knot [18:28:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#48) which is not chain knot [18:28:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [18:28:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#42) which is not chain knot [18:28:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#43) which is not chain knot [18:28:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#45) which is not chain knot [18:28:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#46) which is not chain knot [18:28:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#47) which is not chain knot [18:28:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#48) which is not chain knot [18:28:59] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [18:29:36] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#42) which is not chain knot [18:29:36] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#43) which is not chain knot [18:29:36] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#45) which is not chain knot [18:29:36] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#46) which is not chain knot [18:29:36] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#47) which is not chain knot [18:29:36] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#48) which is not chain knot [18:29:36] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#23) which is not chain knot [18:29:36] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#24) which is not chain knot [18:29:36] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [18:29:42] [Thread-43/WARN] (Porting Lib) Model loader 'supplementaries:faucet' not found. Registered loaders: tconstruct:tank, tconstruct:material, porting_lib:elements, porting_lib:composite, porting_lib:fluid_container, porting_lib:obj, mantle:nbt_key, tconstruct:fluid_texture, mantle:inventory, tconstruct:copper_can, tconstruct:casting, tconstruct:table, mantle:retextured, tconstruct:tool, mantle:fluid_texture, mantle:colored_block, forge:bucket, tconstruct:melter, tconstruct:channel, mantle:connected, mantle:fallback, mantle:fluids, mantle:item_layer [18:29:42] [Thread-43/WARN] (Porting Lib) Falling back to vanilla logic. [18:29:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#42) which is not chain knot [18:29:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#43) which is not chain knot [18:29:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#45) which is not chain knot [18:29:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#46) which is not chain knot [18:29:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#47) which is not chain knot [18:29:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#48) which is not chain knot [18:29:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#23) which is not chain knot [18:29:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#24) which is not chain knot [18:29:51] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [18:30:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#42) which is not chain knot [18:30:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#43) which is not chain knot [18:30:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#45) which is not chain knot [18:30:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#46) which is not chain knot [18:30:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#47) which is not chain knot [18:30:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#48) which is not chain knot [18:30:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#23) which is not chain knot [18:30:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#24) which is not chain knot [18:30:09] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [18:30:24] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#42) which is not chain knot [18:30:24] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#43) which is not chain knot [18:30:24] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#45) which is not chain knot [18:30:24] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#46) which is not chain knot [18:30:24] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#47) which is not chain knot [18:30:24] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#48) which is not chain knot [18:30:24] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#23) which is not chain knot [18:30:24] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#24) which is not chain knot [18:30:24] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [18:30:29] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#77) which is not chain knot [18:30:29] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#78) which is not chain knot [18:30:29] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#79) which is not chain knot [18:30:29] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#81) which is not chain knot [18:30:29] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#83) which is not chain knot [18:30:40] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#81) which is not chain knot [18:30:40] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#83) which is not chain knot [18:30:40] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#28) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#30) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#31) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#32) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#34) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#36) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#37) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#58) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#59) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#61) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#62) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#63) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#64) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#66) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#67) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#68) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#69) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#70) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#71) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#72) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#73) which is not chain knot [18:30:43] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#74) which is not chain knot [18:30:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#42) which is not chain knot [18:30:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#43) which is not chain knot [18:30:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#45) which is not chain knot [18:30:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#46) which is not chain knot [18:30:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#47) which is not chain knot [18:30:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#48) which is not chain knot [18:30:50] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [18:30:51] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#28) which is not chain knot [18:30:51] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#30) which is not chain knot [18:30:51] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#31) which is not chain knot [18:30:51] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#32) which is not chain knot [18:30:51] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#34) which is not chain knot [18:30:51] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#36) which is not chain knot [18:30:51] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#37) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#58) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#59) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#61) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#62) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#63) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#64) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#66) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#67) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#68) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#69) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#70) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#71) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#72) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#73) which is not chain knot [18:30:52] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#74) which is not chain knot [18:31:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#42) which is not chain knot [18:31:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#43) which is not chain knot [18:31:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#45) which is not chain knot [18:31:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#46) which is not chain knot [18:31:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#47) which is not chain knot [18:31:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#48) which is not chain knot [18:31:04] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#42) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#43) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#45) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#46) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#47) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#48) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#23) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#24) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#77) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#78) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#79) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#81) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#83) which is not chain knot [18:31:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [18:31:27] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#28) which is not chain knot [18:31:27] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#30) which is not chain knot [18:31:27] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#31) which is not chain knot [18:31:27] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#32) which is not chain knot [18:31:27] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#34) which is not chain knot [18:31:27] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#36) which is not chain knot [18:31:27] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#37) which is not chain knot [18:31:37] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#28) which is not chain knot [18:31:37] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#30) which is not chain knot [18:31:37] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#31) which is not chain knot [18:31:37] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#32) which is not chain knot [18:31:37] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#34) which is not chain knot [18:31:37] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#36) which is not chain knot [18:31:37] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#37) which is not chain knot [18:31:50] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Unable to load model: 'decorative_blocks:blockstate_copy_item#inventory' referenced from: decorative_blocks:blockstate_copy_item#inventory: decorative_blocks:models/item/blockstate_copy_item.json [18:31:50] [Render thread/ERROR] (ModernFix) Exception baking decorative_blocks:blockstate_copy_item#inventory: org.embeddedt.modernfix.dynamicresources.ModelMissingException [18:34:37] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Disconnecting from server, EMI data cleared [18:34:37] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/INFO] (Framework) Unloading synced configs from server [18:34:37] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/INFO] (Framework) Sending config unload event for backpacked-server.toml [18:34:37] [Netty Play IO Thread #1/INFO] (MapFrontiers) ClientDisconnectedEvent done [18:34:37] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Clearing audio channels [18:34:37] [Thread-242/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Clearing data [18:34:37] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Stopping microphone thread [18:34:37] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Disconnecting voicechat [18:34:37] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Minimap session finalized. [18:34:37] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Finalizing world map session... [18:34:38] [Thread-43/INFO] (WorldMap) World map force-cleaned! [18:34:38] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) World map session finalized. [18:34:38] [Render thread/INFO] (ClientLifecycleHandler) Stopping JEI [18:34:38] [Render thread/INFO] (JeiStarter) Stopping JEI [18:34:38] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable... [18:34:38] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricGuiPlugin) Stopping JEI GUI [18:34:38] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable took 875.6 ?s [18:34:38] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Removed all overlays. [18:34:38] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Journey Listener stopped. [18:34:38] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Closed current Create Railways Navigator settings instance. [18:34:40] [Render thread/WARN] (Polymer) Can't update entries of ItemGroups! java.lang.IllegalStateException: Config property is not linked yet at com.mrcrayfish.framework.api.config.AbstractProperty.get( ~[framework-fabric-1.20.1-0.6.16.jar:?] at com.mrcrayfish.backpacked.util.ClientUtils.createBackpackTooltip( ~[backpacked-fabric-1.20.1-2.2.7.jar:?] at com.mrcrayfish.backpacked.item.BackpackItem.method_7851( ~[backpacked-fabric-1.20.1-2.2.7.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.getTooltip( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_1485( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at$Instance.reload( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.reloadSearchProvider( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_46740( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroup.reloadSearchProvider( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroup.updateEntries( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroups.method_47331( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at$ForEachOp$OfRef.accept( ~[?:?] at$2$1.accept( ~[?:?] at java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining( ~[?:?] at java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.forEachRemaining( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential( ~[?:?] at$ForEachOp$OfRef.evaluateSequential( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroups.updateEntries( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.class_7706.callUpdateEntries$polymer-core_$md$f00fa8$2( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.mixin.other.ItemGroupsAccessor.callUpdateEntries( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.impl.client.InternalClientRegistry.lambda$clear$6( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.execute( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.impl.client.InternalClientRegistry.clear( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.impl.client.InternalClientRegistry.disable( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.handler$jpj000$polymer-core$polymer$onDisconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.disconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.disconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.GameMenuScreen.disconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.GameMenuScreen.method_19836( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget.onPress( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.PressableWidget.onClick( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ClickableWidget.mouseClicked( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.ParentElement.mouseClicked( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_1611( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen.wrapScreenError( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.onMouseButton( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22686( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.execute( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22684( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallback$Container.invoke( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar:?] at com.moulberry.axiom.editor.CustomImGuiImplGlfw.mouseButtonCallback( ~[Axiom-3.0.0-for-MC1.20.1.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.callback( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method) ~[Axiom-3.0.0-for-MC1.20.1.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwPollEvents( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.util.Window.swapBuffers( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.render( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( ~[minecraft-1.20.1-client.jar:?] at ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] [18:34:40] [Render thread/INFO] (ChunkBuilder) Stopping worker threads [18:34:40] [Render thread/INFO] (Entity Texture Features) emissive suffixes loaded: {_e}. [18:34:41] [Render thread/INFO] (Figura) Cleared all avatars [18:34:41] [Render thread/INFO] (betterstats) Clearing 'BetterStatsClientNetworkHandler' flags. [20:47:28] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Disconnecting from server, EMI data cleared [20:47:28] [Render thread/INFO] (ClientLifecycleHandler) Stopping JEI [20:47:28] [Render thread/INFO] (JeiStarter) Stopping JEI [20:47:28] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable... [20:47:28] [Thread-244/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Clearing data [20:47:28] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricGuiPlugin) Stopping JEI GUI [20:47:28] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable took 707.3 ?s [20:47:28] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Removed all overlays. [20:47:28] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Closed current Create Railways Navigator settings instance. [20:47:30] [Render thread/WARN] (Polymer) Can't update entries of ItemGroups! java.lang.IllegalStateException: Config property is not linked yet at com.mrcrayfish.framework.api.config.AbstractProperty.get( ~[framework-fabric-1.20.1-0.6.16.jar:?] at com.mrcrayfish.backpacked.util.ClientUtils.createBackpackTooltip( ~[backpacked-fabric-1.20.1-2.2.7.jar:?] at com.mrcrayfish.backpacked.item.BackpackItem.method_7851( ~[backpacked-fabric-1.20.1-2.2.7.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.getTooltip( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_1485( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at$Instance.reload( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.reloadSearchProvider( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_46740( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroup.reloadSearchProvider( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroup.updateEntries( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroups.method_47331( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at$ForEachOp$OfRef.accept( ~[?:?] at$2$1.accept( ~[?:?] at java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining( ~[?:?] at java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.forEachRemaining( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential( ~[?:?] at$ForEachOp$OfRef.evaluateSequential( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.item.ItemGroups.updateEntries( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.class_7706.callUpdateEntries$polymer-core_$md$f00fa8$2( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.mixin.other.ItemGroupsAccessor.callUpdateEntries( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.impl.client.InternalClientRegistry.lambda$clear$6( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.execute( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.impl.client.InternalClientRegistry.clear( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at eu.pb4.polymer.core.impl.client.InternalClientRegistry.disable( ~[polymer-core-0.5.19 1.20.1-2ae0c516a33f3d10.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.handler$jpj000$polymer-core$polymer$onDisconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.disconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.disconnect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ConnectScreen.connect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.multiplayer.MultiplayerScreen.connect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.multiplayer.MultiplayerScreen.connect( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.multiplayer.MultiplayerScreen.method_19918( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget.onPress( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.PressableWidget.onClick( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ClickableWidget.mouseClicked( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.ParentElement.mouseClicked( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_1611( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen.wrapScreenError( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.onMouseButton( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22686( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.execute( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22684( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallback$Container.invoke( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar:?] at com.moulberry.axiom.editor.CustomImGuiImplGlfw.mouseButtonCallback( ~[Axiom-3.0.0-for-MC1.20.1.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.callback( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method) ~[Axiom-3.0.0-for-MC1.20.1.jar:?] at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwWaitEventsTimeout( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.render( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( ~[minecraft-1.20.1-client.jar:?] at ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] [20:47:30] [Render thread/INFO] (Entity Texture Features) emissive suffixes loaded: {_e}. [20:47:30] [Render thread/INFO] (Figura) Cleared all avatars [20:47:30] [Render thread/INFO] (betterstats) Clearing 'BetterStatsClientNetworkHandler' flags. [20:47:30] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Connecting to **.**.**.**, 25565 [20:47:38] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (ReplayModRecording) Multiplayer Recording is disabled [20:47:38] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for barteringstation [20:47:38] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for magnumtorch [20:47:38] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for bettertridents [20:47:38] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for puzzlesapi [20:47:38] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for easyanvils [20:47:38] [Netty Login IO Thread #0/INFO] (Puzzles Lib) Reloading server config for leavesbegone [20:47:38] [Render thread/INFO] (Framework) Loading synced config from server: backpacked:server [20:47:38] [Render thread/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] Synced config values from server. [20:47:39] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/INFO] (ConnectibleChains) Received connectiblechains config from server [20:47:39] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) New minimap session initialized! [20:47:39] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) New world map session initialized! [20:47:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Reloading pipeline on dimension change: NamespacedId{namespace='minecraft', name='overworld'} => NamespacedId{namespace='minecraft', name='overworld'} [20:47:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Destroying pipeline NamespacedId{namespace='minecraft', name='overworld'} [20:47:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Creating pipeline for dimension NamespacedId{namespace='minecraft', name='overworld'} [20:47:39] [Render thread/INFO] (ChunkBuilder) Started 10 worker threads [20:47:39] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Journey Listener started. [20:47:39] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Updated custom language to: (Default) [20:47:39] [Render thread/INFO] (Logger) [bclib] Auto-Sync was disabled on the client. [20:47:39] [Render thread/INFO] (MapFrontiers) ClientConnectedEvent done [20:47:43] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Sending secret request to the server [20:47:43] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Joining server, EMI waiting for data from server... [20:47:43] [Render thread/INFO] (Tweed 4) Requested config sync for spiceoffabric [20:47:43] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Synced amendments-common.json configs [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/cut_copper_block recipe (createaddition:charging/cut_copper_block) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/copper_shingle_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/copper_shingle_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/iron_plate recipe (createaddition:rolling/iron_plate) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/copper_plate recipe (createaddition:rolling/copper_plate) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/copper_block recipe (createaddition:charging/copper_block) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/cut_copper_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/cut_copper_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingles recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingles) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingle_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingle_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_cut_copper_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (create:kjs/7ibk5phei6y3snvkzb04oo1yh) has more fluid inputs (3) than supported (2). [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/electrum_plate recipe (createaddition:rolling/electrum_plate) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:compat/ae2/charged_certus_quartz recipe (createaddition:compat/ae2/charged_certus_quartz) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/electrum_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/electrum_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/gold_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/gold_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/copper_shingle_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/copper_shingle_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/cut_copper_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/cut_copper_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/copper_shingles recipe (createaddition:charging/copper_shingles) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (create:kjs/mqpn21mxbbzajjeu7tkspybp) has more fluid inputs (3) than supported (2). [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/straw recipe (createaddition:rolling/straw) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:44] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_copper recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_copper) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingles recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingles) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/channeling recipe (createaddition:charging/channeling) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/copper_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/copper_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Suspicious fluid amount in recipe [create:kjs/8uuhcbox0ve6ez4nonbd53063]: 250 [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (create:kjs/8ef2fob55o4xmo0rlicidotc6) has more fluid inputs (3) than supported (2). [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/iron_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/iron_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingle_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingle_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/brass_ingot recipe (createaddition:rolling/brass_ingot) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:rolling/gold_plate recipe (createaddition:rolling/gold_plate) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_copper recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_copper) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingle_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/weathered_copper_shingle_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper_stairs recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_cut_copper_stairs) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (createaddition:compat/tconstruct/pig_iron_2) has more item inputs (13) than supported (9). [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom create:mixing recipe (create:kjs/b0b5eltdaphpqaprqy8q5tgrz) has more fluid inputs (3) than supported (2). [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/WARN] (Create) Your custom createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingle_slab recipe (createaddition:charging/exposed_copper_shingle_slab) specified a duration. Durations have no impact on this type of recipe. [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/INFO] (do_a_barrel_roll) [do_a_barrel_roll] Received config from server [20:47:45] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/INFO] (WandsModClient) got config [20:47:47] [Render thread/INFO] (Jade) Received config from the server: {} [20:47:47] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod fastpaintings: / [20:47:47] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod spelunkery: / [20:47:47] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod moonlight: / [20:47:47] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod amendments: / [20:47:47] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod supplementaries: / [20:47:47] [Render thread/WARN] (Moonlight) Failed to get file path of mod suppsquared: / [20:47:47] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Synced spelunkery-common.json configs [20:47:47] [Render thread/INFO] (Moonlight) Synced supplementaries-common.json configs [20:47:47] [Render thread/INFO] (ShulkerBoxTooltip) [ShulkerBoxTooltip] Server integration enabled, attempting handshake... [20:47:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/INFO] (ShulkerBoxTooltip) [ShulkerBoxTooltip] Handshake succeeded [20:47:48] [Netty Play IO Thread #2/INFO] (ShulkerBoxTooltip) [ShulkerBoxTooltip] Server protocol version: 2.0 [20:47:50] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Starting Reload [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Starting EMI reload... [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Clearing data [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emi [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emi in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from almostunified [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from almostunified in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from bclib [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from bclib in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from betterend [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from betterend in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from brewinandchewin [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from brewinandchewin in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from computercraft [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from computercraft in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from create [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from create in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from createaddition [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from createaddition in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emi_loot [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emi_loot in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emiffect [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emiffect in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emitrades [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emitrades in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from extra-mod-integrations [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from extra-mod-integrations in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from farmersdelight [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from farmersdelight in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from farmersrespite [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from farmersrespite in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from item_obliterator [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from item_obliterator in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from nethersdelight [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from nethersdelight in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from polymer-core [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from polymer-core in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from spelunkery [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from spelunkery in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from supplementaries [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from supplementaries in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from trinkets [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from trinkets in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from wiredredstone [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from wiredredstone in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from jemi [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from jemi in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing tags [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Constructing index [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emi [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception thrown registering repair recipes [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.addRepair( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.lambda$register$29( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.safely( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.VanillaPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emi in 189ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from almostunified [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from almostunified in 3ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from bclib [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (Logger) [worlds_together] Tried to read from global registry! [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception loading plugin provided by bclib [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_5455.method_30530(net.minecraft.class_5321)" because the return value of "" is null [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIAnvilRecipe.addAllRecipes( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIPlugin.register( [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_5455.method_30530(net.minecraft.class_5321)" because the return value of "" is null at at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIAnvilRecipe.addAllRecipes( at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIPlugin.register( at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ at java.base [20:47:50] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from betterend [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from betterend in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from brewinandchewin [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from brewinandchewin in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from computercraft [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from computercraft in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from create [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from create in 2ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from createaddition [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from createaddition in 0ms [20:47:50] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emi_loot [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emi_loot in 66ms [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emiffect [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emiffect in 526ms [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emitrades [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI Trades) Reloaded. [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emitrades in 26ms [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from extra-mod-integrations [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Tech Reborn (mod not found) [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Industrial Revolution (mod not found) [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Farmer's Delight (mod not found) [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Conjuring (mod not found) [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Loading Applied Energistics 2 Integration... [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Dimensional Doors (mod not found) [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from extra-mod-integrations in 1ms [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from farmersdelight [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from farmersdelight in 0ms [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from farmersrespite [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from farmersrespite in 0ms [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from item_obliterator [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from item_obliterator in 0ms [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from nethersdelight [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from nethersdelight in 0ms [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from polymer-core [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from polymer-core in 25ms [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from spelunkery [20:47:51] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception loading plugin provided by spelunkery [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Cannot mutate an empty stack [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.api.stack.EmptyEmiStack.setRemainder( [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.api.recipe.EmiWorldInteractionRecipe.( [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.api.recipe.EmiWorldInteractionRecipe$ [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at com.ordana.spelunkery.integrations.EmiIntegration.register( [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:47:51] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Cannot mutate an empty stack at dev.emi.emi.api.stack.EmptyEmiStack.setRemainder( at dev.emi.emi.api.recipe.EmiWorldInteractionRecipe.( at dev.emi.emi.api.recipe.EmiWorldInteractionRecipe$ at com.ordana.spelunkery.integrations.EmiIntegration.register( at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ at java.base [20:47:51] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from supplementaries [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from supplementaries in 9ms [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from trinkets [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from trinkets in 0ms [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from wiredredstone [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] Loading EMI Plugin... [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from wiredredstone in 1ms [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from jemi [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Waiting for JEI to finish reloading... [20:47:51] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Waiting for JEI to finish... [20:47:54] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Starting Reload [20:47:54] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Synced Flute Songs [20:47:54] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Synced Captured Mobs settings [20:47:54] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Synced Globe data [20:47:54] [Render thread/INFO] (Supplementaries) Synced Hourglass data [20:47:54] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Tags synchronized, waiting for recipes to reload EMI... [20:47:55] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Starting JEI... [20:47:55] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering item subtypes... [20:47:55] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering item subtypes took 750.8 ?s [20:47:55] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering fluid subtypes... [20:47:55] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering fluid subtypes took 414.9 ?s [20:47:55] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering ingredients... [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering ingredients: jei:minecraft took 600.3 milliseconds [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering ingredients took 601.0 ms [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering categories... [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering categories took 1.568 ms [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering vanilla category extensions... [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering vanilla category extensions took 463.4 ?s [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipe catalysts... [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipe catalysts took 689.3 ?s [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering advanced plugins... [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe manager plugin: class appeng.integration.modules.jei.FacadeRegistryPlugin [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:crafting [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:stonecutting [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:furnace [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:smoking [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:blasting [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:campfire [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:smithing [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:compostable [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:fuel [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:brewing [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:anvil [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:item_transformation [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:condenser [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:inscriber [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:charger [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:attunement [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:certus_growth [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:entropy [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:botanist_workbench [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:glassblower [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:carpenters_table [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:loom_table [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:mason_table [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:alchemy_bench [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:tinkering_table [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:milling [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:crushing [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:pressing [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_washing [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_smoking [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_blasting [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_haunting [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mixing [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_shapeless [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_brewing [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:packing [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_packing [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sawing [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:block_cutting [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:wood_cutting [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sandpaper_polishing [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:item_application [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:deploying [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:spout_filling [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:draining [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_shaped [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mechanical_crafting [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sequenced_assembly [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mystery_conversion [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create_enchantment_industry:disenchanting [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:rolling [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:charging [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:liquid_burning [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: exposure:photograph_printing [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: exposure:photograph_stacking [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:cooking [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:cutting [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:decomposition [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: nethersdelight:composition [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: rechiseled:chiseling [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: jei:information [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe manager plugin: class dan200.computercraft.shared.integration.jei.RecipeResolver [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering advanced plugins took 4.240 ms [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building recipe registry... [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building recipe registry took 536.4 ?s [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes... [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: ae2:core took 16.75 milliseconds [20:47:56] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: chipped:chipped took 271.6 milliseconds [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 4 mezz.jei.api.fabric.ingredients.fluids.IJeiFluidIngredient [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: create:jei_plugin took 804.1 milliseconds [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 3 mezz.jei.api.fabric.ingredients.fluids.IJeiFluidIngredient [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: farmersdelight:jei_plugin took 275.4 milliseconds [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 1 net.minecraft.class_1799 [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being added at runtime: 1 net.minecraft.class_1799 [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes took 1.386 s [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes transfer handlers... [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes transfer handlers took 553.1 ?s [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building runtime... [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering gui handlers... [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering gui handlers took 477.2 ?s [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering Runtime... [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering Runtime took 464.6 ?s [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building runtime took 1.378 ms [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime... [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 9 net.minecraft.class_1799 [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being added at runtime: 44 net.minecraft.class_1799 [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime took 4.685 ms [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Starting JEI took 2.008 s [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (ClientLifecycleHandler) Stopping JEI [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (JeiStarter) Stopping JEI [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable... [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricGuiPlugin) Stopping JEI GUI [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable took 507.0 ?s [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Starting JEI... [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering item subtypes... [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering item subtypes took 377.2 ?s [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering fluid subtypes... [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering fluid subtypes took 402.2 ?s [20:47:57] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering ingredients... [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering ingredients: jei:minecraft took 688.5 milliseconds [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering ingredients took 689.3 ms [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering categories... [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering categories took 1.358 ms [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering vanilla category extensions... [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering vanilla category extensions took 382.4 ?s [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipe catalysts... [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipe catalysts took 686.4 ?s [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering advanced plugins... [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe manager plugin: class appeng.integration.modules.jei.FacadeRegistryPlugin [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:crafting [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:stonecutting [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:furnace [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:smoking [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:blasting [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:campfire [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:smithing [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:compostable [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:fuel [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:brewing [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:anvil [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:item_transformation [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:condenser [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:inscriber [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:charger [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:attunement [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:certus_growth [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:entropy [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:botanist_workbench [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:glassblower [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:carpenters_table [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:loom_table [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:mason_table [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:alchemy_bench [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:tinkering_table [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:milling [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:crushing [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:pressing [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_washing [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_smoking [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_blasting [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_haunting [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mixing [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_shapeless [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_brewing [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:packing [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_packing [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sawing [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:block_cutting [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:wood_cutting [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sandpaper_polishing [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:item_application [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:deploying [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:spout_filling [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:draining [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_shaped [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mechanical_crafting [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sequenced_assembly [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mystery_conversion [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create_enchantment_industry:disenchanting [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:rolling [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:charging [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:liquid_burning [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: exposure:photograph_printing [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: exposure:photograph_stacking [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:cooking [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:cutting [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:decomposition [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: nethersdelight:composition [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: rechiseled:chiseling [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: jei:information [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe manager plugin: class dan200.computercraft.shared.integration.jei.RecipeResolver [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering advanced plugins took 4.271 ms [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building recipe registry... [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building recipe registry took 518.8 ?s [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes... [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: ae2:core took 17.42 milliseconds [20:47:58] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: chipped:chipped took 287.4 milliseconds [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 4 mezz.jei.api.fabric.ingredients.fluids.IJeiFluidIngredient [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: create:jei_plugin took 792.7 milliseconds [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 3 mezz.jei.api.fabric.ingredients.fluids.IJeiFluidIngredient [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 1 net.minecraft.class_1799 [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being added at runtime: 1 net.minecraft.class_1799 [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes took 1.120 s [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes transfer handlers... [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes transfer handlers took 549.4 ?s [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building runtime... [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering gui handlers... [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering gui handlers took 428.3 ?s [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering Runtime... [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering Runtime took 365.7 ?s [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building runtime took 1.118 ms [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime... [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 9 net.minecraft.class_1799 [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being added at runtime: 44 net.minecraft.class_1799 [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime took 3.505 ms [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Starting JEI took 1.827 s [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (ClientLifecycleHandler) Stopping JEI [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (JeiStarter) Stopping JEI [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable... [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricGuiPlugin) Stopping JEI GUI [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime Unavailable took 694.7 ?s [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Starting JEI... [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering item subtypes... [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering item subtypes took 496.8 ?s [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering fluid subtypes... [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering fluid subtypes took 504.4 ?s [20:47:59] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering ingredients... [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering ingredients: jei:minecraft took 599.7 milliseconds [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering ingredients took 600.4 ms [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering categories... [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering categories took 1.417 ms [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering vanilla category extensions... [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering vanilla category extensions took 372.9 ?s [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipe catalysts... [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipe catalysts took 714.3 ?s [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering advanced plugins... [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe manager plugin: class appeng.integration.modules.jei.FacadeRegistryPlugin [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:crafting [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:stonecutting [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:furnace [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:smoking [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:blasting [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:campfire [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:smithing [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:compostable [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:fuel [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:brewing [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:anvil [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:item_transformation [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:condenser [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:inscriber [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:charger [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:attunement [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:certus_growth [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: ae2:entropy [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:botanist_workbench [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:glassblower [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:carpenters_table [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:loom_table [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:mason_table [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:alchemy_bench [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: minecraft:tinkering_table [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:milling [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:crushing [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:pressing [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_washing [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_smoking [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_blasting [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:fan_haunting [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mixing [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_shapeless [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_brewing [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:packing [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_packing [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sawing [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:block_cutting [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:wood_cutting [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sandpaper_polishing [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:item_application [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:deploying [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:spout_filling [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:draining [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:automatic_shaped [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mechanical_crafting [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:sequenced_assembly [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create:mystery_conversion [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: create_enchantment_industry:disenchanting [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:rolling [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:charging [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: createaddition:liquid_burning [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: exposure:photograph_printing [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: exposure:photograph_stacking [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:cooking [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:cutting [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: farmersdelight:decomposition [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: nethersdelight:composition [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: rechiseled:chiseling [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe category decorator: class com.almostreliable.unified.compat.AlmostJEI$Decorator for recipe type: jei:information [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (AdvancedRegistration) Added recipe manager plugin: class dan200.computercraft.shared.integration.jei.RecipeResolver [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering advanced plugins took 4.155 ms [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building recipe registry... [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building recipe registry took 525.8 ?s [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes... [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: ae2:core took 16.63 milliseconds [20:48:00] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: chipped:chipped took 272.6 milliseconds [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 4 mezz.jei.api.fabric.ingredients.fluids.IJeiFluidIngredient [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCallerTimerRunnable) Registering recipes: create:jei_plugin took 778.8 milliseconds [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 3 mezz.jei.api.fabric.ingredients.fluids.IJeiFluidIngredient [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 1 net.minecraft.class_1799 [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being added at runtime: 1 net.minecraft.class_1799 [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes took 1.091 s [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes transfer handlers... [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering recipes transfer handlers took 516.0 ?s [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building runtime... [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering gui handlers... [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering gui handlers took 414.0 ?s [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering Runtime... [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Registering Runtime took 345.8 ?s [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Building runtime took 1.085 ms [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime... [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 9 net.minecraft.class_1799 [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (IngredientManager) Ingredients are being added at runtime: 44 net.minecraft.class_1799 [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (PluginCaller) Sending Runtime took 3.134 ms [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (LoggedTimer) Starting JEI took 1.709 s [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Recipes synchronized, reloading EMI [20:48:01] [Render thread/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Starting Reload [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] JEI reloaded! [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading information from JEI... [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI stacks... [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI subtypes... [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI recipes... [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Crafting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Crafting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Alchemy Bench [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Alchemy Bench [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Anvil [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Anvil [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Blasting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Blasting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Botanist's Workbench [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Botanist's Workbench [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Brewing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Brewing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Campfire Cooking [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Campfire Cooking [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Carpenter's Workbench [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Carpenter's Workbench [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Compostable [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Compostable [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Fuel [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Fuel [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smelting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smelting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Glassblower's Workbench [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Glassblower's Workbench [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Shepherd's Workbench [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Shepherd's Workbench [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mason's Workbench [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mason's Workbench [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smithing Table [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smithing Table [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smoking [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smoking [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Stonecutting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Stonecutting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Tinkering Table [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Tinkering Table [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for P2P Tunnel Attunement [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for P2P Tunnel Attunement [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Certus Quartz Growth [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Certus Quartz Growth [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Charger [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Charger [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category ae2:charger because native EMI recipe category already exists [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Matter Condenser [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Matter Condenser [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Entropy Manipulator [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Entropy Manipulator [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Inscriber [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Inscriber [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category ae2:inscriber because native EMI recipe category already exists [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for In-World Transformation [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for In-World Transformation [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Brewing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Brewing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_brewing because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Packing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Packing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_packing because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Shaped Crafting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Shaped Crafting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_shaped because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Shapeless Crafting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Shapeless Crafting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_shapeless because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Block Cutting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Block Cutting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:block_cutting because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Crushing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Crushing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:crushing because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Deploying [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Deploying [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:deploying because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Item Draining [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Item Draining [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:draining because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Blasting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Blasting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_blasting because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Haunting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Haunting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_haunting because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Smoking [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Smoking [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_smoking because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Washing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Washing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_washing because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Manual Item Application [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Manual Item Application [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:item_application because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mechanical Crafting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mechanical Crafting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mechanical_crafting because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Milling [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Milling [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:milling because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mixing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mixing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mixing because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mysterious Conversion [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mysterious Conversion [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mystery_conversion because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Compacting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Compacting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:packing because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Pressing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Pressing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:pressing because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Sandpaper Polishing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Sandpaper Polishing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sandpaper_polishing because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Sawing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Sawing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sawing because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Recipe Sequence [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Recipe Sequence [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sequenced_assembly because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Filling by Spout [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Filling by Spout [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:spout_filling because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Wood Cutting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Wood Cutting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:wood_cutting because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Disenchanting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Disenchanting [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Charging [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Charging [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:charging because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Liquid Burning [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Liquid Burning [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:liquid_burning because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Rolling [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Rolling [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:rolling because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Information [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Information [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Chiseling [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Chiseling [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Printing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Printing [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Stacking Photographs [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Stacking Photographs [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Cooking [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Cooking [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:cooking because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Cutting Board [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Cutting Board [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:cutting because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Decomposition [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Decomposition [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:decomposition because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Composition [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Composition [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category nethersdelight:composition because mod is already handled [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from jemi in 9776ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Starting EMI reload... [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Clearing data [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emi [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emi in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from almostunified [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from almostunified in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from bclib [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from bclib in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from betterend [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from betterend in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from brewinandchewin [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from brewinandchewin in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from computercraft [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from computercraft in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from create [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from create in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from createaddition [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from createaddition in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emi_loot [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emi_loot in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emiffect [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emiffect in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from emitrades [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from emitrades in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from extra-mod-integrations [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from extra-mod-integrations in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from farmersdelight [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from farmersdelight in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from farmersrespite [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from farmersrespite in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from item_obliterator [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from item_obliterator in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from nethersdelight [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from nethersdelight in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from polymer-core [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from polymer-core in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from spelunkery [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from spelunkery in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from supplementaries [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from supplementaries in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from trinkets [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from trinkets in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from wiredredstone [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from wiredredstone in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initializing plugin from jemi [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Initialized plugin from jemi in 0ms [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing tags [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Constructing index [20:48:01] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emi [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emi in 1345ms [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from almostunified [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:coal_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_coal_ore] [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/2 items for tag '#c:copper_nuggets' -> [tconstruct:copper_nugget] [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:lapis_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_lapis_ore] [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:emerald_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_emerald_ore] [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:iron_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_iron_ore] [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/2 items for tag '#c:iron_ingots' -> [betterend:thallasium_ingot] [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:copper_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_copper_ore] [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/3 items for tag '#c:diamond_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_diamond_ore] [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (AlmostUnified) [AutoHiding] Hiding 1/4 items for tag '#c:gold_ores' -> [natures_spirit:chert_gold_ore] [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from almostunified in 4ms [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from bclib [20:48:03] [Thread-249/ERROR] (Logger) [worlds_together] Tried to read from global registry! [20:48:03] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Exception loading plugin provided by bclib [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_5455.method_30530(net.minecraft.class_5321)" because the return value of "" is null [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIAnvilRecipe.addAllRecipes( [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIPlugin.register( [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (Minecraft) [STDERR]: at java.base/ [20:48:03] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_5455.method_30530(net.minecraft.class_5321)" because the return value of "" is null at at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIAnvilRecipe.addAllRecipes( at org.betterx.bclib.integration.emi.EMIPlugin.register( at dev.emi.emi.runtime.EmiReloadManager$ at java.base [20:48:03] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from betterend [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from betterend in 3ms [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from brewinandchewin [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from brewinandchewin in 1ms [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from computercraft [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from computercraft in 0ms [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from create [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from create in 488ms [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from createaddition [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from createaddition in 1ms [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emi_loot [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emi_loot in 125ms [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emiffect [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emiffect in 239ms [20:48:03] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from emitrades [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI Trades) Reloaded. [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from emitrades in 40ms [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from extra-mod-integrations [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Tech Reborn (mod not found) [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Industrial Revolution (mod not found) [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Farmer's Delight (mod not found) [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Conjuring (mod not found) [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Loading Applied Energistics 2 Integration... [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (extra-mod-integrations) [Extra Mod Integrations] Skipping integration for Dimensional Doors (mod not found) [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from extra-mod-integrations in 213ms [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from farmersdelight [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from farmersdelight in 7ms [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from farmersrespite [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from farmersrespite in 0ms [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from item_obliterator [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from item_obliterator in 0ms [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from nethersdelight [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from nethersdelight in 0ms [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from polymer-core [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from polymer-core in 54ms [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from spelunkery [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from spelunkery in 2ms [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from supplementaries [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from supplementaries in 41ms [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from trinkets [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from trinkets in 0ms [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from wiredredstone [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (wiredredstone) [Wired Redstone] Loading EMI Plugin... [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from wiredredstone in 2ms [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading plugin from jemi [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Waiting for JEI to finish reloading... [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Waiting for JEI to finish... [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] JEI reloaded! [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading information from JEI... [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI stacks... [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI subtypes... [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Processing JEI recipes... [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Crafting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Crafting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Alchemy Bench [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Alchemy Bench [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Anvil [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Anvil [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Blasting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Blasting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Botanist's Workbench [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Botanist's Workbench [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Brewing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Brewing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Campfire Cooking [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Campfire Cooking [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Carpenter's Workbench [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Carpenter's Workbench [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Compostable [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Compostable [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Fuel [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Fuel [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smelting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smelting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Glassblower's Workbench [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Glassblower's Workbench [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Shepherd's Workbench [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Shepherd's Workbench [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mason's Workbench [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mason's Workbench [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smithing Table [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smithing Table [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Smoking [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Smoking [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Stonecutting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Stonecutting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Tinkering Table [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Tinkering Table [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for P2P Tunnel Attunement [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for P2P Tunnel Attunement [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Certus Quartz Growth [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Certus Quartz Growth [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Charger [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Charger [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category ae2:charger because native EMI recipe category already exists [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Matter Condenser [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Matter Condenser [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Entropy Manipulator [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Entropy Manipulator [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Inscriber [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Inscriber [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category ae2:inscriber because native EMI recipe category already exists [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for In-World Transformation [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for In-World Transformation [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Brewing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Brewing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_brewing because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Packing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Packing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_packing because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Shaped Crafting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Shaped Crafting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_shaped because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Automated Shapeless Crafting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Automated Shapeless Crafting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:automatic_shapeless because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Block Cutting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Block Cutting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:block_cutting because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Crushing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Crushing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:crushing because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Deploying [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Deploying [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:deploying because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Item Draining [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Item Draining [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:draining because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Blasting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Blasting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_blasting because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Haunting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Haunting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_haunting because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Smoking [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Smoking [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_smoking because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Bulk Washing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Bulk Washing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:fan_washing because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Manual Item Application [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Manual Item Application [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:item_application because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mechanical Crafting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mechanical Crafting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mechanical_crafting because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Milling [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Milling [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:milling because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mixing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mixing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mixing because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Mysterious Conversion [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Mysterious Conversion [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:mystery_conversion because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Compacting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Compacting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:packing because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Pressing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Pressing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:pressing because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Sandpaper Polishing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Sandpaper Polishing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sandpaper_polishing because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Sawing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Sawing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sawing because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Recipe Sequence [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Recipe Sequence [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:sequenced_assembly because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Filling by Spout [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Filling by Spout [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:spout_filling because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Wood Cutting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Wood Cutting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category create:wood_cutting because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Disenchanting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Disenchanting [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Charging [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Charging [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:charging because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Liquid Burning [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Liquid Burning [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:liquid_burning because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Rolling [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Rolling [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category createaddition:rolling because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Information [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Information [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Chiseling [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Chiseling [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Printing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Printing [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Stacking Photographs [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Stacking Photographs [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Cooking [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Cooking [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:cooking because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Cutting Board [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Cutting Board [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:cutting because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Decomposition [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Decomposition [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category farmersdelight:decomposition because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Collecting data for Composition [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Loading JEI data for Composition [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] [JEMI] Skipping recipe category nethersdelight:composition because mod is already handled [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded plugin from jemi in 485ms [20:48:04] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baking index [20:48:05] [Render thread/INFO] (carpet) Joined carpet server with matching carpet version [20:48:05] [Render thread/INFO] (MinimapLogs) Minimap updated server level id: 1873517896 for world ResourceKey[minecraft:dimension / minecraft:overworld] [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#51) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#52) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#18) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#19) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#20) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#21) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#23) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#24) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#49) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#42) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#43) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#45) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#46) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#47) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#48) which is not chain knot [20:48:06] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3586 advancements [20:48:06] [Render thread/INFO] (patchouli) BookContentResourceListenerLoader: Files found in 79.10 ?s [20:48:06] [Render thread/INFO] (patchouli) BookContentResourceListenerLoader: Files found in 54.30 ?s [20:48:06] [Render thread/INFO] (patchouli) BookContentResourceListenerLoader: Files found in 44.60 ?s [20:48:06] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Received secret [20:48:06] [Render thread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Connecting to voice chat server: '**.**.**.**:24454' [20:48:06] [VoiceChatAuthenticationThread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Trying to authenticate voice chat connection [20:48:06] [VoiceChatConnectionThread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Server acknowledged authentication [20:48:06] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Registering late recipes [20:48:07] [VoiceChatAuthenticationThread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Trying to validate voice chat connection [20:48:07] [VoiceChatConnectionThread/INFO] (voicechat) [voicechat] Server acknowledged connection check [20:48:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ModernFix) Time from main menu to in-game was 37.653404 seconds [20:48:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ModernFix) Total time to load game and open world was 213.0744 seconds [20:48:12] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) Exception when loading create:fake_track texture, using material colour. [20:48:12] [Render thread/INFO] (WorldMap) No texture minecraft:textures/missingno.png [20:48:13] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baking recipes [20:48:14] [Thread-249/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Untranslated recipe category nethersdelight:composition [20:48:16] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baked 52196 recipes in 2805ms [20:48:16] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baking search [20:48:16] [Thread-255/ERROR] (EMI) [EMI] Untranslated recipe category nethersdelight:composition [20:48:19] [Thread-255/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Baked recipes after reload in 2882ms [20:48:20] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Finishing up [20:48:20] [Thread-249/INFO] (EMI) [EMI] Reloaded EMI in 18674ms [20:49:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#28) which is not chain knot [20:49:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#30) which is not chain knot [20:49:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#31) which is not chain knot [20:49:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#32) which is not chain knot [20:49:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#34) which is not chain knot [20:49:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#36) which is not chain knot [20:49:06] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#37) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#58) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#59) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#61) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#62) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#63) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#64) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#66) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#67) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#68) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#69) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#70) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#71) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#72) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#73) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#74) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#14799) which is not chain knot [20:49:07] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#14801) which is not chain knot [20:49:08] [Render thread/WARN] (ConnectibleChains) Tried to attach from null (#14803) which is not chain knot [20:50:59] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) Error executing task on Client java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_2487.method_10573(String, int)" because "tag" is null at ~[armourersworkshop-fabric-1.20.1-2.1.3.jar:?] at moe.plushie.armourers_workshop.core.blockentity.SkinnableBlockEntity.readFromNBT( ~[armourersworkshop-fabric-1.20.1-2.1.3.jar:?] at moe.plushie.armourers_workshop.compatibility.core.AbstractBlockEntity.handleUpdatePacket( ~[armourersworkshop-fabric-1.20.1-2.1.3.jar:?] at$bbd000$armourers_workshop$aw2$handleBlockEntityData( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.executeTask( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantThreadExecutor.executeTask( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.runTask( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.runTasks( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.render( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( ~[minecraft-1.20.1-client.jar:?] at ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] [20:51:51] [Render thread/INFO] (CreateRailwaysNavigator) Created new Create Railways Navigator settings instance. [20:53:07] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) Deleting stream buffers: Invalid operation. [20:54:26] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] Respawn point set [20:54:26] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] ? NeonCityDrifter has made the advancement [Sweet Dreams] [20:54:26] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 3587 advancements [20:54:26] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: in_bed_chat_screen [20:54:57] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: container_screen [20:54:57] [Render thread/WARN] (Puzzles Lib) Unable to parse entry curios:curios_container: No matches found in registry minecraft:menu [20:54:57] [Render thread/WARN] (Puzzles Lib) Unable to parse entry mekanism:*: No matches found in registry minecraft:menu [21:01:42] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) Error executing task on Client java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_2487.method_10573(String, int)" because "tag" is null at ~[armourersworkshop-fabric-1.20.1-2.1.3.jar:?] at moe.plushie.armourers_workshop.core.blockentity.SkinnableBlockEntity.readFromNBT( ~[armourersworkshop-fabric-1.20.1-2.1.3.jar:?] at moe.plushie.armourers_workshop.compatibility.core.AbstractBlockEntity.handleUpdatePacket( ~[armourersworkshop-fabric-1.20.1-2.1.3.jar:?] at$bbd000$armourers_workshop$aw2$handleBlockEntityData( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.executeTask( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantThreadExecutor.executeTask( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.runTask( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.runTasks( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.render( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( ~[minecraft-1.20.1-client.jar:?] at ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main( ~[NewLaunch.jar:?] [21:01:58] [Render thread/INFO] (ScreenCustomizationLayerHandler) [FANCYMENU] ScreenCustomizationLayer registered: com.railwayteam.railways.content.bogey_menu.BogeyMenuScreen Log upload triggered at: 10 Aug 2024 21:04:09 -0700